Easy cliffs in Substance Designer! (non-uniform directional warp)

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[Music] let's start with a basic shape just creating a shape note here and setting that 1/2 pyramid which gives us some nice angles to work with if you want something a little bit more rocky it's nice to get some different planes and usually what I would do is just to hook this one up to a tile sampler just we can get some randomness in here so you can see of course to begin with we are using a square we want to set it to pattern input I'm just gonna go down on the amount here a little bit and let's introduce some size randomness scale it up a little bit and just an overall scale random as well we can be a little bit more aggressive with this one some precision random as well I'm just trying to introduce some random shapes and as you can see now we are having what could be a base for a rock wall for example so we just need to maybe get a little bit of rotation random in here as well I usually want to be careful with this one because if we go too crazy it just becomes very yeah like random right and it doesn't really look like there's much construction going on in the wall and much direction which might be what you want but in this case maybe we will just have it a little bit lower because we will introduce a lot of noise with the work node so this is this is us but where I would usually start off from or often start off from and we could start warping or slope blurring these shapes to kind of break them up but one of the notes that I'm starting to use more and more lately is the non-uniform directional warped grayscale which is probably one of the longer note names in substance designer and if you can see here let me just plug it in and I will show you what it does it's a really really powerful node and usually you can get a lot of your main shapes just from this one node alone so like you used to from your other warps of course the higher the peak like the wider we get our pixels the more it will war--but so if I increase the intensity here we can see that there's nothing like too new going on we just yeah warp the shapes on top of themselves but what's extra cool here is that we also have an angle so let me just plug this one in here as well we have an angle which is changing of course the ward angle here so you don't always need to just warp it in one direction and what we've seen before is that often you need to layer several different warps to kind of get a little bit more of an organic feel but on top of that we also have these trail links which really interesting so if I just put this one up now the fade is to one so we don't really see anything so I'll put this one down and you can see here how it kind of drags out the shape if I go down in and sensitive so without any trail length if I increase the intensity here we just warp the shape but with trail length it's yet drags it out we kind of almost extrude some of these shapes which is really interesting for for rocks especially if you need some kind of direction in here so you can see already now we actually get some construction in here which is good we also get some smaller like artifacts of randomness in here and so we get some of this organic look just by not being perfect on itself which is quite interesting so for the purpose of this I would actually say that this is already an interesting enough base shape that we could start just layering some details on top of if we wanted to make this into an actual texture so I'll just speed up this process a little bit I put it to point two right now just so you don't have to say that round and wait for me but what I'm doing here is just adding shadows and a quantity grayscale so we can kind of pick up on different heights on one side of these shapes I think was Daniel Tiger who who showed me that in some of his videos I think it's a really cool technique as you can see we just plug that quantity grayscale into 82 take the net bevel and we get some some interesting shapes here I think just an overall good way to add details basically and without plastering it everywhere which some other techniques would do here you get a little bit more construction and it looks a little bit more believable so in the end the build of course gives a - perfect output so we can just plug that into a slope blur and just break that up a little bit just going very low values here otherwise it gets way too crazy and we can also downsize the resolution of our novice input so it doesn't become as high frequency and just adding another another non-uniform direction of of greyscale here in the end and which of course destroys it all a little bit too much when we just plug it in but we can of course just turn it down a bit the angle input is very very brutal so we need to also keep this one low that we can work with the other ones first where we can find some good values here again a fan of trail length we can add a little bit more of the angle now so you can see this is already like it breaks it up a lot and already at some interesting some interesting noise like this would usually take me a little bit more notes a little bit more time to set something like this up but but I think this is in this case it's just a very good starting point like it could quickly give you something quickly you could put this into the engine now already and and you would have something to work with of course we can always come back and work on our initial setup here that would change the whole look of it a lot yes always but I just wanted to show you this because I think I haven't really seen a lot of people use this one and I think it's a super powerful note as you can see we just get very quick very organic and still controllable shapes which which I think takes you very far so this is the most simple version of it where everything is based off of itself but we can of course also use another input so for example here I'll just duplicate this one change the random seed for example and just plug that into intensity maybe also angle just because I feel wild and crazy so now we have two different controls instead of only one that we can become even more organic and just like control it even more than we could before so just by duplicating this graph I played around with it here a little bit and it's got some different shapes as you can see it's exactly the same setup but it's a much more soft look I actually think this is pretty cool maybe okay maybe I'll work a little bit on this one after in this video and also the reason actually wanted to show this in the first place is that some of the detailed textures that are used in the recent tutorial that I may it is based on exactly this again all the shape is just here which is just what we looked at right is just a pyramid shape going into two different tile samplers the basic one here for the overall the overall shapes and then another one down here just to to feed into intensity and warp as you can see here if I circumvent the warp we just have just what we looked at before right we have a tiled sampler going into quantities and shadows whatever just to create some kind of pattern it's not a very nice one extra day should buff this one up before before you upload it but you know for the detailed texture creation and in a large-scale bracket worked even though it does really hold up here and here in the end you can see we just used a non-uniform directional work grayscale just to you have to get this kind of I don't like motion blur effect in there a little bit but I think it's very interesting how we get some directionality and that's where so much control so as you can see this is like this is it this is how I created this whole texture basically just that and now layering a little bit of fine noise on top of it and then just color and roughness over here so I hope this was useful at least you might now know of a note that you didn't use much before and if you spend a little bit more time on it you can also easily get something that looks a better than what I have here so looking forward to see what you will do with it
Channel: Casper Wermuth
Views: 90,404
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Id: PBkFaeKzhGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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