EASY CHEAT CODE Supermarket Simulator (Max STORE Level)

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as you can see on your screen right now I have a cheat code that I want to share with you guys it's a supermarket simulator and it's a brand new game but there's a cheat code that can actually make you maximize your store level have an unlimited amount of money like the 6 million that I have right now and every other thing will be good to go okay let's walk into the store so you don't know that I'm not faking it all right these are the product that I've bought if you bought the game and you're struggling this video is actually good for you all right so this is it right here see as big as my store is and I've actually maximized everything on the computer all right so if you go to the management right here my license I've maximized it the bills just the bills the growth I've maximized it I've HED all the Cashers and I've also unlocked the storage and you all know that the customization is actually coming real soon how do I do this that is what this video is all about about so make sure you follow me to the end because it's not going to take too much of your time and I'm just going to make it go on like that I've unlocked every marketing license and I don't borrow a dine all right I've unlocked all the loans but I'm not borrowing any money anyway so this is the proof now the first thing you need to do as a brand new player okay if you're a brand new player you'll be seeing this screen right here which is called new game Contin settings and quit all you need to do is to create a brand new uh profile which is new game click on a new game and then you'll be creating a profile once you create a profile I want you to go ahead once you've getting into the game and you find yourself in front of the store I want you to go ahead and quit the game all right just do like I do quit the game and then go to your windows uh the windows icon it says I don't know start up or start or something I'm using Windows 11 so you might be using window 10 or later you know how to figure that out now you go to file explorer that is the point you go to file explorer on your file explorer you look for this PC in my computer is this PC and I reckon that in everybody's computer it's going to be like this PC too as well but if you name your PC in another way look for the name and click on it the next thing you need to do is to type this code that is appearing on your screen all in capital letters okay that is AP da a uh d a a then resent and then you click enter that is it perfect are you with me let's go on right after that you now come back to the tab at the top of the file then you click on app data all right now our business right here will once you are at the level that I am that means you are on the right track what did I say you are on the right TR all right you're on the right track guys all right the local the local low and the roaming these are the three things that you'll be seeing if you're on the right track again uh the code and also once you are there at the top of the tab you click appd without the percentage you see updat and then you click on it the next thing you need to do is to click on the local load all right the local load I look for a file which is called notar games because that is where the store the supermarket uh simulator is actually stored once you click on it unlike you guys unlike me you guys might not be having super uh Supermarket simulator prologue but I do because I played the game when it was on a trial version all right so don't get it twisted all right so the next thing you need to do is to go to supermarket Simulator the original game which I assume that you bought from steam or any other account just do what I did and it will take you there anyway now after that you click on Supermarket uh the real Supermarket game and now where you're going again look at it right here uh I think I did something okay uh let's sort it out by name okay so you'll be seeing it exactly like this if you don't have the prologue version the next thing you need to do is to click on Supermarket simulator right after you click on Supermarket simulator you are on the right track all right the next thing you need to do is to go to your notepad again notepad and open a brand new notepad you see uh Untitled Das Notepad and is brand new all right this is a tutorial video so I have to really really you know let you know that you on the right track and I want you to please subscribe if you find this very useful all right right after that you go to save file what are you going to do with save file. ES3 is that you are going to drag and draw to the note uh to the note pad look at it right here you dragged and drop it and you should be seeing all these codes on your screen just like the way I'm doing it now the next thing you need to do is to press the key control F with control F you will find this brand new and you will see this appearing on top of your notepad all you need to now click on now I mean you need to type in money that's the first thing we got to do money all right when you get to money just just like this just scrolling you will see the exact figure which is 6.2 2 million that I have now you might want 1 billion you might want 500 million you might you know it depends on you but make sure you go in exactly like this no comma no full stop okay 62881 184 that is what I key in and that is the money and then after the after that at the end you put dot Z 0 at all the figures that you want at the end of every fig that you want you put dot 0 0 the next thing that we're going in you know I promised you leveling up Market uh level and everything this is the next thing we are going to do so we uh search for level right as we search for level we'll find completed store count all right for me I I input the number 10,000 all right that is one z00 z z and the current star point I key in 2004 uh 2 242 24 that is 2,424 that is what I key in in my own personal opinion I'm not saying that you should do the same okay we all have what we want to do with the game if you're game I'm just a I'm just a tutor the foreign store level like I said I'm in a maximum level I will recommend you to go with everything that you seeing on your screen right now so you don't have things like errors you know Windows shutting down on you and everything because if you go past all these uh figures right here you be having some problems with the windows all right so the current store is 101 and the current uh the store upgrade level is 99 right after you've edited everything from money don't make a mistake all your business is between money and the level all right just like I've showed you if you don't understand you can ask question down in the comment below I'll sure to answer you right after you're done then click the file and click save all right and close the notepad all right close the notepad and close the safe file to as well and diving into the game just like magic you're diving into the game and you will see the result because this is what you've been waiting for you see the result uh what the gain is actually going to bring to you okay you'll see right now just let me know comment down in the comment below if this works for you please and make sure you subscribe to my channel there's a lot more that I really want to bring out if you're wondering this is the same guy that HS yeah TP Gamers 3E there's a m up on my channel so this is a brand new one and I intend to do what I've never done before on the other channel on this one in as much I'm not breaking any rules or laws all right so as you can see from here your store level is at maximum if you follow the guidelines and also your money is at 6.2 million and all that stuff and then you can go into your computer and maximize everything from license to growth to iring and it's all left to you now the you you the sky is the what is the limit for you so you're good to go and that is everything about this video I really appreciate if you stay up to this point to watch this video I love you guys subscribe there's a lot of more videos that I'm I'm coming with and you're going to love it the videos that I have there please support me by watching it I really want to get this channel monitorized in no time and you can really make it happen I love you so much I'm your boy 2hv and 2hv has a website okay everything I'm saying right here I'm still going to upload it on the website so please make sure that you you actually visit my website as well I have a Discord server too as well I have all the social medias let's be friends share your ideas with me I'm a gamer I love gaming okay invite me to gaming I love you so much for that you know life sucks right now so we just need a little bit of a fun to get it going all right I don't want to make this video too long but I love you so much have a great day bye-bye
Views: 49,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermarket simulator, supermarket simulator gameplay, simulator games, cheat engine, cheat lvl, cheat money, supermarket simulator cheat, supermarket simulator cheat engine, cheat engine tutorial, cheat engine download, supermarket simulator game, supermarket simulator demo, supermarket simulator new, supermarket simulator lets play, supermarket simulator 2024, supermarket simulator pc, supermarket simulator android, supermarket simulator download pc, how to cheat money
Id: aKm1uMbLj6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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