Easter Sunday, Apr 4 - Solemn Novena of the Divine Mercy Chaplet

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[Music] so [Music] me [Music] no [Music] we [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh lord jesus we believe that you are here present in the most holy eucharist wish to honor you adore you we wish to express our love and desire that we may come to know even more to may serve you thank you for being with us thank you for rising for us thank you for staying with us you are our lord and our god you've given us the privilege to be here with you thank you for the gift of faith thank you for calling us to yourself wish to spend this time at this hour of great mercy both praying and remembering your passion your suffering and death but also you're rising rising for us in your revelations to saint faustina you ask for special prayer and meditation on your passion each afternoon at the three o'clock hour the arrow that recalls your death on a cross you said at three o'clock implore my mercy especially for sinners and if only for a brief moment immerse yourself in my passion particularly my abandonment at the moment of agony this is the hour of great mercy in this hour i will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of me in virtue of my passion as often as you hear the clock strike the third hour immerse yourself completely in my mercy adoring and glorifying it invoke its omnipotence for the whole world and particularly for poor sinners for at that moment mercy was open wide for every soul in this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking it was the hour of grace for the whole world mercy triumph over justice mindful of your request to pray for sinners during this time we pray saint faustina prayer o jesus eternal truth our life i call upon you and i beg your mercy for poor sinners the sweetest heart of my lord full of pity and unfathomable mercy i plead with you for poor sinners a most sacred heart found a mercy from which gosh forth rays of inconceivable graces upon the entire human race i beg of your light for poor sinners o jesus be mindful of your own bitter passion and do not permit the loss of souls redeemed at so dear price of your most precious blood oh jesus when i consider the great price of your blood i rejoice at its immensity for one drop alone would have been enough for the salvation of all sinners although sin is an abyss of wickedness and ingratitude the price paid for us can never be equaled therefore let every soul trust in the passion of the lord and place its hope in his mercy god will not deny his mercy to anyone heaven and earth may change but god's mercy will never be exhausted a lot immense joy burns in my heart when i contemplate your incomprehensible goodness o jesus i desire to bring all sinners to your feet that they may glorify your mercy throughout the endless ages amen today is the third day of our continuous novena today bring to me all devout and faithful souls and immerse them in the ocean of my mercy these souls brought me consolation on the way of the cross they were the drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness merciful jesus from treasury of your mercy you impart your graces in great abundance to each and all receive us into the abode of your most compassionate heart and never let us escape from it we beg this grace of you by that most wondrous love for the heavenly father with which your heart burns so fiercely eternal father turn your merciful gaze upon faithful souls as upon the inheritance of your son for the sake of his sorrowful passion grant them your blessing and surround them with your constant protection thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith but rather with all the hosts of angels and saints may they glorify your boundless mercy for endless ages amen here at the national shrine of the divine mercy we celebrate the solemn novena before the feast of mercy the first day was good friday yesterday holy saturday was the second day and today is the third day the first day we played prayed for all mankind especially for all sinners yesterday we prayed for the souls of priests and religious and today we pray for all the devout and faithful souls it would appear that the faithful and devout souls don't need our prayer because they're already faithful and they're already devoted to to the lord but the the the situation is something like that each day we are invited to be faithful each day we're invited to be devoted to the lord in each day we're called to give witness to the power of god among us to the power of his love and mercy so each day that fidelity and that devotion that is given to us by god needs to be fanned into a full flame it cannot be just a small light it has to grow and has to spread that that that fire that the lord has brought to this earth may be ignited and may spread that it may spread and touch every heart every soul with god's love that purifying love that merciful love that it may enhance and build up the people of god because there's a great mission that the lord jesus initiated and it's initiated the mission of salvation of the whole world no one have i excluded as jesus said no one have excluded and so we're invited to do a particular task a very extraordinary task and and this task is proclamation to spread this message and it is through the devout souls it is through the faithful souls it is through the souls of priests and religious that we are to be to spread this message and i'll share with you a couple quotes from the diary from the words from the lord's words to us souls who spread the honor of my mercy i shield through their entire lives as a tender mother her infant and at the hour of death i will not be a judge for them but the merciful savior diary 10 75 i will shield them shield the through i will see them through the their entire life i'll protect them so the souls that proclaim proclaim and spreading the honor of my mercy it's it's because of it's a person we spread the honor of god this pro that we spread the honor of his love for us you know how many people use the name of god in vain how easily or sometimes they use the gd word trying to even curse people with the name of god i mean this is so contrary to the very faith that we have god whose love and mercy who is love and mercy itself he's not someone that we can use his name and abuse his name take his name in vain because because it is totally contrary to the very revelation of who god is and so those who are devoted to him those who are faithful to him they have a mission is to spread the honor the the honor to his mercy the honor of his mercy but then we also hear in a diary jesus says jesus promised to everyone who will proclaim his mercy will spread its honor in any way and obviously for those who of us who were priests and religious we have additional tasks an additional promise that the lord gives heart and sinners will repent on hearing the words when they speak about my unfathomable mercy about the compassion i have for them in my heart to priests who proclaim and extol my mercy i will give generous power i will anoint their words and touch the hearts of those to whom they will speak what incredible promises the lord gives the promise is to to us to priests religious but also to men and women who out of love for the lord spread his honor spread his mercy the message of his mercy and the promises to show the these promises show how important it is to spread the honor and jesus as you know says that he will he he will he promises to protect us like a mother give you that protection of a mother holding a child so we don't have to worry about anything now there's there's a there's a component here you know to spread the honor of god to spread and spread the honor of his mercy yes we can spread the knowledge of the chaplet of the image of the various the new new forms of devotion which are so powerful sources of grace that people can receive it is you know it is extraordinary to see you know the the power of the image itself and the rays flowing from it the living race the power of god flowing into our hearts or the intercessory prayer the prayer for atonement for our sins the prayer of the chaplet also remembering the three o'clock hour you know all those things are so important for us yes they are but in addition to them in addition to them and it is something very very important is that we spread the honor the honor of the mercy of god the honor by proclaiming this this mystery of divine mercy which is revealed to us fully in in the death and resurrection of our lord jesus in death and resurrection you see as a matter of fact you know the the when john paul wrote to the encyclical uh in 1979 when he wrote the encyclical first the the jesus the red redemptor hominis the redeemer of man and then 1980 the second encyclical which was the divas misericordia this encyclical such a profound influence on on people and theologians as well because it what it is is that equated the mystery the paschal mystery the christ suffering dying and rising as being the best expression a manifestation of god's mercy the mystery of god's mercy and so it is appropriate not only during this time as we as we uh have this solemn novena in preparation for divine mercy but that we are more attentive and aware of what that involves it did what it involves is proclamation of of how merciful god is through the paschal mystery which is his suffering dying and rising establishing the eucharist and the conclusion which is the end of the octave of the easter which is the divine mercy sunday and and so how do we proclaim by first of all entering into the mystery of of our faith the mystery of our faith the mystery what we celebrate you know you have joined us you know by live streaming you have participated in in parishes wherever you are those who are able to and you you are entering into that that mystery of gods with us god who loves loves us so much he has never abandoned us from the very beginning the father's love is always there and so this is the manifestation of his tender care so when we say today the lord is inviting us inviting the faithful and devout souls to to proclaim to proclaim his honor is actually to give witness to the whole faith christian faith it's not just a divine mercy devotion that we are focusing here on no it's the mystery of our faith the devotion only raises our awareness of how important the paschal mystery is but but but it is the paschal mystery it's a christ with us christ who is for us christ who's always there for us and always be there for us and this is what what this whole devotion and honoring honoring the the you know the the the mystery of god the mystery of mercy honoring god himself is so important for us and so first of all how do we honor do we honor by proclamation proclaim how many times in a in a diary you have proclaimed proclaimed to the whole world my great mercy how much i love the human race proclaim so it is the proclamation but we can proclaim it in many ways we can proclaim it by by teaching and preaching and writing about making videos or so but that's one way we're just you know doing it in a public setting but we can also proclaim it to each other it only takes takes so much we can say in words you know to one another especially those who are down and those who are depressed and those who are who find no meaning in life or those who have been so so overburdened with with fears and worries or perhaps by sickness is by consoling words it's one of the works of mercy to console one another to consult with god's word encourage one another you know place confidence in him who is there for you will always be there to not be afraid this is another way of being proclaiming god's mercy god's love proclaiming the mystery of our faith which is jesus with us god who's alive the father's love manifested to us in a death and rising of his son and so so son is not only the written word and proclamation in official capacity but also that ongoing every day speaking with one another talking with one another encouraging one another so so that's the no prac using our word to spread this message of god's love and mercy for humanity but we can also do it by the attitude in which how we live how we live we live with the awareness that god is there for us so therefore we don't have to be frightened we don't have to be so upset about this whole world yes we should be concerned yes we should be concerned about people's people's wealth here that you know that the the the philosophy philosophy ideologies of today do not turn us away from god or they bring values which are so contrary to our christian faith so we have to you know we we have to uh we can be concerned but we cannot be afraid because god has overcome sin god has overcome this world in jesus christ and for those who are baptized into him for those who are grafted into him you know like like a branch into a into a vine then we don't have to worry because if grace continuously flows it enlivens us it produces new forms of strength and joy new strength of ministry and mission it gives us that extra energy that we do not have because knowing that he's with us knowing that his love is continuously pours into our hearts that we're always there then we don't have to be afraid and ultimately if if he calls us to uh to himself well there's nothing worse than than than we being afraid that we know that the lord is drawing us closer to the end no we have to give witness that it can be a delight you know the lord is calling me to himself because on account of sickness or so yes we have to you know struggle to prolong this life yes but their moment when moment comes when we don't have the capacity to continue anymore and this is why surrendering to him by by by this this incredible gift of faith that we have that we surrender and we give this testimony to others that we're not afraid that he's there i know i have to you know remind myself because many times yes father seraphim who has passed away even 10 years ago every time as he had cancer or so he says well he always would be so happy he says you know the lord is already calling me to his reward and i can't wait and sometimes i would have to remind him don't get you know don't express it to to uh too cheerfully to gleefully because sometimes people will say that you know you want to end your life or so but the fact is this the fact that he loved the lord he knew where he's going and so this proclamation that we give this proclamation of of god's love and mercy and his special plans for us for eternity we can we can do so through through through our attitudes through the example of our life what we do how we respond to the the difficulties and crisis of our life but then we also have another way of of expressing is only testimony not only through preaching concretely or sharing our faith with others by the attitude we have but also by the trust that we have the trust the trust we place in god because the trust the attitude of trust is absolutely without without uh you know without equal attitude of trust everything that happens we're at work no matter where that attitude of trust because we believe in god's goodness and we believe in a gift of his creation you know how many times saint faustina in in her diary you know the lord was inviting her to meditate to meditate on creation to meditate on my redemption to meditate on my on the gift that i'm leaving you myself which is the eucharist the lord was inviting her so her faith grew you know yes we are to be devoted and faithful but we have to be deepened in our knowledge of who god is deep in scripture deepening in in his in his gifts that he gives us you know and we we see how how the lord was even guiding saint faustina uh during her retreats you know the lord would say we'll have a we'll start a three-day retreat and then he'll guide her to read chapters in in the gospel of john and and you know you see how the lord was instructing and guiding her how she could deepen her faith so that she could be a witness she could proclaim that you proclaim with knowledge because it wasn't just the aspect of you know i accept certain forms of devotion but what's underneath the devotions is a relationship with god is a knowledge of jesus himself through scripture through to tradition so we have to deepen ourselves in the knowledge and relationship with the lord it's both intellectual knowledge and heart knowledge intellectual because we come to know these truths but through contemplation we begin to appreciate and love that what god has revealed that which he reveals to us the holy spirit that which makes our heart tender because because we know it's not just we know and understand but we love because we have we love the one who has loved us first who has embraced our sufferings upon himself and who has nailed he was he was nailed for our sins so that we will not need to be need to suffer you see this was the knowledge not only intellectual knowledge but also heart knowledge which the lord gives us and so the the lord's encouraging us he's encouraging us because to coming to know the mystery of the divine mercy in this way saint faustina was led to the to the conclusion and all of us are in the same way that god is trustworthy the god is the source of everything that we have and all that we desire and he's also the means by which we attain because there's no other means he's the mediator he's the one who offers us these these special gifts so now uh your mercy and here's how faustina kind of realized when she was living her faith each day as religious obviously some of us are here i mean all of us are here are religious but those of you who are watching are people who have not committed yourself to religious vows but you have committed yourself to the vows of marriage you have committed yourself to a particular way of life or maybe as a single and if you said yes to god and so that every aspect of your life whatever we do it can actually lead us to the relationship deepening of relationship with god it can lead us the facts of things that we do you know we eat but we are mindful of the fact is that he gave us this gift that this food grew that those who cared for the farmers were able to produce this food you know so we so we thank the lord for the farmers we thank the lord for those who brought it to us for those who made sure they were fresh and they were good for us we we thank the lord for the ability to to make to make some money or some resources we have for life we thank him for the gift of our homes wherever they are and you know they may not be as good perhaps as we would wish and yet we have the roof over our head this is where our families are so all those things are leading us to a deeper relationship with god because we come to know him as the god of love out of the god of providence so maybe then today as we continue to celebrate this this third day of the solemn novena and the lord is inviting the faithful and the devout souls to to not only to live out that commitment but to even deepen it and to live out that commitment is to proclaim to manifest to give witness give testimony of our life with our words with our attitudes and how we each live each day because then we are the the gift of consolation to the lord because he spoke today you know that these are the souls that that that brought much consolation to him these souls brought me consolation on the way of the cross they were the drop of consolation amidst the devotion of bitterness what an incredible role that faithful and devoted people to god have it is because you know the lord is consoled when we console his body because consoling is not only that we do something for the lord jesus because we can but we console the body and this is the the reason why the the lord expressed his his uh his his witness to us that that those who are faithful are that that special ocean of grace and consolation for the bitterness that he experiences for indifferences for sinfulness of people because it is through them and with them the lord is able to to bring forth the mystery of his salvation so as we continue with this novena as well as prayers we will recite the chaplet of prayers and as you know that the lord not only uh included this great novena with the intentions of the novena prayers itself but especially above all the chaplet prayer and then we know that the chaplet prayer is very very powerful because we turn to the father after the death and resurrection of his son and we ask that the lord be merciful to us that we offer him as our toning sacrifice so that all our loved ones of the people of the earth may experience his mercy protection and love as we begin to pray the chaplain prayer peace offer your intentions in your heart we pray you expired jesus but the source of life gosh forth for souls and the ocean of mercy open up for the whole world the fount of life unfathomable divine mercy envelope the whole world and empty yourself out upon us a blood and water which gosh forth from the heart of jesus is a fount of mercy for us i trust in you a blood and water which gosh forth from the heart of jesus is a fount of mercy for us i trust in you the blood and water which gosh forth from the heart of jesus as a fountain of mercy for us i trust in you our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus will be married mother of god pray for us sinners now that you are of our death amen i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son o lord was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting [Music] amen eternal father i offer you the body and heart [Music] our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion mercy on us and oh lord for the sake of his sorrowful passion mercy on us and on the for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrow for passion [Music] oh eternal father [Music] it's love of the lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of [Music] for the sake of his sorrows for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful [Music] for passions sake of his sorrowful passions [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful peace [Music] [Music] passion [Music] for the sake of his horrible passion [Music] mercy on us [Music] oh [Music] i offer you the body [Music] our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrowful past and upon the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Applause] [Music] passion [Music] [Music] i offer you the body and blood our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of the holy [Music] oh for the sake of his sorrows for the sake of [Music] for this sake of his sorrowful [Music] [Music] sake of passions sorrows [Music] for the sake of his for the sake of his sorrowful passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passions for the sake of his sorrowful on passion [Music] [Laughter] [Music] eternal father i offer you the body our jesus christ [Music] is for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion for the sake of his sorrow for the passion for the sake of his sorrow for [Music] passion [Music] lord [Music] me [Music] holy god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um eternal god in whom mercy is endless and the treasure of compassion inexhaustible look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is love and mercy itself amen and prayer for divine mercy o greatly merciful god infinite goodness today all mankind goes out from the abyss of his misery to your mercy to your compassion o god and it is with this mighty voice of misery that it cries out gracious god do not reject the prayers of the earth's exist o lord goodness beyond our understanding we are acquainted with our misery through and through and know that by our own power we cannot ascend to you we implore you anticipate us with your grace and keep on increasing your mercy in us that we may faithfully do your holy will all throughout our life and that's our that the omnipotence of your mercy shield us from the darts of our salvation's enemies that we may with confidence as your children await your final coming the day known to you alone and we expect to obtain everything promised us by jesus in spite of all our wretchedness for jesus is our hope through his merciful heart as through an open gate we pass through to heaven amen so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you have given them breath from heaven hallelujah having all sweetness within it hallelujah let us pray lord our god in this great sacrament we come into the presence of jesus christ your son born of the virgin mary and crucified for our salvation may we who declare our faith in his fountain of love and mercy drink from a drink from italy the water of life everlasting we ask this through christ our lord to divine phrases blessed be god blessed be his holy name blessed be jesus christ true god and true man blessed be the name of jesus blessed be his most sacred heart blessed be his most precious blood blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be the holy spirit the paraclete blessed be the great mother of god mary most holy blessed be her holy and immaculate conception blessed be her glorious assumption blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother father blessed be saint joseph her most spouse blessed be god and his angels and saints may the heart of jesus in the most blessed sacrament be praised adored and loved with with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world even until the end of time amen [Music] oh [Music] r [Music] in [Music] is [Music] thank you for joining us at this celebration of this mosaic novena to the divine mercy before the feast of mercy at this moment i will pray and bless you with a relic of saint paustina help us o god our savior and for the glory of your name lord deliver us let your mercy o lord be upon your servants as we have placed our trust in you the lord be with you r and with your spirit let us pray may the lord jesus christ son of god and son of the blessed ever virgin mary savior and master of the world be merciful and favorable to you and may he free you from every every adversity and from any sickness through the merits and intercession of the same blessed ever virgin mary's mother and of saint maria faustina the secretary and apostle of his mercy and may he grant you health of spirit mind and body for the praise of his most holy name through the intercession of blessed mary ever virgin and saint maria faustina may god free you from your present illness and from all evils of soul and body in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen and our service is concluded i wish each one of you truly a happy easter today third day of the novena but is also the great event the feast of of easter which continues each day until divine mercy sunday that's the act of easter so easter is celebrated for full eight days as you know the great feast which the lord has given to us deserves our both attention our love and especially our celebration should our hearts may be filled with a joy so happy easter and may god in his mercy bless each one of you you want to get to heaven or you wouldn't be watching this video and to help you get there you need prayers so to find out how to get a religious order the miriams of the immaculate conception to pray for you at no cost please visit micprayers.org to learn more god bless you my name is father kashwalik i am a provincial superior of the marian fathers of the immaculate conception here at the national shrine of divine mercy in stockbridge it gives me great honor to invite you to watch love and mercy faustina movie right in your own home this movie is truly inspiring it offers insights into the life of saint faustina her spiritual director and into the message of divine mercy itself may this inspiring message of god's absolute love and mercy refresh your faith and console your heart during this difficult time [Music] i want you to paint an image this face looked just like christ from the holy shroud of touring i am repeating the words of sister faustina we are to glorify the unimaginable mystery of divine mercy what is all that for for the world [Music] you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 23,309
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Keywords: Divine Mercy, Divine, Mercy, Divine Mercy Official, Shrine of Divine Mercy, National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Shrine, Mass, Holy Mass, Mass today, Holy Mass today, Catholic, God, Jesus, Christ, Mary, Mother of God, St. Faustina, Faustina, Marian, Marians, Immaculate Conception, priest, catholic teaching, spiritual, spirituality, eternity, live, life, grace, pray, prays, praying
Id: x4dujfzBg28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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