Easily Create Retro Gradients Animation in After Effects

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hi today we're going to create this retro gradients poster animation in adobe after effects you don't need any plugin or anything else except after effects and it's an easy one to do so let's get into it so first of all let's create a new composition let's call this retro gradients 1920x1080 24fps 10 seconds press ok now let's create a new background so new solid let's call this bg make it almost black something like this all right now let's create a new rectangular shape so make sure you have the rectangle tool double click on this one now let's search for a gradient ramp effect drag it into our shape layer one actually let's rename this one to beijing gradient now click on the gradient ramp effect let's drag this point to the left and this one to the right and now for the colors i'm going to choose the start color this light purple so i actually saved my colors right here but i'm going to i'm going to write on the screen the exact code so you don't have to guess what i what color i'm using so let's choose the end color and this one will be this pale orange all right now let's change the mod to hard light okay now let's close this bg radiant shape now let's create another rectangular shape so double click on this one for the color let's make it red press okay now i'm going to take the pen tool and create some mask but in order to create a mask make sure you click on this tool create mask button and i'm going to create a mask around this all right now let's call this one red and let's press f for the mask feather and i'm going to feather this to about 55 pixels now i'm going to search here for a cc radial fast blur effect double click on this and i'm going to increase the amount to 100 and also i'm going to press t for opacity and i'm going to decrease the opacity of the layer to about 65 and for the mod i'm going to choose saturation and now it's barely visible but it will matter in a matter of steps so don't worry now let's create another rectangular shape so double click on the rectangle tool let's call this violet and for the color let's make it color four so this one this violet press ok again take the pen tool make sure you have this tool creates mask button selected and now let's create the mask around this one all right now let's press f for the mask feather i'm going to increase this to 100 now for the effect i'm going to choose again the radial fast blur and increase the amount to 100 maybe make it larger a little bit all right now for the mod i'm going to choose the divide mode and for the opacity again about 65 percent that's good okay we can close this layer now let's create another rectangular shape so double click on the rectangle tool let's call this till let's create again a mask around this so take the pen tool click on this tool creates mask button and let's create a mask around this alright now let's press f again for the mask feather let's increase it to 250 now for the effects i'm going to search for gradient ramp double click on this one and for the start of ramp point i'm going to move this a little bit to the left and this end point i'm going to move it right here now for the start color i'm going to choose the fifth color so in my case this teal color and for the end color i'm going to choose this combination of dill with blue now let's search again for cc radial fast blur double click on this one let's increase this to 100 now decrease the opacity to 65 and for the mod i'm going to choose the linear light alright now let's create a new composition for this sphere so let's go again into the project panel click on this composition button let's call this one sphere and let's make it 1000 by 1000 now let's create a new rectangular shape so double click on the rectangle tool and for the color i'm going to choose this violet color press ok let's call this one sphere now let's go back to our retro gradient's composition take the sphere composition drag it right here and now i'm going to search for the sphere effect so double click on the cc sphere effect now let's increase the radius to 270 let's increase the the light intensity to 290 for the light color i'm going to choose this pink color for the line height i'm going to decrease it to minus 65 for the direction i'm going to change this to -45 now let's go to shading and for the ambient let's make it 70 for the diffuse 30 for the specular 70 for the roughness 0.3 and for the metal let's make it 53. now let's search again for another effect so this time we're going to choose the roughen edges double click on this one and for the edge sharpness i'm going to make it 0.93 and for this scale make it 20 and now we have a little bit of roughness around the edges of the sphere now let's search for noise hls effect double click on this one let's choose here grain and for the lightness let's make it 11 and now we have a kind of a retro gradient noise effect on this sphere and also let's add a little bit of simple noise so double click on the noise effect and i'm going to increase this to 20 percent make sure you check the use color noise box and also the clip result values and the last one will be the grid effect so double click on this one but let's move it before the sphere effect so move it here at the top and for the size from let's choose with slider and i'm going to change this to about 52 and opacity let's make it 30 and blending mode let's make it normal and also for the color let's change this to black now let's create some arrows around this sphere so take the rectangle tool let's drag a small rectangle first let's call this arrow one now click on the contents let's go to add and then repeater toggle this down and i'm going to make eight copies then go to transform repeater one make sure you have the position zero and zero and for the rotation let's make it 45 degrees and now let's move the anchor point to the left until we have a perfect circle something like that now let's take this rectangle let's move it inside the sphere and let's also make it bigger so for that i'm going to change the the y position of the anchor point so something like that let's move again the rectangle maybe the anchor point a little bit all right something like this and let's center the this anchor point in the center and for that click on this arrow shape and then while holding ctrl or command if you're on the mac double click on this pen behind tool and now the anchor point is centered in the middle let's also take the the shape and move it below the sphere and now let's create the tip of the of the arrow so let's take the polygon tool hold shift while dragging the shape now let's go here to polystar toggle this down and for the points i'm going to choose 3 to create a rectangle and maybe let's make it 15 all right let's also move this on top of the of the rectangle and let's see how it looks right maybe you can make this a little bit thinner so take again the rectangle and decrease the size maybe five all right looking good now let's click again on the arrow one shape and let's search for a turbulent displace effect double click on this one and for this i'm going to choose for the amount i'm going to choose 10 and for this size i'm going to choose 15 and we have we now have just a little bit of displacement effect on the on the arrows right now let's create a little bit of of animation for the rotation so press r now click on this keyframe so now we have on the first keyframe 0 degrees then go to the 10 seconds and make it 90 degrees and have just a little bit of rotation now press t for opacity and decrease it to 90 percent all right now let's duplicate this error one and now we have arrow two and toggle this down then go to rectangle one and what i'm going to do i'm going to create bezier pad instead of regular pad so right click then convert to bezier pad and i'm going to do the same for the for the triangle so right click and convert to basil path now let's hide a little bit the arrow one and for the arrow two let's take these points and move them a little bit lower so we have a smaller shape something like this and now let's press r but before that actually let's go to the to the repeater property so repeater one and for the copies i'm going to create 10 copies for this one now let's press r and for the rotation animation let's make it let's say 26 and for the last keyframe let's make it 37 and now we have again a little bit of rotation animation all right now let's duplicate the arrow too let's hide it a little bit press u twice to reveal all the changed properties and i'm going to press r and i'm going to make it zero degrees just to modify the shape then i'm going to change it again so for this one again press u twice take these points and this one will be much much larger all right now for the rotation again press r and for the first keyframe i'm going to make it 46 and for the last one i'm going to make it 60 degrees and we forgot to change the number of copies so go again to contents repeat around and for the copies i'm going to choose only 4. now let's also enable the arrow to end the error one and now we have a little bit of randomness between the the arrows let's make the turbulent displays instead of 10 let's make it 20 and instead of 15 let's make it 5 and for the arrow 2 instead of 10 let's make it 15 and instead of 15 let's make it 10 for the size now let's create a text so take the text tool let's write here retro gradients okay and for the font i'm going to choose the best curve regular and make sure you set this one to 120 to make it a little bit a little bit taller let's put this in the center maybe decrease the space between letters minus 70 would work just fine again maybe the size 170 not too much 160. all right something like this now let's add a noise effect to this one so noise hls let's let's choose again the grain type here and for the lightness make it 60 now let's add a simple noise and for this one let's make it 15 right now let's create some texts around around the poster so to hear to the left and two more to the right so take the text tool and for the first one let's write let's say design a poster every day change the font to alpha slab and i'm going to decrease the size just 20 percent rotate this to minus 90 degrees actually for the paragraph let's maybe text a line to the left and i'm also going to create a line here so take the rectangle tool and change the fill to white and also let's make it only 5 pixels let's move it right here and this one will be text shape one now let's take these two duplicate them let's move them right here now let's create a new adjustment layer so right click new adjustment layer let's call this blur and let's move this after detail layer now i'm going to search here for gaussian blur effect double click on this one and floored for the blurriness make it 50 and check this one repeat edge pixels now let's search for cc radial blur double click on this one and for the type i'm going to choose scratch for the amount 50 and you can let you like this if you like it or if not you can take the the point this one and i'm going to move it right here to create a little bit of randomness with these shapes okay now let's create a new adjustment layer just above the blur one let's call this noise let's take the noise hls effect double click on it let's choose here grain and let's make it eight percent for the lightness and let's also add the simple noise effect and i'm going to choose here 15 now i'm going to i'm going to import two files here i will put these in the description below if you want to download them now let's take this photo one and drag it right below this sphere composition let's change the mode to color dodge and the opacity just 50 percent now let's take the film gray overlay drag it above all the layers and for the mod let's choose add right here and for the opacity let's make it 50 now let's create some animations so i'm going to select this field composition go to the effect controls and now for the reflection map i'm going to choose the retro gradients if we increase the reflective property you can see that the text is reflected inside the sphere but i'm going to to make it only only three just to barely see it okay now i'm going to go here to the rotation and i'm going to select keyframes for the rotation x rotation y and rotations that now let's press u and for the rotation x i'm going to hold option and click on the stopwatch or if you're on windows just hold alt now i'm going to write here time multiplied by 3 for the rotation y time multiply actually just time and for the rotation that time multiply by two now i'm going to put keyframe on the light height and also on the light direction again press u here okay and for the line height i'm going to let this minus 65 at the beginning and then let's go about four seconds and let's make it -50 then let's go to the end and let's copy the first keyframe we can select all the keyframes maybe press f9 to create a smooth animation now create keyframe for the light direction so we have minus 45 in the beginning and at the end i'm going to make it 107. and we can also we can also add a new adjustment layer maybe add some curves this is optional if you think you you need it you can add it but if not that's pretty much all so without handwidth so that's pretty much all thanks for watching talk to you in the next one [Music] i
Channel: Aleksander Vlad
Views: 28,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects retro, after effects retro text, after effects retro gradient, after effects retro poster, after effects gradient animation, after effects motion graphics, retro gradient photoshop, retro gradient after effects, aleksander vlad, after effects beginner, after effects, motion graphics
Id: ru0Hkj4niC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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