Easiest Way to Move Logs with a Tractor

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[Music] hey folks welcome back another scorcher out here today so I'm taking refuge under this big white pine tree to show you something on the back of my DK 40 mi coyote now some of you guys have asked me what the deal is with this thing and if you've seen some of my videos from gee probably over a year ago when I was out dragging some logs around in the wintertime you probably saw this three-point hitch implement or attachment used now what it is is basically a three point attachment that allows me to hook up some various hooks which end up hooking a chain - you guys can see how that goes and I heard to do one-handed okay so I have some hooks attached to this three-point implement here and that allows me to hook this grade 70 chain up to it and then I take this chain as you've seen in other videos and I hooked this around logs and allows me to skip them quite easily now in terms of this three-point implement here this thing was an Amazon purchase and I think the overall price of this thing was a hundred and forty dollars Canadian when you see it it will not have this bar on the top of it I actually welded the square tubing on and put this little piece of angle which I notched you'll see I got six notches here and what these are for is when I'm going out to the bush I need to carry some chain with me those notches grab onto the chain and allow me to basically just hook the chain there and it won't move I tried keeping it up at the bucket or up at the forks and what ends up happening is it falls off or I have to wrap it around a million times so I found it to be more useful to keep it right back here so I welded on this piece of square tubing now the other reason I put the square tubing on here is when I hook up a log oftentimes especially if you have a long chain you've got extra chain these hooks allow me to excuse me these notches allow me to put that extra chain here so it's not dragging on the ground so if you can imagine this chain hooks to a log that way you have rest of the chain the extra can go up top onto the hooks on to the notches rather you'll see it ends up looking something like this my hand pretend it's the log you got the hook to hold the chain and you've got the notches to keep all the extra handy keep it secure so I've got a few of these hooks on here and I've got one here I also got one down here on the drawbar and I've got another one down here on the drawbar so what this actually comes with when you're gonna purchase this three-point implement off Amazon what it comes with is everything you see in red so this piece here it also comes with this 2-inch receiver up here - the actual part you put into it so it comes with everything here down and it comes with the drawbar it does not come with the trailer hitch here nor the hooks okay those are extra nor the bar which I added at the top total price for the three-point implement here was one hundred and forty dollars Canadian I ended up having to buy these hooks extra this hook I think I bought from tractor supply I think it was around 40 dollars Canadian so I've got one there one here and one here this right here the receiver I just put this in actually I put this in because I often use the three-point hitch here in order to move my boat around also move some trailers around and other things like that the three-point implement having having a hitch just like that with the 2-inch ball or whatever ball size you need having it on the three-point hitch is really convenient because you can move it up and down by sitting in the cab so I basically just back up to the trailer I lift it up and it it goes right into the coupler okay so one hundred and forty dollars Canadian drawbar everything in red $40 $40 $40 and then whatever the cost of this was this as old as the hills I think my dad made this this hitch so I don't know what that would cost and you can also see this hook here is hooked to a this piece here that goes into the receiver so whatever that would cost I don't actually know looking around the back here nothing much to look at nothing much to see you guys can see here you've got the spot for your top link down below you just have the backside where your hitch my trailer hitch goes into and that's a two-inch hole okay so $140 add on those add on those hooks you could actually you could actually add more on if you wanted I like having one way up at the top here especially because if I'm just towing one log I want to get the log the front of it as high up as possible so having it up here in the top position allows me to throw a chain into it and lift it way up with a three-point implement the three-point hitch there the lever and let's the front of that log real high so that right there is a pretty solid buy I've had this for a number of years I've skidded a lot of logs with this I don't tend to skid in the summer but as luck may have it after that tornado bug after that tornado rolled through I have a lot of logs to skid so that's what I'm gonna go do today you guys will see this in action but yeah that's about it you guys have any questions about this or the top bar setup that I added or anything else for that matter you know where it goes down below in the comments and without further ado let's try to fight off the heat getting a little bit of work done but take it easy overall so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well guys as you can see that's exactly how I skin bogs when it's not wintertime in an ideal world that would be wintertime well not right at the second but I would be out skidding in the wintertime because that way I don't get any dirt or debris under the logs now in this situation as you know tornado came through so these trees were down already I wouldn't necessarily cut them this time of year just because of the dirt on the logs three-point implement they're the three-point attachment nothing works wonders if you need one get one because that thing will save you a lot of effort mm-hmm not a breath it's a warm Oh maybe that or I'm out of shape what's great about this pulling from the back as opposed to pulling from the front is you're driving forward I can also control the height quite easily and with my camera in there you guys can see it there in the rear view here see there in the in the window with that camera there I'm facing forward the entire time I can see exactly what's going on with the logs driving forward through tight trees is a lot easier and precariously lifting them with a chain or something on the on the loader and trying it back out so I like that a lot you guys can get fancy if you want and you can make it so all three logs we lifted off the ground for me for the time I've got wood chips down it wasn't gonna dig in I just decided to hook it up how it was get them out as quick as possible so I can get them up to the mill cuz we all know judging by what's back there I got a lot more of these trips to do anyways it is hotter than blazes out here the cab is beautiful whose air conditioning in there I think that's where I'm headed guys you all take care I hope it's nice where you are and I hope no more natural disasters hit me thanks for watching take care see you then [Music]
Channel: Sawing with Sandy
Views: 53,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kioti tractor skidding logs, 3 point hitch skidding logs, Easiest way to skid logs with a tractor, Compact tractor skidding big logs, Cheap 3 point hitch implement for skidding logs, How to skid logs with a tractor, Moving big logs with a tractor, How to move logs faster in the forest, Easiest way to move logs with a tractor, Fastest way to move logs with a tractor, 3 Point Hitch Receiver Draw bar with Standard and 5th Wheel/Goose Neck Connections, kioti DK40se HST skidding logs
Id: n7tMJVnnDWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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