Easiest way to install OpenCV for python in Raspberry pi within few minutes

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everyone me attitude with a new video and in this video we are going to see how to install OpenCV for Python in Raspberry Pi in the easiest way so within five minutes you will have open CV install in your Raspberry Pi so let's get started so at first I have to connect to - berry pie and Here I am going to use putty for that but you can use VNC or Die HDMI connection anything you want so here I am using my local IP and I user name is PI and the password is raspberry default so now I am inside my raspberry pi so before installing open CV we have to install some dependencies so so before that let me show you that I doesn't have install OpenCV so if I import CV - as you can see so there is no module called CV - that means open CV is not installed now let install the dependencies first so I will put all the commands in the description so that you can copy from that there and we have just execute disk events and here we are not compiling open CV from like from the source and that so it will be much easier and it will take lesser time so here and I am fast-forwarding the video but in real time it will take a little bit more time depending on your internet speed so we need to install few more libraries here so let me install and within few minutes it will be done and this is the final dependence here and now we have installed all the dependency libraries now we need to install pip pip is already installed but we need the latest version that's why I am downloading it first and then we will install it so here I am using Python tree but you can use Python 2.7 also so instead of Python 3 you have to write Python and here I am installing the pip so as you can see the PIP is upgraded to the latest version and now we are ready to install OpenCV so just copy that command and paste it here so for python do you just need to write Python instead of python tree and everything will be just like the same and even you can install OpenCV python also instead of OpenCV country pipe python so here you have install OpenCV now let's check so pi country and now import cv - and as you can see it has successfully now we can also check the version also so for that CBD tauter version and if we write like this you can see the version 3.4 so thank you for watching and by following all the steps you can easily install OpenCV in Raspberry Pi and in future I will make some machine learning and image voicing this videos where I will use it open CV so stay tuned for all those and thank you bye
Channel: SPARKLERS : We Are The Makers
Views: 48,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, opencv, cv2, python, no module cv2, opencv3, python3
Id: xlmJsTeZL3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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