Earthen Building : Building a small house in 10 hours.

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hello I want to share the atmosphere of certain building workshop and just so pan-pan yeah so a few days ago this workshop start from November 15 to know November 18 2019 we have about 20 participants and in we built a small Hut the size of the Hut is three hundred thirty centimeters by five hundred twenty centimeters this building the material costs eight hundred thirty three dollars and in we spent ten hours total of working physical working with this amount of people it take long time because too many people and most of them have no experience so the best amount for building that make it fast is about six people not more than that even be very quick so I want to show you the atmosphere how fun it is we start with till the soil because when the soil is very packed and tight it's very hard to work with it it's good to till it make it loose and then soap with the water let it soak very well that's the first step when the soil is soaked with water very well it will be very loose and easy to to walk on it and if you add rice husks on it we can use rice husks or short straw or grass that were not too long mix in the soil to make a fiber to make it stronger and decrease cracking there's no recipe for it just add and then try a break first it is cracked that means not enough fiber it's not crack that's perfect so that's what we have been doing for many years and in straw or race has will be used as a thickener we can add to make it as thick as we want so to make it easy to use to work when we got the good thickness as we want so we put on the Ritz frame the design of the brick can be the thickness is 4 inches the width is 8 inches and the lock the rent is 16 is 4 by 8 by 16 inches just aside that we have been using more than 20 years the good mix needs to be easy to work don't need to press too hard and then it's not too loose it need to keep the shape nice so when we fill up the mud in the form after we level it just take a form off immediately and then let it dry for at least 6 to 7 days that's really enough to used we made a floor and foundation with concrete a few day before the workshop before we built we need to set up the door frame first we'll make it level and then nailed a few piece of wood to support it to make it stay still and then we can build to touch the frame directly if you don't think we can finish the house in one week don't put the door frame yet we can leave this big space and then we can put the door frame later it will be better because if you leave the frame halfway in the Sun for a few weeks if you crook or bend a lot but if the frame is metal is fine we start to build by use the mud the same mix as we make bricks as a mortar to buy the brick together and we put the mud on the concrete foundation and not very thick not a lot just make a rich on top of the foundation about one third of the the top part of the foundation that's good enough so that's to help to buy the bricks and the foundation together after we put mortar on top of the foundation already and we can put bricks on top of the mortar gently because the weight of the brick been press it down it will we don't need to press it so much if you tight when you dry so the second brick videos end of the break to take the motor up a little bit so it can fill up the cap better and then we just keep going like that when we build we don't need to pull the string we just use eye sight to look at the side we can look only one side to make that side even that's good enough because the sigh of the brick is not even we keep the brick one side enough even that's good you know the second layer of the bricks is this the same we put mortar on top first and then put bricks on top of it but every time I put brick you need to be overlap with the bottom layer the whole house needs to be built up in the same time we cannot build only one wrong or one rooms because all the brick had to be overlapped to make it strong adobe building is a ball bearing system so this technique we don't need to have a pillars so try to avoid to have a pillars in the wall because the pillar going to make the wall weaker than normal because if you have the pillars the way it cannot transfer to an utter sigh of the pillars so when we have no pillars the way it's spreading out all over the building so that's why adobe building carry weight more than normal house many times when we built to the level that we need to put in the frame we always mix straw in mud we call cup we make up first the spreading straw in the mud and in squid to mix it very well and then we can put on top of the wall where we want to put the window frame on this is a help to make it stay better then we can put the window of flame on top of the cup and then check the level it is high we can hit it Dow is low we can support it and now a few piece of wood to hold it to make it stay in the same level we need to have someone to stand on the side and look at the side of the wall of him to make sure it is straight because when the wall come up to our chest level it always in our easy it's good to have scaffold to stand on that helped a lot if we have some small space we can cut the bricks to make it fit but it don't need to be exactly fit it can be any shape just to fill up in there it don't need to be nice because we can feel a bit much later when the mud dry up it totally hard and bind together very well how to build the bricks on top of the window frame or the door frame we always stick the bricks overlapped on top of the frame hard way both side and then we can fill up in the middle to prevent the way to not pressing down in the frame too much so you can spray it on the wall more the other big bricks we can build up to 4 meters in one day easily before we plaster is will be easier to shape the wall a little bit any part that stick out so much we can shave it off it much it is or hole or anything it will be faster than the plastic to cluster we use the same mix with bricks or mortar but we maybe add a little bit more fiber or rice husk or straw to make it crack less or not crack at all it's depend on the mix if at more fiber even a crack at all it's better to experiment one square metre first if it's not cracked you can remember that recipe and in use the whole building after that when we plaster is easier to use a square draw and a trowel need to be medal it should not be wood or plastic because it's not smooth enough if we burn the plaster very smooth it will save a lot of pain when we paint if it's very rough we use more paint on it so it's better to spend some time to make it very smooth and then it will look nicer and in no not much dust or spiderweb on the wall while we're building the top of the wall maybe not even it can be up and down up and down like a web but we don't care much about that but when we call when we build up to the level that we want it we can check the level with the beam the beam for the second floor or the roof that this part is where we make it level if it's too low we can find some thing to support it to make it high up to level everyone it is too high we can dig the wall down to make it level after we put all the beams up we start to put the floor on the floors made from cement board cement mixed with sawdust it's a kind of board they call cement board it's better than plywood because it can be in the water last longer than plywood so next step it can be the floor for the second floor by we can pour the concrete on top of it or we can put tiles on top of it it's okay too and then we can build the second wall the second of all the second floor after that or another idea is we can do only one floor but this part will be living roof for us so we can add plastic on top of this cement board and we add some foam thin foam like one inch thick on top of the plastic and then above the plastic will be sand and above the sand will be we'll be much a good soil or compost and then we can do gardening on top of the roof or we can grow rice we can make the lawn fourth place for hanging out is fine too so it can be any kind of roof after we finish the roof and finish faster and wet until the process dry maybe take a few days and then we can looking for paint the paint that we need is clay paint we can looking for clay color from a router area maybe some people taking upon nearby or people making a road somewhere you can see the nice color just take it back home just a few feedback there should be enough for the whole house when we get the clay color we just add water in there and in stir it make it dissolve in the water very well and then we can strain it after that let it sit let it sit maybe for one or two hours at least or you can leave it for a week is okay too this is when it separate when it sit so you can see the clear water on top the clay paint and in the bottom then we can gently pour the clear water out of the bucket until we have as less as water as we can and then the bottom is the clay color that we need to make the paint for our house Jeanette is grading for the pen it's Sam if you want very fine sand we can looking for sand from the rice field or from the beside of the road the dirt roads you can see some fine sand as you can see it like this or if you cannot find anywhere you can just building sand from the hardware shop that's okay also we start to mix sand and clay paint together mix together very well if it dry make the dry part dry ingredient together first and if we can add water in there but this one we have wet clay so we mix wet clay with sand together until it makes very well then we mix tapioca glue in there the glue always add at the end of it after we make clay color and sand together very well if you don't have clay color that you like you can use pigments from this hardware shop it's okay to but it's good to mix with clay color too to get different color or to make the color softer than that pigment itself we can add more water to make the thickness as we want what level of thickness that make me feel like easy to work with that's the perfect one if the to dry we can add more water is too wet that will be harder to fix so every time when we add water a small amount at a time don't add too much because you cannot fix it easily after that when we got the rice mix the rice thickness we can start to plaster on the wall actually we call paint but when we use it we don't paint on it be plaster on it because it will be very thin layer on the wall pen is the last part the last job on the wall after we paint it will be very hard and then no dust come out at all it will be like a concrete exactly this guy a paint can paint on the concrete wall or tin wall or wooden wall is okay too more detail about paint in our other video on our channel John Tyndall life is easy channel called clay pain there's more detail in there you can check it out
Channel: Jon Jandai Life is Easy
Views: 90,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthen building, adobe building, mud house, natural building, sustainable building, alternative building, cheap house, small house, easiest house, jon jandai, life is easy
Id: Nausf_lz7OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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