EarthBound's DEBUG MENU in ENGLISH (Guide)

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so you finally finally opened earthbound's debug menu well that was fun kind of you say now realizing that now that you have it open you have no idea what to do with it that's what this video is here for my friend welcome to the ultimate earthbound debug menu translation guide this guide tells you absolutely everything you can do in the debug menu with english translations let's get straight into it p-t-i-n-s-t-t-i is going to allow you to edit your party k-w-e-r will allow you to add party members while hcs will let you delete them here's the screen that shows up when you want to add a party member and here it is in english when wanting to remove a party member simply select the number of the position that the party member you want to remove is in doing this seems to freak the game out just a little bit next we have tksyzyuti which allows you to put a status ailment on a party member when selecting this the game will ask you who you want to inflict paint on then show a menu of all the different ailments here it is in english it's worth noting that when teleporting out of this area it's possible to lose items you were given through the debug menu and it's possible that the game crashes altogether this menu is your saving grace select nas and any other party members you have and use diy to diamondize them exit the menu and you will be back at your last save with all of your items from my experience this has been the most consistent way to exit the debug menu up next we have ok tti which allows you to edit your money here's the menu it brings up and here it is in english up next we have m s y u n s k r p t which is seemingly useless as the first three options freeze the game once the action is complete and the last two are unique atms towards the end of the game that charge you for withdrawing which are useless on their own but especially useless since there's a money edit within the menu as well here's the menu in english just in case you're curious hnty is one of my favorite options even though it's pretty useless as well entering numbers 1 through 80 will recite every hint from the hint man in the game as someone who never bothered to pay for a hint reading these for the first time was pretty neat entering 0 or any number in 81 through 99 will return you to the debug menu stmi is also pretty neat because it contains the descriptions for every item in the game entering a number 1 through 253 will allow you to read whatever you want to your heart's content enter 0 to return here's a list of all the items if you want to read any specific one i'll leave this list in the description as well hnttz is an interesting one as should you press it go to the library and grab yourself a map you'll notice that all the hint man locations are marked on your map truly incredible gtz stdi is arguably the most useful part of the menu goods edit selecting gtzkwer allows you to add any item in the game into your inventory the same list from before still applies and number 35 is the sword of kings if you're wondering z-y-u-y-u-g-t-z allows you to add only key items here's the list in english you can also do this with gtzkwer which was the previous option gtzmntn maxes out your inventory with skip sandwich dx's fantastic gtz skzy allows you to empty your inventory selecting znb will make everyone's inventories disappear while sntk allows you to select what to get rid of by item even key items a-z-k-r-s-y-m-n-t-n is interesting it fills up escargot expresses and by extension tracy's inventory with all of the best weapons and equipment in the game a-z-k-r-s-y-k-r and contrast will clear escargots and tracy's inventory of all items last but certainly not least we have sik y ubk which gives all party members some of the best gear in the game although interestingly not always the absolute best here's the menu in english next up is idu which allows you to go to an area here's the list in english rbr atp is another one of the most important actions as it allows you to edit your level selecting znin will allow you to edit the whole party while htr edits a single member entering xero will return you to the debug menu rather than changing all your party members to level 0. ibnt allows you to go to an event rather than an area here's the list in english it's important to note that using this will give you a set amount of items and a set level meaning you won't be able to carry anything you do in the debug menu through to the event now we have sund sound vgm changes the background music here's a list of all the songs you can play and number 105 is pokey means basis because i know you need that se plays a sound effect and there's 999 i'm not going to list these since i don't even know what most of them are but if you absolutely need some there's a page on which has all the important ones i'll leave a link in the description effect dramatically changes the music you're currently listening to most numbers don't seem to do anything but here's what i can notice two quickly fades out the music to silence three slowly fades out the music to silence five significantly speeds up the music for about two seconds which is hilarious if you can input six fast enough it will stop five seven lowers the volume [Music] eight stops seven nine makes the melody really high pitched and just not right for a little while or a long while i don't know it seems really random 10 stops 9 sometimes also random 11 removes the melody [Music] 12 sounds like 9 with more emphasis on different parts of the song 13 sounds like 12. 16 makes the melody weird and everything is quieter except for the drums 21 makes everything objectively better 22 stops 21 [Music] 23 makes everything really quiet 24 stops 23. 25 through 99 don't appear to do anything and entering 0 returns you to the menu trpt is last which is teleport entering 1 performs the teleport alpha which i'd assume teleports you to standard valley if you can pull it off entering two performs a spinning teleport which i'm pretty sure is impossible to complete in this area thus i'm not sure where it goes entering three performs teleport omega to saturn valley and entering 4 performs in uncontrollable but also unbonkable spinning teleport to saturn valley entering 0 or 5 through 9 will return you to the debug menu and that's it i hope this video helps you do whenever you open the debug menu in the first place for if you just did it for fun go ahead and give yourself the sword of kings you deserve it if you have any questions or random statements leave them in the comments i'll check out and respond to as many as i can and if you have any ideas for content let me know as well i'm down to do pretty much whatever thank you for watching i hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and remember my fellow star men to never underestimate yourselves peace [Music] you
Channel: Nillerz
Views: 9,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earthbound debug menu, debug menu earthbound, earthbound debug menu translation, earthbound debug menu english, EarthBound's DEBUG MENU in ENGLISH (Guide), how to use earthbound debug menu, how to read debug menu earthbound, earthbound debug menu in english, earthbound debug menu tutorial, how to open earthbound debug menu, earthbound debug menu inputs, how to use debug menu earthbound, how to read earthbound debug menu, earthbound, mother, mother 2, check area glitch, mother 3, EB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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