EarthBound Any% Speedrun (Former World Record) in 46:43

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it just went line up that's fine I've had I've had like five runs past winners today I can't I honestly can't complain like the only reason I haven't gotten record today is because of my own [ __ ] negligence that's literally yet so we'll get it I'm not weird I'm not too worried about it we're gonna get it like it's it's literally only a matter of time because now I have that I have the tools to like actually push through and [ __ ] minimize time loss the only thing is winters like there's nothing I can do about winters if it decides to be a [ __ ] idiot and that's okay though that's okay because video video games are gonna be video game you know also five subs off on the YouTube from being at 300 and at 300 subs on the YouTube I'll be mm-hmm I'll be gifting three subscriptions to this twitch channel here yeah check out the YouTube I upload like every I upload like three days a week [Music] was it a was a peek a hacker coil snake I think coils yeah coils thinks the one that you that you want to use UPK hack is just dumb oh map or daughter found out app oh I see mmm-hmm alright we are those spawn plates I'll check those out later you know the the grids have a certain like spawn plate ways the spawn plate what's working everything I don't think there's any way to avoid the spawn trigger off to the left hand side then in any given way no one's [ __ ] yeah pretty much that [ __ ] 239 they're really that slow mm-hmm I don't think it was I think I was just like looking away buh-buh-buh-buh-buh buhbuh buhbuh that boom but yeah i believe we're gonna get it like it's just like i said a matter of time and everything and we just got it just gotta keep going stay focused the grind is a grind is not friendly but that's okay well we're getting closer every day skateboard parks oh man Shasta my boy Tony Hawk [Music] [ __ ] miss the input not underground tube I don't remember what those were like I think I remember what underground was like but only kind of when all jackass I see more running less skating that is a new spot to encounter the crow it's slightly faster proposed battle and everything yeah it's something that uh James does that I wasn't wasn't doing and it saves a little bit of time I'm pretty sure I'm obviously behind by a little bit but that's uh that's alright [Music] all right that talk there should be a 538 into 539 kind of like what I had there before I was getting like 540 though all my time save is like prior to this point I could technically get the slow death warp and then are off the up the dog with no inputs after after the death work and that would be faster overall by like I think at least half a second that could actually get me the sub seven [Music] good man an expert perfect rock band like 30 minutes ago oh nice it's crazy [Music] yeah I'm where I want to be but a 2.6 that's still really good 701 Zoar made the way to go like I yeah my times have been a lot like I've gotten a lot better just maintaining that consistency but yeah I'm sure like I'm sure some of that [ __ ] would make your head pound honestly like I know some of the longer songs oh my [ __ ] god like I'm thinking like I'm thinking of like and the longer songs [Music] the grapevines like 10 minutes yeah there's some pretty long songs out there on rock band green grass and high tides I think is the one that's like the longest on guitar hero 5 I think that one's like 15 minutes long it might be longer ones but yeah that's a that's tough that's a 15 minute song I'd be sweating II it's pretty it's honestly pretty crazy yeah the amount of stamina you need you need to have four songs like that is just insane like imagine like [ __ ] you know like if you think you know guitar is hard imagine drums for those songs that shit's nutty uh he didn't move up it's an interesting Miami old that might give me an alternate orangey pattern see that was weird Matt is a butterfly now yeah that was really odd I think that was just uh I think that was the way I did the inputs I had to look at the way I did them again because that's that's a big one well no this was the only this is the only odd one I've seen today everything's been consistent so far with the new manipulation it's actually really consistent either [ __ ] thank you again this is why we got the buffer and everything though ice [ __ ] hell yeah [Music] again this is why we had that buffer [Music] yeah anywhere from like three to three to five seconds is what I'm looking for and like that that protects me from like [ __ ] like that so like even if I'm like kind of behind on the cliff skips I can still like continue because I had time say about elsewhere which is really really good really good because I didn't have that before nice [ __ ] [ __ ] let's go gamers oh yeah alright so that's not bad we've been on paces like a lot tonight so I'm pretty happy so this is gonna be there's actually be wasn't even [Music] I'll be saving time oh my god dude what the [ __ ] my my gameplay feels like on another level tonight I honestly have like literally no idea I just I just feel like I'm playing insanely well like besides like the little things I've been pretty much in the zone tonight like I had one instance where I was 13 seconds ahead if it wasn't for a graveyard I would have [ __ ] been there it's the shirt yeah I got you gotta believe I know Baratheon hit me with the [ __ ] tech and was like whoa dude this is hot and then I [ __ ] executed then BAM pretty sure we cut like at least three seconds off gold maybe more probably four actually four full four seconds office on the best Myatt my summer best is a forty six oh nine now [Music] no some of us just means that's the my best segments so if we put it into a human Theory tasks then technically it would be like possible in that way but not now RTA RTA would be a more than likely still a 46 3x yeah just get perfect rng man easy I've been playing like a madman though yeah I mean it is it is really easy to get [ __ ] perfect rng you just gotta you just got to do it [Music] [Music] that's fine that's fine that was actually really really good by considering that was second try you're can I get some sassy spam if you all will kindly dude i've had some insane winters tonight like there's been some that are not like so great and then i get ones like this that are just like oh i'm not gonna fall yellow because i I have a chance here and I would like to like oh my god and a way for him it's still really good I'll be [ __ ] in it's hard way you still have the now we're not +8 we're like [ __ ] - ten - nine [Music] I just got to play well now I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that would have been a lot better if I got through or if I had a good and a nuts RNG but that's fine yo what's up Aquila [Music] let's just do it all right that's a baby I've been getting a lot of a be a VSO you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good it's actually really good I was weird but I still got it was out of order [Music] you'll thank you too babe he'll be doing well go ahead perfect good last possible pixel let's [ __ ] go dude oh my god alright hard tricks done hmm you our tricks dun ll a downbeat now it goes [Music] come on we got this [ __ ] easy easy doesn't easy does it [Music] alright last hard trick done let's just [ __ ] keep going we got this [ __ ] easy just do the manipulation we're good got this [ __ ] perfect always go up to the bed the bed is the is that indicator it's couple more got this easy-peasy don't think about it let's [ __ ] do die I do [Music] good Merrigan [Music] look at those inputs [ __ ] God as [ __ ] dude I need to adjust my notes by the way cuz I don't have the first Krakens notes in there hmm which can add a can [Music] [Music] that's uh I'm ahead by the way I am ahead lycra fine mm-hmm don't mind those splits we're ahead I accidentally hit the six am i worthy had the change to comparison to war record [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's all right you just removed a navy before the crow fight what really [ __ ] foggers is the orangey end up being the same and everything oh [ __ ] I bumped my [ __ ] mic hello let's get the next one oh [ __ ] really [Music] it's actually really cool I feel like I lost some time on the mashing there no I didn't I was actually really decent make this [ __ ] happen mm-hmm [Music] Oh so what some really important here apparently is you need to hold upright I add super important to hold the manipulation as this is going on you're buffering in movement believe it or not like right after the cutscene yeah that's you buffering movement that's all minute by the way yeah that's super important because you need that you need the correct teleport into this area yeah do you know is the thing please move up thank you yeah you stop your movement thank you there it is we in there is all me [Music] [Music] you totally ream me right correct [Music] hmm let's [ __ ] go we got this [ __ ] we got this [ __ ] [ __ ] I believe you thank you guys thank you everyone I pause alerts by the way for the yes [Music] [Music] you know spamming the chat please give me prayers and I got the kid reset that's good bad reset would mean the the capture wouldn't come up I'm not saying to you Lazlo chill I almost [ __ ] up alright I'm done paying attention to you all y'all going away yolo strats [Music] [ __ ] this average oh my god that was like [ __ ] Wow okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] again we're good one countdown you mean the countdown or count up I don't know oh my god yes is it now give me the prayers hmm don't over mash to Zaa me hmm [Music] three for yep a it engine the Frank agent you to the numbers thank you that's why that's why I'm counting [Music] it's well bless 5-1 more pairs [Music] six please seven seven seven hmm I'm 40 that sucks but that's okay this is still possible very much possible this is gonna cause me some time loss though but we're gonna get it this is still world-record pace which is not gonna be as fast as a I want we got to pay attention to this next prayer pay attention to the damage what is it please give me something like [ __ ] 1494 or 1643 would be really good a b x 2b x one come on come on come on oh my god that's it world [ __ ] record yes yes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that's it that's that's [ __ ] it oh my god Oh that wasn't the [ __ ] like the 46 3x but dude that's it oh my god holy [ __ ] dude I'm so [ __ ] happy dude the grind is [ __ ] over dude I'm shaking right now I'm [ __ ] shaking holy [ __ ] balls dude all my [ __ ] god that's it that that's it oh my god swelled less well bless well bless well oh we should be nice [ __ ] run oh my god [Music] you know how they now give that [ __ ] feels holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude dude I've had some amazing runs tonight but that took the game that [ __ ] did it Oh dude that was it oh my god that was it dude thank thanks Laszlo you all may spam the chat now [Music] I'm [ __ ] the category isn't buried I think the three X would have buried the category but uh so I can get it they wanted to that's [ __ ] it what's next hold on let me let me let me let me talk let me let me talk about it here in a minute I got to catch up on the subs and everything [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] you [Music] oh my god dude I am literally shaking I'm literally [ __ ] shaking you know thank you guys holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that oh my god no God scammed rain oh my [ __ ] god dude yo thank you so much for the gifts up do a [ __ ] arrow and I super appreciate it and thank you all for the subscriptions I mean uh I mean let me see what's going on here I mean cause it's not showing up in a it's not showing up in the [ __ ] thing yeah but yeah oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] that dude I ain't grinding for the 3x I'm I'm done with this [ __ ] category for now no one else can take 3x I'm good I'm good for the time being uh no a lot of balance it's probably gonna be next by the way oh my god thank you guys for the [ __ ] a gift subs and everything else may Allah go over here in a second yeah this is the new world record that broke the tie Bertha but and we broke the tie by quite a decent amount that is a that is not a small margin that was a really really really good now that was really good that's all I can say oh we [ __ ] should be oh yeah exactly but uh let's uh let's go over the like [ __ ] gifts and everything I have it up in the thing oh my god you know thank you thank you ironic cringe for the seven months of tier one Kirby fan for the eleven month or two on it thank you a bash crime for the community sub gift hell yeah gamer Ricky with the six bits desert with the under bits this time with Tier one gifts up the [ __ ] rod thank you so much and [ __ ] 306 dude thank you so much for the 21 months man and then iridium with the the 10 bits that was really [ __ ] close and watch the credits in a while okay absolutely good man I'm glad that uh bother you enjoy the run go gaming you don't watch a have any more hats alright we're gonna go over the splits and everything here in a second but it was a pretty crazy run like I didn't even get like my full potential at the beginning like it's not that great but holy [ __ ] dude dude oh my god yo Thank You goofy man for gifting 10 subs holy [ __ ] [ __ ] can I get can it gets to swell ELLs and some swell waves in the chat breeze you know can't do that for me and desert thank you for a gift inside the closet games but uh daggered man thank you for gifting us up the sander something something you're goner hauling Psaltis he dub in the desert for James thank you so much guys guys and gals I'm so [ __ ] happy I'm so [ __ ] happy [Music] that's [ __ ] it dude [Music] like we like that's that's insane you all are insane oh my god yeah finished run number 23 so like I've been running this category or pretty much three and a half months actually yeah I get I guess three and half months so wait that's how long it took my last uh submitted PD to the Alita board was about a month ago so this is insane oh thank you all so much I like I [ __ ] I don't know they haven't watched the gratitude of it so we're gonna go to the crates real quick to go over these foots and finish it down yeah well I'll go over all the the crazy the crazy splits and everything because we had some of the time saves that really really helped like that really helped bring this under house to house they Hannibal for the Ralph James for the [ __ ] for the [ __ ] guy gets manipulandum for the optimizations as well right there's a lot of stuff that's been that like I improved on didn't last like [ __ ] like on in the last [ __ ] day and it all accumulated to this so like without that buffer and everything and without like the be right [ __ ] following through this one have happened so like all the frustration all the craziness is finally paid off meantime can we get a fuzzy pickles please your ham [Music] all right what's a position so we got this these are simple sports these are really quick sports we have the ona escape or rather pokies house which I my gold went down to a seven zero seven zero zero point five by it was point [ __ ] five it was insane like absolutely nuts I've been I've been pushing that down optimizations thanks to thanks to iridium and all that [ __ ] yo thank you James [Music] your run was hard to beat man it took a bit we got it I [ __ ] I dude shouts the James by the way he's without him the the sub 47 would have been so easily attainable like it wouldn't be as easily as attainable he pretty much rerouted the entire entirety of phase 2 and phase 3 of gigas to save like about 15 seconds or so and insanity but uh no pokey sows we saved a lot of time my gold actually came down to us seven zero zero point five which is insane just from optimizations when an escape was slightly rerouted thanks to iridium as well cliff skips weren't that good but the buffer I had thanks to the state time saves on own escape actually helped me there I gold it a little graveyard by a tenth of a second literally [ __ ] insane absolutely stupid I think winters I I got in to the are I got past the crow like I had a crow for the first spawn and then I just like got into the cliff pretty decently quick though it was awesome [ __ ] excellent Nessa's nightmare the manipulation all the way up until there I took pretty safe [ __ ] [ __ ] dope meteorite I hit the entire minute I hit the entire minute and I say four seconds or point to actually it was an absolutely insane stupid insane and then came to the past I updated I did in my movement thanks to something that era theme pointed out where Daniel in a different PB he actually did a diagonal movement after the two after the two a bees [Music] now the the to a bees before going to the second area so like if you go to the top and everything you don't have to go up to the top you just do diagonally bin and then you just go in be it that way so it actually worked out in my favorites so it saved me some time and then guy yes I lost time because of a bad rng I didn't get the 7 7 or the 777 purring prayer which probably would have land honestly and more than likely would have landed me the 3x which would have [ __ ] been an absolutely insane but this was still good because I still got decent RNG I only had one D spam prayer thanks to that and everything else is good no clone nothing so 4644 this is probably closer to probably closer to of 43 let me let me look at this real quick yo thank you guys for the Congrats [Music] is it isn't like really close sigh at the book 52 [Music] 37 38 yeah that would be that would have been really close [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] that's a 43 that is a [ __ ] 43 yeah that's like a forty three point eight nine that is yeah first letter of a nine paratext it's actually on the sound that is yeah you're looking for oh that's a forty three holy [ __ ] all right I've been I've been shooting for long enough so let's [ __ ] finish this let's raid someone let's raid someone right thank you thank you guys so much I appreciate it hunter I appreciate everyone again just give me give me the big dick energy we given the will work or luck I don't know but spam with 4643
Channel: DoctorSwellman
Views: 60,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthbound speedrun, earthbound world record, earthbound any%, earthbound glitched, earthbound speedrun world record
Id: 2YQQZ_n1Hd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 24sec (3864 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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