Earn $3k to 10.3k Per Day With AI Generated Lofi Beats | Make Money Online

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in today's video I'm going to give you the blueprint to quit your nine to five job and become financially free generating from three to ten thousand dollars every single day if you think this is crazy I don't blame you I didn't believe it until I saw it either and the best part about this is it requires no experience it can pay you wherever you live so it works worldwide if you're able to watch this YouTube video right now then you're able to get paid by this method and it requires only copy and paste and at the end of this video I'm going to show you how you can combine this method with a different one to earn even more and with all that said let's get started if you go to youtube.com where you're watching this video right now and you search for Lo-Fi you're going to find this YouTube channel right here Lo-Fi girl this YouTube channel right here is your way to Financial Freedom trust me I'm gonna explain how if you go to their YouTube channel and you search for most popular you're gonna see that his videos or her videos have 89 million views 17 17 16 13. they have millions of views right and if you go to socialblade which is the estimate for how much how many views this channel is bringing and how many in profit it is making you're going to see that social blade estimates that it's making anywhere from 93 000 to 1.5 million dollars every single year and I can tell you from personal experience that this is completely wrong they're making a lot more than this and the way that I know that is if I go to my own YouTube channel and I go into my own analytics in the past 28 days I've made 29 000 and if you go to my social blade you're going to see that social blade is estimating that I make anywhere from 633 dollars to ten thousand dollars a month which is completely wrong I make three times more than this so as you can see their channel is probably making a lot more than it shows here on socialblade but anyway what I want to show you is is the amount of views they are getting and also the amount of money they are making so if you check here they're making On The Low End 3 300 and on the high end they're making ten thousand three hundred dollars every single day like I said they're probably making more than that but just let's keep this one as a reference as you can see there's a bug here on the website for some reason it's showing on this day here they made less 3.2 million dollars but then they recovered it here they gave it the views back so I'm just presuming this is a bug from socialblade website so socialblade is not perfect but we can have an estimate of how much they're making so as you can see they're making from anywhere from three point three thousand dollars a day to ten point three thousand dollars every single day this is not a joke this is real all they do on their channel is basic Lo-Fi videos all they have to do is take an image of a girl in her room studying and add background music to it and make some long videos so people want to watch last time I made a video about a cash cow YouTube channel some people commented on my video saying that you can't monetize these videos I'm gonna prove to you that you can right now if you go to their YouTube channel you can just see now that they're running ads on the videos as you can see I open the video here let me turn on the volume for obvious reasons and I'm going to click on any of their videos on their channel it's going to pop up an ad right so they're obviously monetizing the videos and if you're one of the people that told me that you can't monetize these kind of YouTube channels I'm going to explain to you why you can do this if you check the YouTube requirements for you to be in a YouTube Partner program which is how you can run ads on your video so you can see here that you have to live in a country or region that the program is available have no active Community guideline strikes have more than 3 000 hours of public watch hours have more than 1 000 subscribers and have a linked AdSense account all you need to do to be monetized on YouTube is not to break their Community guidelines and have original content which I'm going to show you in this video how you can get for free so now that we have that out of the way let me show you something else if you go back to their Channel you're going to see that she or he is running products on that channel so if you click their products you're going to see the products that they're selling Lo-Fi girls play I don't even know what that is but they're selling it for 59.90 so that's another way that they're monetizing and another way that they monetize as well is through affiliate links in the description of their videos so as you can see get the latest video for I don't know limited edition they're monetizing through a lot of ways in this channel AdSense is just one of them now let's tackle the other thing that you might be thinking how am I going to get 1 000 subscribers in 4 000 watch hours basically getting these metrics is very very easy all you need is one video and trust me these people are watching these videos for hours because when they watch these kind of videos they're studying they're paying attention they just leave it playing for hours and hours and hours just check my channel in the last 20 days I've got 166 000 watch hours you only need four to monetize your Channel all you need is 1 000 subscribers in the last 28 days I've got 85 600 subscribers you can easily get those 1000 subscribers very very quickly another way that you can also monetize your channel is by making Community posts sponsorships brand deals people are going to get in touch with you via email to make sponsorships they're gonna pay you to post videos or Community posts on your channel what a community post is it's just this it's something that you post to your channel that is not a video you could post like it's a picture of a product you could advertise something via your community posts and your subscribers will see that this is another way that you can also monetize that channel you could also monetize the channel by selling your own merch selling your own digital products affiliate marketing there's loads of ways that you can monetize a channel like this before we continue with this video I want to offer you a huge opportunity have you ever thought about starting your YouTube channel and getting results like these that you're seeing on the screen right now these are my results from the last 28 days it's not even a month in this program I'm going to teach you how I went from 0 to 160 000 subscribers in four months how I'm from making zero dollars a month to making over fifty thousand dollars every single month this that you're seeing on the screen right now is just the ad Revenue alone that's not taking into account brand sponsorships affiliate marketing course sales merch Sales Plus you can grow any other business that you might think of starting in the future due to your YouTube audience the opportunities are endless on the low end my channel is making 660 dollars every day on donut high and it's making 1 500 every single day let's say you make the low end of that what would you do with 660 dollars every single day that's an extra 2 20K a month would you retire your family go on vacation travel the world pay the student debts pay those credit card loans what would you do with the money this course is selling today for only 247 dollars this is the cheapest YouTube course you're going to find period and I'm going to teach you a to z everything that I did in my channel to grow from 0 to 160k in four months and to be able to have a salary of 30 to 50 000 every single month in four months and on top of that the people that join the course have access to my daily amas in a Discord server which I answered personally via the voice Channel any question that you might have don't hesitate go join now click the link in the description and I'll see you inside now let's continue with the video so going back to socialblade they're making this this amount of money from ads AdSense alone now you can imagine how much they're making from merge sponsorships brand deals if you go back to my channel you can see that I've made twenty nine thousand dollars in the last 28 days how much do you think I made from affiliate marketing how much do you think I made from digital products I'm actually think I made from sponsorships so this is only one so source of income that you can get from YouTube so if you're excited to learn this method and you like to make money online go ahead and subscribe to this Channel right now so you don't miss the future videos what are you doing if you're not subscribed yet you're going to miss the future videos if you're not subscribed you won't see the future videos and that could have been the one that changed the game for you forever and also I'm giving away 50 every single week for my subscribers so if you want to sign up for that just subscribe to the channel and join the funnel down in the text file of this video so how exactly can you perform this method now that you know the YouTube monetization rules you know that you can't just repost other people's content and get paid through YouTube AdSense you cannot just go to this channel let's say download a video repost it because the YouTube algorithm knows that you're doing that and it's not going to monetize your video so how can you do this well you need a few things to build a video right the first thing that you're going to need if you're doing a Lo-Fi channel is the background image and the way that you can generate an AI background image for your videos is by going to this Discord server right here which I'm going to leave the link for you in the text file you can just click on that and after you join the Discord server all you have to do is go here on the newcomer rooms click here newbies once you click on newbie 25 you're going to see this channel right here what this is is an AI you specify what kind of image you want and the AI generates an image based on your specifications and you can definitely use these images because it's being created by an AI so it does not have copyright and it's not being used by anyone else this is completely new the AI is creating these images from scratch you can see here people are submitting stuff and it's just creating images out of the blue this is a very powerful AI machine so now I'm going to show you how you can generate these images all you have to do is come here to the chat click on it and you're going to type this in I'm going to leave this code for you in the text file as well forward slash imagine and then you type in whatever you want to be generated by the AI in my case I already have something written down here so guys studying in his room Knight Stars in the Sky Planet Galaxy magic Skies flying dragons or Ultra detailed hyper realistic high definition photorealistic HDH 8K and 16x9 16x9 is just a landscape image okay so I'm going to click enter and now the AI is going to generate the image that I've just told them about it based on what the information I gave it is going going to create an image so as you can see here it's loading six percent let's just wait a few minutes for it to generate the image all right so the AI generated four images for us to see look how beautiful this is and how cool this is check this out if you can open any of them let's open it so there's a first second third and fourth image you have to choose one of these for it to amplify and finish detailing the photo so I think I like this one right here so I'm going to choose the first image I'm just gonna choose U1 now that I chose a new one it's going to start generating the Big Image as you can see it's loading nine percent let's just give it another minute so the AI finished and I couldn't help to see that this image they created for this guy where is it this one here look at how realistic this picture is it's unbelievable it looks like a art a picture of a real person it's just insane but if you go down to our picture the one that we want to see this one here this is the finished image from the AI as you guys can see it looks great it looks unbelievable and you could just take this add the music on top and post on your video so all you have to do right now is just click here open as original and you have to download this image to your computer right click save image as with a name click save all right so the image is now saved to our PC if you don't want to go through the AI to generate images there is a second option that you can just go to this website and download a few images to upload to your video so you go to pixels.com and you search for any type of image that you're looking for like guy study now once we find a guy studying I'm going to click click filters because I want a landscape picture I'm going to click orientations and I'm going to choose horizontal now that you've choose horizontal you can just take a look at these pictures and download any picture that you want to this is completely free has no copyright and you can use them commercially as you can see it's not as great as the AI one that's why I gave you the other option so you have the freedom to choose between whichever one you want to use after you have your image now you need the low 5bs to create your channel now to get these beats we have a few options some of them are paid and some of them are free I'm going to show you all of them so you can choose whichever one suits you best so most of these three options if you decide to go for that route you're going to have to credit the owner of the music the person who has a copyright for them if you decide to pay for them then you can use them commercially and you can monetize your videos you have zero cash at the moment and you want to start your Channel for free what you can do is start using in the music credit the Creator grow your channel to a certain amount start making sales from affiliate sales selling products and once you have the initial Capital to pay for the products then you can pay for the tool and start generating AdSense from your videos as well so you have the option to do the option that you have is mover.com this website here is going to generate an AI low-fi beat music for you that does not exist so all you have to do to use this website is just click here sign up create an account just use your email and password once you put your email and password they're going to ask you to verify your email so all you have to do is go to your email and click on the link they're going to send it to you if you don't find it in your inbox look in your spam inbox and you can find it there after you log into the website this is what you're going to see when you come to this page right here all you have to do is select the genre right here on the left select genres and then you're going to pick Lo-Fi just write Lo-Fi here it's going to show up then you want to set the duration of the track all right I'm just going to put 10 minutes for reference here 10 minutes and I'm going to click generate track as you can see the track is loading it's creating the AI is creating a song for us since it's creating our track I'm just going to show you the price you have to pay to use this website this one you can use it for free but you can only generate 30 minutes of Music daily and download up to 25 tracks per month if you use this 14 bucks a month you can generate two hours of Music daily and 500 tracks a month and if you use this Pro right here it's 40 bucks a month then you can generate no daily limits and you can download up to 500 tracks per month so this website also has free and paid options for you to choose from now let's go back to our song that we generated just go here on the left where my cursor is and click my generated tracks let's go to that one as you can see it has been generated you can play it you can download it you can do anything you want to it so I'm just going to click download it's been added to my downloads all you have to do is click here on the left my downloads now it's loading as you can see I've already downloaded one yesterday it's generating the download for this new one that I've just generated right now now if you go back to the pricing that you're going to see that if you use the free one you have to attribute to them you have to specify on the description of your video you have to give them credits this is the free option and you cannot use them commercially what this means is that you cannot monetize them you can use them giving them credits you can use them them for your videos but you're not going to be able to monetize them because they're going to claim the monetization for them there's also the Creator one and this one you can monetize your post so if you wanted to go for this 14 a month Creator here you could also do that link is going to be in the description for you for all these websites and what this does like I said it generates an AI track for you that you can just download and upload when you click download it's going to ask you to specify your YouTube channel so they can clear your channel for any copyright claims okay so it's very important that you add your YouTube channel here and then click continue now the next website that you have the option of using is aiva which you can go here to pricing and I'm going to explain to you how it works the zero one is free forever but is copyright is owned by them you cannot monetize the post that you make even if you give credit to them which is what you need to do they won't let you monetize it because they're going to claim the monetization for them then you have the 11 a month which you can use to create content for twitch Tick Tock YouTube and Instagram copyright owned by aava limited monetization I don't even know what that means I would not choose this one if I were you I'll just choose this one pro if you want to pay yearly it's 33 a month if you want to pay monthly it's 4 49 a month so the copyright is owned by You full monetization and no need to credit them this option is the most expensive in my opinion you should not choose this one because you can get the same thing from the other two platforms for us to take right now you have your images you have your songs now you need something to sell because like I said right off the bat you're not going to be monetized when you create your channel so the way to monetize is by using affiliate links on the description so there are a few ways you can do that you can either go to ClickBank and get an offer here on this website although it's going to ask you to register for the website but they have millions and millions of offers that you can promote another option that you have is going to digistore24 you can just go to this website register an account and it's the same thing as ClickBank another option that you have is Warrior plus this website all you have to do is sign up for free and it's going to give you lots of offers that you can promote and you can also become an affiliate for my course which requires no registering nothing all you have to do is literally come here leave your email and click let me in and you're going to be registered as my affiliate once you do that you're going to receive your affiliate link and the link to your affiliate dashboard so you can track your sales no registering needed works all over the world anyone can do it the next step that you need to take is to create your new YouTube channel you need to create a new YouTube channel because this is going to be a niche specific channel so you can't just use the one that you have right now let's say you didn't have a YouTube channel just go to youtube.com right here on the top right hand corner click on sign in and you can just register here create a new account input your details and that is it account created once you have your new account now you need to put your video together so you can start posting so how do you create your videos well you have a few options if you're using Windows then you can use either Windows Movie Maker which is a free video editor or you could use Adobe Premiere Pro which is the one I use this one requires a paid subscription of about 20 a month but it's totally worth it in my opinion and this one works in Mac computers and also in Windows computers as well and if you're using a Mac and you want to use a different software then you can use either Final Cut Pro which is Mac only this is from Apple it's a software that they sell to Mac users you could use this one or you could either use iMovie which is free for any Mac User alright so you have all of these options to edit your videos for this specific video I'm going to show you how you can do it using Adobe Premiere Pro so now I've just opened Adobe Premiere Pro I'm inside my software right now and I have here my image and I have here my song as well the general low-fi that we just generated through that website so what you have to do now is you have to drag it to the timeline like this drag and drop then you have to make it larger because we need to make the video very very long and we have to drop in our song as well so now I've just dropped in my track on the timeline I'm gonna stretch it to make it a little bit bigger let's say I want to make it like an hour long as you can see here where my curse is it's showing that my video is now one hour long and you might be asking about the music right all you have to do to duplicate this track is Ctrl C Ctrl V Ctrl C control V control V control V control V until it's about one hour long all right okay so now we have our video it plays music as you can see it's playing the music here on the background alright so the video is working all you have to do now is click save export your video choose 4K ultra high definition and click here export the video now once you have your video ready all you have to do is go back to YouTube and post video and if you don't know how to post a video don't worry because I'm going to point you towards a video that I have here on my channel already showing you how to post a video correctly with the right title hashtags tags all that good stuff but before I show you that video I want to tell you again the ways that you're going to be using to make money using this method so the first way that you're going to be making money on this method is by running ads from YouTube AdSense on your videos the second method is by doing brand sponsorships third one you could be doing community posts for other people and you can also do affiliate marketing on your videos which I think is one of the best ways to make money on YouTube last but not least if you haven't yet taken advantage of the Weeble offer go ahead and take advantage right now they're giving you 12 fractional shares up to thirty thousand six hundred dollars for free no catch all you have to do is sign up to their app and deposit one dollar if you make a deposit a qualifying deposit of at least one dollar they're going to qualify your account and do the 12 fractional shares so if you haven't yet taken advantage of that go ahead and take right now because it's not going to last forever and if you want to have access to these money making methods before I release them here on the channel to be more specific seven days before I release them here on the channel is just by joining my Discord or my email list every single video I record takes seven days to get edited and the people in my Discord are already doing it so go ahead and join the Discord or the mainly this to get prior access to these videos now let's go through the step by step of what you have to do in this video once again number one you need to get a image for your video either by generating it through AI or downloading it through pixels number two get your music number three put them together in your video number four get your affiliate links number five create a new YouTube channel and post the videos correctly using the affiliate links that you just got number six if you're using the free route remember to credit the people where you download the music from so you don't get any copyright strikes number seven leave a comment on this video saying Cash Cow channel so I know that you watch this video Until the End now if you want to learn how to post those videos and if you want to learn how to make 20 to 30k a month by using a cash card Channel pick one of the two thumbnails on the screen right now to be redirected to those videos I'll see you in that video Work Hard Play Harder
Channel: Mr Reis
Views: 516,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earn $3k to 10.3k Per Day With AI Generated Lofi Beats | Make Money Online, Earn money, How to make money online, Make money online, Mr Reis, free ways to earn money from google, paypal, make money on youtube, lofi, how to make money on youtube, lofi beats, make money with lofi beats, make money online with lofi beats, how to make money online, make money online, earn money online, how to make lofi, lofi hip hop, ai generated music, lofi music, how to make lofi beats
Id: WOaPqLxCM4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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