Early June GARDEN TOUR | 2021

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hi everyone it's matthew and welcome back to the southerners northern gardens so i wanted to do a quick garden tour today because things are coming into bloom things are going out of bloom and the temperature here has been very odd we're expected to get rain the rest of the week so i probably will not be recording any content this week so before that started i wanted to get this video shot um the weather's been really weird we had record lows a few weeks ago and now in ohio and western ohio it feels like we're sitting on the sun so we're going to make this tour kind of short i want to go over mainly the stuff that is in bloom and things that have that have changed since my last video so let's get going we're going to start um with the new fountain area that i put up a couple weeks ago so before we get started there i want to show you these beautiful roses these david austin roses here this is the poet's wife it is a beautiful yellow color uh this rose in particular needs some serious pruning i pruned it in the spring and it's just kind of instead of going upright there's some limbs that are going like right here on the ground and way back there so i'm gonna get some pruning done to that one in this area is the new flower bed that you have not seen yet so i installed this fountain and set it up to kind of easily refill you can watch that video on youtube it was my last one and then i've kind of put around it some yuki cherry blossom blossom ducia right here those have pretty pink blooms they're all going out now they bloom very early spring and then i have some perennial geranium around there some gm this beautiful grass it's called northern lights it has a pink tinge to it later in the summer and to fill in the space since this area is all new i have super tunia vista bubble gum and right behind that is a black lace elderberry that will get very big i wanted some nice japanese maple type foliage in this area and so that'll look excellent here in a bit because most of these are my herbs right here i did a line of rosemary right here this is prime rosemary prime it's a proven winter's variety it's supposed to be hardy in my zone so i stuck it directly in the ground we'll see if it comes back next year along this area you can see it's somewhat of a path i still needed access to my herbs so i'm going to be getting some stone like you've seen in other parts of my garden and just going along here and putting some stone down the herbs are coming along nicely [Music] i've got the earth boxes i have not inserted the drip automation system in these earth boxes yet i will be doing a video on that soon hopefully normally i would have them in by this time of year but other projects has delayed that and we've been having some rain even though it's hot so i haven't been on on top of that yet so i'm getting some nice peppers already um this is a proven winter's variety called hot and heavy the tags right here and it is the first thing putting on peppers in my garden these are a different variety that i grew from seed i'm not sure the variety i will put it on the screen if i can remember so the raspberries are coming along nicely you may have seen on my instagram and if we come through the little arbor you can see all the plants i'm holding down here but we've got some blackberries as well that are looking great so they're typically all of my peppers are on this side of the house so i have various these are a little spicier jalapenos and then you follow those and those are all bell peppers all across the wall there i just got in my other vigo garden bed it took them a while to get in i think they were having some manufacturing delays because of covet and some other issues so if you've ordered a bed it should be coming in soon and i really hope you like it this is the six in one in gray and i actually left out a panel so it's a little shorter and i kept those panels inside in case i ordered any in the future and i could extend that one just a little bit so there's a hydrangea here i've got to get potted up i've actually ordered a pot uh this is limelight prime by proven winners it's new this year uh and it is supposed to be an improvement of the regular limelight variety and have stronger stems and better blooms this kale is really interesting i wanted to just show it off so both this variety right here and this variety is ragged jack but look how curly the leaves are on this one it's kind of insane [Music] so i've still got all my winter sowed seeds down here that i have not uh put out yet some holly hogs and some echinacea i really got to get those potted up or find somewhere in the garden for them this is a crimson flame honeysuckle and it's just gotten destroyed as it typically does by eighth vids this year i'm contemplating removing it i'm going to give it another season to see if it will recover i did spray it with some neem and pyrithrin which i believe is the organic version of permethrin a few weeks ago and that took a lot of care of a lot of the aphid problems so it has some new pretty uh blooms coming on and hopefully those will be nice here soon if not i may take it out because it is kind of hiding a boxwood i have down here so my tomatoes are looking excellent all of these i grew from seeds various varieties paul robeson is one of my favorite ones and then i have a mortgage lifter and lots of other varieties i have one cherry down here blueberry i do have some other tomatoes in the back in the mini orchard that i added this year i've never grown tomatoes in the ground on this property so that was an experiment as well and i'm just going to let them do their thing their space far enough out i'm not pruning on them i am keeping these pruned they're about tall enough where they can be trellised and i need to get on that and pruning some of these suckers since it's supposed to rain all week these will certainly take off my ranunculus that was an experiment this year is in full bloom i will probably come out here and pick some of these before the rain tomorrow uh and put them in the house in little arrangements these came from floret flower i don't remember the mix exactly but they're various shades of pinks yellows and oranges and they're absolutely beautiful so the roses are going in and out of bloom this is boscobel i need to do some deadheading on it uh but they have absolutely gorgeous pink blooms you can see there the ygila is completely bloomed out uh and those blooms are fading you can see here they'll just fall off and then it'll just be a nice green foliage for the rest of the season the lavenders in front of the air conditioner units here getting absolutely insane this variety is a little different than the lavender hedge i have out front i'm not sure of the variety specifically but they do get massive so this is probably about half the size they'll get all season not a lot going on on this bed this is the south side of my house this hydrangea is a quick fire it is just now starting to go into bloom and hydrangea season is almost among us this is a fire light and you can see it's also starting to put on tiny blooms here those will get quite large so we continue around the front [Music] we have a desdemona rose here it has beautiful white blooms that smell absolutely great the foliage was getting eaten on quite a lot and then i sprayed it with some neem and that seems to have done the trick we'll see if it keeps it up i've got this on a little system here to try and keep it upright some more since this is the north the east side of the house and it won't get any afternoon sun and i'm afraid it'll start stretching so i'm going to keep it tied to that trellis got a beautiful fox glove here that has reseeded itself it did not bloom last year and then this is a bobo hydrangea down here that i actually found a rooted clipping already in my garden um and i cut it off and stuck it in the pot and stuck it here last year and it's doing great got some echinacea that's about to start blooming this is the helen blonde stein lambzier that i love so much and then here we've got the crimson queen japanese maple the invincibelle we white hydrangea right here and then we'll come around this way and we have another invincible in this area this phlox is um sprite blush i believe by proven winners i'm not exactly sure of the name they were kind of a last-minute buy at lowe's something that i wasn't looking for that i picked up last year and it is actually gorgeous in this area someone was asking on an update to my lavender hedge and you can actually see how great it's doing now from that pruning i did early spring the interesting thing about this lavender hedge is the sun of course this is east facing so these down here tend to be a little more compact and then as you move up where they get less sun you can see they get a little scraggly but they still remain gorgeous and bloom wonderfully for me so i keep them that way this is the atlas rose by proven winners i absolutely love it it's one of my favorite orange colors in the garden up here this rose has struggled a little bit in this area i think it's mainly because of this spruce this blue spruce but everything else does well so i'm giving it another chance this year and it's putting on quite a lot of growth i'll keep an eye on it and keep the fertilizer and water on it and we'll see how it does [Music] this container i did not go over in the last garden tour i have put supertunia bubble gum in it and a grass called fireworks by proven winners and you can see in there it's a beautiful pink color the grass will get quite large but the super juniors are kind of taking over first initially if we come this way you can see this garden right here i've got several seeds started i've got some zinnias down here i got a plant that i did in soil blocks which i've never done before and this is probably going to be my new method of growing seeds the soil blocking so this is the front garden bed that's just which pretty much is a pride and joy of my garden um here we have some hookura that line the edge some dwarf visions in pink of stilby which has been a very great a steel bee in my garden i know some people will have trouble growing a steel bee these get uh i would consider them part sun they get as much sun basically as my supertunias do up here on the railing uh they may get a little less because of this magnolia but otherwise they get quite a lot of sun we got a primo black pearl hook right here which is absolutely gorgeous and tiny tough stuff hydrangeas which are just covered in blooms you can see that one there i did mention in a previous video that i put a lot of sulfur down in this bed to try and make these blooms pink or try and make them blue however it looks like they may end up being pink anyway this bloom's just starting to open and they're a little pink so the geraniums are looking great the mango salsa roses by proven winners have just exited their first flush they were new this year so they did start blooming a little early but we do have quite a lot of rosebuds there that are about to open these daisies i grew from seed a few years ago uh they are one of my favorite things up here in the garden they do have these really roughly blooms this one looks a little rough but this quite spent however it's gotten quite large they may not get enough sun here so they may stretch a little bit but they do actually look quite good here in the summer so i've left them the fountain area is looking great uh the irish and scottish moss has spread significantly this year i'm actually going to be taking some of the scottish moths which is the more chartreuse color and spreading it around the other walking path here soon to get some of that color over there because i've not been able to find it locally since i was able to get those original ones we've got some echinacea here and this is another part of this front bed which is basically a hosta garden so i have various shades and various types of hosta foliage around here basically these all started from single single stems i guess you could say are single cuttings from hostas nearly three years ago so that'll tell you how much hosta will grow just in a few years if you give them enough love and enough water this is a rose called roll doll by david austin i did not go over it in my last video i'm hoping it will get quite large here with the pretty orange light yellow roses and it's on standard to kind of highlight itself behind these shrubs here this is a blue chiffon rose of sharon that will actually look quite gorgeous here in another month or so with its blue blooms around all of this other foliage so i did get my eely garden hose reel in it looks great on the side of the house here i absolutely love it it was a good choice to add one up here as well so we continue around the garden this is a container i set up as well this is a purple salvia from proven winners and supertunia vista bubblegum here i bought quite a lot of supertunia vista bubble gum my local garden center actually sells it in six packs for around 15 16 in the spring which is a great buy so i've never grown fist to bubble gum and we're giving it a try this year i have certainly put it in a ton of different spaces the invincibelle hydrangeas that i clipped back in my hydrangea pruning video are looking great these are the continuation of the wee white and this is their i think third season in the garden they were put in very late so maybe a full two seasons you could consider them in the garden but they're putting out some strong stems and are going to get quite large this year looks like i'll spin you around here to this bradford pear garden not a ton going in here going on in here lots of hosta i do have the hydrangeas that i saved from lowe's here last year they're actually the only microphylla macrophylla hydrangeas i have in my garden and they are just now starting to put on their blooms for the season and they're going to be pink as well these are invincible ruby hydrangeas there's a hedge of them here this one looks like it needs a little bit of love i may have to bring in some iron tone its leaves are a little chartreuse looking so these had as you may have noticed italian ice roses from proven winters and they stayed in there all winter and they did not love it so in its place i put some wulala hosta from proven winners which will get quite large and i stuck some extra bordeaux supertunias in here to continue that color up here in the part shade of this bradford pear got a row of sprinter box woods that were put in last fall that have doubled in size already so if you've not checked out the sprinter vox wood variety yet certainly give it a look it is certainly worth considering putting in your boxwood hedge these are sun king aurelia they're an absolutely go gorgeous yellow foliage for a shade garden they get quite large and they're quite a standout here to look at we'll continue on this way and i want to show you my empress wu hosta again because it is absolutely looking amazing biggest hosta i have in the garden the biggest hosta in the world we'll continue along the side of the house so this view is a little different than you saw it last time the hydrangeas are getting absolutely massive the clematis the stand by me clematis are looking absolutely beautiful here and you can see these incredible hydrangeas are getting quite large this season this is again their third season in the garden and we're starting to get our first blooms these are a little small they will continue to get larger so even though they've started blooming out uh keep a look on my instagram and i'll update you on the size of this one before they go out of bloom and you'll see them in another garden tour in another few weeks or a month from now these is also one of my favorite parts of the garden so i have this clematis i went over in an instagram story the other day i have this weird double bloom here on this clematis it's not like any of the others it's very interesting and then i have some more outlast roses by proven winners this is a olivia austin rose by david austin i stuck there in the corner and these are the bobo hydrangea hedges and i had some extra supertunias i had laying around so i stuck those in there so we've got the bobo hydrangeas and then the limelight hydrangea standards followed by the cat mint that's just just now going out of bloom but it's still covered up with pollinators regularly and one thing i wanted to show in this bed specifically is this uh baptisia so this baptisia was just put in last year and i wasn't expecting it to get this big this year and it is absolutely massive to only be a year old so when you think something may not grow that quickly definitely take a look at baptisia again this one's actually even larger because it was not removed as i mentioned in my last tour this bed right here this all of this area is new but this one was particularly ridden with really bad clay and every one of these plants in here had to be removed uh maybe of june last year and replaced or just removed and the soil amended and then put back in the ground i lost the limelight hydrangea standard because the soil was so bad which i replaced but everything else survived since i managed to get it out of the ground and get the soil amended so i'll be going over how i'm into that soil in a video coming up it's certainly something i need to to do here reach soon uh with all this rain coming up it still makes me nervous we're gonna have rain for five days in a row and it still makes me nervous when that happens because i'm concerned these plants will still struggle but we'll see they've done quite well the past year so now this bed is a great demonstration as to what you can do in a year in a perennial order everything in this bed except the willow is brand new as of last year um there's not anything in here at all that isn't brand new so this limelight hydrangea i mentioned in the last video struggling a little bit it has actually done quite well now that it's perked up and put on quite a number of growth um so we have this david austin rose here that is unnamed i've mentioned before that was sent to me instead of the olivia austin rose it has beautiful orange flowers on it though so i've kept it around because it produces just a ton of buds you can see those roast buds there everything else is coming along excellently we got some perennial geranium here this is a second year shrub from a four inch container this is the proud berry coral berry by proven winners so i picked it up from hertz gardens i've mentioned several times as a four inch container and just look at that growth that it's put on in a year it is full size at least three approaching four foot tall and two to three foot wide and it will have those beautiful pink berries on it here in another couple months it'll start producing them this is a tranquility rose by david austin beautiful white rose it does not hold its flower buds up very tall in my opinion but this is its first full year in the ground so we'll see how it does it's got tons of rosebuds too so rose season some roses have started blooming some have not and they're just now kind of coming into their home this is a cat mint variety that i am not sure about but it is absolutely looking gorgeous this catman lived in the front around the magnolia and it just struggled there were actually five of them at the time two of them did not make it so i transplanted them back here last year and they are living their best life in this clay soil these are pinky winky hydrangeas which are also living their best life back here they have doubled if not tripled in size and are looking excellent the daisy may daisies are about to just explode and to bloom here so we'll have a nice drift of daisy may here and they're backed by the midnight masquerade penstemon by proven winners which for our one year perennial on the ground you can see how big those have gotten it's quite incredible these are strawberry fox glove that i grew from seed last year i had two of them one did not survive the winter but i love that color it's just gorgeous let me get down here so you can see it so we'll continue around this way there's not a ton to see this liatris is just completely thick all of these corms came from costco uh last year so this is their second season and they are huge and it's just gonna be a bunch of plumes of purple flowers here in the next couple of weeks maybe and then it'll be a pollinator magnet we have the red hot poker which i went over in my instagram story these were grown from seed red heart poker grows excellently from seed if you've never grown it before this one bloom first since these are grown from seed they are not unless they're open pollinated so they'll have different balloon times and slightly different colors this one's a little lighter than the other one so this area will be changing quite a lot we are going to since we have a new dog get an actual fence put in we did have an invisible fence so the fence is going to cut somewhat between this bed here it's going to come like this way right here and so i will be moving some of these shrubs around but fences everyone's behind because of kovids so it's going to be probably august before that happens and so august september and so i'm just going to leave everything as is let it get through summer and then let them install the fence and then move things around from there as part of that whole thing this whole area right here will be mulched with the fence and i've planted my rising sun redbud that had been sitting around for quite a long time in this area and it will be kind of up next to the fence which will run right here and a beautiful accent shrub only gets eight foot tall at eight foot wide and it'll look nice next to this willow and will provide a little shade for this area so before we finish i want to take you back here quickly around this way and show you a couple more shrubs and then show you how my dahlias are progressing so these are echinaceas here and then we have some peonies that are going out of bloom that need to be trimmed up and this wine craft black smoke bush by proven winners absolutely love this variety it is quite slow growing so this is its of course second season as well and it's growing much slower than i expected it to but the foliage is still beautiful this perennial geranium i grew from seed is absolutely taking it over can you imagine that was grown from seed it just it's incredible that you can grow perennials from seed and they get that big in their second season these are cherry chocolate hibiscus so there's one and then another one right behind it these will probably eventually have to be moved maybe next year because of this willow but i think they will be okay this year even though this willow got significantly larger and this is a grass by proven winter it's called totem pole so it'll get nice and have nice blue foliage here as a background accent this bed right here i'll show it right quick i have these boxwoods that i saved and moved from another part of my garden because they had significant die back last winter so the winter of 2019 2020 and i'm going to be putting them in a circle around this bed and putting zinnias in the center of it along with these liatris for this season so the zinnias you saw up front in soil blocks are basically a rainbow of colors and i'm going to be putting those in here with this bed so let's take a look at the dahlia bed right quick so the dahlia bed is coming along nicely you can see nearly all of my dahlias are up there are two varieties one which is cornell bronze which has not shown its face yet and another one that i'm not sure of the specific variety but it come in my mix from eden brothers and it has not shown its face yet either so we are gonna give those some time to get started the vigo garden bed has been excellent i did get drip run to it i'm going to be doing a video on that soon just so it's going to be a drip 101 the basics so you can learn how to get drip to your garden because it can be quite complicated it's not as complicated as everyone thinks there's just a lot of moving parts to it so this will hopefully help simplify it i've got some tomatoes back here these are tomatoes i mentioned i'm growing in the ground i'm not growing tomatoes in the ground on this property yet but there are various varieties some of them i have tagged some of them i do not even though i grew them all they just kind of got lost so this one's actually garden treasure by proven winners so we'll see how that one does in the ground and i also have a garden treasure up in the raised beds so it'll be a good experiment for approving winter's tomatoes and see how they do this one's blueberry which is my favorite cherry so i'll also have one of those in the ground and one of those in the raised bed and i think that's it guys thank you guys for joining me i wanted to get y'all and show you all what this these beds look like before we get a week's worth of rain because some of the roses will not take very kindly to that and they will look pretty terrible and some of the other plants will get pretty beat down but a week's worth of rain will certainly make the garden take off so there's going to be a lot of changes in the next week things are really going to start growing very quickly especially if we have any thunderstorms with that soluble nitrate nitrogen that adds to the rain and i hope you guys will like subscribe and follow along lots more things to come this season things are looking excellent but there's still goodies out there thank you for joining and remember in a world full of hate be a light bye everyone [Music]
Channel: The Southerner's Northern Garden
Views: 32,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden, gardener, farm, flower, bloom, vegetable, plant, Ohio, Zone 6, garden answer, roots and refuge farm, impatient gardener, Southern, Northern, grow, seed, oragnic, dahlia, hydrangea, raised bed, Garden tour, Vego garden bed, Hydrangea, Rose, Tour, Vegetable garden, Ornamental garden, lgbt, gay, gay gardener
Id: x4EgyKf-FCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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