Early 1960s GTW -- Here's what happens when a young teen takes an 8mm movie camera to the railroad.

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[Music] it's about 1963 and grand trunk Western train 21 comes into Royal Oak Michigan's station one of its coaches will be transferred at Durand to Toronto Chicago train 17 which by this time may have lost its name Inter City Limited there were commuter trains to see in those days although this train doubled in inter city service and has what looks like a Canadian national Pullman car coming from Chicago I believe this is from 1962 and the new visual design paint Scheme introduced in 1960 by gtws parent Canadian national was coming on the GTW scene as evidenced by gp9 number 4910 Canadian graphic artist Alan Fleming predicted the scheme would last 50 years he was more than right now in 2024 it's been in use for 64 years it's been considered one of the world's best trademark designs three Jeeps bring a freight through Royal Oak headed toward Detroit there's an Alco switcher in toe on its way back after its regular inspection at the Pontiac [Music] roundhouse one of the things my teenage friends and I would do in those days was use a quirk in the GTW passenger schedule to ride trains on a Saturday afternoon we rode something called the Shoppers special with discounted Saturday fairs instead of taking a morning train to go shopping it in a late afternoon we would board train 56 at Royal Oak we would ride to Brush Street Station in Detroit or maybe to the engine terminal at Milwaukee Junction we'd hang out at the Depot for a bit then ride train 79 back to Roy Oak Here Comes train 56 one Saturday I think something unusual happened this day for one there's no baggage car for passengers from Chicago also the locomotive is not operating in gtws traditional L Hood forward method also there are a lot of coaches on the train at any rate we're on board train 56 one Saturday on the way to end of track at Brush Street riding the train we teenagers spoke with middle-aged and older men they treated us as equals as we all enjoyed the experience of train riding in those days GTW had a lot of sighting serving local Industries that's something only seen these days on Shortline railroads in the United States there was so much local traffic that on the Line south of Royal Oak there were four tracks two of them on either side of the main line to allow switchers to serve Industries without interrupting through [Music] trains there were so many sidings that sometimes there was a diamond for sidings to cross each other but the sidings are gone including the track to breast Street the GTW name is gone as are the depot commuter trains and first generation diesels yet a half century after those days sometimes on a Saturday afternoon I would think to myself what a nice day it sure would be nice to go down to the railroad and ride the Saturday [Music] special
Channel: Mike Landry Rail Memories
Views: 3,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QdCsBjfSvPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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