E36 - Stock tank pool heated by fire

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[Music] summer's coming it's going to be hot and this is our solution stock tank pool we're gonna take a little bit of a break from all of our homestead building shed building house building that we usually do on our channel and build us a pool but we're gonna complicate it we're gonna add a filter and we're also going to add a optional heating method via our fire pit so watch and see how we do it [Music] [Music] we kind of tried to test fit everything and it almost fit but before we go any further we have to take care of one issue our filter is gonna be right here and it needs to sit flush and flat so this indent needs to be flattened out so i'm gonna work on trying to accomplish that [Music] i got it pretty flat a little bit it doesn't look pretty but it's going to be cut out anyway but it's a lot flatter than over here so this will sit up flush so we can cut out a good square for that [Music] [Music] tell me we are level we found that digging the hole about nine feet when you have an eight foot tank is a good idea just so you have some wiggle room or else you're naturally gonna be tapered right what it's naturally going to be beveled or tapered yeah you're you're better off digging it a little bit bigger than necessary and then filling back filling it instead of trying to make it the exact size because yeah that was silly you're going to drive yourself crazy live and learn all right so let's check this again i'll wait for you [Music] guys so far so good we tightened this thing up i went all the way around the perimeter evenly and just for safe measure we might come with some clear silicone and just goob it up all the way on the outside and around the gasket here so no water is going to leak out anywhere using the impact driver is definitely the way to go that was kind of tough and i wouldn't want to do that by hand next step i was concerned about this part so i'm glad that's over next part is this i call it the booger button it's where the water shoots out coming back from the filter to circulate in the pool so now we got to measure the hole actually it's got to be this size here this size yeah so what is that that's a two and a half inch hole that'll be fun how we gonna do that jigsaw i don't really have a hole saw especially not for metal you don't [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] all right we took a trip to the hardware store got some inch and a half pvc this is everything that's going to require us connecting the pool to the filter and the fire pit so we have our pvc which the main water is going to flow through everything various pvc connectors including elbows we have a little gate valve which is going to control the flow in between all these pipes and the fire pit a bunch of different pvc connections some brass barbs to send water to the copper coil some hose clamps for that and a bunch of couplers to connect all these together we also got some pvc glue as needed and all the electrical components we're going to hook this up to the to the breaker box so i got a 20 amp circuit ready to go with outdoor boxes keep everything nice and neat so what we're going to do we're going to add all this basically our shopping list to the description if you want to click the file it'll show you all these things and a diagram of how everything is hooked together so let's get this together [Music] i'm gonna put a new cord on here it's just a 120 or 115 volt [Applause] so i'm gonna oh i'll go like this 90 90 connect something between it and that will be the intake let's do that real quick [Music] all right i'm pretty proud of myself here because i have done what no other man has done before and that is have all the parts the first time i went to lowe's it's fantastic i recommend it to everybody it really makes you feel powerful so okay i got the filter here okay this is coming from the pool the one down here goes into the filter gets filtered out and pumped back out comes out through the top so i have in order to do that now this is a used filter from an old swimming pool that we had in the family so here's what i'm going to do here i got the threads okay it's going in there a adapter and then it goes to this slip this will probably be mounted up here a little bit so i have room to maneuver this uh this basket here if i need to clean that out or clean the filter okay so keep this in mind this is gonna come this way ultimately there's gonna be something coming here and then down and it's gonna run parallel and hook up to that tube there so keeping that in mind i have this whole assembly here okay so it goes through this one goes through that way that's where it goes back to the ground over there this one it's got a little half inch um i don't know bushing what do you call it anyway so it's got this that goes to the fire pit this controls the flow if i want to send more water to the fire pit i just close this valve a little bit and restrict the flow going that way so it forces more water through this way then it goes through the copper coil gets heated up and it comes back through this end here that's what i'm going to do i'm excited i have all my parts i probably just jinxed myself but i'm going to move forward glue all this together and then i'll show you the finished product these threads good up now i use i like this rector seal it's uh i guess number five it's the yellow kind i also bought this one and tried it out by oatley it was a little bit cheaper i do not like this stuff it seems like it never dries ever it's always wet so this dries uh almost like a rubber but it's still kind of uh malleable as time allows but i like the yellow stuff i feel like it does a far better job for the extra two dollars or whatever it is it looks like gross mustard yeah it looks like ray poupon i'm generous with it it's a lot of threads okay easy okay let's thread this guy on here [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the piece we just put together this is a valve so this is the out of the filter comes in and out gets pushed out this is going to get attached here and on the other side here i'm going to put some barb fittings here that have a couple silicone leads to a copper coil that we could optionally put in the fire pit when we want to heat up the pool or make it a hot tub even and the whole point of this thing is not to shut it off and because this pump is so strong you can't tell this thing to force all the water through these this is really just to control uh the amount of water going through the fire if it's totally open and we're not getting enough pushing through here we could restrict it a little bit and force a bit more through gives you a bit more control that's all so that's all glued together i just have to line this up so that when it goes straight down it's going to line up with this other pvc pipe that will go to basically back to the pool all right guys so there's the completed setup here comes out of there i'm just going to put some barbs on here and uh then i'll hook the silicone tubing to it these are just the pex connectors or you put pecs on them but they're half inch and i figured i could just use a hose clamp here and attach the silicone that way so i'm going to thread them into the pvc here with my thread sealant glue my dwight schrute glue [Music] i just uh i just back filled with the tractor right there and uh just a little bit real quick i'll do the rest of the box blade and then i came back over here and uh i forgot a connection look at that so i gotta buckle that one in and then i'm done here with the pvc thought it was funny good thing i didn't do that beforehand could have filled everything in leave that that would have been funny [Music] [Music] here's the pool so far that weird pink thing what is that anyway how do you advertise that it's like a blow up noodle yeah okay so we're draining the pool because we had a party and it got really dirty and a party with seven kids no older than the age of eight so we're draining it we're gonna clean it and fill it back up and we're doing some landscaping around it now you know it was a test a test party right yeah it was a test party kids loved it our daughter our youngest turned six no seven she turned seven that's right she turned six last year uh she turned seven and uh had a great time great time family came out it's all right meg had a good idea she's like wanna put some rocks around it i said yeah so then we just did that now we're draining the pool and then we're going to fill up the pool and give it a good cleaning huh give it a good heating test yeah and tonight we're going to heat it with the new coil and i got one more thing i'm gonna add to the the whole pump i got a backflow here take this meg i'm gonna go get that okay meanwhile we gathered rocks from two sides of the property these reddish ones here these are sandstone and these other ones i don't really know bluestone i don't know but we wanna vary the different colors okay what'd you get john i got and i can illustrate this very well this is a back or a check valve okay water goes through it one way that way okay and when there's water pressure on one side i'll shoot the other way so we're having a problem keeping the filter primed i mistakenly and we didn't really have a choice we put the filter above the water level you can do that it's good to have the just natural gravity feed the filter and then it's always prime but if it's above the water line i think having one of these would be good that way it'll keep the water in the pipe that goes back to the pool and that pipe will always remain full so when you kick on the pump it'll it'll have water to shoot into the outlet so this has a little diaphragm inside of it and it kind of well okay so that's the best way to explain it when water pushes that it lets water through and when it the pump goes off it'll stop this little spring-loaded valve theoretically and prevent water from going back down into the pool so lowe's aisle 41 bait 12 13 bucks [Music] good job meg cue the eye of the tiger music so i was wondering the pool stop draining and uh you know look where i parked the loader look at this can't make this up but yeah that's where i put the loader down so let's see what happens here when i when i move that hopefully the water will start going again all right so meg is bending our copper coil we bought 20 feet half inch inner diameter just at your local hardware store wasn't that expensive carefully don't crimp it meg i know i crimped it in one spot okay so yeah be careful with that it bends very easily just make sure you're doing nice curvy loops and uh you want to be about the size of the fire so that is one end is going to be the end one the end is going to be the out doesn't matter which one uh and we're going to be putting it right in our fire pit here and this will optionally be in there so we will have attached some tubing like this this is just silicone tubing i pick silicone because it have a heat tolerance of 400 and something degrees so if it's close to the fire pit over here like right there coming out and like the connectors are right here the tubes you know it should be fine shouldn't be in any harm's way uh so you know the water shouldn't get above 220 around so and we can control the flow of it with our remember we installed this little gate valve and that's been working great so right now we're filling up the pool we're getting we'll get the filter primed we tested that already and then we will get this puppy going too so i'm going this we just tested everything out it worked okay so we're going to be bypassing this here and instead it'll be our out and then our in it'll return from the fire and just continue on down the hose to the filter button i like your flip-flop method oh yeah yeah that looks good looks like a burner on a on a stove yeah that's what i was going for cool guys uh that's how you do it you use flip-flops and your foot it'll give you the best results flip flops good job meg yeah [Music] it's coming in right here it's getting pushed out over here and these lines aren't getting much because this is totally open so if you restrict the flow a little bit you'll start seeing the water and it's forcing it yeah i mean here let me do it again and can you see these air bubbles it's kind of like pulsating it back and forth [Applause] okay all right now if you restrict it just a little bit they start going all the way through that copper coil now look here it's returning hands yep i see it moving all right we'll call it 62 degrees yeah yeah all right for those australian friends at pretty much 17 celsius [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see this is like the thick part of the grass you got to peel it you only do that with this type of grass okay here we got peel the outer part off now that's the crunchy part you just chew on that a little bit there's put it in your mouth here like that there you go what do you think chew it's like lettuce it's tasty [Laughter] you like it i do too i chew it i eat this part no those are the seeds you're good i'm recording yeah maddie man maddie come here you're kind of in the way sweetheart right here you can sit here just get out of the way okay is that going to be in the outtakes okay oh all right so just for the record i want to show this is where john is that's right laying in the shade i want to make sure he's in focus so you can see look look there's john in the shade with the dogs dog days yeah dog days he says all right i'm over here i'm over here lifting you got a beer all the heavy heavy rocks [Applause] just waiting for a big one i guess
Channel: Walnuts and Wineberries
Views: 101,975
Rating: 4.8229165 out of 5
Keywords: stock tank pool, stock tank, pool, swimming pool, homesteading, alternative pool, firepit, heated pool, diy pool, rk24, rural king tractor, self built, plunge pool, wood fire
Id: QD_9_61yPHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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