E3 2019 Predictions & Punishment Reveal

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hello everybody and welcome to this very important grown-up set look behind us Peter we've never look behind us we've really never used this thing that's behind us before it's the special news and enough we used it once month's music once when we got into legal legal hot water yes lukewarm I think it was hello my name is Luke my name is Lucas warm yeah this Peter is a III predictions video it is all of our III coverage is is coming up this weekend in fact starting right now on-screen graphic ready stuff we're gonna be live streaming along with all the conferences and doing various videos over the next week or so and redact it take it down TMI if you want to see that properly it's on our social media channels if you want to go out regularly more information and stuff but as part of that Peter we're following in the footsteps of our Kelter harlech thread the River River river reverence and we're doing some predictions and and a punishment but before yes you speak okay and before we reveal what the punishment is how are you today I'm alright thank you how are you yeah okay good is that it no that's fine no let's say that's so I just wanted to check in on you we will get to how the predictions work shortly but I feel like people want to see what the punishment is for the loser of the ìiî predictions Peter will you reveal it yes without further a Jeff um do we hate that don't we Oh Joe Ben yeah I have on this cushion on my lap yes like some sort of royal you know like delivering the crown jewels or something a Royal [ __ ] yeah that what just puss it the Royal [ __ ] right I look like the Queen she's got corgis how actually don't know that no maybe the Queen does have a [ __ ] I'm not sure ah this is the punishment the loser of our e3 predictions as voted for by people on our patreon yes has to for a one month we're the sort of Chad the Zeus capsules dream douche I like to play fortnight but I get really angry if I lose hat that's what it looks like being modeled there by Peter Austin and look he's not alone because of course there has to be a name change that accompanies the hat of shame and as voted by our patrons this is a CD wallet that came with someone's computer but don't show them that side because it's reflective and it's clearly not envelope it I'm doing the drum roll on my own the cap of shame for one month and also their name will be as if we've just printed out dick my chicken-coop line of an a4 piece of paper there's no scissors in the office you could have rotated it to landscape and put it right in the middle of the page I don't know you've done that - tink oh that's I'm not allowed to say the S word but I would it's not it's shoot it's really good so yeah the basic gist is the loser for one calendar month on all presented videos that's to camera rather than voiceovers cuz we record those way in advance and that's too complicated too too retro actively change we'll have to wear this on camera and also their name will be an ironic ly dick my drinkin hello I'm dick my chinko from triple jump there were various name options and I kind of lure some I felt match the hat a lot better but everyone just went with dick my chinko the second place went to bumpass yeah cannot believe that bump estate came so close to winning but didn't win even that doesn't really match what we had in mind they're like the vibe we were going for like one of them was like you know boob Slayer yeah noob Slayer 421 was blaze it you know girth was good it's that was my suggestion I like to get I would have loved to be called girth for a month what's up I'm girth from trip that can that be a new thing we also have to say what's up incident hello yeah what's up so that's that's the punishment now for a month I think we've already shot a worse games so it won't be in that will know and be embarrassed get the loser has this has to introduce themselves in all videos as what's up I'm dick my chinko from triple-jump yeah I have to wear the douche hat forever on camera that's worst games ever that's the podcast that's like like dreams anything else we might do so those are the stakes we'll leave those here so you can continue to look at them as they look delicious steaks creaking chair pepper called sauce please Peter explain to us how the predictions work William because it's not quite as simple this chair is doing my head we're gonna have to change that it's not quite as it's not quite as simple as just saying well this happened yes or no because III there's no way of knowing what's know it's very difficult you know with the wrestling boys they know they generally they know ahead of time what the card is gonna be yeah well the match is up and they just saw this person wait who's gonna win yeah so what we have done at first we were thinking well do we just like predict everything that's gonna be there and then it's like well so many of them have already like been heavily either rumoured or confirmed that that's not good so we've basically narrowed it down to two categories per conference that we're watching so a safe prediction and more of a stab in the dark kind of prediction yes okay and then across all of the streams we'll be doing for the whole of e3 there are three wild card completely crazy predictions that are allowed to happen in any conference at all so we will be watching live the Microsoft Bethesda Ubisoft Square Enix and Nintendo streams and Ben and I have done predictions for all of those yes we have should we kick it off with Microsoft beat yeah let's so my safe prediction for Microsoft is that we will get a release date for Halo Infinite well I think this is the only time that we have done this in the entire thing but that is also my click so that's kinda redundant dwon that's a bit redundant but ugly a really safe bet as you know is that the name of the kind of prediction of it so you know make sure all of our others are pretty much different so that's good well then my stab in the dark prediction for Microsoft is that a new title or partnership based on a rare license will be announced they got them rare licenses as we stay half before wouldn't you know Nintendo and stuff but they're working with them and they might they might reboot a banjos or something well you have to see where where we go on the Nintendo prediction school they might have something quite similar okay my stuff in the top position for Microsoft is that the next-generation console will be shown in some in some form there's a big old flail in the dark isn't it it is but I mean ps5 is kind of out there in some respects our tank Etowah yeah I'm not just really expecting an entire you know our dedicated to it but you know I think we'll we'll see some stuff you know a VT or something well yeah find out what else is up next yes Bethesda my safe prediction for Bethesda's conference is that they will crack a joke or two about fallout 76 in some manner so they've sort of they can't just go and they cannot go into their stream and talk about the future of Fallout 76 with a straight face they have to at least go well you know it was a little ropey there so the jerk has to be about the fact that it wasn't it was not described yeah yeah that's that's my safe prediction okay mine is also Fallout 76 related because what else are Bethesda gonna bring to their their thing I think there's going to be some kind of expansion pack announced I have put that nobody asked for but I think that any expansion before that 76 yeah they have already announced like quite a sophisticated roadmap of content to be added right so I suppose yours is more they will talk about one of the things on that roadmap right yeah well I already confirmed I get up there off I mean you like to say that this is the safe prediction yeah so I think that's fair yeah it's a fair interpret what's your stab then my stab is a real stab yeah and they've already said that it's not gonna happen yeah I know for a fact there but this was closer to launch and I know for a fact that the player base including myself one of the most well known popular streamers ever have have stopped playing for that six right is that fallout 76 is going free-to-play that is my that is my stab in the dark prediction they said no it's not going free-to-play but here we are eight months later and it's the player base is not good but is there any in-game like currency or other it and that's the source of controversy in and of its own right right well there you go yeah maybe that that could happen I for my stuff in the dark I wanted to get away from the fallout stuff because I was like I don't know what what's gonna happen so for me I don't know where I've just said pray took right to it all for only three this is gonna be announced wow that's a that's a pretty good bet I mean who did pray to was it arcane so I thought what they work may be Dishonored or pray but I think I actually read something recently that said dishonored is is on a long old sleep for now they they did pretty much finish it off with the death of well yeah never it's called yeah expansion that killed off them omnipresent man but I think like it was more I mean you know the whole debate for a different video but I think Dishonored did better than prayed it so an arguably a third dishonored would go down better than pray to you but anyway that's what I'm going for just to get away from fallout really and for no other reason than that goofy soft let's move on to the you B's my safe prediction for Ubisoft is that there will be a just dance routine that completely completes that completely up stays its welcome it happens every year agree with that is there's a long old dance routine section that makes no sense I don't know who's buying just dance at this point I'm assuming it's Europe so yeah that that will happen they'll be people though we mascots there'll be people in brightly colored clothes they'll be dancing for a while yeah I agree for me my safe prediction is that there will be an official announcement of the already rumored and slightly leaked rollerblade game so I haven't heard about this okay so it's on like my understanding is it's um one of those rotating like a velodrome I think okay and you're on rollerblades and I think there's also some sort of ball in play so it's either something a bit like rocket League we have to get the ball to a goal or maybe it's a bit kind of dodge ball II or something like that okay I think it's many of you quite a high high octane kind of sort of set in a weird future very brightly colored overwatch look in you know so will the ball be in or out loud to play play we'll see I don't know I think it's called roller roll of Champions all the guys something like that yeah we'll say growler boys my stab in the dark prediction Peter is that a new South Park game is in developed it's a good show I like that it's been a couple of years since the last one they come well since the one before that they always do well critically and commercially I think it the only reason this wouldn't happen is that Trey Parker and Matt Stone they just won South Park to die lever parked and stoned exactly I mean yes definitely most of the time yeah but the the last blaze it the last season sorry what had the blaze it the last season had pretty much I think their tagline was hashtag cancel South Park they doing more and more outrageous things and insulting more people in the hope that Comedy Central would just cancel them but as I died them even more popular so why don't they just stop doing it well I think they've just signed a multi-function as well I mean there's there's two ways this could go but I think I think it could happen I think there could be a south parking okay my stubborn adult prediction now have you seen the news this morning their Twitter trans and stuff you will you will vouch for the fact that this prediction was made yesterday or the day before that's Monday Monday at time of recording we're recording on Tuesday now I've just seen before we started recording this that this is still not confirmed right it's been a leak that suggests this might be the case okay but yesterday it was a complete stub in the dark right so I don't know how you feel about this but you might have to look at the details but my stubborn the dark is that watchdogs three will be set in the UK okay apparently today there's been a weird Amazon UK listing which I think almost any seller can just do right that says it's going to be set in a post brexit Britain that seems too politically current to be you think yeah also you can play as any NPC is that - why are you confident that that's too wild and weird that's confident that that's that to stick when you all stab in the dark prediction is upheld by the judge okay because of that no that seems a little too out there yeah but I always brexit UK yeah bit weird so you put London right I think it's gonna be or just the UK I put UK but I'm happy a London is what was I think probably most likely ever met the amount of security campus yes let's move on to square squeenix queen's squeenix my safe prediction is that Final Fantasy 7 remake will finally Fantasy 7 get a release date for part 1 ok we'll finally get a release date for part 1 it'll be nice this isn't part my prediction but I reckon he'll be absorbed mid end of next year ok and it will get delayed idea and again and again it'll take forever - for part 2 to come out and by the time it comes out people will have almost gotten bored of the idea yeah we'll see we'll never see part 2 maile confident that that will never be finished my safe prediction based on what I've read on like we already know that Marvel's Avengers is gonna be there I think that's actually confirmed they're showing it off for the first time so I couldn't just say Marvel's Avengers is going to be there but something that is rumored but not confirmed is that Marvel's Avengers will feature cooperative multiplayer alone players to choose from various Avengers heroes and sort of a build a team together okay that's what I'm going for a more specific gameplay based has been confirmed that it will feature cooperative play that's been confirmed that is it confirmed but there's nothing about who you will play as okay and building your own squad out it is do you want to adjust your slowly than there might be to say that Marvel Ultimate Alliance you can just choose from loads of different ones to build your own squad yeah and my understanding I think we'll see some gameplay yeah and it'll just be a team of probably slightly cringy people saying like look out man look out for that uh look out for that I don't even know what the end we go up yeah and yeah we'll see some cooperative multiplayer where people get to just choose whoever they want to be and you can make these days yeah a big roster and you can probably even mess around with your powers and stuff like that and so tweak cool ok I think that's it that's enough of a tweak constant ok what do we got next is to stab in the dark right ok this is a real stab in the dark allah venom and and that whole ridiculousness about will spider-man be in it is it part of the MCU or is it part of a pocket dimension or it's just is it MCU adjacent like how does it work no it's a different reality for the same universe it's so dumb so dumb but dumbest thing yeah in the spirit of that I would like to suggest actually very similar to the Avengers in house spider-man is on licensed by Sony Pierce to appear in The Avengers now I reckon Marvel's Avengers will feature the PlayStation exclusive Marvel's spider-man in some fashion and the universes will be connected it's my stab in the dark when you say in some fashion do you mean like there'll be a tiny Easter egg where it's like oh you mean like if spider-man is in it it's that Spider Man okay we have spider-man is referenced it's that Spider Man right and where we're gonna be shown that at e3 I think so why I don't think so but that's my stuff on there of election if there is a Spider Man in that Avengers game it is the Marvel is the PlayStation exclusive Marvel spider-man ok that's what I think because there'll be licenses license agreements and all sorts of other crap if that if it's possible Disney can do it they've done it for films I guess why they can't do it for games no so that an interesting one those are both thoughts okay because the logic is right sorry to explode into a whole Creek into a whole Creek but if they are splintering off their licenses to different interesting developers which was always the intention that's why insomniac got spider-man and Crystal Dynamics has got the Avengers yeah it wouldn't make sense for me for them not to try and bring at least have some sort of continuity between here but equally why would they not I don't know I guess it would take that long to put all their studies yeah and then take it forever yeah I mean it's a that's a good point that's that's probably the point that would disprove this this guess is that you know if it should just all go to insomniac but they would take that long to bring out very exact item and then Avengers all falls on Crystal Dynamics shoulders to basically introduce every avenger of one go yeah like DC did with the Justice League anyway that's that's my stab of the duck my stuff in the dark burn is that a new Final Fantasy competitive multiplayer game will be revealed I didn't want to go so specific as to like battle royale right for that's kind of what I'm thinking there'll be some kind of like online multiplayer battler game where you fight against each other in a competitive way yeah I don't I don't know I just pulled that out of my ass really I just thought like you know Square Enix don't actually do all of the the main series Final Fantasy games right I don't think they they do they do the numbered ones right and then I mean they published them that's what I mean they know develop them not necessarily as some of them are developed by outside people but they they develop a lot of the little sideline ones like all the weird stuff that you've never even heard of and I was Dissidia Final Fantasy which was a write of a fighting game that released a couple of years that the one that Miller was coming yeah yeah yeah that one got but I've just I just thought of that then as I was reading the prediction I was like ah this already exact has just happened but there might be a sequel yeah maybe it might be a sequel there might be some sort of DLC or something hick on the elephants creeks down the stairs it's time for Nintendo ban yes Nintendo our last our last stream we are gonna be covering my safe prediction is that Luigi's a Louie keyboard mansion 3 will get a release date okay this is confirmed to exist and I think it's pretty much a shoo-in to appear during that Nintendo Direct no I imagine it will be there yeah likewise mine is that Pokemon sword and shield will get a release date [Music] stab in the dark prediction is this is true a new Pokemon snap or a remake of the original will be released I don't think that's gonna happen but I would love it to would that be nice yeah even if it's just a digital version you know he's your version of it just a remaster well I was tempted to make mine something about like an n64 mini or something like that but I just didn't in the end but yeah like if there's some kind of resurgence of n64 in general then I would be happy and actually my stuff in the dark is kind of like that it's similar to your Microsoft one yeah I guess I'm just predicting it for a different conference okay I'm wondering if there will be a rare character or franchise returning to Nintendo thanks to the new relationship with Microsoft okay so it's difficult really because Microsoft presumably have the publishing rights for the rare characters and things yeah so you know maybe it would be announced at their conference rather than intend oh but I don't know I just I think I want them I want rare to return to its its Nintendo home so much that I'm just hoping that a Nintendo will be able to announce it instead okay I'm so steel stab in the dark yeah that's my stuff that banjo conquered did he come racing something like that almost like ice even even in sort of a smash bros kind of announcement like a fighter for smash bros yeah they might bring in some some old rare characters for Smash Bros that's yeah I've not been specific hopefully that's not not too too vague and hedging my bets for a stab in the dark but yeah just rare will appear in Nintendo there we go those are our safe and stab in the dark predictions for all of the conference's now it's time for our crazy it's time to get grinds incra dictions and as Peter described at the beginning these are three predictions each that could apply to any conference or just the duration of e3 so we won't know until Nintendo's done yeah whether or not these come true Peter what's your first crazy prediction my first crazy prediction kind of was done with just dance in mind okay but at any time this might happen at some point there will be a man Oh woman or woman on stage dressed in a large novelty food costume eg hot dog or banana is what I'm nice you know there's just big like when you stand on a street corner flyering short one of those giant sign spinning yeah I'm hoping they'll be a hotdog dancing on just dance okay keep an eye out for the for the food stuff seats yeah they'll be there I'll be good if it's like a big novelty animal or something an ability specific I've said food oh man my crazy prediction is that Microsoft's new console will be at their press conference crazy I thought your stab in the dark was so mmm so mad yeah it's my it's my crazy prediction okay is that I didn't think I don't think Playstations gonna show that obviously Playstations not there no PlayStation are going to show their console off for a good long while and I don't think Microsoft are either they might talk about it but in terms of physically showing off the box right that is my that's my crazy prediction than the box itself of the next Xbox will be there okay yeah I'm not necessarily expecting to see it but yeah I think there will be much discussion okay I'm hoping for anyway so my second prediction is surprise announcement from any conference of a Smash Bros / PlayStation all-stars style style style playstation allstars style brawler featuring just some crossover of various well-known franchises okay you know I think obviously Nintendo aren't going to announce that right someone else might say hey we're publishing slash developing this thing where the Thunderbirds fight we arrange the Power Rangers and also the Teletubbies you know it'll be - yeah yeah so I'm hoping for some kind of weird crossover non Smash Bros crossover fighter yeah is what you think of being asked yeah okay my next crazy one is that fallout 5 will be announced should they will they I don't know I'm wondering if they are going to trip over themselves as much as I think they might do to try and get back into the public's good graces and I know people are excited for the new doom but that's not going to be for everybody and fallout fans especially I think of still feeling pretty so even if they don't thank you even if they don't show it off they may say fallout 5 now in develops on its way I don't know that's a crazy prediction though it's I don't think they should but I there's a chance that they might I mean we we've seen officially although they might be trying to bluff us that hello.js us the Elder Scrolls and star field will not feature yes too far away so they've both been confirmed to not be there so for that five is there's no been no word on where the father if I will be their eyes so just beyond that if they do fall out five and want to turn it around it'll be in this it'll be in the fall if just before our four point two yeah we'll be just like how Fallout New Vegas was in the fallout three engine like you know and I know technically it's all the same engine but obviously has had an overhaul yeah three and four if they wanted to do a fallout you know spin-off they might even doing not full-out five but fallout you know new something in Vegas new California yeah that and and just make it in the same engine I don't know but fallout five is my crazy if it's not fallout five if it's for to say it's like another new Vegas or it's like a new California or what what you're gonna do there if they announced is it just they announced a new proper Fallout game or well I've specified fallout five but maybe maybe we allow a half point for predicting and new okay although right anything like that yeah we may need to do some few half points actually based on these but anyway we'll see okay okay to the audience because yeah we're going we're doing we're gonna be live streaming along with these and keeping an eye on it so we'll throw it to the chat and see if it's if they allow allow us a point or a half point good idea my my last crazy prediction yes is that some I've put here some sort of cringy meme Lord yes if eclis cringy mean Lord they have to be a cringy mean Lord otherwise I don't get the point no it will see invades the stage and is removed slash chased away by security I'll sort of like a streaker well they don't have to be streaking well no but you know what I mean though they're like a pigeon bait some sort of secular or yeah they leap on me we try and grab a mic or well is the movie like you've got a mouth mic now so they won't be able to grab a mic but you know don't run around and sort of go Oh eighty-three ring back bayonetta Oh Oh those stations conference was better yeah I think that's very hard to do nowadays leap onto a stage so it's not super likely but good happy good that's mostly journalists but it could have yeah could have will see my final crazy prediction is that at some point during e3 somebody will trip or fall over on stage ouch okay that's the final one any any stumble any any any trip rooms any full-on whoa anything like that anything counts if they nearly fall that's a point for pen okay it's dangerous up there lot of wires fuel wise fewer wires I think I think you seem less wires lesser wires now but that that is it those are our predictions let us know what you think of them in the comments below and why the hell not let us know what your predictions are in the comments we want to know about them on screen - ah it's off-screen Oh God look at look at how busy and look how wonderful that graphic is I didn't spend a long time making it so it's fine and down get all this free price we've got so much it's a bit of rogue hair from Chad sorry big broke warrior we have a bit of rope dick flew up there Oh No well we've got so much coverage coming yeah over the next week we're gonna be doing so putting in some crazy shifts doing all these streams so do do come along if you can we will be on Sunday night is when it all kicks off 9 p.m. we'll be streaming our reactions along to Microsoft and the way it's going to work is that you will have our faces here taking up most of the screen and down in the corner a little picture in picture of the conference so just so you can get it synched up yourself and have it open on another screen yeah cuz not really supposed to like we can't really ask at all giant but you can watch it and you can watch along and we will be uploading our reactions after the fact and we'll be streaming on YouTube yes that's youtube.com forward slash their team is it team triple jump forward slash live or live ward slash team triple jump right check out our social medias and go to the channel and it'll be like that hello beer and things you have to see it but Sunday and Monday night there is a few hours or a couple of hours break between conferences and in the meantime we'll be hopping over to twitch to play some games which is twitch.tv Ford / King triple jumps if you want to just make an evening of it if you're in the UK you're gonna be very tired don't do it if you're in the u.s. go for if you want to spend an evening with us a time you dreamin for like maybe with a little break here and there but like for a for a good long time yeah and it'll be lovely to have you along with us will be probably quite sort of sad and tired by the end but definitely sad we'll see how it goes in one week's time we will make another video that truly announces who has lost and will be forced to become addicted dick chewed my chinko yes with with a douche hat on and until then thank you so much for watching like share and subscribe yeah and we'll see some of you or something well bye we've also got Bubba oh yeah there's also a Barbara pest show you may have seen it it's it's super cool the artwork was designed by Carrie she did a fantastic job and you can buy it now triple G Adamic forward slash shop you can buy [Music]
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 9,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony, nintendo, microsoft, playstation, switch, xbox, games, video games, review, preview, peter and ben, billy ray walrus, triplejump, e3, e3 2019, bethesda, square enix, avengers game, ff7 remake, luigis mansion 3, halo infinite, new xbox, rare, fallout 76, prey 2, just dance, south park game, watch dogs legion, marvels spiderman, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon snap, fallout 5
Id: ttC5SvPtqmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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