E28 fuel pump wiring upgrade

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so I got my E28 here at the shop had to get a tow here cuz my fuel pump died and what was currently in here was a TR 255 and it's been there for about 2 and a half years I just threw it in there with the stock fuel pump wiring and then and did the uh single pump conversion so I just adapted the second pump out and this feeds straight into the fuel filter um but I think my tank is probably pretty dirty looking at this sock that came out so before I throw my new pump in I'm going to pull the sender out do some upgrades to that and then uh clean the tank out reinstall I'm getting rid of the stop connector and I'm going to be running a 10 gauge wire I believe it is back to the tank I've got these insulating bolts to mount to the sending unit just got to make sure that that's not too tall and it doesn't touch the cover once this is all installed so I'm just going to measure all this out before I take this off and get this installed uh I do have two of these but looks like I only have room for one probably right there so I'll probably just run one and then put like a different style ground maybe up on this side I'm not sure yet um but I got to get obviously power and ground to the fuel pump so we'll see how that goes uh First Step let's get this thing out so this is a new piece of hose that I had just bought just to try out another fuel pump and uh decided to change my ideas and uh get a better pump uh but you can see when I did the TR pump I just grounded on the body of the fuel sending unit use their harness and uh use the stock wire going through um it's been in there for like I said about 2 and 1 half years you can see the wire doesn't look the best now I don't know if that's from soldering it it looks overheated see a couple STP strands missing um I don't know if that's from soldering it or just from the amperage of it being in the tank going through that stock uh wire but you can see it on the ground as well which is obviously a crimp it's ready to fail so it could be the low voltage or voltage drop that caused the pump to die but like I said I'm going to clean the tank and make sure it's all good to go this down you can see the ground so just going to remove this so I can start drilling get this placed in there right in between so now with that out just uh you know grind that off just to get it out of the way you can see that it's going to go somewhere around there probably won't be able to be centered but I'm going to drill until this is gone then I might use a carbide to get it over to the side if I need to I can get the diameter down as well see got break off now since I want to move it this way I'll just leave that that get it off with the carbide [Music] so looks like 916 is a little too big see that's a little too big so I'm going to try and do it with a carbide [Music] [Music] [Applause] so now I got it to fit in the hole and you can see it clears both of those now the only problem I have is the depth you can see that comes out but I need that to be probably about halfway on this thickness so I can get the second one on the bottom so I'm going to probably just shave it until it's flat and then since there's an O-ring this will come out just a little bit that'll leave me enough room to stick the one in from the back which will also have to shaped down all right so got the first one modified you can see it took a little bit more than the thickness of the O-ring but I'll be able to make it work I just came in and beveled this Inside Edge a little bit so that the oing can recess in there so got to get the other side done I'm going to take a little bit less off of this one see the difference so I had to flatten out this Edge cuz it's a little too close going I probably have to flatten this out just a little bit cuz the gasket it's the same size as the fuel tank so can just slip this on check can get these holes to line up so I'm going to have to trim some of this off so I got this mounted in there that's upside down just temporarily cuz I'm trying to compress this to make sure the O-ring doesn't pop out you can see I took as much material off as I could and you can see where the O-ring or the U gas tank gasket goes it's like right on the edge there so I can't go any thinner with this and I can't [Music] really I wouldn't test fit on the fuel tank and it does go in just barely you can tell by this that it touches here so I would definitely go with a smaller bushing if possible this is a M6 bolt and you can see with the washer that you can get away with a much smaller bushing and the diameter for this piece can be much smaller um obviously they did this so that the pressure can pass through to the other side with this washer so if you're going to be looking for this kind of wiring upgrade I would definitely look for something with a smaller bushing that goes through here this could be you know half the thickness and uh smaller o-ring so that this outer diameter is much smaller give you guys the measurements on this this one came from racetronics and see if it works in Millet should work right there we're at about 14 let me take this off so you guys can see see that's about 14 mm if you can get away with you know 13 maybe 12 even I think would be pretty sufficient I mean that's 12 10 maybe see 10 mil still gives plenty of material in there to pass through the tank and you can get with a you know get away with a 10 mm washer versus this 14 mm so if I to do this again that's what I would do but obviously I've already got this big hole so I would need a new hanger at this point so I'm going to work with it so got a little ahead of myself cut that off so that I can weld this on there fit the fuel pump on it's going to have a little Bend in the hose but it should be fine also drilled the hole for the ground it's going to go right next to the sending unit it's pretty close fit so the pump I ordered doesn't come with the wire harness so I have to Reus my old one and you can see that's pretty much failed so going to get a new one on there see how close this supposed to just got that bolted on it's going to be welded through this front side and then I'm going to remove this weld it from the back side um so I'll get this unbolted clean off the zinc on both sides and then I can get ready to weld this on as well as this and then I'm going to cut the head of this off so it's just too studs on each side and it's welded so that there's no leak for e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's definitely not the prettiest but better than it was in my opinion a little booger there cuz had some paracity and threw some filler rod in there so I got the final assembly all put together see I got these uh stainless steel clamps they're zip ties but I looped them over and kind of took them in to keep them from pulling back uh don't know how well that's going to work but you know it's pretty tight fit trying to get normal worm clamps in there so see I got the hose on the Barb like I said not the best welds but there's no pin holes for it to escape from hose clamp on both ends you could see my ground clears the level sensor that's all tightened down goes to the fuel pump and then the positive comes up to the insulated stud had a grind a little there the top and got that all tightened down see you got the O-ring in there doesn't touch the sending unit it's right in the middle and nothing's in there pretty solid it's not going to twist on me or anything so yeah [Music]
Channel: Loudassbmw
Views: 36
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E28, E28 single pump, Deatschwerks, E28 Deatschwerks, E28 fuel hanger upgrade, E28 fuel system upgrade, M52b28 e28, E28 fuel pump wiring, E28 single pump conversion
Id: cEoyKQThlbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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