e to the pi i for dummies

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I just want to say that I really appreciate this type of content - I'm just a maths undergrad, so I have by no means a high level of mathematical maturity, and while I was of course familiar with this identity the way he explained it was new to me. I feel like videos like this fill in the gaps in my mathematical understanding.

Thank you for sharing.

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

That was a pretty good explanation, the only part I didn't like is how he introduced some triangle magic to do complex multiplication without explaining why it works. Couldn't he just explain that when you multiply two complex numbers, you're just multiplying their magnitudes and adding their phase angles? Proving that would require some basic trigonometry, but that's something most of the people watching the video should already be familiar with. Is someone who doesn't already understand that supposed to just look at those triangles and take your word that it works like that? Because it doesn't really seem intuitive.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/AtLeastItsNotCancer 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

For all the love this is getting from math nerds I think this is actually a pretty good example of how poorly math is explained.

First, he substitutes pi for 1, but only in the fraction portion. If I'm not very familiar with (real) math I'm still figuring out (and falling behind) how he did this. OK, you can say it doesn't matter it will behave the same. But I've just spent the past 10(?) years losing points for not rounding the 100th decimal point correctly, what do you mean the actual numbers don't matter?!!

OK, I don't get it 100% but I'm smart enough to be able to accept it and still follow along, even if I'm playing catch up in my head. So, the terms are the same, substitute m for n pi, follows well enough. But then you change the numerator and the exponent on e? So you're saying

f(x) = (1 + 1/n)nx ~~ (1 + x/m)m ????

At which point your average student is just going to have to stare at this after class until it clicks.

However, pointing out that, no, m isn't a function of x, you're just going to pick an m so that it's some number larger than x that will make the right side approach 0. Or maybe just reminding everyone, that at you're only focusing on when x<= pi, and you're going to start changing m. Maybe that seems trivial, but this lets the students anticipate what's coming and get ahead of the topic than having constant stress as they feel like they're playing catch up all the time

tl;dr: Even when approaching simple topics explaining where you're trying to end up, and not just what steps you're taking but why you're taking them and how you justify them can open up math to those who don't intuitively get it right away

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Flopsey 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

i squared is one


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/raddaya 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

I personally love this one, which IMO makes a much better job of redefining the math we know to explain new concepts, rather than bending existing methods to make sense of a non-intuitive concept (in the frame of classical operations)

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/dospaquetes 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

Question for anyone who knows better than I: as the power of imaginary number tends to inf., does the result tend towards the golden ratio? Is there a link somewhere? The spiral that he was talking about at 13mins or so looked like that.

Edit: Not sure what the downvotes are for. It was a legit question

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/banquuuooo 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why pi makes it converge at -1. I get that it's the length of the semi circle but my mind isn't putting the two together.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/daybreakin 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies

This is the first time I've seen an explanation for this that I've felt fully satisfied with. Honestly, it makes my day. Thanks for positing it, and thanks to the creators for such a well done video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cactus 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2015 🗫︎ replies
Recently we did a video on the most mysterious and beautiful identity in mathematics e to the pi i is equal to minus one. Comes up three times in the Simpsons which, of course, makes it even more important. Now, afterwards a few people challenged me to come up with an explanation that even Homer can understand and I've actually been agonizing over this ever since. And today I want to do just that, I want to explain e to the pi is equal to minus 1 to someone like Homer. Ok, someone like Homer who can only do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. So, we have to remind him or tell him two things. The first one is that i is this strange complex number square root of -1, i squared is -1. Second thing is just kind of a reminder. If you've got a semicircle of radius 1 then the length of the semicircle is pi. Ok, so keep those two things in mind, we have to use them later on. The first thing I have to explain to Homer is what is e. So to do that I give him a dollar and tell him "Go to the bank". Now I've arranged with the manager here to give him 100% interest over a year, ok. So what happens to this one dollar when Homer puts it in? Well after one year he has 1+1 = 2 dollars. Now this is actually not the best you can do with a 100% interest, you can do better if you find a better bank. And we found a better bank, the Second Bank of Springfield. At the Second Bank of Springfield they calculate and credit interest twice a year. So after six months what happens? You get fifty percent on what you've got there. So that's 50 cents which gives 1.5 dollars. Now another six months pass. Half of 1.5 is 0.75, so you have to add that to 1.5 and that gives you 2.25. That's what you've got at the end of the year if you calculate and credit twice. Now, at the Third Bank of Springfield they do it three times. So what do you get? After four months you get that, after eight months you get that and at the end of the year you've got that, even more. And it's actually quite easy to figure out the general formula for this. Well, maybe Homer cannot do it, ... , but I can do it. So it's this one here and you can probably do it, too, if you're watching this video. So, it's (1+1/n^n. So, if you credit n times throughout the year that's how much money you have at the end of the year. Let's just check this for the simplest cases 2 and 2.25. So for n=1, we've got 1+1=2 hmm is 2 - okay. 1+1/2 = 1.5 squared is 2.25, ok, works. Ok, works in general. Now, this is really good news but maybe what you think now, Homer definitely thinks this is: Well I divide more and I get more money. So, if I just divide enough maybe I get a trillion dollars at the end of the year. Sadly that doesn't work. So, for example, if you divide in 125 parts you get that much money at the end of the year, or have that much money at the end of the year. Now, if you crank up the n what happens is, well, that number goes up but it goes up very slowly and actually settles down to a number. So, if we push the whole thing to infinity, take the limit of this, we get this number here: 2.718... dollars and that's the absolute maximum, that's "continuously compounding interest", that's what it is, so we can't do any better than this, that's e. And that's also where e comes up for the first time historically, exactly this sort of consideration, ok. Cool, so now we've got e. We're ready to move on. e^(pi i). Well, not so fast. Let's just go to e^pi first which is actually almost as mysterious as e to the pi i. Why is that? Well it's got a special name it's called Gelfond's constant and eventually I'll definitely make a video about this one, but just for today just ponder it a little bit. What does this actually say. Well it says weird number to the power of another weird number and you supposed to calculate this. How do you calculate something like this? I give it to you on a piece of paper and you don't have a calculator. That's ... strange. I think nobody will be able to do this. Well, it would be doable if pi was equal to 3 because then we know we just have to multiply, you know, maybe chopped off bits here (at the dots), three times together and we get a rough approximation to what we are looking for. But, no, we have this one here. So we really want to calculate this, we want to really know for some strange reason how much money Homer has after pi years if you're compounding interest continuously. That's what I want to know, I can't go to sleep tonight if I don't know. Ok, now the trick here is, we have got this bit here, which gets us closer close to e the more we crank up the n. Ok, and so if I put that one up here and put a large number in here we get the right thing, or approximately the right thing, or as close to the right as we want. Alright now that looks still pretty awful, okay, and, well, let's muck around a little bit with it. So, the first thing we do is we multiply by pi here and there, and see when you do this on the top and the bottom obviously nothing changes and it actually looks a bit uglier than before. But what's nice is that these two bits are the same and, you know, what you have to do now to get this is to just crank up the bit in the box. So n = 1 we have this, n = 2 we have that, and then that, and .... that's still pretty awful ! Except what's really important here, and that's a really really nice trick, is, what's really essential here is, that we're going up. It doesn't matter how we're going up, as long as we're going up towards infinity, we can go up via nice numbers: 1, 2, 3, ... That will also get us there, and that's actually what we do and this here is exactly what we're looking for. So here it's like really awful to the power of awful, but now we've just got addition, division, multiplication that's all we have to do ... just a lot. But that's basically all we have to do, so we are getting there. And, of course, the pi here stands for really any number whatsoever. So what we've done is actually we've figured out how to calculate the exponential function with basically nothing, with just this. That's what we've just figure out, that's a pretty pretty good effort. Alright, so let's graph this (e^x) and a couple of those guys (the functions on the right) and see what happens. So I've graphed the exponential function and I graphed the first one of these guys, well the second one really where we take m = 2. Not a terribly good fit but if you crank up the m you can really see how good this gets. And, actually, when you press, you know, the button on the calculator that's what your calculator does at some level. It just adds and multiplies and divides and these sorts of things. That's all you can do. Anything, anything complicated in mathematics, you know, when you do it numerically has to be reduced to just basic arithmetic otherwise it doesn't work. Okay here we go. Almost there now. Just chuck in your pi i, that's what we're interested in, and go for it. And actually we could go for it at this stage. It's actually not very hard to multiply things like this. Well, this is basically a complex number in here, so we've got a nice number plus a nice number times i. It's actually not that hard to multiply a couple of those things together I could teach you in a second actually i'm going to teach you in a second. Let's just do it on Mathematica and see what Mathematica spits out. So for m = 1 we get this number, it's also a complex number. Doesn't matter what you put up there, doesn't matter what m is, the result is always going to be a complex number. So, let's crank it up now. Crank it up, crank it up, crank it up, all the way to ... what did I do, a hundred. And you can see that this first bit here gets closer and closer to -1 and the second bit here, that nice number in front of the i goes to 0. So basically the ugly part goes away and were left with the -1 if you kind of go to infinity. We could stop here, but actually I've got this really, really nice way of multiplying complex numbers which we can apply to this, multiplying complex numbers with triangles. Let me just show you. Ok so here we go. Now complex numbers you can draw. Real numbers you can draw on the number line, complex numbers you can draw in the xy-plane. Actually Homer stands right on top of the xy-plane so we might as well use it and he can really relate to it at this point in time. So here we've got the real number line there is 0, there is 1, there is 2, and so on. And, well, we've extended this real line by the complex plane. It's just this whole thing. Every complex number corresponds to a point in here. For example, 1.5+i is just the point where you go 1.5 over here along the x-axis and then one up in the direction of the y-axis. And then this guy here, for example, 1+2i. Well, 1 over here and then 2 units up. Ok, now multiply those two things together. So what do we do? Well, we do 1 x 1.5 is 1.5 then 1 x i is i. 2i x 1.5 is 3i and then the last one that's where we have to remember that i squared is equal to -1, so this is -1 x 2 is -2. Now we just combine things together in the obvious way, so there and there and that's the product. And, of course, that corresponds to a point, that guy out there. Well how do you get from here to there? Not obvious, right, we can do this, but you can actually see at a glance, you can see at a glance that these two guys get you up there. How? With triangles! Okay, so to every point, to every complex number we associated a triangle and the corners are 0, 1 and that point here. So that's the first triangle. Let's just save it. Second triangle 0, 1, point. Now we align them like that, stretch this one, the red one, so that these two sides are the same and there is your product. Brilliant isn't it. So you just kind of aline and stretch these triangles and you know what happens. And actually if you know the triangles it's pretty easy to predict where the product is going to be. Let's do another example. Let's do this one here squared. So what you do for squared is this triangle twice. Ok stretch it, that's the square. Now, cubing and we're going to have higher powers so we need to see what happens here, so just make another triangle, stretch it, that's the cube of this number here. Alright now higher powers. That's the complex plane. For the higher powers this circle here, the unit circle, the circle of radius 1, around 0 plays a very very special role. Why is that? Well here is a complex number on that unit circle. The triangle that corresponds to it has two equal sides, there and there. So, when you align two such triangles what happens? Well you don't have to stretch, right. Let's see what happens when I kind of raise this to the power of 8 ... 2nd power, 3rd power, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. That's the 8th power of that guy here. So this power spiral, or whatever you want to call it, is just kind of wrapping around the unit circle. So it doesn't matter how high a power you choose, it's just going to end up somewhere here on that circle. And what happens when you move that guy here off the unit circle? Let's just move it inside. So we move it inside, what do we get? Well, we get this nice spiral here, kind of spiraling inside. And, actually, to go higher and higher it goes closer and closer to 0. If we move this guy outside, well it's always going to be a spiral, but the spiral kind of spirals outside. Main lesson to take away from this is that the closer you start at the unit circle the closer the spiral, this power spiral will wrap around the unit circle. So now let's go for the real thing, the one we're really interested in. Ok, this guy here. So there's the complex number, here in the middle. What is that? Well it's 1 over here and then you have to go up pi /m so that's kind of going up there. Let's go for m=3. Ok, let's just draw this. There we go 1 over here, pi/3 up there, and then we have to do cubes, right. So 3 times same triangle, scaling, and so on, what we've just done. And it gets us over there. Ok, right. Now what's going to happen when I make this m bigger? Well, the 1 stays the same. I make the m bigger, that means that this number here gets .... smaller, right? That means that it's going to wander down here, that it's going to get closer and closer to this point, and actually I can make it as close to this point as I want, as close to 1 as I want by making m bigger and bigger. It's just going to wander down here, down here, down here. This means that the spiral is going to wrap close to the unit circle. Well let's do it. So, crank up to 4, four triangles. Now crank up to 5, five triangles now. It's wrapping closer, right. 5, 6 now let's just let it go and see how that guy here gets closer and closer to -1. It's real magic about to happen. Ready to go for the magic? There we go, cranking it up all the way. Well not all the way, up to a hundred :) We can see it's really getting closer and closer to -1 and it's pretty obvious why, right? I mean the bit that's obvious so far is that because that guy here wanders down and down, it gets closer and closer to the unit circle we should get a closer and closer wrap around the unit circle but what's not clear at the moment, maybe, is why we don't wrap further or closer. Why do we only go halfways around. And for that you have to remember what I said at the very beginning this reminder about the length of this semicircle. What's the length of this semicircle again? It's pi, okay it's pi. And what is this? This is the mth part of pi. So, basically we're starting out with the mth part pi here and then we're doing this m times so pi/m times m is pi. So we're going to eventually wrap around halfways, smack on, and we're going to get e^(pi i) = -1 and I think this is the way to explain it. Hopefully, well I don't know about Homer but you know hopefully you who are masters of plus, minus, multipl,y and so on got something out of it.
Channel: Mathologer
Views: 2,604,578
Rating: 4.8992896 out of 5
Keywords: Mathologer, Mathematics, Math, Maths, Euler's identity, e to the pi i, e^pi*i=-1, Euler's formula, exponential function, compound interest, Gelfond's constant, e to the pi, 2.718, Pi, The Simpsons, Homer Simpson, Homer cubed, e to the i pi, proof
Id: -dhHrg-KbJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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