E Commerce Mobile app UI/UX/Interaction - #Adobe Xd
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: iloveui
Views: 313,448
Rating: 4.9686961 out of 5
Keywords: UI, UX, UI/UX, UI inspiration, Adobe xD, AdobeXD, Auto Animate, Prototype, Animate, mobile app, Mobile app UI, Mobile app ui, Movie app ui, movie app ui/ux, Mobile app XD, adobe xd tutorials, dribbble, dribbble invite, dribbble shot, behance, dailyui, UI challenge, easy learn, ecommerceapp, ecommerce mobile app
Id: lmCH_v3cngc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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