E Blues Double Stops Inspired by John Mayer and B.B. King

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] hey what's up you guys marty schwartz here with marty music and i'm stoked to give you a couple of my favorite little double stop you know bluesy rock licks for you guys uh also a lot of these concepts and a lot more are in a set of core of course lessons that i have called the tasty zone bundle so i'll leave a link for that below so check that out um and also thanks for subscribing here to marty music appreciate it you guys all right let's do it all right i love this little set of uh double stops with licks right here we're going to do the key of e so really if you want to think about it you want to visualize the e minor home row e minor pentatonic blues scale [Music] etc that's what we're visualizing uh you know just by where the root is and you know getting our bearings okay so we're gonna take that root which is the 12th fret and we're gonna put our pinky there only if you want to and then the octave is right there the ninth fret of the g [Music] and i'm actually gonna tuck my pick under my index finger and i'm gonna use my thumb and middle finger you could use your thumb and index um hybrid picking i like to use the fingers for this particular thing so you hit that octave [Music] then your index finger now is going to go up the pentatonic scale [Music] so i did all of that without this note on top just so you can see it watch [Music] so you have on the g string that nine and then on the b string the eight and then you can use your index finger to go up a whole step to the tenth fret of the b i'm using my thumb for all of that and now you have choices you can use your ring finger up to the 12th fret b and hopefully you can hear that e minor pentatonic there [Music] so you have the blues note right here on the 11th fret of the b string so [Music] so all i did right there was i just used the [Music] just all along the blue scale [Music] now one thing i did was i hammer on hammered on hammer on and pulled off hammer on and pull off that blues note there which is uh the 11th fret b and the 10th fret and then with my ring finger i'm grabbing there was just that one instance where i'm grabbing that 12th fret of the g string [Music] so and any variations [Music] and so you mess with that and then all you're doing is you're just adding that high root there with everything you're doing so instead of just the thumb you just pinch together that high e with those moves [Music] do [Music] so and then two double stops that i like to kind of wrap around that idea is this one right here classic [Music] so that's the 15th fret high e and the 14th fret b [Music] pretty cool putting those together i think [Music] you can also go into that concept by you know you're always going to have your pinky there on the root so that's one thing to think about when you go into it you know boom pinky's there but you could start with your index on uh the tenth fret b with that [Music] and so here's the other little one so that was above [Music] and then below the concept meaning lower notes [Music] it's going to be right here and this comes from the e minor pentatonic where that roots on the a string [Music] so it's seventh fret high e and eighth fret b [Music] birds [Music] beep [Music] so one thing uh that i just added in there that i'm thinking about now i'll just do that through that in there it's like a little piece of the you know the root in the fifth like a power chord [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so go try it out [Music] all right i hope you guys enjoyed the lesson thank you again feel free to request stuff or any questions to follow up on let me know in the comments below also check out that tasty zone bundle i've got in the link in the first comment down there so thank you for that and hope to see you guys real soon take care
Channel: Marty Music
Views: 35,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marty Schwartz, music, guitar, marty music, generic atlas feet, guitar lesson, how to play guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, marty schwartz guitar lesson, marty schwartz guitar, blues double stops, e blues double stops, john mayer blues double stops, bb king blues double stops, blues double stops licks, blues rock licks, double stop blues rock licks, e minor pentatonic blues scale, e minor blues, john mayer blues lick, bb king blues lick, double stop blues, marty, licks
Id: sa8NqHsdUuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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