Dystopian worldbuilding is dumb (also bad)
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Channel: James Tullos
Views: 605,490
Rating: 4.8610497 out of 5
Keywords: worldbuilding, analysis, dystopian, dystopia, apocalypse, youngadult, ya, generic, theselection, thehungergames, enclave, razorland, series, trilogy, romance, action, advice, essay, article5, the mazerunner, books, book, movie, movies, film, critcism
Id: CWwtujWIYM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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I'm older and have read a huge number of books.
When I was younger, there was no such thing as a "YA" book and we read adult books which is how you get smarter. YA books are "dumbed down" because the writers think you are dumb. Comic books tend to have more adult themes and complex plots than these books.
In addition, they're trying to exploit "teen feelings" of unhappiness with with these themes. It's not uncommon that teens will wake up and realize they're "eating cows" and so forth and freak out. School is another issues, you must go or your life will be destroyed, it doesn't matter what you want to do. We see young people freak out when they realize how important money is, that we live in countries, and so forth. All of these stories reflect that.
So, they aren't "real stories" but parables about your life.
Young people are now sold books more simplistic than a comic book and that's way they are bad. I have looked at some of these in stores and they're very badly written, way too simplistic.
So, avoid them and find books written for adults that you might need a dictionary by your side to read. They will be better and improve your mind and imagination.