Dynamics 365 Sales Tutorial (Sales Copilot Included)

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This video is about complete  Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales module   Sales is very important function for all  organizations, apart from good strategies   it is very important to have good tool in  hand, to manage your complete Sales Life Cycle   Dynamics 365 sales is one of the best tool for  this. Today in Sales module we learn -How to  Sales App is a powerful Power Platform App as per business requirement modifications  are also possible in this app with the help   of Power Platform. Let's start  our Learning Journey from here How to create Dynamics 365 free  trial with personal email ID?   you can see options over here for sales,  service, marketing, customer data platform   Commerce, Finance operations, Business Central,  Supply Chain, and human resources. The procedure   to create trial is same for every product, so let  me start for sales, let me click on try for free   here I am going to give my personal email ID, by  using work email ID or Corporate email ID is quite   easy to create, but when you use personal  email ID you have to do some extra steps I suggest to choose US a country because many times all of the  features are not available in all the regions and also preview features  come first, Generally in U.S you can see that Sales Trail is  available to you now with your email ID   please also note if you click on sales trial if you type sales over here  you also find sales hub which contains more feature than sales trial   please note that when you create sales trial with  personal email address, all of the functionality   may not be available to you for example  conversational intelligence is not available how to create sales trial with personal email ID we are going to learn how to  create new leads click on new easy to create lead, second way is go to activities if you have an email, there is  option to converting email to leadd Third way is, if you have lot of leads in CSV  file, you can also import those leads into system qualification process of leads open the lead, you will see a button over  here qualify. once you click qualify only   it it generates three items contact,  account and Opportunity by default based on the name - it create contact, based  on the company name - it create account   and based on the name of the topic it  create opportunity. click on this one you can see now we have opportunity  with this topic and this contact but sometime based on organization need we  have to change this Behavior, so go to settings or to create records for newly  qualified leads, disable this now if you qualify this lead  it will show you dialog box   like this, now it's your choice to create a account  or not, similarly for the contact and opportunity   like in this case we says do not create contact only create opportunity now we are going to discuss  Duplicate Detection in leads   there are two ways to configure duplicate  detection in leads one is via Power Platform you can enable or disable at organization level we can Define rules for leads, for example  this says lead with the same email address   it means if two leads have same email  address it will treat as duplicate lead we also have settings for the duplicate  detection in the sales hub -> sales app settings, here becomes duplicate detection so here using machine learning model, AI work on  the duplicate detection based on the following rules it is highly recommended to use this option   for the sales hub, instead of relying on the  Power Platform. Let's play with this setting now now we're creating a second  lead with Same email address as email address is same it will identify  this as duplicate, so we have option to   ignore the lead or we can merge both the  leads keeping the common data in between let's say we want to keep lead one and we  want to take company data of lead two to lead one merge records now we have lead one and data of  company copied from lead 2 to lead 1. now we are going to discuss Lead assignment  Rules, by default the person who create lead   become the owner of lead, for example In this lead this is Owner, but as per the requirement  of organization sometimes need to be   allocated to different sellers, for  this thing automation is possible sales inside settings-> assignment rules here you can make new rule from options for segments or for All Leads specific people, specific teams, we can Define round robin and load balancing are a very famous  distribution techniques, in earlier days we used   to write code for this but now it's inbuilt, so  you can try out yourself with various options   and enjoy the different kind of  assignment rules for the lead allocation now we are going to discuss Predictive  Lead Scoring models, let's open this Lead you will see lead score over here so in Dynamics we have machine learning models,  which based on the historical data of leads can   predict the Lead score, Lead score is between 1 to  100. so How this lead score comes? Basically based   on different attributes in lead and the associated  contact or account is monitored and the score is   provided, for example in this case it's saying  purchase time frame is this quarter, if you click   over here, yeah it's mentioned over here, decision  maker identified- yes, annual revenue is above average so you notice that based on different  attribute values it defines lead score   this box shows you only five items   you want to see more items which are the reason  behind the score, you can click on details if you want to know more about lead score, you  can click on about- it will show you how it works   A salesperson is good to have idea of  this, higher the score means the higher   probability of winning this lead and Converting into opportunities, if admins are not very happy   with the score they can modify the model, but for  that you have to have knowledge of little bit of   AI and machine learning training and testing data,  so how an admin will configure the rules further predictive lead scoring more is historical data better is model  to train, so here admin can do settings   and can modify the model and publish  again for the Improvement in the model sometime this widget is not visible on  the lead form, so you can customize the   form and bring over here, this  is known as lead score widget now we are going to discuss Who Knows Whom   when you work with lead it is always good to  have some connect which can introduce to lead   so this box shows colleagues who already  have done some communication with the lead information in this box is based on the   email and the meetings that your  colleague have done with the lead earlier now we are going to discuss Sales Process,  every organization have lot of sellers   it is good practice that all sellers follow the  same practice of nurturing the leads, In Dynamics   for leads there's a Out of box sales process  known as Lead to Opportunity Sales process   which have different items this sales process can be  used by different sellers   in most effective way, In case your organization  want to modify the sales process or want to   apply a new sales process that is also  possible, how? we go to make powerapps.com go to default solution and find the process Lead to opportunity sales process we can modify this you can see the modification, ideally  it's a good practice to use out of box   lead to opportunity the sales process, but as per your  requirement you can do modification as well for setting of product catalog, first of all  we will going to talk about product families   go to sales ->click on app settings-> go to catalog family and products, with the help of product  families we can categorize the products, under   product families we can have more product families  we can have products and we can have bundles   for purpose of demonstration we have  already defined some product families you can see this is a fun and  eat root level product family   under this we have defined food and  toys to product families further click on this name and ID are mandatory stuff, one more  thing in product families we can Define   product properties which are  required by all the child entities click on food properties, like we have  defined a property over here -shelf life   any product which will come under this  family, will have this property by default we can also see family hierarchy  by clicking on this icon like this diagram showing fun  and eat is root level product   family, under which we have another family -food which further have four products other family is toys- which  don't have any product as of now so after defining families  we have defined unit groups What basically are unit groups? Unit groups  are made for measurements of the products   for example liquid we measured  in two liters and gallons rice, nuts we can measure into kilograms, similarly  few items like Apple, orange, mango we can count by   numbers, each group have multiple units  so let's go to Unity groups now   like we have liquid unit groups  over here, under which we have units liter and gallon, gallon is 3.8 liters other is default unit here single item - one. Dozen  mean 12 of single unit so far we have defined product families and  unit groups, now let's move to products now first of all Let's see we have  a product over here banana and you notice unit group and default  unit are mandatory Fields this reason   we Define unit group and units before the product decimal supported - some countries have  three decimals in currencies like Oman you noticed, this property came from product  family because this product is under family- food similarly we can Define other products as well so we have defined Apple and Banana  two products for demonstration so far after defining family, unit groups and  products now we'll focus on price listing so what is price list? Basically every installation,  every organization have some base currency, like in   our case USD is base currency, but organization  can do transition into multiple currencies   so they have to Define one base currency  and multiple transition currencies   for each currency we can have multiple price  list, for example we have defined Retail - Retail customers wholesale for bulk buying customers  so you notice that we have multiple   Price listing for each currency. Let's  go to retail - under Price List Items we are selling banana as single unit and we charging one dollar for this you're selling banana in dozen as  well and we charging 12 for this similarly we are selling apples in single  unit and dozens and few other items over here in wholesale price list we are selling Apple in dozens, banana in  dozens, we are not selling into single units so here we are charging ten dollars for dozen,  whereas we were charging 12 dollars for banana   for a dozen in the retail price list so you notice that we are charging  different amount for different items   under different price listings, so  we can categorize customers and   can sell a different price for different  categories, different territories and all   so far we have defined family, unit groups,  products and price listing. now it's time to sell let's make a new opportunity Revenue, it had two options system calculated  means pricing will come from The Price list   second option is user provided  means you can put manual price this is known as quick create opportunity  product. it is a classic way of adding   product to Opportunities. now we have more  enhanced view as well so let me enable that go to product catalog settings and enable the enhance experience  for adding products, let me enable it now you can see we have enhanced view  to find the products, the benefit is you   can select multiple items all together I'm  adding banana single unit and apple as well as we are retail price listing so  we're getting a price for retail let me add more products so you can also see, enhance view show item in  the different families like this way recently used, when we have a product under  Price list known as a standard product, sometimes   we also need to sell some product ad hoc in that  case we have writing products like for example you can see let's assume now we want to modify the price list add product, now you can see this  interface modified as per the price list Dozen add now a dozen of banana is costing  me ten dollars instead of 12 which was the price for the retail, you also  notice there is a discount of one dollar so   amount is coming at nine dollar,s so how discount  came we're going to cover under discount lists so I hope you understand how to work  with price list and price list items   let's go back to price list again when we Define price of a price list item in this demo session we have used  pricing method, currency amount now let's move to discounts let's assume for New Year we're  planning to have some discount under discounts we have discount types like if you buy one to ten item discount is  10 percent. when you buy 11 to n number of   items discount is 20 percent, when you create a  discount, you have two option of discount types one is by percentage and one is by amount.  In our demonstration we are using percentage you go to Price list ->under wholesale under items for banana, for dozen we have discount   if somebody buy a banana under  wholesale, they'll get a discount we notice that here discount is provided  to banana in a dozen for the wholesale now we are moving to a more advanced  topic which is the product bundles   so let me describe you  first what is product bundle when one of your product is selling  fast, other is not moving so fast   we can bundle these two products together  and try to sell together, sometimes we also   make product bundles depend on the user  needs like for example Camera Plus tripod   a bundle can have two or more  products, let's jump to bundles family and products active bundle,s so we have defined a  health bundle, which under the parent food   this health bundle under the  default price list of the retail under bundles, we have two products  banana two dozens, apple two single units   and for bundle we can also have separate  pricing as compared to individual products like for this, single bundle is costing   20 dollars customer, which is a little cheaper  price as compared to individual products so bundle is not visible, reason being we have chosen wholesale if you choose retail Save it, now bundle is available, Some times customer want to choose products, which are not  under the price list. I go back to wholesale see bundle is not here, so we  can do that we can request admin under product catalog settings we have option- make price list optional now this opportunity have no  price list, I click on add products I can see all the products  irrespective of the price list I can see we have health bundle  20$, in which we have   two dozen of banana and two single unit of the  apples. I hope you understood the logic of the   bundle, Now we move to our next topic which is the  related products for upselling and cross-selling we have a product pineapple under additional details, we'll see product  relationship, so when we Define a relationship it asks you what kind of relationship  cross-sell, upsell, SSP or substitute like   in this case we have defined cross sell,  it means when somebody sell Apple it will   recommend pineapple and when somebody  sell pineapple it will recommend Apple   so let's test feature of the  related products under opportunities click on suggestions we can see pineapple over  here for cross-sell-> add to list now you can see pineapple added over here   which is helping us in cross  selling and upselling the products topic is pricing methods, we have product gold ring which we selling into single  units in wholesale price list see we have entered this product into  wholesale for 10 USD, if I go to Price list single unit Pricing method - currency amount 10 USD pretty simple let's assume, now we want to have a different  Pricing method, we have defined standard cost 10$   current cost 12 USD and list price 16 USD, now see  what happens when we use different pricing methods percent of list earning policy -none as of now since the list price is 16 this price coming  17.6, which is the 10 percent on top of 16. 7.6 let's also talk about rounding policy if I say up it is 18 if I say down and it is 17. so I trust it is clear to  you, what is the meaning of percent of list. Second is  percent markup and current cost see current cost is 12 percent 10, so amount is coming 13.20 similarly percent markup and standard cost 10 is standard cost, so it is coming 11. percent margin and current cost is coming 13.33, how come? 10 percent of 13.33  is 1.33, so 13.33 minus 1.33 is equal to 12. similarly percent margin and standard cost 11.11, 10 percent of 11.11 is 1.11 , this  minus 1.11 is 10. see this standard cost I trust now all pricing methods and  rounding policy is clear to you thank you we are going to cover different  operations that we do on opportunity   this is sales hub application and  now we're starting our demonstration   with the opportunities, how to create  opportunities ->click on opportunities click on new -> save, more information available  better chances to win the deal   other way to create opportunity  is let's go to activities open an email option to convert email to opportunity you can see that this opportunity  is Created from the activities   once you have Opportunity in hand, you can interact  with the customer and gather more information   more is the information, better is  the chances to win the deal   on opportunity form we can see the various  Items, various attributes are here like contact,   budget, purchase time frame, process and  various other things, you can also customize   the interface based on your customer  need with the help of the customizer you can see over here, opportunity score - this  is known as predictive opportunity score widget   you can see score is 78, the score is  between 1-100, this score is dependent   on attributes of the opportunity or  the associated contact or account   you can see this widget show top five factors  either negative or positive which Define this   value, for example purchase time frame is  immediate you can go over here this thing   similarly these items Define this score and these  items can change over time and score can differ stakeholders - stakeholder means the people  from the customer side who are involved   in the communication with the seller for this  opportunity you can have one or more stakeholders   sales teams- sometime apart from the owner other  sales people also work in this opportunity   so sales team can have one or more team  members, means all team members who are   working on this opportunity are users  who have some role in the opportunity   so so far we have discussed few attributes  on the opportunity main form, now we proceed   to our next step- you can see On Opportunity we  have sales process, which have some attributes it is default sales process, we can  also modify the sales process and   we can also make more sales process as per  the organization need, in each stage we have   different attributes which you can fill as  you get information from the customer side these are known as stages, you  can also say pipeline phases   like in my demonstration I also  prepared one more sales process Sales process which is same as previous sales process  only difference is if my budget amount is and see one more step over here so you can modify  sales process as per need. In coming topics of   pipeline view I'll put more Focus the importance  of sales process stages in the pipeline report   when you work with the opportunity  the ultimate aim is to win the deal   when I say win the deal means  you have to close as won click on close as won this is known as close opportunity form actual Revenue, close date we Define competitor, in case  you lost the Opportunity description in case because any reason   you lose the opportunity, in that case you  have to close the opportunity as lost whether you close as won, close at lost, you have  to fill close opportunity form which is mandatory   on this form they are by default five fields  but the customization of this form is possible   for which we have to do some settings  so let me show some settings to you custom field on closing form once admin enable the setting from here, customizer  can place more attributes on closing form so, so far we have covered how to create  opportunities and how to close them   now let's move to our next topic now we have many opportunity in hand, but you  can see this view is more textual, more tabular   if we get more graphical views, we can  generate more values to win more deals let me go to settings-> advanced settings customization opportunity controls let me choose- pipeline view  for web, phone and tablet save publish Let me refresh my screen opportunities, show as you can see pipeline View so here you can see, we have a pipeline View on left side we have estimated Revenue and bottom  we have estimate closed date and the circle means   score 86, so every opportunity have  some predictive score, 86 bigger Circle 84 55, 59 see these different parameters can be  modified as per the need of organization   similarly we have sales funnel over here  if we notice carefully, these are different   four stages of the sales process that we  discussed earlier. let me go back to this you can see qualify, develo,p propose and close  are four different stages of the sales process   here these are these four same stages that is   the reason we also know these  four stages as pipeline phases let me go back to settings opportunity pipeline View   in case you want to modify something  in this bubble chart, let's say here when you want to see probability save ->publish similarly, in case you say  you want to hide funnel chart publish refresh, see funnel chart is not available now want to hide deal tracker, you want to enable  funnel chart and you need to modify further and you want to maybe sort by finish to start now it showing close, propose, develop and qualify   and each of the phase will show  you estimated Revenue in each phase so so far we have discussed  about pipeline view, now we   move to our other view which is the kanban view so this is the kanban view, in kanban view we have  two options, we can see by business process flow   as I mentioned in opportunities we have a default sales process known as sales  process and we can also make our own sales process like I have defined V2 sales  process, in kanban view we   can only use default sales process, so you  can see qualify, develop, propose and close   so these are known as swim Lanes and these  are the opportunity cards we can also move   cards from here to there like for example I want  to move from qualify to develop, I can do that similarly in status won   like all the opportunity have three kind of status,  either open, Won or lost, so we can also move here   from one swim Lane to other swim Lane for example  I want to move this opportunity from open to won I want to move this to Lost so these are different kind of views that we  discuss in pipeline view, we can see things   from different point of view in kanban view,  we can see things from different point of   view, so these are different suitable  views for different kind of sellers now we're moving to our third  view which is the focused View so it's the focused view, it means here your focus  is on not graphica,l is more about interacting with   the opportunity in terms of data, so if you click  on any opportunity, it show complete form over here   so your focus is just on work, just on activity  you perform, is less graphical more textual but   just focus on the more data components, so so far  we have discussed how to create opportunities, how   to close opportunities as a win or loss, how to  work with the sales process, how to see data in   different formats in different views like kanban  view, pipeline View and focus View thank you Sales Life Cycle- an ideal sales  life cycle starts from leads and   finishes at invoice. let's jump  to demo and see how it progress we are starting our video  with creation of a new lead we have defined first name, last name,.  company name and topic let's save the lead click on qualify, now we are three options  account- yes, contact- yes, opportunity- yes   we can choose yes or no, based on  our organization requirement, okay now we can see we have opportunity  with same topic- contact name if I click on this contact this is the account, so we got first name last  name, account name all information from lead now we will work on this opportunity we're going to add some  products in this opportunity let's assume now, customer  want quote for this opportunity   in that case we can create quote form here itself please notice, it has Auto allocated  Quote ID and Revision ID is zero   and product copied from opportunity to quote initially quote in draft stage, so we need to  activate the quote to share with the customer let me activate the quote suppose you shared this quote with  the customer and customer wants some   Revision in pricing or something else,  in that case we can revise the quote let's say you want to offer discount of 2 percent activate the quote now price is 490. see refer quote is based on this  opportunity, if you click on opportunity   if I go to quotes, the quote that was  for 500 is closed and 490 is active now from quote we can also create order so because this quote is based  on the opportunity, it's going   to ask you whether you want to close the  opportunity or you want to keep it open now we got this order   once you have order with you, you can fulfill  the order, then click on fulfill order you may get option of complete or partial,  please notice that when we go to quotes   we get the option of create order, sometime in  case your system is customized and your CRM is   integrated with some order processing system or  ERP you may see submit order option, in that case   your order will go to that system for processing,  once you have order you can also invoice so let me show you one more option over here,  price locked- yes, so let's assume I go to laptop now make its price 700$. I came back to invoice I say use current pricing, in  that case pricing will be revised now showing 700$ and pricing Lock - no   once you have invoice, you can cancel  invoice or can mark on the invoice paid complete and partial, at order level, at invoice  level, system can behave in different way if   system is customized, as many of the guys integrate  ERP or other order processing systems with CRM so far we have seen how to work with lead   make opportunities from lead, then we create  quote, then we make orders and invoices. Thank you Lets jump to demo and see how it progress let's start our demonstration of goal management   as you can see on my screen, we have sales  department in which we have a sales manager and   two sales persons. Sales Manager Neeraj is working  on opportunity one and two, Steve working on three   and four and John working on five and six. now I  am going to show you goal Management in software   so I am using Dynamics 365 Sales hub  Lets go to opportunities goal View, so you can see Op- 1, 2 by  Neeraj, 3, 4 by John, 5 and 6 by Steve   so in total there are six  opportunities, two of each   all six are open and they have some estimate  close date and some estimate Revenue   so all the six opportunities are open and none of  them is closed, when I say close either lost or won   so now we start working on goals  based on these opportunities go to app settings go to goal new goal sales I come to parent goal later on, goal owner for Team level goal, I am assigning Neeraj  as goal owner, who is the sales manager. when I say   goal owner, means the person responsible  for achieving targets as per the goal   manager- it means the person who is managing  the overall management of goals like editing   setting targets and Etc. now we go to goal Matrix  by default in goal Matrix we have three options   number of product units, revenue and number of  cases, these 3 options are available by default which   you can use as per your business requirements  and you can also make new Goal Matrices   like for example option one and two are more  relevant for sales, number three is more for the   number of cases in the customer service, for this  practical for this demo session I am using Revenue under goal Matrix or Revenue  if I click on this one continue name - Revenue, Matrix type- amount,  amount type - money, Rollup fields   please see Rollup Fields very carefully, so  as I mentioned we have six open opportunities so when I say open - opportunity open, so we have  estimate revenue, and estimate close date. when we   close the Opportunity as won, we have actual revenue  and actual close date, so you can see we have two Rollup   fields, In case required we can add more Rollup fields and remove in process as well, so it   all depends on your business requirement, what to  keep, what to remove. so in this case we have actual   revenue and estimate Revenue, actual close date   and estimate close date, I go back to General save & close, so we have discussed name, goal owner,  goal manager and goal Matrix. time period- see when   we have time period we have two options fiscal  period and custom period, if fiscal year is   defined by your company, your organization  you can choose these options from here   in this demonstration we are taking custom period so this goal is for 1st June to 31st August targets - let's assume we have  Target of 5000$ for the sales team child goals- I'm going to cover very  soon, actuals - let me click on recalculate so you notice that actual is zero, in progress is  1200. how come? If I go to General, I can see   owner is Neeraj, Neeraj have two Opportunities,  both are open and sum is twelve hundred as none of opportunity is closed as won, it is zero so now let me make some child goals we have to use as John and Steve as John is supposed to achieve this target, so it  is goal of John. so I'm assigning owner as John time period copied from the  parent goal, let's say Target is again, 2000$ for him if we go back to PPT, we have mentioned  that Neeraj is sales manager, Steve and   John are salesperson so collectively all these   three guys will work on opportunities  and make the money for the Department so in Sales Team goal, we have  two child goals John and Steve so again I go to actuals, to calculate actual is zero. this is 4200, how  come? it is sum of all these guys now we can explore more options, we  have option over here- Goal Criteria   roll up only from Child goals, as of now  it is - no, if I choose - yes ,it means it   will only choose value from Child goals,  not from the parent goal, let me save it re-calculate refresh, actuals - 3000. How come ? because in this case Child are   John and Steve and some of all these are  three thousand, I hope it's clear so far now we have other option over here - all, when we  select all, it select setup for Rollup and we save  it it's status- please define the roll-up query, so  here in Neeraj, we have two customers Alex and Carla let's make new roll-up query Notice that, In case of Neeraj, there  are two customers Alex and Carla If I say Potential Customer equals Carla, It give me a single row Save & close and let me choose query from here ready for filter and same here so please notice that, whenever I choose  this option all over here in record set for   roll-up, it asks me for queries and filter  results by query, if I got to recalculate refresh ->now click on actuals-> now value is  coming 3200, why so? Because in case of Neeraj   now it only picking the record of Carla, not  picking the record of Alex and 200 this one and   this one 3200, so I hope is clear  so far we have discussed items in general tab   time period, targets, child goals, actuals, goal  criteria. Now go back to next level - you notice that   in actuals- actual money is zero, all is in progress,  reason being all the opportunities are open let me close two opportunities for Steve one is closed one is open and he  has achieved one thousand dollars, out of   two thousand dollars, same for John one is open  and one is closed, for now the goals we calculate refresh so Steve have achieved 50 percent Steve have achieved 50 percent and John have  achieved 25 percent, reason being actual is   500 and his Target was 2000. so I hope it's clear  so far, my now I go to my team goal, Department goal here 1500 we have achieved and 1700  is in progress, Let's I go to remove this criteria save it re-calculate I refresh, actuals- you can see we have thousand , twelve hundred, Seventeen hundred, twenty seven   hundred, are in progress and actual - we have  this much and at goal level we have 30   reason being ,Target was five thousand. so I hope  it's clear to all of you, how to use goals, child   goals, how to calculate actuals in progress  what is goal criteria and various other options we also have option over here to show chart so you can also refer this chart  they are showing how much Steve   sales team and John is standing  in terms of the achievements Topic is Forecasting - Forecast help organizations  predict how much revenue your sales team will   generate in given time frame, Forecasts  help you to see the health of your pipeline   and see how your sales team is  doing against the quota or Target   In our demonstration - we have sales manager  Neeraj and we have two salespersons Steve and John   we have sales hub application, as admin I'll  go to app settings -> I'll go to forecasting   and I'll Define forecast. So  we have three Out of box options   Org chart forecast, product forecast and  territory forecast and you can also create   from scratch. In our demonstration we  are going to take org chart forecast demo forecast so see Rollup entity and hierarchy entity is  pre-filled as opportunity and user, as we will see   different users holding different  opportunities in different stages we have defined Neeraj as manager,  Steve and John as salesperson   let me go back to here I Define Neeraj over here now I am going to give you quick  overview of rest of the tabs and   I'm going to explain step by step, when I  show you forecast as a seller-> permissions to read or adjustment -no other security rules   in case you want four specific  roles, you can Define over here whether sharing allowed or  not, you can Define over here   I show you this demo session in later part of this  demo, Layout -as a salesperson when you see forecast   what columns you want to see in the grid and how  they're going to calculate as defined over here   for example for pipeline, you want to Define  different value maybe something else over here   so you can do settings of the calculations and  visibility at this place, you can apply filters   if you wish on data, Drill down - so when you want  to see data, you want to see account wise or you   want to see pipeline phase wise or something  else, so I already have two forecasts defined   which I have set for different type of the  drill down, which I'll show you as a seller and the advanced- multi-currency, kanban view, I'll  show you in the my demonstration as a seller   I'm going back to General so by default we have forecast period as  quarterly and monthly Financial year, In case   you want to modify further as per organization  need, you can enable the Advanced scheduling so I have defined data for the two periods of this   financial year and current quarter  is quarter three, let me save this one activate, once I activate the  forecast -I can upload quota data okay download simple data- column template so see different rows and column predefined and fifteen eighteen upload some of the options I have not  shown you yet but when I show you   forecasting a seller I come back to  this options and demonstrate to you the forecast is active A salesperson I'll go to sales  I go to performance and forecast I'm going to choose my demo forecast yeah see Steve and John are  under Neeraj, quota defined over here this quarter, for other quarter is different quota is a value we just filled in the our Excel file after discussing quota, we can  see this grid have many columns   all these columns are defined under forecast layout which column you want to show  which column you want to hide   how value could calculate for  each column is Defined under layout you notice that we have something like  committed, best case, pipeline. How it came ?  basically for all the opportunities We have field forecast category   you can choose the best value as per your  business requirement, but you cannot choose   won or lost because they are done by System  itself, when you close as won or close as lost   so different opportunities and different  forecast category, which being shown over here now we come to one more column- which is the  prediction. As we Define this forecast just now prediction column is not available as  of now to show some values in this case   so I show you prediction values via  some my old forecasts, like forecast one prediction value comes based on the  your historical data of opportunities   more is data, more accurate is data, better  is prediction if I click on prediction it will show me predictions from open opportunities,  prediction from new and total prediction   logic behind machine learning model is not exposed   to end users, but you can read in  about segment how it get generated and what are top factors which influence  the this value, in nutshell we can mention   More is data, more accurate is data, Better is the prediction this prediction data do not change on  the spot, it change after seven days   let's assume we have this forecast value,  forecast by default is complete plus one   let's assume you want to modify the  forecast, that is possible, click over here -60 update page okay see this symbol so value by default was T20, 345 in that adjustment  means at lower level somebody done adjustment and   become 345. then we have done the adjustment at  Direct level which is 606. it's possible to reset reset 320 -original value and all this permission based   so let me show you how to  set the permissions for this here no additional security role required or maybe  for specific roles, we also have option over here Share forecast - this option. if sharing is enabled,  Here, we specify users you can do from here we also discuss about drill down so we click on this place by default Drill Down - none, Drill Down by FC, FC  let me show you back over here in forecast one I'm defining drilling based on  the forecast category name and FC so committed, won so for each user is showing, amount in  different opportunities, in different   forecast categories. similarly I  also have one more option, I defined   for demo forecast - I have chosen drill  down by account, so I can see by account demo forecast multi currency -enabled in Kanban view save Let me refresh you can see if we have defined multi currencies,  we can see currency value over here, in USD in INR   you can choose different quarters from here data in kanban View if I go back to this place, I say disable data in tabular manner so we have discussed all the major  components of forecasting In sales Hub app - by default  we have these four dashboards   but sometimes sales leaders, sales managers need  more dashboards to take better decisions and to   take corrective actions, so we can make new  dashboard from here, Dynamics 365 dashboard   from here you can make some  basic dashboards, I mean like this very simple, but sometimes we need  to have more complex dashboards   so best choice for complex dashboards is power BI, so how to integrate power BI with Dynamics CRM   so let's take our demo to next level so here I have power BI   we can make new dashboards in power BI and  we can also have some ready-made templates sales analytics for Dynamics 365  sales is ready-made template app this app is quite useful for sales  leaders and sales manager to analyze   data in very deeper manner , let me install this one at present, this app is showing sample  data. Let us connect this app to our CRM   so here we take the URL of our CRM as of now data is sample data, but  it's fetching data from our CRM   so this will soon these values will change yes, now we can see data for our CRM, Sales  performance, Sales leader board, Win-loss analysis   Won-Loss details, sales pipeline and in various  other dashboards. So you can analyze your data of   CRM in power BI in very effective manner using  sales Analytics for Dynamics 365 sales app, go back let me update the app under permission, I want to give permission  to whole organization ->update app after publishing the app will go to  Dynamics CRM-> we'll go to advanced settings we'll go to adminm-> system settings -> reporting ->  allow power BI visualization embedding - yes ->ok now you can see we have one more option-  power BI dashboards, click over here save it now you can see, you have this beautiful  dashboard from Power BI to our CRM   now we can see our data of CRM in power BI and our dashboards of the power BI in  CRM, I hope you like this demo. we have 2 users Neeraj & Steve in our environmen. Name, email  address and both have valid office 365 E5 license   it means they can send email to each  other and outside world very easily   but what happens if these two users are  also user of CRM or other Dynamics app let's go to Dynamics ->advanced settings security-> users Neeraj and Steve, so you can see Steve and  Neeraj are user in Dynamics and they want   to send to email to each other and they  also want to send email to outside world   and want to receive email from outside, so  what to do ? how to set up ? apart from this   Steve and Neeraj use Outlook and from Outlook  itself, they want to communicate to Dynamics,   how to do that? So in this demonstration we're  going to learn how to do complete email setup   in Dynamics and how to integrate Outlook  with Dynamics, so let's move to demo further the first step is setting of server profile go to settings go to admin ->system settings email, here we have to choose server profile  exchange online, reason being we are using office   E5 license, Incoming, outgoing configuration - server side synchronization or email router   appointment ,contact, tasks all are the items  in the Outlook that we can synchronize with   Dynamics, so we have to choose  server side synchronization okay, step two is test email  configuration and enable mailboxes mailboxes NS demo. SS demo- Neeraj and Steve first step is approve email second is test and enable mailbox since I have already executed the step,  so I can see success over here   else you will see over here- not run, not run, so  wait for few minutes, once it becomes success it   means all set for step number three. Step number  three is providing security role to these users   so that they can use the system properly manage rules and provide Outlook 365 app for Outlook  user, this role to both users Neeraj and Steve   step 4 is installing app for Outlook users from   the side of admin to all the  users or the selective users you can see we have done all these steps now we have to choose users neeraj   and Steve for whom we want this app  to be installed, add app to Outlook Its showing pending, sometime it can take 10 to 15  minutes to set up for Success. so these are the   four steps that we have executed under system  settings, now we go to Power Platform environment so this is the environment of our sales trial here under Dynamics 365 apps  you will see we should have   Dynamics 365 app for Outlook,  it can install from App source now we can see Neeraj Added to Outlook we got notification email because we have done  test email configuration and enable mailboxes   same for Steve let's go to Dynamics-> activity email just hello go to Steve yeah see email sent by Neeraj to Steve from  CRM and receive over here, so it means setup   for email is well defined for our CRM system,  suppose Steve had got one email from outside   which is not our customer, it's a  random email we got from somewhere   so how to track that email in Dynamics,   okay I got a new email from a unknown customer okay so here in this case I click over here. I  see option here Dynamics 365, reason being we have   done complete setup and we have installed  Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, click over here connecting Dynamics to Outlook okay so this email is now  being tracked in Dynamics   but in which context you can set regarding you can either connect to account, contact, lead  or opportunity. let's connect to opportunity   like Maybe OP15 so we can see, how easy it is to get an email  in Outlook and generate contact and link to   opportunity in a very simplified manner.  so it is a power of Dynamics 365 app for Outlook the way we have connected our email to Dynamic,  same way we can do for other tasks we can see   over here- tracked in Dynamics so it means it  being plugged into Dynamics because we have   installed Dynamics 365 app for Outlook and they  have done the required configuration. the first step in this demonstration is we  will log into Power Platform admin Center Sales Trail is name of our environment,  under Dynamics 365 apps we will check for   Copilot. Dynamics 365 Copilot app is pre-installed  over here, in case it's not installed you can   install from the app source. Second step is we  will go to make.powerapps.com ->we'll go to apps, and we will choose our sales hub ->click edit go to settings see carefully under settings we  have upcoming, type copilot over here there are two settings- copilot for email and  copilot for chat, enable both of them after enabling both the chat option and  email option for copilot, publish the app once you do publishing of the  app, come back to sales hub go to opportunities please note that co-pilot is based on NLP,  NLP stands for Natural Language Processing   NLP gives you suggestions based  on text data, that you already have   this is a reason in this opportunity, I have filled  almost all the attributes in well-defined manner I also have provide information  of the Price listing and products   and a few other items, like for  example have some activities like meeting, tasks and some emails, so once you have well-defined   data in your opportunity, you can  get more benefit from the co-pilot click on copilot option -> click option generate summary so you can see the summary says, name  of the opportunity, customer name   few other information items that it  picked from the opportunity attributes so more accurate data in your  attributes, in your activities   in your notes, better this summary you will get next option that we will see in  copilot is- prepare for meeting   before using that option we have to check  that in opportunities and related activities   we have enough data of meetings and the  past email communication-> go to Copilot prepare for meeting so it picking data from your meetings , which are coming up in the near future   and the data based on the your past  email communication with the customers let me draft a new email you can see as of now the compose  option is gray out, when I click on email compose option become active , click on describe email you want text for customer meeting so co-pilots, Listed me some text about  the email that I can use as it is or I can   modify as per my requirement, please again notice  that copilot give a suggestions Based on data   that we already have entered in system, so please  define all the major attributes in opportunities   and go back to Copilot again we have seen how generate summary  and Prepare for meeting works   get latest news related to account,  in this case our account is fabricum so co-pilot will try to find some news  for this account by using the Bing   okay can only generate summary  and prepare for the meetings so we have discussed so far how to  generate summary for opportunities   how to prepare for meetings and  how to draft email for the customer We will go Microsoft 365 admin center we will go to integrate apps option click on get apps find sales Copilot sales copilot for Microsoft Outlook, get it now configuration, please notice that it is  saying Microsoft Viva sales, reason being   Microsoft recently rebranded Microsoft  Viva sales as Microsoft sales Copilot as an admin to which user you want to provide   access, in My Demo session I  am using entire organization provide permissions next-> finish deployment done, after deployment it can take few minutes, here it is, please notice still saying  Microsoft Viva sales, as Microsoft recently   Rebranded as Microsoft sales Copilot, is  in progress so we have to wait further okay, it is fine now now an end user can easily use  the sales copilot in the Outlook   see there's no option like sales copilot over here click on get add-ins click on admin managed and find sales Copilot add here now sales copilot for Microsoft Outlook  is available to use for the end users now you can see we have option of sales  copilot over here, click on this option please notice that you're getting some options  for the copilot, describe the email you want please provide me a soft denial so co-pilot have provided you a  draft for the soft denial, if you   wish you can use as it is or if you  wish you can also modify it further reply to an inquiry make a proposal enter a Concern so you can see co-pilot is providing you  various options in context of this email based on the content of email, it will provide  you suggestions for the further drafts, if your   outlook is connected to Microsoft Dynamics  as well, you can see more options over here   save your email to Dynamics maybe in context of some account so it will save the email in Microsoft  Dynamics CRM in context of this account   so here we learned how to  install sales copilot for Outlook   how to use sales Copilot with Outlook and  how to connect record to Dynamics CRM sales copilot in Microsoft teams, our first step  is we will go to Microsoft teams admin Center   we'll go to Team apps-> setup policies we will add a new policy over here for purpose of this demonstration, I  already created a policy to save our time my policy here I have added sales copilot, the  reason I already added sales copilot   over here because after adding an installation   changes take place in few hours and to save  our time I have skipped this step for you similarly under pin apps, I have added  sales Copilot, so at admin level we   have done settings for the sales copilot  deployment, Now we move to Microsoft Outlook make a new meeting please watch this tab very carefully make sure this option is enabled   teams meeting, I also tried creating meeting in  Microsoft teams but I notice in that case copilot   don't work, so make sure you create meeting  from Microsoft Outlook and enable this option step 3 is I'll go to my Microsoft teams I'll tell other salesperson or my customer  to log in and to start meeting with me   before that I have to cross check whether sales  copilot is visible over here or not, in that case   in case it's not visible, you click over here Choose Sales Copilot and Save okay now it's time to start  meeting, let me join the meeting we have to make sure we have  to record and transcribe , else   summary will not generate with Copilot so you notice that we just finished  the meeting, now we'll go to chat we have to wait for some time, Here Comes ,you can  see notification - your meeting summary is ready so in summary we have three tabs- recap , mention, details. In details its talk about   who are the participants of meeting, complete  transcript and also recorded version of the call   in recap- it tried to capture highlights participant- talk about company  repairing electronic devices it mentioned about Microsoft information  about Dynamics other keywords   people, so it tried to capture some golden  words that you can use for your business so more intense is conversation , better are highlights under sentiments you can see -neutral sentiment  and Positive sentiments. In case customers unhappy   and he used some negative words, probably  you see negative sentiments over here so this way you can save your time and energy  by using the co-pilot sales summary in Microsoft  teams I will be happy to solve your queries further  please mention in comment box or visit my website   which I have given in description, please subscribe  to my channel to see such demonstrations.
Channel: BizzInnovate
Views: 12,546
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Keywords: Dynamics 365 Sales Full Tutorial 2023, Dynamics 365 Sales Opportunity Management, dynamics 365 sales, dynamics 365 sales tutorial, complete dynamics 365 sales tutorial, dynamics 365 sales professional, how to use dynamics 365 sales, tutorial dynamics 365 sales, d365sales, dynamics 365 sales training, sales copilot tutorial, dynamics 365 sales module, sales copilot course, dynamics sales module, sales dynamics 365, dynamics sales tutorial, dynamics sales training
Id: 3WDKqyE81Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 20sec (7580 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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