Dynamic Viewport Units in CSS: Speed-Learn in 1 Minute

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struggling with centering elements creating full page images or vertical layouts on mobile? when you try to use 100 vh to make something fill the whole screen it doesn't always work perfectly but dynamic viewport-percentage it's like my magic it changes itself based on what's happening if the address bar shows up the dynamic viewport-percentage adjusts. If you scroll and the adress bar hides the dynamic viewport-percentage knows what to do using dynamic report percentage is super easy you just make a small change and voya your designs look awesome on mobile we are not limited with is dynamic viewport-percentage only we have small and large viewport percentage as well so you can choose any of them based on your needs what do you think about dynamic viewport-percentage let me know in the comments and if you like the idea don't forget to like the video
Channel: WebForDevs
Views: 232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dynamic Viewport Units in CSS, dynamic viewport units, viewport units, css viewport units, css units, viewport units css, css dvh vs vh, css svh lvh dvh, learn in 1 minute, responsive design, responsive website, viewport height, height 100%, css height, webfordevs, responsive web design html css, css viewport, css viewport responsive, css viewport tutorial, css problems and solutions, new css viewport units, css units responsive, css units and sizes, css units explained
Id: Nn7FLN6z058
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 7sec (67 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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