Dynamic or Condenser Mic for Podcasting?

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if you're starting a podcast and you don't know whether or not to go for a large diaphragm condenser microphone or a dynamic microphone this videos for you let's get into it [Music] welcome back folks my name's Shane as you can tell we've got two microphones set up on the desk the rode nt1 large diaphragm condenser microphone and the rode procaster dynamic microphone now this one's actually designed for podcasting and I'm gonna give you the pros and cons of both and hopefully this video will help you decide which one is right for you if you want to go down that route I've left some links in the description as well don't forget to check those out also so I just picked this microphone up about a week ago and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with it one of the things that really shocked me with the rode procaster is the fact that you really have to crank the gain up on your audio interface for it to be to get signal basically it's nowhere near as hot of a microphone in terms of gain as the rode nt1 the nt1 is a nice clear microphone that has more siblings on the top-end this is all stuff you can adjust in post if you don't know what sibilance is it means the s and C words generally stand out a little bit more there's more of that frequency in there one of the small downsides of a microphone like this is it will pick up more ambient noise so if you're in a loud environment Peter Street out there with lots of cars going by or even a loud computer fan this microphone will hear more of everything it will hear more of the disc if I was to bump it with my hand or anything like that so these microphones while they sound spectacular they can be more problematic if you don't have it set up properly or if you just in a loud environment if that's the case I don't suggest you buy one of these I suggest you buy one of these now I'm going to show you just how quickly this will lose signal if I get away from the microphone so here we go this is me talking straight into the front now as you can see as soon as you get on the side of the microphone it just rejects the sound even more and if you get right behind it you're hardly gonna hear anything from back there at all and that's a good thing if someone else is in the room with you doing a podcast so if you've got two guests or two hosts this would definitely be the best choice because it's not going to get a lot of spill from the other person you have to be right up on the grill or close to it at least for it to sound it's best basically now dynamic microphones are a different technology to condenser microphones which require phantom power these don't so you can plug them into any desk or whatever that has an XLR input or even a jack input to some extent I wouldn't really recommend that but any XLR interface should have no problems with a mic like this the NT one really does require phantom power for it to work it won't work otherwise so just be very cautious of that now if you don't know what these terms are head over to geeky nerdy techie comm I've got a website dedicated to some of this stuff that I'm talking about right now another thing to consider too if you're a musician and you like to record acoustic guitar or you sing or something like that the rode nt1 is a no-brainer I would take this over the road procaster without question I've actually used this to track my own vocals and other people's vocals that actually had airplay here in Australia so it's a really great microphone and we did it believe it or not in an untreated room a lot of people will tell you that you need a treated room to use a condenser microphone that's not the case I actually have my computer on back here it's a desktop and while I can hear it acoustically in the room I know already it's not gonna come up on this microphone I've used it enough to know that if a loud truck goes by though that's where you might hear it you know so spilling into the microphone if you're just doing a podcast or you're doing a podcast that has someone else in the room like I mentioned then the road procaster is a no-brainer now I'm right up on the grill and I feel like that's how it sounds it's best but you can also get a little bit of plosives from this microphone you'll get a whole lot from the rode nt1 without the grill so if you do buy either one of these microphones make sure you get one of these little guys you can just put this on the top of the microphone it helps get rid of those plosives which are the b and b words p and b words that actually kind of like boom the microphones that air going into the capsule so I'm gonna put this on this is how the road procaster sounds now with the wind filter currently on I like to use it it does knock out a little bit of top-end but it's nothing you can't add in post where it's trying to remove the plosives from your recording if you do get them it's kind of a bit tricky the microphones actually pretty resilient against some plosives but I did notice after using it for a week that there are some that are still getting through and if you're using a microphone like this that has a little pop filter in the front you don't really have that problem if I was to record without it it would be next to useless at this distance every P or B word would just make the microphone boom uncontrollably so if you do get a condenser microphone or even one of these I still suggest using some sort of filter on there just to make sure you're not going to get any problems with those plosives that really ruins the recording and also becomes really distracting as a listener what you're about to hear now is just a quick sample of how both of these microphones can sound with a little bit of post-production I may add some EQ whatever I do on screen I'll let you know so this is the rode nt1 I already know I'm gonna add a noise gate this is an effect you hear on a lot of podcasts essentially when you stop talking it will mute the audio so you don't get any or yet less background noise basically you can set the threshold and then it removes anything under that threshold so this is how the rode nt1 sounds and this is how the rode procaster sounds now with a little bit of post-production and noise gate applied let me know what you think of this in comparison to the rode nt1 let me know in the comments which one you like the best and why or you can also vote up in the carts if this video has been helpful please give it a thumbs up I really appreciate it I'll leave some links as I mentioned in the description you can check them out as well but overall it's a really great mic I would choose this if I I'm in a noisy environment or be I've got someone else in the room doing the podcast with me I would choose the rode nt1 if I'm a musician like I am and I want to track my own vocal on an album or acoustic guitar this would be a much better choice for that but just be aware you can also use it for podcast but just be aware it does pick up more ambient noise so if you are using a microphone like this maybe you've recorded a time of day that's not so noisy at your house or wherever you live in your area I usually do my podcasts in the evening when there's not a lot of traffic going past and all that kind of stuff and I've never had a problem with this microphone it may pick up the odd barking dog from time to time but I just wait a minute I start again and I'm good so it's just one of those things yeah let me know which one you like the best and my thanks again for watching my name's Shane and I will catch you on the next video catch you soon [Music]
Channel: Geeky Nerdy Techy
Views: 78,833
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Id: j7CTx2j4Hsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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