Dynamic Joint Chains Motion Builder 2016

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okay guys so this is the tutorial for dynamic joint chains in MotionBuilder so import your bone hierarchy have one set up here and it's a relatively easy setup which is protesting then first thing we need to do is we need to go to our asset browser and under elements just open the open open cross here and under elements you got category called primitives and in primitive you have a poly sphere so drag that into the scene and place it inside one joint for example the first one scale it down like this I'm just gonna show my x-ray just to see where my bones are through the geometry now that we we got one police fear I will control and control CA use control-c and control-v to copy and paste it inside the scene and then I will align it with additional with all the other bones so it's aligned translation all again control-c control-v I'm holding X because I'm using my interaction mode so okay so it's X falling down and place and get inside the bone and then a lion translation and all again see me and then I will add additional one just for just because it works better if you just add another one as an end to your dynamic joint chain don't ask me why for its better it just does ok so now that we have these poly spheres we will use them for rigid body as a rigid up body objects and second thing we need to do is we need to go to elements under the asset browser and we will just need to navigate and find null drag in the scene as well the same procedure as with poly spheres drag inside the inside the joint socket and scale it down and repeat the process okay so this looks okay I guess so now the next thing I'm sure kinda messed up here because I added I aligned it incorrectly so I tried to do it correct this time all right that's good so what we need to do next is as a third step is we need to create rigidbody objects on top of these spheres all spheres so you do that by going into physical properties and you'll be able to see the joint ragdoll and rigid body options so just take one rigid body take just take it and place it inside the first poly sphere because it will be a parent of your chain just do it like this on top of it on top of the sphere and we'll show you the the properties of the rigidbody see I mean navigator it would see this window on this central window here and from rigid body activation you need to put it on pass it because it's it's not going to move and then approximation setup you can leave leave the approximation setup on correct my Center on then second step is just select all the other spheres in the scenes that you have and it will add additional rigidbody to them but it will be the same rigid body so they will share the properties okay so this is a rigidbody one and original body is rigid body so just to be like cleaning Allah I'll rename it air be one and the second one is happy - okay so on the second one these guys or everybody else should be active so activation is clicking remain an active and proximation setup you need to remove the correct mass center from all the all the other spheres so just remove it here okay okay so now what we need to do is we need to add bones or joints to the nulls and you do that pretty easy straightforward procedure just select all the nulls from top to bottom like this I like to use my navigator for this because it's kind of tricky to place them by dragging so I will take my joint and drag it inside navigator on top of the first null it will show you the joint all properties and under joint objects you have now joined one two three four five six okay so these joints are actually invisible I guess you don't you don't see them but they are pointing straight straight down because you didn't didn't move or even change the rotation of these nulls they're pretty straight straight so what we need to do now is we need to assign assign the controllers for them for the joints that we just added and controls for controllers for these joints are actually poly spheres that we created earlier and so the logic behind this is you need to select the first sphere that that will be parent to the child of your chain so this is the the first one the second one order is really important here and then just drag it so by holding X drag it inside this knowledge or in connections and that's it that's what that's for the first train connection second chain connection is this this would be the parent of the third polysphere so the second would be parent of the third you do the same thing but just under no one okay so now now one now - there will be the parent of the fourth and so on okay in Florida Oh for the last one see you don't have any spheres to add and you don't have any notes down there so for the last one what I like to do is I usually pick the second from the end and the end is fear so this will be the parent of this child and then I add it to the last joint join the object okay sorry so now we should be able to see the simulation I guess it works work already if we did everything correctly so just go to your asset browser find the find the option called solvers and under solvers you have physics solver drag it inside the scene and just tick online and take live and this is it yes yeah it's working you have the simulation for your cloth or whatever you know you can just use it for everything I guess it's really helpful for games and yeah game production or even movies production yeah so what I like to do next is just to show you how how it will control this hierarchy that I've imported is just antique live antique recording reset the start I will just bring it back to the initial position and just kill the online button so now physics solver is not really calculating anymore now next thing to do is we need to add constraints to these bones and we will constrain them to the to the spheres so under constraints under asset browser find constraints option and scroll down to the position constraint position position constraint is I find the most non-destructive way of doing things here so just pick it drag it inside the scene on top of the first joint and just say constrain object and then pick the first sphere above it X drop or it's drag it inside this source one source one what and hits net because snap will allow me allow them to remain of their positions even though they are aligned but let's say for example if they weren't aligned they would still remain on the same positions but be constrained after this activation so always use snap for these things okay so we did we do this for the next joint as well constrain always fear above it and snap constraint clothes sphere right sorry I think I did something wrong here when just a second okay so yeah okay so guess something went wrong here with my machine for some reason I'll just continue to try to try to do it like this so let's try an object snap all right constraint on Jake snap and then we will constrain this joint end to this sphere it's not okay so now if we go to solvers physical solver types online and pick your sphere should be able to see it working yeah it does the cool thing about this is it's not really recording scale and sometimes you don't really need it so you can see that there's no scale change scale changes inside the f curves for each and every joint so scale is scale remain and one as 100% as an initial value that we had and what you are removing it it's just recording the position even though it is scaling ttan it's not really scaling joints it's just moving the position of the nulls and joints our genes are being updated by that I guess so yeah that's a quick an easy way to do chain dynamic gene joint chain inside MotionBuilder for your cloud simulations and whatever you can just play when you're done with that you can go to your yeah that's alright just kill your kill your physics all your calculations because you can't really do anything while they're on I mean you can't really change any properties so go to your rigidbody properties and you can just adjust some of the density friction options here bombs and could be like I know something just lay our play around with that and if you are when you are happy with that with the results go to the places solver and see what you did sometimes it works sometimes I mean changes are relatively small sometimes so you won't be able to see but we need to test it out thank you guys for watching I'm out bye
Channel: T R I T O C H K E
Views: 8,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dynamic joint chains, MotionBuilder Dynamics, MotionBuilderCloth, MotionBuilder2016DynamicSimulations, ClothSimulationsMotionBuilder2016, DynamicJointChainsinMotionBuilder
Id: mxDKLfUtzy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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