Dwyane Wade - Full Basketball Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech ❤️

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[Music] thank you basketball Scouts love measurables a player's wingspan maximum vertical jump and bench press all speak to something but they don't tell you everything you can't measure tenacity you can't measure fearlessness and you can't measure the will to win when Dwyane Wade when Dwyane Wade launched his signature shoe line in 2005 the tagline was taken from a Japanese proverb fall seven times stand up eight it turns out that was the measure of the man his Relentless pursuit of greatness turned South Florida into Wade County making him the most celebrated player in Miami Heat history [Applause] how would I describe you ways game foreign shiftiness he looks like he's moving in slow motion next thing you know he's getting down the lane Euro stepping guys making athletic plays it in a product of Chicago's South Side Dwayne Wade first rose to prominence at Marquette University the fifth overall pick in the illustrious NBA draft class of 2003 Dwayne came up big when the games counted most I still remember you know the game winner he hit the postseason versus the Hornets [Applause] he really blew up in the playoffs and you could just see the greatness begin to swell in him when I joined the Heat I saw he was a guy that played hard so he's a guy that had a lot of grit you gotta love a guy that dominates and plays the right way the alio [Music] Anthony O'Neill in 2006 Wade put the team on his back earning Finals MVP honors while leading the Miami Heat to their first ever NBA title heavy heat are champions of the basketball World Wade was also a force on defense setting the all-time NBA record for blocks by a player under six foot four in a great anticipation he had long arms big hands he was a great defender [Applause] in Dwayne's career when he was joined in Miami by Chris Bosh and LeBron James [Applause] put it under here be able to go down there and to be a part of Wake County and do the things that we did in four years four straight finals appearances two rings what he brought to the court every day his attitude that he brought every day it was just incredible Dwyane Wade was a 13-time All-Star and the leading scorer on the 2008 Olympic gold medal winning team when he got here that changed everything he goes down as the greatest player ever in this franchise's history welcoming Dwayne to the Hall of Fame is the answer Allen Iverson Dwayne Wayne [Applause] [Applause] oh oh [Applause] [Music] my God um he Nation y'all in here [Applause] I don't got much time coach pop took all the time let me [Applause] let me get to it um I first I want to start by acknowledging all the individuals um and the amazing women from 1976 Olympic basketball team on going into the Hall Tony Powell Dirk we were all linked together already but being on this journey together getting to know one another as men and not as competitors it's been hella dope for dark and me has been therapy [Applause] who would have thought that we would be on the same team after all of our battles but here we are and it's one of the greatest teams I've ever been on so thank you guys I want to thank Harold L Richards High School in Oakland Illinois I want to thank Marquette University in Milwaukee Wisconsin I want to thank the Miami Heat in Wade County [Music] I want to thank the hoop Hall here's my final love letter the first memory I have of holding a basketball was when I was five years old and it wasn't love at first sight but one thing I knew for sure was there's something inside of me would come alive every time I had that ball in my hands I've got to credit my dad for my love of the game he's what you would call an everyday Hooper and there was a court in Chicago chances are my pops took my brothers and me so we can play against grown as men to gain their respect there was a basket and a run there we were pulling up to the lakefront Foster Park Blue Island rec center and any local gyms and Parks anywhere in Chicago the best thing about that time was what the game taught me I had a chance to see the way to get I had a chance to see the way basketball connected people just about hanging out with my dad my uncles and his friends my love of competition came from seeing them go at it it wasn't about anything other than their pride and the Love of the Game if you've been around basketball long enough you know you know how raw it gets they had loud arguments about bad calls you couldn't even think about calling a foul there wasn't some blood involved you had to play through it all the trash talking in those games it probably wasn't appropriate for kids to be around but that's the game I grew up on that's the game that raised me after all those games when battles really watching them sit down grab a cold beer laugh and joke about any and everything about work family and definitely who got buckets dropped on the head that day you know as a kid all you need is an opening but I live for back then was any intermission in the game it could be a long time out a long argument water break somebody getting pissed and throwing the ball over the fence a break between games and that was a chance for me to run on the court and grab that ball and imitate my dad I took it thing is though at five the ball was always too heavy to get to the rim or too big in my hands but little did I know that this object was going to be the vessel that changed my life and my families by the time I was nine years old I didn't have to look far for elite level basketball my hometown team the Chicago Bulls were the greatest force on Earth I look back on some I look back on those days at some of the best of my life all my brothers Demetrius Donnie and I did was eat sleep talk think and dream basketball it was my obsession the game gave me eaglepar's excitement and frustration see I was clumsy as hell back then my hands were too big for my body and my feet was growing just as fast before and after school before and after my games I studied the player who had replaced my pops as my favorite Michael Jordan he captured my imagination and filled my aspirations all at the same time I bet if you give me enough time I could find that Come Fly with Me VHS that I watched before every game I played the way he soared through the air felt like forever he created moves that made me immediately rush to my backyard to recreate them game two of the 1991 NBA Finals the Bulls versus the Lakers my dad's favorite player Magic Johnson Cliff leviston drove Baseline threw it to MJ who was waiting at the free throw line he took one dribble he took off with one hand like he normally does and then he decided to switch it in mid-air to the left I bet you can hear Marv Albert in your head right now a spectacular move by Michael Jordan after seeing that I couldn't tell you how many days and nights were spent practicing that move I wouldn't stop practicing it until I mastered it I was hoping to bring some of his style into my own game by 17 basketball was my soul's love language to help give me an identity it was a safe space that allowed me to be expressive and passionate I realized that basketball was my blank canvas I used it to reimagine my life no matter what was going on in my life it was my sanctuary it's my way out I needed to reimagine life not just for myself but for everyone I loved the game is where I discovered who I could become it showed me that on the other side of hard work was a success I craved it taught me the value of resilience in the face of adversity how to bounce back stronger at their defeat through the game I discover who shows up for me when I win and when I lose my confidence was found through the game it helped me find my worth far beyond the courts you see I've never been a stranger to adversity I'm speaking of being labeled academically ineligible as a freshman in Marquette at 19 finding out I'll be a father before my sophomore season That season my 10th game against Wake Forest I taught a meniscus in my left knee and at the end of the season I had surgery to remove my meniscus that was also 2007 when I had to have two surgeries at the same time one to repair my Toro labrum and my dislocated rotator cuff in my left shoulder and the other on my left knee again and finally in 2012 right after our Championship parade down Biscayne Boulevard I had to have my third surgery on my left knee each surgery each rehab it pushed me past lemons I didn't know I had I could have given up I wanted to I never second guessed myself a third fourth fifth guess myself but I never allowed my injuries to Define me I'm on the stage because my beliefs have always been stronger than anyone's doubt so to all the hoopers I hope you take this to Heart no it's never about your setbacks it's how you respond the blows you take are fuel the limitations people put on you are actually inspiration no one who comes from a community community that I have has ever left a legacy worth remembering by having it easy as I reflect on my own destiny and the impact that My Heroes Have Had on my life I'm reminded that our heroes are not always perfect instead they possess a relatability that makes them touchable and real when anyone speaks about Allen Iverson that's exactly what they say he's real so AI I need you to know this I watched you with all because I saw a reflection of myself in you the way you played the game was exciting and fearless it didn't matter who they put in front of you they wasn't going to stop you I know I tried it didn't matter what they said about you because they couldn't measure the size of your heart your authenticity Unapologetic attitude resonated with me your Swagger Unique Style for rocking do-rags braids the bag of shorts it's an untucked jerseys the earrings the chains the throwback jerseys all combined to create an image that broke the mold you challenge conventional norms and became the poster child for individuality and self-expression inspiring countless individuals who Embrace their own uniqueness you brought hope to those who grew up with limited resources you showed us that success and greatness were attainable even in the face of adversity your struggles made your accomplishments that much more remarkable AI you are a living breathe a reminder that Redemption and growth are possible you inspired a generation my damn self included to believe that coming from nothing was not a limitation but motivation I wore arm sleeve throughout my career because AI did I respectfully order number three throughout my college and NBA career to represent the love and the respect that I have for this man so from the bottom of my heart you are the culture and we love you and we thank you Allen Iverson thank you so make it here the Hall of Fame you never do it by yourself I've had incredible mentors play pivotal roles their wisdom guidance and loyalty are as much a part of my story as anything else they helped me discover parts of myself I never knew existed you not only taught me the X's and O's of the game but you also imparted invaluable life lessons that have shaped the very character of the man that I am your beliefs are my potential your guidance through adversity and your unwavering support have made all the difference not just in my game but in my life I would have never evolved into the player that I I would have never evolved into the player that would have played that could have played with the Mount Rushmore of talent like Shaq and LeBron without y'all teaching me about the importance of we versus me dead mentality made it possible to understand when sacrifice was needed for my teams to win so thank you Jack Fitzgerald Larry Butler Coach K Tom crean Stan Van Gundy Pat Riley and Eric spoaster I love you guys [Applause] throughout my career there have been many Milestones like the triple double versus Kentucky to advance to the final four in 2003. we didn't get the chip there you salute to my brother mellow but my Marquette brothers and I left a permanent mark on our University he caught his basketball forever from there I was able to reach five NBA Finals with the Miami Heat and win three I could talk about my accomplishments and the work I put in Forever but that didn't happen without my peers coaches and honestly you the fans your cheers [Music] [Applause] your cheers and booze [Music] are part of my life soundtrack you may come to work every night the best job in the world I was blessed to play with and when championships with some of the best to ever dribble basketball teammates who understood how to play the game on and off the court overcoming challenges together celebrating victories together and creating memories together is what stays with me each victory was a testament to resilience and determination each loss a reminder of how precious winning actually was being named the All-Star 13 times in my 16-year career all NBA on both the offensive and defensive ends I never wanted to cheat the game and in return the game gave me a lifetime of amazing memories with all that being said nothing compares to the bonds I've made along the way I'm thankful for Travis Diener Robert Jackson the real right Quentin Richardson Quran Butler Lamar Odom Eddie Jones Alonzo Morning [Music] Gary Payton Antoine Walker a bad little brother Mario Chalmers [Applause] and Ray Allen to name a few also play with people who protected me and gave me a bigger sense of purpose Shaq Chris LeBron and UD [Music] [Applause] they changed the way I would be viewed in this game forever with Shaq I learned how to be Robin to his Batman and then become Batman watching Chris Simply Be himself while giving us all to the game but not cheating his family out of their time gave me a friend I could look up to spend it four years with LeBron in Miami I watched him not take one single day off of being great my brother UD and I we learned how to be selfless leaders together but the protection that he provided me on and off the court [Applause] provided the safety of a big brother and it allowed me to bloom and Blossom so I thank you I love you [Applause] off the court Another Blessing in my life is Henry Thomas been on the stage tonight it simply wouldn't be possible without him my job title he was my agent but in my heart he was far more than that if you're really blessed in life you get to meet angels on Earth there's not a day that goes by that I don't hear him saying you got this my man I know he's looking down at me right now chewing his tongue with a proud dad grin on his face Hank we miss you we love you my man to my loved ones the ones who have become my lifeline y'all are my Safe Haven a place where I can always Retreat to with minimum fear of judgment I laugh with you I've cried with you I've been saged by you I'm protected by you and I'm loved by you I am who I am because of all of you you're the embodiment of unconditional love and that's all I ever wanted and needed that's all I ever wanted to show in return so I want to take this opportunity to recognize a few of my loved ones and when I call your name because we've been here all day I want you all to stand up so everyone can see your faces Carmelo Anthony if y'all could wait till I finish the names before y'all clap uh it'll be all day Chris Paul [Applause] Chantelle Cohen you may be at the top somewhere I love you there you go Andre King Richard Ingram Bob mattelis Lisa mattelis Tracy Union tregill Wade Johnson Davion Morris kavya James is that your way thank you all for being there for me and for loving me in the most perfect way possible I appreciate you guys and I love y'all [Applause] [Music] so I can sit down now my wife Gab would you please stand thank you for making our house a home thank you for making sure our kids feel seen heard and protected when I'm not around thank you for learning every rep's name in the NBA and for screaming at them so I didn't have to saved a lot of fine money I know I'm I know I'm traveling for work this year during our anniversary so I want to say thank you for being on this journey for me with me these past 15 years thank you for learning to love my imperfections just as much as we've enjoyed and loved the moment the moment of perfection I love you mom mom would you please stand your strength to overcome your own personal adversity is something I've always admired about you to have a mother who loved me enough to know when it was time to allow my dad to step in and lead the way it's one of the most unselfish acts I've ever witnessed thank you for seeing me and I'm making my life about you it allowed me to Blossom in an environment that kept me focused and dreaming thank you for showing me that our lives don't always go as planned but with the right amount of love and support our lives do go exactly as planned I love you [Applause] pops would you please stand thank you I started this off thanking you and I want to end it the same way I owe you a debt of gratitude that I'll never be able to repay when I would cry and say I can't you made me go harder you pushed me to limits that I didn't know were inside of me the hard work I put in was because I didn't want to let you down those countless hours in the backyard we would compete against each other like strangers and built me to last those days that turned into late nights of me working on my left hand so it was just as good as my right it made me an Unstoppable Force that time you got kicked out of the game as my coach and snuck back in the side door and Coach me from the stands just to get kicked out again it showed me that there was no limitations on how you would show up for me it's the exact same way I try to show up for my kids so even though I hated being called little Dwayne I admired you as a kid I admire you now we had the same exact dream and we carry same exact name Dwayne Tyrone Wade to know we Hustle all the way to the Basketball Hall of Fame is God's will so pops I know your knees a little sore but will you join me on stage as we take our rightful step into basketball heaven [Applause] this one right here this one is for my father I love you and I'm thankful for you I love you too man we're in the Hall of Fame dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: House of Highlights
Views: 297,994
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Keywords: house of highlights, hoh, shorts, fyp
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Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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