Dwarf Fortress - Your First Fortress Tutorial Lets Play | 09 (Caverns)

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hello everybody and welcome to weather mountains this is my tutorial let's play the goal of this episode which is episode nine if I'm not mistaken is to continue on what we completed didn't weren't unable to complete in the last episode we've begun working on our mayor's accontrements and space we've uh got our military set up we've done a little bit of surface farming now and we've broken into the caverns and we need to work on our traps here so we've got a lot of things that we need to get to these are just stonefall traps which are nothing fancy however they should be enough to hold off just a basic Siege up here in the Overworld uh something that we do need to take note of and keep in mind is our faction right here uh does want goblets from us that is their big request is goblets now we do have more iron on this map than I realistically know what to do with so I'm gonna queue up some fancy iron goblets for them because I think that that would be a lovely thing to sell to them iron goblet also our yard dwarves will appreciate the goblets as well and uh we are going to cue up and let's just say 60 Iron goblets we do have a good number of jobs queued up and we do have plenty of various uh clothing pieces and stuff that's not getting finished which is fine I can remove those we have plenty of doors queued up plenty of anvils queued up I think I queued up a second set of anvils did I know I just simply moved them all the way to the top and uh so that's kind of where we're at right now but if we go down we broke into the caverns in the last episode and I'm really keen on this because there's tons of cool colored materials like malachite we also have uh plenty of microcline as well as other fun things for us to dig around in and discover and mess about with so I'm very excited to get the opportunity to mess around in this Cavern layer I think probably what we're going to do is we're going to try and get down into this area and continue digging and also see if we can get some more Farms down there one nice thing about Cavern layers and you might actually notice this pretty quickly if you take a peek is there's actually wild plants growing down here so we have these are all dead because of the season but we have sweet pods uh we have uh various other floor fungus and a pigtail excuse me as well as plump helmets growing wildly pigtails growing wildly and uh Cave wheat growing wildly and other useful uh resources for making into materials so something that is worth noting and definitely something that we're gonna have to take advantage of we also have some more tetrahedrite down here that we can mine out which is probably going to collide with the aquifer right there but that's generally pretty okay um so what I'm going to do actually is I'm going to keep up some Auto mining jobs off the sides of this and get them to go start digging around our above ground farming is actually quite successful and now that we've broken into the caverns you can see this wonderful bossy floor fungus is growing here now a lot of people talk about oh no I don't like the floor fungus so I'm gonna show you a way to get rid of it if you don't perhaps want it growing although I will say the reason you do want it growing is if floor fungus is growing uh your animals can graze there so we could re-pasture some of our above ground animals onto the floor fungus theoretically which is a very you know useful thing to have a good stockpile of um for your dwarves because uh you know you want to be able to farm and having floor fungus just means that you can Farm livestock underground which is generally a pretty good thing uh so Shale is what we were using so we're going to let the dwarves construct all of that I'm also going to give them another little floor Bridge across uh not super fancy but just a way for them to have a little bit quicker access even with our water wheels sitting there something else on the animal husbandry front uh some people have been stating is there a way to keep uh your livestock from uh simply not being able to lay eggs because uh the dwarves snapped them up too quickly one way to do that actually is simply lock the doors um if the doors are locked the dwarves are unable to retrieve uh eggs from this these spacings down here so if the ducks lay eggs then they will have time to fertilize them and uh fully grow uh or and then hatch into baby ducklings before that becomes an issue and the dwarves snapped them up to be cooked another thing that I've cut up here over here is a whole a whole row of new bedrooms just purely because it is something that we do need as our population grows and I also really like just making bedrooms close to my workshops there are some rumors about the game that are true and some rumors about the game that are not true one of the ones that is not true is workshops do not create ambient noise at least not enough ambient noise that it bothers the dwarves so I wouldn't be too worried about ambient noise actually upsetting your dwarves in any way another thing is we do actually have some cloth lying around we do have cloth trousers as well as uh uh cloth shirts cued up so hopefully as that stuff gets done uh those few dwarves that unfortunately are unclothed will be able to become clothed so I'm gonna finish queuing up all these bedrooms and then uh we're gonna do a little bit more military related things before we begin moving down again so with all these bedrooms queued up and mostly filled up with what we have we're going to Simply cue up all these bedrooms as a living spaces for these dwarves and that cues up just 10 more bedrooms which is actually a pretty good spot to be at if we actually scroll down this list it will say who does and who doesn't have quarters So currently the only people that appear to be unassigned from quarters is this Hunter and then this Dwarven child for some reason and I feel like this is intentional because it's been in the game forever Hunters refuse to like demand bedrooms they'll just not take them so I like to manually assign my hunter's bedrooms so now I think the next thing we need to do is we need to work on prettying up our Barracks ever so slightly so I did store stuff to be stored in the barracks and also we made this armor stockpile as well as this weapon stockpile right beneath the barracks as you can see there's some stuff getting piled in there and the dwarves will assuming it matches their their needs uh go and acquire better quality weapons that are made out of better materials and they will also automatically acquire a gear that is higher quality than the stuff that they are currently wearing so just kind of a pro tip there if you are trying to manage your military's uniforms long story short don't worry too much about it unless you want a specific dwarf where wielding a specific Warhammer because it's a specific artifact largely the dwarves are relatively and I'd say this in air quotes intelligent about what stuff that they they are going to take with them so I appear to have used all of my chests on uh this so I'm just going to deconstruct one sorry door if you're gonna lose a chest from your bedroom I appear to have used all my chests but we do actually have our armor stands already set up so what we're going to do is we're going to go into the military section and uh we are going to place our some weapon racks one two three four five six seven let's just Place eight and uh we're also going to do eight armor stands and make sure that they're all in the right Zone and for some reason I always I'm always like pleasantly surprised that they are in their own menu now I still haven't gotten used to this version entirely yet we're gonna place a bunch of these and then because our mayor does need some we're gonna give those to the mayor as well because you know we want the mayor to be relatively happier she's always going to that menu I don't know why um we're also going to give them a weapon whack and a second weapon whack so one two three four five six seven eight one two three one two three four five six seven eight so now when they uh are off duty and no longer training um that they will put their stuff there and now we can see this uh was frustrated after a lack of decent meals for too long right we need to make more meals but generally like if you peek at your dwarves thoughts when they're training you know that they're a good foot for the military when they when it looks like this you know when it's just like absolutely phenomenal like super goddamn happy like that's what you want to see you want to see dwarves that are super satisfied and excited and happy about training I mean look at this one I was satisfied about where were you was pretty decent drink and which one did I click on content after a pretty decent drink uh content after a pretty decent meal that's what you want to be seeing you want to be seeing that now I mentioned uh uh temples uh previously and we've started building this space down here for a mayor which I've definitely spaced on I realized after I finished recording the last episode that oh I did start building that space for a mayor down there but it's fine we can use that for the captain of the Guard a lot of these rooms are very replaceable and we're gonna need to set up a captain of the Guard pretty soon because the number of dwarves in this Fortress that we have is growing and once you get to like 60 70 dwarves you want to make a captain of the Guard anyway so while we're doing temples in this episode we're also going to queue up our captain of the Guard um but now what we're going to do is we're going to make a dining hall for our uh oops not not set as a multi Zone we're gonna make a dining hall for our mayor here and it's gonna it's gonna be a split Zone it's gonna be a partial Zone I have lots of people ask me why I put the walls in them too it does increase the value of the Zone ever so slightly especially if you then go and do this and put Engravings on these walls which is what we're gonna do to increase the value of this room for our mayor and keep them as happy as possible shout out to the guy here who gets the bonus value increase because the walls are covering it um so that's gonna help then we can go into chairs and tables and we can give them a couple tables and we can go into chairs just make sure that you only assign one chair per table otherwise if multiple dwarves run into the same space to grab food I should put statues in there it's more old habits um and I think that we're out of pretty much everything else except for that sweet and I think I was actually going to put that over here so we're actually gonna put that over here uh and that that should be everything for that so they should cue that up and that should keep our mayor mostly satisfied I mean like yellow is fine I mean obviously they would prefer nicer stuff but it just kind of is what it is so next thing we're going to do is we're going to jump up to the surface and we are going to add in some more stonefall traps to this so we did this once before if you remember it's quite simple we're also going to take a peek at this looks like they did Harvest our rope reads so we need to get those cued up um that we should set up a repeating job for uh we're going to uh go and jump over into the traps menu and we are going to add more stonefall traps so once again stones are going to be hooked up to these and they are going to drop big old rocks on the heads of things coming through just make sure if you do use stonefall traps that they are either in a one tile wide room or have a big wall like holes on either side because most skilled soldiers are pretty good at dodging out of the way of stonefall traps which is why you kind of want to make sure that they can't Dodge them as much as possible all right so the next thing you want to be doing or the next thing we we want to be doing is we're going to be working on those temples like because we've talked about it all the time and this is practically a water temple as far as I'm concerned with the amount of uh you know liquids around now I I really like this area down here that we've just dug out especially that it's surrounded by this Cavern layer so I think this is going to be where we're going to designate up our temples although I think I'm going to do it over here mostly so that I don't need to worry about digging underneath my own thing so we're going to wait until these miners get down here although I'm going to increase the priority because I've got a bunch of mining jobs right now which they're probably busy with uh combine that with a bunch of other repeating orders while we wait for that to get dug out we're going to jump up to here and we are going to go to our Farmers shops and I'm going to queue up some uh processed plants orders because I know that I have rope reads now because we planted them and then they're going to get those replanted for the end of the summer we're gonna jump back down we're gonna jump back down I'm gonna go okay miners where you at well okay so a lot of them are busy right we also don't have that many minors assigned so I'm actually going to jump over here we're going to assign a couple more miners um mining is a pretty popular job among dwarves and it's also a job that some dwarves get rather obsessed with and then have a hard time doing anything else it's a good job to give to peasants too is it's a good strength trainer which makes them quicker at hauling Boulders and doing other things like that so we'll we're going to assign a couple more of those jobs also going to cut through this last bit of water here and then what we're going to do is we're going to cue up a good couple of buildings because I'm not actually sure how many gods are in this world now these these small temples don't have any value requirement however this can happen with both Guild halls and temples Guild halls and temples can be demanded and if they demand one then immediately they have a value requirement it's usually 2 000 initially and then they will up it to a higher value requirement later but uh if you have your economy set on hard uh they will have higher value requirements so kind of keep that in mind when you're setting your difficulty settings so we're going to kind of move up and around here and we're going to place a couple of these and they don't have to be too big they don't have to be too small and we don't need too too many of them maybe uh half a dozen or so so that's what five let's go a little higher up here and let's widen this out a little bit because I like my funny my funky shapes we're going to cue all this up cue all this up and do that and we're going to do that and we're gonna do that and we are going to expand more of this more of that I really like this Cavern layer I'm really happy that we hit this also that is curious what layer is this -12 holy crap Okay so hmm this is exciting I need to channel into this from the layer above so this right here is some hidden fun stuff I don't know how dangerous this is gonna be but uh my curiosity is getting the better of me we're gonna let them dig out these uh temples and then we're gonna go poke that and see what we can find in it um those red squiggles right here mean that there's lava meaning there is lava right there there is a lava tile right there but there's also some extraordinarily valuable gems so I would like to get those extraordinarily valuable gems out of there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to let them dig this whole area out and then uh we will assign these temples and then we're gonna go poke that so while the dwarves were digging this out another dwarf completed an artifact the butcher has created muthor Khan a hematite bracelet an office offers it to the rampart of reigning we should go take a peek at that bracelet while they're digging all this stuff out because this Fortress is starting to get a little busy which I'm a big fan of artifacts are one of those things where they are definitely worth looking at but it's also quite easy to just kind of pass over them if they aren't a dwarf that you are immediately attached to and now I'm not finding it where did you make it oh I see it's a craft storef shop interesting so I'm going to take a peek at this uh so this human type bracelet all craft warship is of the highest quality it is encrusted with cushion hematite cabochons and is decorated with alpaca wool and encircled with bands of rectangular hematite cabochons this object menaces with spikes of iron I think this is a beautiful little artifact and we're going to give it to our captain of the guard that I'm about to appoint because we did say we would do that in the last episode and well might as well really now nobody really fits the job descript of this particular dwarf and it's a hard job to really pick a dwarf four you need somebody who enjoys beating others which is um a little tricky so I'm gonna actually give it to I think uh this presser here because I don't really want a dwarf that's going to be super strong and I'm not super picky about who gets this job as for artifact well they can have this mathur Con assigned to them and also perhaps well I was going to suggest we could do this but I think we're we're gonna let them have this ring this is going to be the Ring of the captain of the Guard uh and this essentially gives them a happy thought gives them a good mood and also now a reason for us to make them in office so we're gonna real quick give them this we're gonna real quick give them a table and we are going to uh realize that I now need to make more stuff for the proper uh accenturements but we can give them the the cabinets that have since been made and I think we made I did not queue up more chests uh so let's cue up uh the things that we're gonna need for his office and uh then uh I'll continue speaking so things that we can still make is we can make uh weapon rack weapon rack and we can do uh armor stand and armor stand and we can give him another bed uh so this is going to be the bed for the captain of the Guard this is going to be the office for the captain of the Guard the captain of the Guard also needs a bunch of jail cells that are assigned to them and a dining room of course but for this we're just going to be going with uh the bare minimum so we're going to give them the office and the bedroom although I wouldn't actually consider the bedroom a bare minimum just it just the office is the is the bare minimum but uh we're gonna do that and we're going to assign their bedroom and we're going to give this to him directly of course he already has modest quarters but now he's slightly nicer quarters I still wants a dining room and uh is still quite upset about the fact uh that he doesn't have a chest yet but I did queue up some chests so we just need to wait for those to be made um then lastly I'm going to queue up a little space uh back here at a slightly lower priority because we're still taking out all those temples and this is going to be for the captain of the Guard it's going to be a little dining room area although yeah it's all small let's actually make it a little bigger what's going on we got alert uh oh hey an Elven Caravan has arrived to trade we should definitely trade with them although Maybe not maybe this time we will uh pass on trading with the elves because I'm looking at what we could buy from them and it's probably just going to be food and items of that sort and I'm much more concerned with getting these temples functioning so what we're going to do is we're going to begin assigning these temples set the first one up as a meeting room we're going to accept it and I'm going to set it as a temple a brand new Temple so as you can see there are two different types of temples here right and the last one that we did at the very beginning of the series was just to know specific deity to get the bare minimum of worship out but we have a bunch of other gods we have adore the livid we have reg the the cradlead and we have Turin the great fate and tubal and asmil you can see the number of worshipers and then down here are religions the renowned doctrines oh there's a lot of worshipers of the thought of the mountains Thunder volcanoes the sky the Sun the wind and uh fire god that's a pretty badass God I adore the livid very livid um this is probably going to request a specific locations sooner rather than later because they already have eight worshipers if ten total worshipers from this religion end up in our Fortress or get converted in our Fortress then we will need to make them a specific Temple which is exactly the same as making a normal Temple but you need to give the temple 2000 uh money value as well as a priest so a bigger slightly bigger room with uh some chairs and tables a couple statues and maybe an altar something to make them a little bit happy but we're not going to worry too much about that right now uh there are some other religions down here that aren't very well represented including the cult of dense I guess denting things uh but we're gonna just focus on the popular Gods so I'm gonna look at the ones that have more than like two worshipers and we're going to go with them so Igor the livid uh reg the crate the cradled uh talron the great fate and tubal asmil and uh during the crystal of turquoise so we're gonna just start off with the livid so they can have their room we're gonna cue this up to be smooth when they have time and we're gonna then once it's smooth place the door in we're also gonna cue these two up to be smooth and we can get these two done as well now of course you can go back and check but it is very easy to forget which dwarf which uh temples uh are assigned to which room so what I would recommend doing is just simply doing them in order which is how I do them so I just like one day okay how many have I done all right we go on to the next one uh reg the the cradled is gonna go here um and I should actually just make this fit all these walls and um no it does and then we can kill another one which is going to go over here and we're gonna again make it fit all the walls so this is going to go to a another Temple now something uh that is worth noting while you're queuing up a bunch of temples is by default temples are set to public so you're gonna get a bunch of visitors walking in if you don't want the visitors right away definitely don't set them to public so you get to that menu by clicking on the little magnifying glass here and then you click on the uh citizens and long-term residents only or you could just say citizens only if you don't want long-term residents in there now the reason I like to do this until I am I have a fully set up Fortress is because if there's rare creatures in the area or vampires in the area or scary things in the area that may want to hurt me I want them to um not be able to do that and a very easy way for them to do that is simply walk into your Tavern steal your artifacts and do all that sort of thing so I'm gonna wait until at the very least we have about a hundred dwarves before I start letting visitors in just so that it's easier for me to immediately identify and deal with threats when they appear because we will have more stuff set up we also have a petition there that is ready to go but first I would just like to see if my captain of the Guard is stuff set up which he doesn't yet so um we'll check this petition I guess oh look at this Glutton dungeon uh wishes to reside in weather Mountains for the purpose of eradicating monsters well what are you Glutton Mountain I like your name but uh what are you uh Goblin axemen well that's good the nice thing about Goblin axemen is the goblin here uh wears the same size clothing as dwarves so we wouldn't need to worry about him getting upset with clothing as for stuff he's got equipped what do you have uh he's got a bismuth bronze battle ax which is currently strapped to his back because it's not showing in his hand and uh a bronze Shield well pretty unarmed aside from that aside from some iron boots something that's worth noting is if you ignore your mayor and you don't do not set up a space for your mayor to live the this can't happen this can only happen if the mayor has an office and they actually go into the office and petition to live here so I'm going to allow this little Goblin to join our Fortress because while I don't really want visitors I'm too totally okay with having a happy little Goblin living here so good luck Bobby uh enjoy the tavern um enjoy the free booze and hope we'll have to make you a place to stay I think he is annoyed when caught in the rain he's remembering that but uh goblins are neat little critters we can actually see where he came from too so formal member of the youthful tariff it's definitely a golden sieve and uh is a former member of the Hecks of Fortunes and a former member of the umbral sin um but seems to be a member of the labor of muscles and um a member of the ordered tomes so if this little guy here lives here for one year then we can then assign them to join our military and do other things because they can petition for full citizenship and once I have full citizenship they're just one of us but I'm gonna let them finish digging all this out and then I will continue speaking so right as I said that it looks like some migrants have arrived well that is good we do have plenty of beds available I don't know how many they're bringing but hopefully it's more than two uh although fortunately it should queue up this job a little faster so uh 69 nice 70. 100 75 75 maybe maybe this might actually go up to 80. something that you do need to check whenever you do get a migrant wave though is I jump up to wherever your uh pastures are and see what animals they've brought with them because they probably brought something that's going to starve to death in your Tavern uh not too much not too much at all not so far anyway although they tend to arrive at the end looks like we're gonna hit 80. up 79 79 79. all right so we're now up to a population of 79 which I'm sure will speed things up quite considerably it also means that we have some new peasants around which means grab a pickaxe dwarves because you're needed frankly we also have this legendary soap maker who I'm suddenly kind of interested in if you ever see names flickering it does mean that they are legendary in a skill what are you legendary at actually legendary Soper are you actually a legendary Soper that's impressive so with that this is the final Temple that I'm doing for this Zone and I am going to once again set it to Citizens and long-term residents only keep in mind our little Goblin that we just recruited does count as a long-term resident so you will be able to use these if you wishes so we can now cue up all these and key up all these at slightly lower priority just to make sure they all get smoothed eventually now onto that fun tile so we have this fun tile right here as you can see once again it does have lava marked on it we're going to do is I'm gonna go right above it which is right there and kind of put a little note there I'm just going to dig a little tunnel bigger tunnel dig a tunnel so I have this um annoying Obsession where I refuse to have any hard angles in my Fortress this bothers some people but I like it so uh what we're going to do is we're going to kind of go up and then around and we have another petition looks like we have a guild that we need to put together and it's a farmer's Guild Hall so many members uh the the Hall of Dunes has many members in uh and now requires a farmer's Guild so we can put together our first Guild while they dig that out in the corner so because we have a bunch of farming right here I think this would be a fitting spot for a farmer's Guild surprise uh so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna dig a little room out down here and it's going to be accepted now I've had a lot of people ask me this is there a way to see petitions that you've accepted once you've accepted them currently no which is actually I think a qql feature that I think this game greatly needs however what I will say is once you've agreed to a petition we have another one here once you've agreed to a petition uh and if it's a guild hall or a temple the only temples that can form into guilds are the ones that have 10 members so when you're assigning it just look for one with 10 members and generally at least I am relatively good at remembering which ones I have or you can actually find the full list within the location screen we have another person here who wants to uh uh eradicate monsters whose singed Farm who um is a human Bowman you I'm gonna Decline and purely because humans wear different size clothing and I don't feel like making clothes for you let's see if we have more uh plant cloth that can be queued up which we do in fact would you look at that glorious glorious we can continue our above ground farming operation we can also check on our clothing uh and and see what we have for cloth actually up here on the cloth menu uh so let's just take a real quick peek actually let's just type in read um here which should filter this down we've got tons of rope read which is great as well as uh underneath thread we got rope read thread and let's just jump over to the cloth screen again and see what we have for rope read cloth we may have already used all of it actually I think we probably did because as far as I know we still have a bunch of clothing jobs queued up in the work orders up here we do in fact we have cloth shirts and trousers queued up so that's a good sign I'm gonna let them dig this out and I'm gonna let them dig this out well they've already dug it out so what we're going to do now is we're going to channel into this thing although before we channel into this thing just for safety sake in case something really scary comes out of it I'm gonna put a door right there because sometimes you just you got to be a little you got to be careful so once a door is here uh we're gonna Channel this out and see what's down there so once I have the digging tool screen up you can actually see those little squiggly red lines indicating that there's lava present and this is right in the center here so we're just going to channel this out and see what we get I'm going to channel this out at the highest priority and I've been doing everything else one below so it should get done pretty quick now we just need to wait for a dwarf and hopefully we don't find anything too scary now a feature that was just added in the most recent version of the game is the ability to move the game forward by one turn at a time uh because Dwarf Fortress works on a tick system just like a lot of traditional roguelikes uh we can actually literally hit a button to move the game forward one turn at a time and by default it's bound to the period key I've rebounded to equals whatever works for you but we're just going to keep hitting this and there we go well it looks like it's full of lava okay so what we're gonna do now is I'm going to channel down right above here you see this and this is going to cut this layer as well as this layer out allowing this lava to spill out here into the caverns so we're going to do that and then I think we're just going to put a cork in this and then we're going to pop out here in a little bit once it's all drained and dried up and line those gems out and there it goes so now it spills out safely if we were to just mine into the side of this this lava probably would have killed the dwarf that mined in very dangerous little situation that but we've been able to remedy it so now that we've got this set up and we've got this handy dandy little entryway we can actually use this as a way down into the caverns make a little walkway down here in fact and uh we're going to I don't think I have any actually but we should cue up a trapdoor for this little hatch cover yeah let's do that so we're gonna cue up a hatch cover so we're gonna cue up uh let's just say five hatch covers don't actually need that many just a couple and uh that should pop us down into here and we can begin mining out these fun tiles this is also going to give us direct access to the caverns which we need to be a little careful in because if we're not careful we may run into uh people who don't really want us moving in so be careful with the amount of stuff you do in the cavern layers they can be a lot of fun but they can cause a maybe potentially unwanted amount of fun um although this particular Cavern layer seems pretty safe just purely because there's actually not that many ways down it's just this one little route down here so what I'm actually going to do is I'm just going to run over here and I'm going to quickly throw a piece of wall right there just so that nothing except for larger creatures can really Vault up these Cliffs here which is actually quite handy so I'm just going to make sure that a dwarf gets displaced before something else gets here oh never mind I've already got dwarves running around uh oh I see because there's also a spot over there well that's fine we'll just have only a single weigh-in what I can do though is I can place some more of those traps that we were talking about earlier once we get more mechanisms built we could put some cage traps right there and some other things to stop uh the more scary stuff from getting into in its way but we have these fancy diamonds now we gotta mine through these and and all these cut out we could also potentially go further down and see is there anything beneath it might as well take a look why not I mean we're already here right fortunately this lava's not gonna spread anymore it's just gonna dry the ground up and become ashes there's still a red spot here because there's lava right there let's just see if there's anything else down here why not usually these spots aren't entirely isolated but I mean it's still worth looking though well maybe that is it after all we're gonna let the dwarves run around in the caverns a little bit because as you first discover them they're not super threatening I mean they might get threatening but we do have a military so in the case of a forgotten Beast or something truly horrifying we can pretty easily deal with it uh we're now going to jump over to our gem cutting shops and we're gonna keep another round to cut gems because I want them to get those gems cut those are valuable let's see how many dwarves need beds since we got that migrant wave and then after that we're quite a few need beds okay um I'm gonna cue up another row of beds down here and um once I'm done with that uh we'll continue with the video so while they're digging that out since something I should mention is this area here is connected via little walkway there uh we're gonna queue up some stuff for our lovely lovely lovely cop I'm captain of the Guard who's going to be uh managing legal uh in this Fortress we're gonna get this all cued up here and then what we're going to do is we're going to give them a door right here and I realize that I kind of screwed this doorway up a little bit so I'm gonna place a little spot right there this is going to be dining room for our captain of the guard and then we're gonna need to set up prison cells for our captain of the Guard which I think we're gonna kind of do up on this walkway right here so prison cells don't need to be that big they don't need to be that small they need to be as big as you want them to be or as small as you want them to be the importance with cells is just simply having enough and having them ready when crimes are committed if you don't have a cell built and you convict them which we'll get into probably a little bit later you got to keep in mind that if you don't have a cell set up that conviction will be a void and they will simply get a beating instead of getting their proper conviction whatever that may be so what we're going to do is we're just going to place some ropes in these rooms with doors in front of them and then we're going to assign them as jail cells uh dungeons specifically which is a small Zone which can be done like this uh and then they will just simply use this automatically uh as part of the jail system so let's queue up the second one you used to have to do this super fancy like but now it's super easy that's it so we have two ready and more to go if we need them and uh also it looks like their dining room is all set up and good to go so what we're going to do now is we're going to give them their tables and we're gonna give them two chairs and these numbers are just purely random the more items that you put into the room the higher the quality the only real mandatory thing is that the uh that is that they have access to all of the different uh the the the different uh Furniture types that they're demanding as long as they have access to all of that then they are good I guess the last thing we can put in here is to armor stands sure uh not things that they're requesting but things that they really like having okay look at him he's sleeping over there uh so now we can give him his dining room and then finally maybe he will be satisfied at least for a time um we can now pause the game just slightly and go all right where's our captain guard there you are Ms mebsith uh so let's see is he satisfied more or less uh mayor's still not super satisfied though once chests and a cabinet so let's just jump over to our mayor's room up here and we are going to place two cabinets and two chests uh and these should make him happy once that once he's realized that they're in his room uh which is gonna take him a little bit I'm gonna queue up a bunch more bedrooms and uh then I will continue talking so something that uh I think that we need to note here is if you look up at the top of the screen here since that we since we got a couple a bit more clothing in circulation and since we got a bit more in the way of um a bedroom setup as well as those temples we no longer have a single depressed dwarf in the fort and our numbers have evened out a little bit we also have a little bit more jobs or or had more jobs up and running a lot of them have been outed and I did state that I was going to automate the process plants job so we're going to do that right now we're going to go up here and we're gonna go into work orders and we're going to make a process plants um job not process plant to bag just process plant now what we're going to be doing is we're going to be just queuing up 10. and they are going to do this job if we click this green button only when unrotton processable plants is greater than 10. so when there's more than 10 unrotten processable plants they will process 10. we're gonna back out of that screen and then what we're going to do is we're actually going to zoom in right here we're going to make a little stock by elevating right in front of them which is going to go up to about here and it's going to specifically be for rope read so if I type in read and we go to food although would it even be under food I guess not uh so it would be under of course it's just under rope read implants uh so we're gonna just set this up for rope read now I'm gonna make sure well actually it doesn't matter if there's Barrels in this stockpile so we're now going to just allow them to bring our rope Reed plants into this stockpile right here and which shouldn't be an issue and uh then from there our dwarves won't need to walk as far to get these jobs done and of course we need to wait for them to put it into a barrel and whatnot but that will give us a semi-automated rope read stockpile we're also all the way into late spring and uh so I think at this point it's just time to finish these bedrooms up and then in the next episode we'll go into the caverns and begin exploring I do have to say massive thank you to everybody who's joined me on this ride for this entire series uh I realized that in some episodes I say I'm going to do something I just don't get to it but that's just the way of Dwarf Fortress sometimes and I do my best to keep notes as to what I've covered in previous episodes and if I recover things consider it a refresher if you've made it this far in the in this series and you're playing along and doing a decent job odds are pretty good pretty good that you're doing quite well remember those Ducks by the way we got a lot of them now look at that let's uh unforbid these doors here just make sure they're all assigned to this stockpile which I don't think they will be look at all these ducklings now that we got a bajillion ducklings we can go back to cooking the duck eggs and roast duck I think is going to be on the menu soon boys but uh with all that being said I just have to say once again thank you for joining me on this series and holy [ __ ] this is a lot of ducks thank you very much for joining me on this series and apologies for not getting to everything in every episode but I will do my damn Diss and if you've made it this far which is what I was actually talking about if you've made it this far you're pretty much an expert like you're doing better than most people ever made it to in the older versions a lot of people who say that they play and have played the older versions played for a good 10 15 hours and played a couple halfway Forts and then just kind of gave up looks like we've got some rumors being shared from abroad well that's interesting thank you very much for watching this episode and uh I'm gonna continue doing it until we either get a baron or become a member of the Mountain Home or something some form of royalty and I will consider this series complete thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Blind
Views: 37,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WeatherMountains, Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Lets play dwarf fortress, Tutorial lets play, titan, ettin, two headed giant, Caverns, fun, lava, digging safe
Id: j0gzsoGvgV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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