DW Rando - Summer Tournament 2023 Group Stage - sillydabbit, rBarbaloot, Thilotilo, LordoftheSynth

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hello everyone and welcome to RPG limit break and welcome into a pair of group stage matchups here in the 2023 Dragon Warrior randomizer summer tournament alongside BTS I'm feron burgundy we have these pair of match-ups for you silly dabbit taking on our barboloot and tilo tilo squaring off against Lord of the synth and its standard tournament action as we've seen over the course of the last few years here in Dragon Warrior randomizer for those new two things here the object is for our Racers to find and defeat the evil dragon lord they'll need to collect certain key items to trade in for the rainbow drop which will allow the runners to enter Charlotte Castle the home of the dragonlord and will also be fighting enemies one at a time to gain experience and levels to get stronger as well as gold to purchase weapons armor and items to help in their Quest and this is a randomizer so there's going to be a bunch of things shuffled around here and usually it tends to provide a little bit of problems for for our Runners sometimes in the beginning sometimes in the middle sometimes in the end and sometimes all of the above that's right these Races they break down into three main components there's your exploration there's your grinding and then there's your finishing maneuver and these seeds can be dastardly or they can be quite friendly we're looking at some really really good potential for entertainment and I'm really excited to see this one go yep as far as some of the things that are randomized here in Dragon Warrior randomizer we have the Overworld map the contents of the treasure chests and search spots the locations of the towns and caves are shuffled around as are the contents of the weapon and armor shops the order in which our Runners will learn spells those are uh changed around as well though they're guaranteed to learn all 10 spells by level 16 as well as the enemy locations and enemy spells and abilities and that dragon lord who in the vanilla version of the game is 130 hit points here has a range of anywhere from 150 to 165 and the King giving the instructions let's see what we have for our Runners to at least get started a little supplement on each side the fighters ring in the dragon scale giving two offense and two defensive points respectively or I should say two attack points and two uh defensive points so that'll help with uh to ignore some of these earlier enemies here foreign ERS on the same seed but two matchups uh yes all four players are on the same seed uh the two respective races have their own separate race routes yeah and oh we see ghosts have hurt more all right so the red part of a loot so we can get through this magician magician is a good Zone one find and not casting hurt more let's check for a heel a level here 14 power no agility uh no hit points 18 magic points healing outside over on silly dabbit's side as well as our Barber loot [Music] there's that ghost again one shot at level two so some points here is the oh we got a town of the swamp there per step so you can see here lord of the synth is walking back and forth in the desert time Gathering ghosts try not to get hurt more here meanwhile on David's side level three eight power two speed two hit points one magic point no spells of which to speak and battle scorpion is able to finish it off and this uh this should be another level here getting up to 35 experience might actually be a couple and yeah it is it jumps right up from two to four 23 power 10 speed 6 hit points four magic points so no Spells at either level three or four looks like kill is strong enough for lordo to fight the streakima [Music] no shortage of strength here in the early going and that is good a runner's able to kind of punch above their proverbial weight class early on here yeah so right now we're looking for a uh well we have heel so really you're just looking for enough kind of resources to get away from the starting area um not only to be able to achieve that but really what you want to do is have the confidence level and the ambition to break from the starting zone into zones two and three Here Comes level five over on our bar balut side which includes hurt more a bunch more power 10 hit points two magic points as well and that hurt more spell is going to definitely get our Runners off uh the ground here as uh for Five magic points you're looking at a uh damage range of anywhere from 58 to 65 hit points toward an enemy and we see the town of coal which has the search spot that has the silver harp all right you can't equip the harps so we're gonna check out the weapons shop we got a small Shield not quite enough money yet for that handbags [Music] 10 short of that club it looks to be the only affordable defense at this point as a magic armor as well out of range and the weapons once you get hurt more aren't really as big of a priority it's certainly not bad to have one better to have one than not but you're not going to go out of your way to necessarily get something like that as long as you can rely on that magic for a little while yeah you really don't run into hurt more resistance until just after [Music] and even the race night dodged that about a quarter per time yeah about a quarter plus already 64 strength at level five so yeah uh no shortage of uh of hitting the weights at least early on here is uh Barbara loot now finding the staff of rain trading cave so it's gonna turn in that uh newly found silver harp pick up the staff of rain that is one of the three items needed to acquire the rainbow drop the other two being the stones of sunlight and erdrich's token I would have played the heart really hurt more high strength low risk it's a good Finder right here the stone man it's not we need a sleep spell to get away from that guy [Music] now here's level six zero three two two and hurt along with radiant [Music] okay radian not bad not bad once our Runners getting to some caves they'll be able to light the way and hopefully they do two because watching some of our more talented Runners Dark Walk makes for a little bit of Challenge on commentary to see where they're navigating looks like tilo tilo here is showing the uh early death penalty having one additional death and hanging back at level four [Music] grab it now finding the staff cave but no harp yet to trade in [Music] order to the synth's gonna find it here though in coal what's up yeah there's really no reason not to walk through that swamp when you have heal spell they have plenty of MP not much to worry about here can fire off some hurt worms to get more and more comfortable as you level up get more NP here that blue dragon is not comfortable yeah there was a town up to the Northeast on telo's screen there but we'll yeah that that information providing a little bit of a barricade between the two here and we see garenham over on silly David's side [Music] Garrett ham is more fun when you have keys most certainly is and we see oh metal slimes with fire breath and stop spell [Music] it's just big breath though so you might as well just go ahead and give it a shot [Music] well the problem though is barbalute unable to heal since the stop spell hit and the Slime just roasted Barber loop back to the start it was a worthy fight you can't can't turn down that fight also they're really hard to run from at that level almost certainly and we see that that town to the Northeast that tilo went back towards was the town of breckenery and there was much rejoicing yay I Like the Wolf Lord here that's pretty good through about level eight or nine uh maybe it goes down with a single hurt more is really great here the star wyvern is not one of those they can go down with a single when they have stop spill it's really easy to clean up here silly debit going with the hurt over the punch uh yeah I guess that's it that's pretty good that might be an agility mitigation a damage mitigation agility is just a suggestion anyway or some people say well you definitely don't want enemies going first against you in this game that'll that'll cost you and yeah whether silly dab it knew it or not with the attack power uh at that particular point hurt would have been the way to go as you had a damage range of 9 to 16 versus 7 to 15 on a star wyvern so just a little bit better chance to guarantee that you take it out yeah guarantees is what this randomizer is about you can only guarantee the things that you can and everything else is going to be random and devastating so you really want all of the random things to end up more than 50 in your favor and only take very calculated risks and we're gonna see that with especially with uh kilo uh very very uh very very risky taking four deaths but has clearly mapped out more of this this randomized map than the other players it does get into a cave here and is gonna heal up and then hopefully cast radiant so we can see where this is on telo's side [Music] looks like couldn't go down right looks like swamp South can't tell yet maybe someone in check ah well I did see another staircase there this might be Mountain cave schmeich says it's Mountain so I believe schmeich [Music] yeah the enemy encounters yeah it looks like the navigation was up to that Northwestern corner of the first level or first floor I should say of the mountain cave absolutely yeah you start in the mountain cave you can go right that can put you in tablet swamp Mountain grave really anywhere [Music] and picks up a set of wings on the first of the two floors and now I'm gonna head to the basement where there are four more treasure chests there's the death necklace I like this new trend of the second floor of mountain cave players go write them down and then they backtrack to the two boxes second I'm very greedy I like to go to the two boxes first in case I die down here else [Music] beginning it's hard to say we do see the wolf Lord there but stop spell doesn't hit and decides to melee encrypts it not a bad idea with only the five MP left and perfect bid had 43 HP and gets hit for 43 HP to get sent back so that last chest in the mountain cave will be a mystery for a little while longer yeah and a race like this a heads-up match you're gonna be like well I feel like important wasn't in there and then go on to your next activity you can't just hammer down that one chest when there's like 13 otherwise you need to go check [Music] synth was going after a few gold men out here and it's gonna pick up a Broad Sword adding 20 attack power along with this high strength that's a nice pickup already up to 93 attack power [Music] yep and it looks like that that is a really big move because even at level eight we're looking at seven hurt wars only and we'd like to be able to heal [Music] and now tilo picking up the silver harp [Music] ALU picking up this wolf Lord [Music] so tilo trailing a little bit in terms of experience looking to get to a target number of 600 to get to level eight uh the rest of the runners are currently at level eight they want to get to 975 experience to get to level nine surely I don't remember that is that all Harps no we're missing uh yeah all four have gotten the harp barboloot and synth have already traded the harp in for this staff of rain look shout out to our crackers here doing a really great job oh now here comes level nine looks like five fifteen one one and sleep all right so sleep brings down the stone man so we can go west from start oh yeah we didn't acknowledge the uh the stack gains in level eight because there barely were any one one and two [Music] Barbara loot now finding this Northern end of the swamp cave we'll see where that connects to MP does give us enough for that eighth hurt more [Music] Silo trading in the silver heart for the staff of rain another harp bites the dust Another Knight going down for barbalu that's probably the best find at this level Knight goes down at the guaranteed hurt more Specter also will but uh the strength is so high here that you can just beat down a specter and that's enough for level 9 for barbalute oh David's trying for a basically a coin flip here oh but then has the stop spell blocked is gonna try to melee it will it be enough and yes it is and that's going to give silly dabit a huge [Music] 180 experience darting forward just 10 away from level nine [Music] meanwhile lord of the sentence is up over 1100 experience points put 1171 that's double Tito's Hilo and a little bit more foreign exploration abound here we have our balut in hawksness and we have lord of the synth and the tablet cave no enemy encounters but one chest here to obtain and it contains a set of wings enough MP left over for outside [Music] and barber Loop meanwhile finding the guardian in hawksness and that is also a blue dragon [Music] that doesn't seem like the ideal grind spot quite yet [Music] all right dab is gonna throw up a radiant for us to see the mountain cave [Music] we have a view of Charlotte Castle on barbalute's side [Music] lord of the synth is located the planes low encounter here oh but a Drew in Lord and a wolf here for Barbara Loop pretty good [Music] all right so none of our players have really found the perfect grind Zone um each Zone has five monsters in it they're randomized between them and they are they are scaled relatively so expiration seems to be a good agenda item TLC was at the weapon armor shop here in garenham I'm just gonna already loaded up on herbs early on um so it's a little bit of a of a bump in progress there but again those those deaths are really holding back the total experience oh what a find oh erdrick's sword is that last chest in the mountain cave the best weapon in the game so yeah SG lotilo said I'm not checking that one so we'll see if Tito Taylor returns to the mountain cave and uh what what juncture that will be so really looking uh for good MP gains on these levels [Music] yeah I think considering how much there is to find I think our Runners are kind of committing to the Grind of essentially a walking brawl just heading along finding enemies along the way fighting them and getting their levels that way at least for the moment because there's still a lot of homework to do in terms of finding other specific items yeah that is um the best way to do Dragon Warrior randomizer in my opinion would be to get two of your tasks done at once so if you're really good at tracking you can do the The Walking brawl but I like to have the edge of the map in Vision so if you can know where the edge of the map is you know you're not going to miss something if you die while exploring because you want to re-explore a territory you've already covered a level 10 brings the return spell along with three attacks six speed two hit points and 11 magic points [Music] that's two more hurt more good exploration we really have to have a sort of concept of how far these towns are from each other so you want to explore you're going to want to be able to stay at an inn along the way with MP that low and with monsters who have stop spell as well as as fire breath oh we have a question here in chat with the massive amount of strength while erdrick's sword hit his heart as hurt more it depends on the enemy uh the way that the game determines damage it has to do with the enemies agility versus your attack power so the higher your attack power and the tougher the enemy the the more difficult it's going to be as far as enemies that would take I mean at this point even a slime I think would max out at 58 so I guess the short answer is no but there are some enemies that won't succumb to hurt more or at least are much more resistant to it and those are the ones that you tend to want to be able to melee for example a demon knight where right now uh silly dab it with that 118 attack power could do a damage range of uh 21 to 43 and it has a max of 38 so there's a slight chance that it could be one shot [Music] another good thing to remember is that you know besides the drain Lord the dragon lord 2 you can crit your enemies for up to your attack power rating on the tracker here so her cannot create your weapon can crit you cannot crit the dragon lord and you definitely shouldn't try to hurt more of the Dragon Lord but you can but again the the damage there is is really really low compared to the potential our players will have in a level or two here yeah with each melee there's a one in 32 chance that you can get a critical hit which does uh a range of half of your attack power to all of it so uh at that point yes that would be even better than hurt more because that could be a range for silly dab it of 50 oh gosh I can math 50 not uh 59 to 118. that's correct and that was damage is not mitigatable [Music] oh and silly dab it getting stop spelled and unable to heal and uh gets brethed back to the start the irony there is that you know tilo stocked up on herbs I don't think I've seen tilo battle it out with metal slime yet but it has the perfect equipment to do so in case of stop spell thank you [Music] yes there's some good monsters that read resist hurt more like Golem has really high hurt more resistance red dragon is another one yeah I've got it here ones that you basically if you cast hurt more it's about a six percent chance of hitting it uh you're looking at a metal slime a Golem a demon knight a wizard a red dragon and of course the dragon lord so uh those are ones that you want to avoid trying to hurt more because it's highly unlikely that you're going to hit it players in breckinary area got athlete here going down for synth [Music] and stumbling into a fairy water shop how do you how do you make a fairy water well given given the propensity to attempt to hurt more enemies and with the high strength that the runners have it makes sense to pick up some fairy Waters to use it essentially like the spell of repel and that way you're not wasting time with encounters with weak enemies that you're just going to try to run from anyway so all of your beginning tier enemies now you're a little too strong for them so why take extra time with those Random Encounters like the drakima for example on telo's side when you can kind of hunt for the big game while you're out and about with your exploration [Music] okay so we did clear too much space for free Waters so Seth not thinking about using these as armaments level 11 allegedly happened uh it was a gain of force strength uh eight agility no uh I believe no hit points and uh one magic point here's the metal slime tilotilo fight I've been waiting for [Music] chooses not to Herb [Music] thank you the suspense is killing me there's the fire breath could have just herbed oh did tilo I was looking at a different screen did tilo see the fire breath prior to that point yeah uh Tito got fire rest twice and it hit a few times slowly brought into the Red Zone and then barbecued pretty good fight [Music] was able to fire off a heel but then got stop spilled and didn't mitigate [Music] let's see here so we have synth barboloot both in the mountain cave if they make it all the way through they'll get their respective aerric swords Another Mountain cave fun fact while you're walking on treasure chests your encounter rate I believe is 1 out of 32. and yeah so it actually lessens compared to the brick yeah well there's a sword get there for barbalute and a level get percent [Music] [Music] so Stewie davitt here with a attack power of 125 is just short of where you'd want to be to fight the dragonlord but only at level 11 so to see some perspective on how gold those stats are right now [Music] yeah strength and attack power in the orange meaning they're borderline if other stuff is good to go uh later on you'll see some of those numbers turn green those are yeah that stat's pretty good to go in but if you usually just have one of those and everything else is in the whiter orange maybe it's time to grind up another level yeah and until we see three digit MP here you're not gonna see the uh forget about all attacking and only hurt more the dragon lord strats [Music] all right Barbara Luke choosing to take down a gold man six experience points and a truck full of gold and the 3.0 version the gold for the gold man was increased to 650 matching some of the remakes to basically make it a consideration as opposed to an instant run as a lot of Runners would do like eh the gold isn't really worth it at even 255 which was the mix programmable amount when the game came out back in the 80s yeah but now if you take down a gold man that's six keys at any shop I mean 650 one gold man can net you I guess that's yeah the same amount of gold is the cost of a hand ax and a small Shield [Music] so likewise the metal slime and red dragon and Golem have all had randomizer tunings uh recently [Music] goal in the red dress I gave 350 experience and the metal slime scales with the user level so that races aren't thrown immediately by finding an early metal slime yeah though our Runners are past the point where that would be any type of an effect that's generally for the first seven [Music] level is up to 255 and that's where it caps [Music] we have the town of canland the veritable shopping mall here of of alif guard no Shields there's an upgrade to a half plate armor little restricted access here Shop number is behind a door and I don't think any of our players have found a a loose key foreign [Music] would you like to buy an herb okay then anything else would you like to buy an herb [Music] now tilo does get away running very low on resources [Music] also I know we were early on concerned about agility but HP seems to be the thing that's lagging level 11 and we only have 47 Max hit points yeah that's just not enough to survive dragon lord 2 breath on any monster with any armor well with airdrick's armor you get to survive about 60 of them but who's gonna enter battle with full health not me [Music] foreign ER [Music] I start with is drawn near [Music] wow punching Goldman for 51. [Music] so you learn out to the underwhelming level 11. well it's a pretty good recovery I would say how far from 12 is uh doing a target number for 12 is 3 000 experience so from 2175 to three it's a little over 800 about 825 experience As I Am Number Two no stop spell we have a crit just crit [Music] iCal Brave up on uh silly dabbit's side and we saw I believe a torch a magic key and another torch that key is the most important find of out of all four players [Music] um but that little slime for tilotilo has cut the gap between teotilo and one of the synth X doubles by 50 and now we have a blue dragon sending synth back and titles remains alive foreign [Music] all the way back to Canton instead of using the Wings To Go to Tampa Jewel must be pretty far from home to find uh Catlin way up here yeah you're gonna get the pricey Key Shop here at 98 Gold here in canland versus 85 in the back of tangible where you need a key to access it as well and 53 in rimmeldar which has yet to be found by any of our Runners yet this shop does carry a silver Shield [Music] the dab is probably gonna refill on Sundries here and then I would imagine check the coordinates if there are any [Music] gonna need some extra MP to heal off all of that barrier damage coming in at 15 damage each [Music] this will be three steps then heal then maybe another step or two then heal again kind of annoying to get through those eight steps don't forget the elusive double heel oh yeah sometimes a double heel kind of like that yep [Music] I like it when the old man is just like nope you wasted your time [Music] ew let's say 80 5 85 north and 47 East [Music] I I will admit I tend to do a good amount of manual counting but even I would go yeah no I'm getting the princess on this one I'm not getting the princess I'm important [Music] well okay that's also Fair you're like oh please let the Overworld item be the fairy flute I mean low HP Golems I think I took a fairy flute here we already saw the death necklace so I guess it's gonna be pretty important it's probably at the stones yeah [Music] we already saw what a Golem did the tilo to prevent the erdrich's sword from being picked up [Music] I can't describe how many times that's happened the last chest in a cave was really good and you have to just make that judgment call it happens too often well it isn't as bad when it's the mountain cave it's when you have to dive grave because it's such a longer walk more floors to go through that's where the decision becomes a little bit more cumbersome true however you do go back up upstairs in the grave and so the the monster set is like I don't know kind of expect everything and it's a long it's a longer hoof for sure [Music] tilo just trying to run away here from this metal slime and finally does with just three hit points left no good sir you can't have my herbs [Music] we got low MP and herbs a little bit of a premium yeah they're they're a hot commodity right now [Music] so the players will definitely get their full spell book by level 16 but we do not have heal more yet so that's really where the map maximizes its opening yeah heal more is the the one spell that there's no doubt that you need in order to take on the dragon lord [Music] sent this return to a 1000 experience lead over tilo tilo [Music] thank you [Music] all right it's a silly debit at level 12 still hurt worrying down wolf Lords time to start being a little bit more picky with our monsters as we get up here in the levels werewolf is a really good choice can easily hurt more down in one but not 100 or bar balloon [Music] Fila to go to crit on the wolf Lord conserving 5 MP [Music] curious what barber looks up to making a move probably could have fought that demon knight if the conditions were right ah low low resources had to double back so it looks like ramadar was found by silly davit and it was just gold behind the two doors okay so two keys can become mini keys [Music] and tap it going through the encounter rate please gets away from a blue dragon first one fine goes to Poltergeist blue dragon and a blue dragon in I believe nine total steps [Music] for an average of one encounter every 16 steps yeah that tracks for this game [Music] besides to make fisty cuffs there with the wolf Lord and cast hurt more [Music] nothing like bringing a claw to a spell fight [Music] keema alright where is the good Zone all right damn it making that discovery to get a quick pause here to circumnavigate Sherlock [Music] there goes a full plate for tilo gets rid of the chainmail [Music] Seth's just gobbling up werewolves right now this is this is good I'm gonna take that lead back to 900 experience over tilotilo yeah since seems to have found a nice area while walking along here that has werewolves ax nights uh and just being able to hurt more of those has a really propped up the experience here and uh now since getting pretty close to level 13 here uh 4125 is the target number so just a little a little over a 125 I'd say or so what's 127 something like that [Music] sure I don't think this is going to be a desk 132. [Music] death necklace seed no I mean we have seen seeds and races that have been very stingy like this and then all of a sudden out of nowhere there's 52 hit points in one level and we see that the blue dragon was guarding the fairy flute in hawksness as soon as they have been able to take down the uh the blue dragon princess is looking more likely [Music] oh we've got our look at the treasury here so we have gold we have erdrich's token we have erdrick's armor and we have a cursed belt okay with that token and that armor that makes the that's still looking like the holder of the stones what else could it possibly be [Music] that's right nothing yeah I'm like going through the mental checklist here and yeah I think by process of elimination we've seen the fairy flute we've seen the silver harp we've seen the token the armor the sword you know what that means right hawkness is a dud with a blue dragon on it well I mean it had the the fairy flutes I mean it's not a complete dud pretty duddy [Music] Golem maybe Quest if a Golem was blocking the flute and then we're talking that's a that's a grind zone right there [Music] but yeah it also means that deep grave is uh is a nothing burger and so too is whatever's in the back of garenham [Music] level 10 to see what the the monster was there I believe both competitors on the upper end of the screen have and it's an ax Knight s are perfect that's the perfect Grand enemy I don't know you're gonna want a big MP tank to do that type of grind so finding them on the Overworld here is also pretty good for debit [Music] and both tilo and barber loot finding the grave with torches and magic keys and Barbara Luke gonna go back in to pick up another magic key [Music] foreign [Music] to keep yourself well keyed [Music] however there's nothing of interest in that Sherlock chest wise because we already have the Fighter's ring got a free dragon scale and the death necklace is outside so probably just a key and some gold in there [Music] [Music] the basement of the Grave also probably won't be interesting you are right about that and I was talking and realizing or not realizing that my push to talk button wasn't on so I was talking to myself but I guess we have a couple of Princess rescues going on and uh tilo going to head deep into nothingness here let's see the fourth chest engrave is fairy water [Music] oh joy all right let's see if uh silly dabbit has an exchange for the princess what is she gonna take [Music] so dab it yep turning the princess in since rescuing the princess Barbara loot diving the grave as well so this will be a bit of a Time sink here [Music] Wizards [Music] all right what do we have for custom Sprites here we got Tito is a red slime I'll take the easy one [Music] well synth it's hard to tell because uh the princess is currently in the arms of the Sprite [Music] and silly David is what a dragon warrior or uh uh one of the uh dancers [Music] presented Sofia okay synth is the uh the Dragon Quest 4 heroine or female hero [Music] uh David is the dw3 Goof Off [Music] scary magic wyvern here in the in the barber Loop down to 7 HP 7mp watching the herbs and there's stop spelling heal more at level 13. [Music] probability that Barbara loot gets down here to the last chest in the grave is really Slim pretty good chance it'll be a replacement key as now synth finding the items in the treasury [Music] thank you good one shot on that star wyvern let's go don't die all the way down here you need this information foreign [Music] you have 2mp you can just cast another radiant oh no we're gonna fight the magic wyvern magic wyvern takes Marvel went down to critical thankfully able to be too shot here but the uh oh there we go there's the magic key and now just uh oh looks like we have uh tilo has the oh okay it does have the uh Treasure Chest glitch in tow here [Music] Chris Belford token [Music] gold gold [Music] yep the tilo is printing money at the moment okay you really want to see numbers in the high 600s low 700s here maximum efficiency boo those fives boo 507. foreign the reason this is uh occurring here is because treasure chests while they respawn every time you go to the Overworld map but due to the programming limits at the time the game was made the game only tracks up to eight chests as opened quote unquote every chest open beyond the eighth can be taken over and over again in telo's case uh it opened up the five chests in the grave and then death warped back to the castle so didn't visit the Overworld and that possibility and then the throne room well the three chests are already marked as open so you don't take them over and over again and uh now going into the treasury just keeps uh taking and taking here and because its gold can continue to rate it here and looks to be pulling about twenty five thousand six hundred which would be enough to get a flame sword and a silver Shield okay so that's what's really really interesting for tilo which is not having the airdrich sword uh can probably get by with a flame sword depending on how much grinding you have to do to get the requisite 97 99-ish HP you want to have for that dragonlord fight [Music] Halo finding a second airdrix armor which was actually a fairy water [Music] all right silly dab it using the guilin positioning system [Music] and there it is actually not too far outside of the uh the swamp cave so she threw this down into the forest and then got locked up by an accident [Music] Grayland doesn't look completely innocent in this situation [Music] [Music] all right dab it now turning in the harp for the staff of rain and now the last of the uh the homework here is going to get that rainbow drop and we've seen that the rainbow drop cave is in the back of garenham remember so one key penalty to get in there but one of the chests in the back of garenham has a magic key so you can get your key back key back is anything like zwieback [Music] I don't believe so I think it's uh at least in my area here there were shopping carts where you'd have to put a quarter in to be able to use it and then once you finish and put it back you would get your quarter returned to you foreign quarterback [Music] that's specifically why I worked in a different way you know back in my day you can make a call from a pay phone and it would give you a Nickelback uh oh yeah Aldi does do that but I think this was definitely when I was younger and uh this was Pathmark which I don't know if they're still in existence anymore uh but what is an existence for barbalute is an upgrade to the Silver Shield room [Music] upgrade into silver Shields not an upgrade to the Silver Shield just for clarification we like to keep things ambiguous here foreign answering uh question in chat so the Eric sword that uh all but tilo had well I was gonna say tilo is doubling back to it now uh tilo had taken a death uh gosh probably about 20 25 minutes ago or so uh about two steps away from the last chest in Mountain cave I had taken an exact hit from the Golem uh which was I believe for 43 hit points and ended up taking the death but was two steps away speaking of the Golem there it is again from getting erdrick's sword and now is going to pick it up really okay so why did Hilo choose to check that chest what is Tila missing [Music] yeah meanwhile the uh yeah the stones of sunlight are they're the Overworld item and the coordinates are kind of nasty and basically princess required uh as their 85 north and 47 East which is just outside the other end of the swamp cave yeah so rescue the princess twice and get a stones of sunlight pickup and then just grind on some axonites here because that's pretty much where you're at hey so what's this level 13 yeah level 13 heal more but still no repel so shout outs to the fairy water purchasers [Music] Waylon is happy [Music] yeah as mighty games wants to protect HP at level 16. 55 certainly not enough to take on the dragon lord I mean [Music] oh there's repel level 14. 3169 and repel repel is good what we're looking for here is um all players want to set up a grind close to a place to restore the MP or close to tantajoules you can just die now what kind of seat are we looking at here for on [Music] well even though it's not the most ideal I think that this axonite grind is going to be the way to go [Music] the accident's good but there's I guess on both sides of the swamp here I don't know which one's more useful maybe we can start watch Marvel pull off this Brian it is a little isolated that's the one drawback to it but it's the most consistent [Music] yeah Choice B being actually here's here's your choices really is you have the blue dragon and hawksness the saxonite here is a really great choice you can always try the first floor of Sherlock which you can return from you don't need a torch to look around in there you have a good variety of enemies who average about 102 experience points each foreign [Music] [Music] I think I did it again I hit the I hit what I thought was the right button but it wasn't necessarily there synth realizing the hard way that the path to the item might be blocked by water on foot so possibly gonna have to head through that swamp cave unless there's some sort of a route around but it's looking less and less likely so not exactly two continents but just a continental divide [Music] Barber little berry water all over his body [Music] Christo's body foreign [Music] [Music] damn it and synth really low on death count here kind of impressive [Music] to recap a little here Tila Tila took some early exploration and took some deaths as a result putting experience totals a little bit behind lord of the synth down here [Music] and there are two different one versus one matchups the runners on the top part of your screen are squaring off against one another as are the ones on the bottom of your screen so it's silly dab it against our Barber Loot and tilo tilo against Lord of the synth foreign ERS versus the dragon lord and marriage with the princess [Music] the true final boss [Music] and so dab it's just Miles Ahead here stored princess drop all done good experience well grinding up 59.34 you know could even be ahead of synth at this point [Music] oh axonites have heel that's a new revelation that's good then you can lead with hurt more and punch him down [Music] well unless something like that happens where there's uh that six percent chance that it misses what takes the hurt more if it misses the enemy is it the ground is it the wall what is it hurt more I think it just Fizzles out [Music] but there's the monster positive fizzle out [Music] that is an excellent question [Music] is it Like Bugs Bunny like puts the finger your finger and like you can't cast the spell thank you BTS I was hoping to get some sleep tonight but now I'm going to be up all night thinking about this [Music] I talked myself into this problem as well all right so what is what does hurt and hurt more get renamed in uh in the remix here [Music] sweet mercy of I don't know I haven't played with the uh the revamped ones in so long Siz and Sizzle thank you Chad okay so Siz some sort of fire spell you think it would come from underneath so maybe like the monster just like hot foots off of the sizzling that's my new my new Cannon [Music] no shortage of great and cares here from synth um I just keep seeing more and more star wyverns down here see a really really good experience total but tilo Tila with that grind session is pulled way ahead [Music] you're gonna take a top penalty here returning the princess and then locating the uh the uh the stones of sunlight here but um still back by about 400 experience [Music] I think silly dab it might be kicking off level 15 firsts to reveal what the HP situation is going to be going forward [Music] thank you behind [Music] hurt more healed punch good combo there saves some MP [Music] doesn't have to heal [Music] herb as well [Music] thank you all right look at this punch down this blue dragon not a bad Target because of the stop spill now that we have Eric's arm equipped [Music] XXX night fight the miracle of quad box foreign [Music] to the beat of a Different Drum not fighting accidents looks like using the hot hoof back to Catlin stay at the end here and get back on that grind and just need HP [Music] level 15 stats zero two fourteen two well there's some of the HP looks like we're just tapped out of strength at this point [Music] I don't know maybe not Tapped Out Just plateaued For the Moment [Music] you know a plateau is the highest form of flattery [Music] I'm thinking more like my weight loss attempts how I get to a certain point and it plateaus off yeah that makes sense yeah but when I think about dieting I think about a Mesa which is table which is where I put my food [Music] all right popping out of the swamp cave Barber loot here very excited to do some quick math [Music] one chest night away from the cave got the stones of sunlight now is Fireball remember where to turn all this stuff in [Music] going with the quick outside Northbound on the plains Expressway [Music] only one player in ax Knight combat it's synth [Music] would you like to buy an herb nope just a torch please don't want any mishaps down the depths of Sherlock [Music] okay so when you're looking at the stats here you want to take your MP did I buy eight that's how many Humanes you get and you're gonna want an HP of about 97 or higher to guarantee a good bite um it's possible to go optimistically with lower health so let's just see how the levels pan out here see an HP of 93 94.95 uh causes a player to risk it all on not getting double uh 48 breath 48 breath plus 48 breath is 96 damage you'll need 97 to survive people want more HP you have to factor in the humor I believe fuels you for between 80 and 100 so you're not guaranteed a full top off when you even have 90 some odd HP there [Music] it is very likely the Red Dragons are just bottlenecking all of Sherlock as well so another factor of when you want to enter Sherlock would be how many doses of 350 experience do you want to get [Music] [Music] triple X night grind quad Box means four ax Knights at the same time who's ready [Music] using the herb oh wow sent down to 2mp but still fighting next nights just for the Box pleasure [Music] thank you I like this grind uh well you need to do two attacks to kill the ax that you can just get the crit right off the bat so synth is in a really good HP saving mechanism here even though there's no MP left [Music] foreign however what the game likes to do is make sure that your second attack gets the critical hit and over kills your ax Knight by about 50. so since we'll have to replace those herbs going into Sherlock when it is time [Music] there's level 16. 1 3 21. so the magic points are starting to come around but 78 HP I think we're going to 17 here [Music] yeah should be a target number of 12 000 experience our Silver Shield players are better equipped to do a gamble in Sherlock [Music] that's about one extra run attempt per four encounters and it's um extra well I don't remember what the difference is between the large shield and the Silver Shield but I think that's like three or four points of damage from the dragonlord 2's punches maybe it's only two [Music] all right so for those of you in chant who want to get interested in Dragon Warrior randomizer what we're looking for here is the Epic conclusion of the race what you want to do is you want to take your attack power you want to subtract a hundred which is one half of point for every defense point the dragon lord 2 has and then you want to divide that number by two and four to find your maximum and minimum attack range respectively [Music] that means the attack power of 130 you can be hitting for seven and a half to 15. [Music] that doesn't seem right [Music] all right heal is in the back of garenham doesn't fall down the stairs very graceful looking slime [Music] returns out [Music] that is a slime on a mission a mission to not fight a magic Reiki let's get that repel out that's why those fairy Waters earlier were so important and now repel as well I'm sorry I doubted you [Music] I don't think I've ever done that I don't think I've ever thought really that I was gonna use my fairy Waters as repel I've always encountered none grinding up and using repel but this is the last spell given so really really good move experienced Racers out here [Music] so question and chat what is the repel difference like between the 92 defense on uh barboloot and tilo side versus the 76 say on uh on synth side uh well when you get into the higher level enemies it means 76 won't repel anything that's in Sherlock the most it'll repel is a night but then you can still run into a magi wyvern a demon knight a wizard and the 10 enemies in Sherlock versus 92 where you're repelling four of the 10 enemies in Sherlock the wizard werewolf star wyvern and green dragon and can still run into the ax Knight blue dragon Stone Man Armored Knight Golem and uh fun police Red Dragon whoo that was helpful we have an imposter night here in the quad box nights one of these things is not like the other [Music] hey nope there we go [Music] yeah the next enemy up would be uh if if either barbalude or tilo in the next level say got uh two more defense got up to 94 then you'd be you'd be defense breaking ax Knights as well [Music] Billy dammit is just really efficient here [Music] I mean the first player to get the 30 some odd MP there just really strengthens the direction of your grind so you that that's just an investment of MP there those are those are good gains good returns [Music] laughs only two nights but we have a blue dragon why not why not fight the blue dragon [Music] all right Barbara Loop wrapping up that bilbo.jpg nice 180 experience there along the way not too bad I have it about to get it here we have four power two speed and a blurry screen pair of Threes uh nothing good yet just like my losing poker hand oh yeah you should probably hold off of those early [Music] so we're going to 18. you promised me 17. I got all night well I mean we got to 17 that didn't mean we were stopping at 17. nah swindled again [Music] yeah I'm really looking for this uh I was looking for the uh [Music] critical HP here but there's just probability that the next level gives a huge chunk of HP is is really really high just the way that the stats are balanced for for very randomizer not impossible to get like you know 15 here but definitely looking for like 20 21 25 here really soon [Music] okay so Seth going with the herbs using and refilling and growing with the herbs I guess if you have to go heal anyway it's not that big of a step out but that's really putting a lot of faith in the grind duration let's see how that's working out we got Santa the 121. and that's a 1400 experience lead over tilo tilo still so it's working out pretty well [Music] those players had much different routings and and uh RNG so the only thing I can really keep track here is their total experience difference because that is the last gate here to try and win the game [Music] have been really really close this entire time looks like marvelous still has to um turn in for the rainbow drop [Music] but has now achieved level 17 also [Music] quad box quad X night foreign [Music] look at them all just falling down [Music] you know 134 attack power isn't all that great there's just no chance for the death necklace yet so it's going to be a long fight and 81 MPS is not enough for that fight so we're actually missing on both stats [Music] especially because we don't know what the grind in Sherlock is gonna look at the uh The Descent could be filled with teal more consuming monsters this is just not really shaping up to be a quick 17 and done or 18 and done still a lot of things have to happen foreign [Music] at this point each player will need 3 000 experience to level up I believe uh current uh seed or current flag set we have 14 250 is the target number so silly dab it's going to be the closest here at about 400 and well okay now it's 39 Oh gosh math uh 350 away one Golem [Music] thank you yeah look at this the duration of this grind for David just other players are filling up David is just Trucking right now bringing in the experience like a dump truck [Music] there it is [Music] well no shortage of excitement here from Furon we got 30 I have some odd HP on level 18 that's plenty enough to go so it's it's go time [Music] I had had a slight IRL distraction I have two of locating going on and it's been a lot IRL stuff getting in the way for a moment there but it looks like oh well we have triple digit HP at level 18. still no death neck was but that's okay one more level could do it um let's see what do we got going on here silly David just is silver shielding what a way to grind up all that gold [Music] yeah so ejax Knight will give you 130 experience and um how much gold do they give they give 165 so when you're experiencing gold need to go up together you can get a silver Shield out of that Exchange [Music] please [Music] big slammu calling out the time differences we really just have not enough information about Sherlock yet foreign [Music] the uh the dark walking [Music] well at least in tilo's side it's just dark grinding I suppose [Music] really dab it with the most efficient path to Sherlock [Music] everyone put your Rainbow drops in the chat [Music] thank you [Music] more accidents well if you thought you saw enough ax Knights Sherlock level one is a surprise for you and Golem what is a Zone [Music] [Music] 106 MP that is 13 healmors so you want the initiative I can maybe one double attack if you have a silver shield on [Music] this does give you maybe a hurt or heal more or two to descend with this is pretty good yeah 18 looks to be the uh the go level here uh yeah there's gonna be nothing of use in the vanilla aerric sword location nor in the treasury on the same floor as the dragon lord [Music] so they don't randomize the location of the Dragon [Music] that would be kind of fun well that's uh that could be an interesting idea for McGrew to potentially well no I I'm sure there are restrictions that keep but well I don't know I don't know any of the the the coding or any of that stuff well that's not for us to know we're just we're just talking heads foreign you don't sell your death necklace what what what's wrong with you slammo you just get 15 more HP and then put it on so yep tilo now in Sherlock as well David is in basement six of seven and now is on the final floor just has to make a long walk around and oh look it's Red Dragons [Music] what what great luck this is David is ahead by a pile of Red Dragons or a critical Miss click [Music] you know it's it's been a long time since I've had seen level 19. how many experience points is that about 10 Red Dragons worth number two [Music] uh seem to bring them out at those most inappropriate times able to get away from the wizard [Music] oh look the tracker even shows when you've turned in your turn to Rainbow drop into a bridge [Music] oh trying to run from a red dragon you already did it once twice [Music] the werewolf is also blocking [Music] it's always kind of the worst panicky time a long grind at 18 you don't know how far apart your opponent is and you just want to go fight and get that fight started and finish the game no one's finished in your race room [Music] it's like a mandatory dragon and a spike tile here [Music] I hope everyone brought their unbreakable Diamond tether [Music] [Music] I'm just gonna do it with that heel more there that's a good move 11 heal more is going into the fight probably full herbs here for uh silly dab it [Music] gets the stop spill too this fight is perfect so far [Music] oh just one hurt more not gonna risk it not gonna herb up going in with 90. let's hope for initiative here [Music] guess the initiative and an opening of 12. [Music] alas but that fire breath won't give silly Dabba an opening double let's see how tilo does foreign yet [Music] good punch in his top spilled 92 HP 2 Hp higher [Music] also gets opening attack against dragon lord 2. and we'll get that opening double [Music] all right synth will be the third player to Enter the Dragon Lord fight and pass this red dragon nice satisfying full heal more there for dabbing [Music] another one [Music] and not guaranteed if you can hit as low as 10. regular 2 can have up to 165 health [Music] foreign 42 [Music] another shot at a double here though [Music] right dab it down to the last few more it's for eight [Music] guess the double rolls of 16 this is in lock [Music] didn't get the full health dropped down to nice HP final double is it at all another 16. look at that silly Davis conquered dragon lord 2. took every last MP to get it done [Music] not quite done yet everyone had a rescue a princess so let's see if thou must the extra eight seconds here so happy and first place for silly dabbit official race time 91 minutes and 52 seconds foreign [Music] for level 18 I would say that's a that's a good performance [Music] it looks like tilo tilo's gonna accept some sort of Slime Princess relationship companionship it's hilo's win an official time one hour 32 minutes and 22 seconds so 30 seconds apart good job to our winners here that's a that's a heck of a seed wait a stick through it some sort of stick-to-itiveness it's a good attribute and Dragon Warrior randomizer racing [Music] meanwhile Red Dragons for barbalin [Music] all right just two more heal Wars left for synth here gets to keep them both and 72 HP [Music] [Music] yeah that was a really really great comeback from tilo tilo a little bit of a kind of some brain brain fart there could have sold the death necklace there and got your Silver Shield faster but that's quite a quite a spread there it would have to come down to multiple events or since then I made up that time it's just all about getting your grind out there and being really efficient joining us now is silly dabbing [Music] hey everybody pleasant evening how was it how was that seed for you oh man uh I've had a lot of slugs in the tournament so far so this one obviously started out like a jet seed um interesting map a decent ex you know finding the sword early I think helped uh but yeah then killing lots and lots and lots of ax nights yeah so in a quad box race getting to watch 4X Knights fall down at the same time for several minutes is quite a treat but how do you feel he said you said you have experience with slogs before how do you feel about this time overall for free for you on a level 18. I I felt I felt as soon as we got the HP that level 18 I had to be the go level and uh Sherlock was smooth sailing for me until the uh the Red Dragons on the bottom floor and I I had that debate right in front of the Dragon Lord like of doing the the classic misnomer of doing the heel walking and I said I just I had to burn the heel more and just just hope that I snuck a double or two in there and I snuck one in towards the end and uh luckily it was enough yeah yeah I noticed that for sure and it did work out and even your last heal more didn't even bring you up to full you're completely gassed out by that by the end of that fight but it worked out is there any other uh I don't know been maxing uh strategies you you feel that you've also did uh help your time out um you know with these early hurt more seeds it's always a balance of determining especially with the low stats that we had like how much do you go out there and explore um and and I chose to do that and the Overworld was was not too bad uh thankfully didn't run into like many Red Dragons or anything like that uh there was one thing that stood out to me you guys all probably noticed this I went to garenham knowing the jerk was there and then left without actually getting the drop realized it went all the way back and I'm just glad that that wind up not costing me yeah it seems like that's a pretty good one to get away with we're also joined by tilo tilo and and lordo have also come in here we know the seed was a slog but let's bring it over to tilo [Music] uh Gigi's first synth um yeah I was felt pretty good about the way things it's kind of funny the last scene I got uh yesterday I had an early hurt more start and I sat there and grinded for a long time and it burned me and this time I wandered out and I kept running out of resources I took that death to the Golem in the mountain cave right before the sword not having that you know some of those stop still monsters could have been knocked down to two hits that I wasn't able to do [Music] um but um I don't I feel reasonably good about the way I played uh I just that that sword was was a problem but man these these close finishes between less than two minutes separating first and third on the screen is pretty impressive no for sure yeah we noticed that there was a uh a sword incident there and uh well what compelled you to go back for that chest I guess when when did you make that decision and what would you hope to find there so the reason I made that decision is because there was a a reasonable chance that um I would go or because I still needed one item and I there was a reasonable I knew where uh where jerk was and I thought well I can clean this up right now and not have to go I didn't know where kanlin was so and I also had 51 hit points and didn't know what the spike at Hawks this was and either one of those could have been the flute and you know not not offering me a whole lot of anything um and so and I didn't know at that point I only had I think one cursed belt so I didn't know anything beyond what I had Nicole was there uh and so with all that I said okay you know what let's check this there was also a section on the map by there that I wanted to check to make sure can learn wasn't there and since I wanted to clean off that portion of the map I went ahead and just decided to dive in and I was very happy I did yeah it seems to be a really good move and just getting that experience piled back on was a really really good outcome for you we have our our final finisher here coming in at about 1 30 8 40. um you know great times for everyone for a slog like this and then lordo we got some questions for you we got that that we want to know about your gold management and your wings using that missed menu with the wings cost me the race because you all saw I was exploring with fairy water instead of repel and a good move by the way I thought yeah yeah and I was proud of that and I thought I still had one left and muscle memory oh crap I just I just use the wings and I even said damn it that just cost me the race lo and behold um I was correct he also saw me go back into swamp for five ax nights to get the Silver Shield which did make a difference in Max boom DL physical although it didn't really turn out to amount that much but I figured it's going to take me under a minute I may as well do it because that ax night grind gave me like 12 000 gold on top of the couple thousand I already had [Music] no selling death necklaces good or bad overall you know didn't have the presence of mind to do it otherwise I would have maybe another seed another yeah you get these things sometimes okay I I was I felt really really good so so Tila was talking about grinding and early hurt more starts I figured since I had four castings of hurt more you know I could explore pretty much anything with it a few screens with the castle before I would get sent home and then I found I found staff cave and garingham right off the bat [Music] um and there were star wyvern and I believe droleum beiji's there um and so I'm like oh hey cool [Music] um you know level Eight's gonna come real quick at 600 so I ground outside and then I was close to broadsword money um so I stuck around for like the extra couple hundred gold and that had me at 95 AP it like level eight I think [Music] uh which made polishing off enemies that didn't go down to hurt more a lot simpler yeah it's man this is an interesting one overall with that early hurt more low MP low HP and then just waiting for it to kind of pile on and get some stats there what we really noticed from high up here in the booth is how long could you sustain that grind when she started your grind and how efficiently um you know especially lordo uh conquering blue dragons tons of star wyverns along the along the map even in the plains tiles the experience is really rolling in and then gonna look at her at tilo with that just incredible uh you know experience per minute gain but you know still you know 30 seconds behind debits time so a lot a lot could have happened there and now we got our barbalu joining in the uh with our commentators now [Music] see if Barbara Loop can locate their push to talk button this is the best part really you know to be perfectly honest hey can everyone hear me yeah we can hear you loud and clear to me to be honest I'm actually kind of curious how tilo's XP progression went because I was feeling pretty good about mine I'll be kind of disappointed to learn that I was running an experienced episode sorry now I have the audio playing correctly from Discord inside of my phone anyway uh JT David uh congrats on the win thank you ggs yourself well raced yeah I felt like for me the middle of that race went fairly well but I took some bad deaths early to blue dragons and went to a metal slime and then at the end I lost a few minutes looking for a shortcut from Swamp South to garenham that didn't exist and ended up accidentally finding wimbledar for the first time on the way but in any case that I don't know if that was the difference in the race or not but I imagine it was really close before that looking at the tracker I'm I'm Legit salty that I only took three deaths and still lost [Music] um I pointed out early this is a good one to watch back for self-improvement but tilo tilo was aggressive in Exploration took more deaths but got more information per minute and then was behind on experience for most of the matchup so it was uh definitely worth you know looking at your own decision matrixes or matrices in in a seed like this one yeah I mean the big thing for me is I could have got the shield a little faster uh it's just that that Mis menu with the wings I knew I was pretty much toast unless um tilo found the grave and cleared it out because that was optional yeah well if you're not first you're last so you know you know tilo t look and work on some stuff here getting smoked even by silly davit this is a this is a wild one these times are really close by I don't think that's any any one thing could have gone wrong or if something went wrong for you something went wrong for someone else it's it's just it's just the way it be sometimes [Music] you know it's it's Rando I I can't really point at anything I did wrong aside from that one thing and you know look we're all good enough that a mistake like that cost you yeah well I don't think you would feel quite right if you didn't make that mistake but then you know Tito didn't get smashed by a Golem on the Square before the sword sure [Music] but yeah you know you never want to uh hurt more the dragon you want to heal more you don't want wings when you don't want to Wings there's there's no shortage of things that can go wrong on the player side um you know there's there's very few people who uh execute this game flawlessly so that's a tall order really I think these times are pretty good for 18. um early hurt more early strength really good um really got out there um I really it was played it was played well yeah I I don't think my time is bad at all I mean I just saw to you about starting out oh and two I mean 133 for a level 18 finish is actually pretty good um yeah you know I'm not you know High Spirits opened at zero and two cyber dark opened at zero and three so I'm not feeling too terrible yet hey I I started at 2-0 and I'm starting to come back to reality so it'll all balance out don't worry I'm just hoping for some Grudge Match uh Lord of the synth is gonna put on the uh the mask here do some healing I think it's it's gonna be it's gonna be great it'll definitely come back around that's why you don't do best of one in Dragon Warrior randomizer [Music] all right I think that's pretty well gonna put a bow on things here uh we're gonna go ahead and send things over to DW randomizer there's a race that started about 18 minutes ago between arnpali and miplit make sure to give our Runners a follow here as you can see they all gave you a fantastic race here tonight and also make sure to show some love to the folks behind the scenes as well High Spirits who's taking care of the restream we had shahali and Camion taking care of the tracking and for my broadcast partner BTS I'm Faron burgundy saying until next time Stay classy my friends and more importantly stay safe so long everyone have a great night [Music]
Channel: RPG Limit Break
Views: 1,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 49sec (6589 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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