Dutch Tool Chest Tour

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hi this is my Dutch tool chest that I built during a workshop with Christopher wars back in 2014 and was a really fun workshop we accomplished most of the joinery and some of those suddenly during the workshop but of course like most workshops an awful lot of the finishing work has to be done on your own time and get back home which I've done here you know painted it at hardware of course filled it with my tools and it's probably been at least a year since I've touched it since and pretty pretty happy with as it is right now and I don't think I'll be making any more changes so I thought I'd give you a little tour maybe some inspiration if you're in the process of making your own or are thinking of making a Dutch tool chest I'm starting with the back of the tool chest I don't use the front cover ever since this doesn't travel so I built this this hook which I can insert this is a domino so I can remove this if I were to travel in the future but I just insert this link like so and here's the front and hook just catches the locking mechanism on the front and this is how it sits 99% of the time before I leave the back I'll show you a holder that I made for my bridge city tool works all get love seems like a nice place to put it out of the way I really just felt like I wanted to use the all the real estate on this tool chest and since it doesn't travel with me I don't mind hanging things off the side here's a plain iron adjustment hammer I have and some of my black planes Tooley the Nielsen's this is a wrapping black plane there I guess maybe bestseller block plane here and then these are two old old planes from the beginning of the 20th century I really like this one this little thumb I use this all the time for chamfering edges and I made I made these I guess called holsters for the planes they just have rare earth magnets and where they're all the same I can easily easily access them and they're really held securely I don't travel with this tool chest but I still wanted to add some classic hardware elements to it and includes beautiful chest handle really stout and then a maybe a closer look at this plane holster who really makes it convenient to get access to these planes which were used a lot in shot coming around to the front looking at somewhere for this hardware this is not functional and it's some level I guess it's functional so it's a real lock but not very secure one and it's not an old old lock it's just something made to look old I really think it adds a nice touch to this tool chest I added a false bottom inside the chest which I could remove I needed to that's just to raise these planes off the bottom so when I use them I can just dress drag them out now I have to worry about lifting them up over the slip and of course I added these dividers between all the planes to keep keep them from knocking against each other and this is an example if I've tried to make maximum use out of inside my case just to store this starett angle gauge I put a little little ledge here and rare-earth magnet I just go down on stays there fine and here's a little view on the other side of this compartment I built this shelf just again to maximize my storage and here I keep some more block planes rabbiting plane just lay them in here shoulder plane I really love this holster I call it holster to build to store one of my most used try squares bridge study tool works again there's a magnet which matches up with one of the steel pins here and rests on this piece so I can just reach in here and grab it works really nice ok as we continue to move up this is a feature that that I have seen some other Dutch tool chests but it's not part of the original design and that is a drawer which really makes use out of this when I consider dead space and I made it with poplar the whole box the host justice made from poplar and dovetailed does have a plywood bottom though so I just wanted to show you a little close-up view of the drawer detail that I added these runners screwing them into the side of the case and stuff just cutting these square and a little elbow of curve just you know think about that and all the things you do just give it a little little more polish I added this this is a little stop and I can rotate out of the way if I ever needed to remove the dwarf but this keeps the drawer from pulling out all the way by accident I'm not careful and one final element of the store is I wanted to have a place that I could store this square and I just open the door a little bit I can get it out but when the door is closed it won't won't fall out thanks okay let's look inside this drawer so I have fitted this fairly nicely this is my style I do like to organize when possible I don't always achieve this level of organization but I do strive for it these are my blue spruce but chisels which I just I just love these I'm saving my nickels for the one and a half inch keep my folding rule back here which I don't use a lot but when they need to make an inside measurement this will come out with some little sand box that I've made these are with some cloth backed sandpaper and last forever so this is from 100 through 220 grit and then over here is a spot just to hold my driver bits after my power driver but for my my hand driver which I'll show you in a bit conveniently stored here again max my storage in the door by having a slide sliding tray and Araki my jeweler jeweler screwdrivers some trammel points with the Veritas dowel centers depth gauge center punch automatic center punch and a bunch of centering drills which I use these quite a bit for hardware installation this is just the place to throw down one of these small pinch sticks for measuring corner to corner inside of boxes frankly I don't really use this but I made it since I can't keep it in there this is a steric center punch my nail sets and this is a Stanley marking knife I painted it just because I didn't like that great that it ships with and then an extra blade I was going to have extra blades on hand for all your edge tools and finally here I have some of my my really nice spoke chains which needed to bind Boggs from me Nielsen which I like this is small one fairly recent to my collection from Veritas and some a few long tiring chisels and we hear some accessories from my router planes extra extra blade which I can get it off secured with a rare earth magnet p-set registers here and also over here another extra blade for my small router plane and again it just sits on a little ledge with a wear earth magnet you can move into the main compartment okay let's start with the lid I know this is a little over the top but it actually really works for me not only use all these tools this is a collection of a lot of this was a collection of bridge city tours that I bought probably 20 22 25 years ago these were all when they are still making everything with rose wood before they went all modern so I again I made whole holsters to fit everything and bridge city Tool Works saw or pinned with steel so I'm able use rare earth magnets to hold everything in place so I should do use this a fair amount again these won't go anywhere when I close the lid bridge see straight edge which actually I do use quite a bit again little ledges with where earth magnets do use these periodically miter gauges reminder squares I guess that's what you call them so they worked really well store my knee Neilson router planes rare-earth magnets these are popular components and of course I fitted everything so it looks looks like it's a custom fitted storage which of course if this doesn't fit and this is my small my small router plane actually I use these I love the router planes and then finally over here is a Japanese chisel that is dedicated I use it for marking for so when I have a mark a line I'll use this to deepen deepen that mark in the wood its sole purpose and rare earth magnet holds onto it and it just takes the edge and me hitting it by accident pickup look at the back first is a 24 inch puts city rule I use again rare earth magnets that I've been in place my Sorby bench chisels which I've had for many many years nice chisels love the way they look and to some miscellaneous tools blue spruce marking gauge mark knife this is a air talus marking gauge birdcage all which is nice Japanese chisel miscellaneous and just this is a screwdriver I use mostly for adjusting my planes very small a little bit bigger than 16 chisel I love this screwdriver this is the one that I shall give the driver bits before they all fit in here you've probably seen these elementary brand and I just love using fine tools this is the right side of the tool chest this is a little holster for Lee Nielsen chula plane is one of the first Nielsen flames I bought and I didn't still use it periodically this is just held in with gravity small metal machinist square again a Ledge where with magnet will flops keep it in place part of my stair combination square right here is a small starett combination square I love this guy this as a just for small joinery and for a lot of work they do actually this is all you need and again it's the solemn place with the ledge where magnet and a thought and maybe you can see over here is just another bridge city to works this is a center rule and ideas it's actually quite a bit held in place with little rare earth magnets here's the left side of my tool chest here's a bitty compass which I do these sometimes little roll I don't use this this is a sentimental came for my father and held with a 9nl edge and all these were just held with little magnets same thing I don't really I don't you just get much but I thought well I have and I'll just I'll just stick them here again held with magnets 10 equal quarrel which I do you sometimes store again little magnets and a whole these are nice Nielson block pain or small one how do you use that's held in place with a little gravity holster on the front here is my equal Rule three inch one I use this outcome this is Delta tool a lot again isn't over here with a magnet and just gets held in place and here it's actually I use it's quite a bit this is a storage for a razor blade a little magnet and a ledge and I to raises bridge of blades I rotate this one it is guarantee the one it's on a sledge is going to be super sharp and I have another one which is less sharp and when that gets to doll I I rotate this into that other one throw that one away and put a fresh one over here I know and I whenever I need something a really sharp one I just come over and grab that okay here's the main the main cavity and I really use most of the tools in here probably my notes use plain is this this one sentimental reasons came from my father it's not an antique I think from the 70s I tuned it up really nicely and put a new blade in there and again it's probably my most used planes of all angle the Nielsen number six this is the gilded beautiful plane that follow me notes and claims are beautiful Glen Drake marking gauge this is a small one their regular sized one this is a more just gauge from Veritas now there's this ledge here not alleged but it's kind of a protection protective shelf that just lays in the tool just like I'm reaching that keeps it from touching the chisels behind behind again I could just spend some square cut piece but I put a decorative decorative edge long and to give it a national look my dovetail saw from Nielsen and the - these are just great value sauce and veritas and they work beautifully this is the so I have the crosscut and the river so it's made they work and we're great and then loose Bruce mallet okay well I hope you've enjoyed my little tour the Dutch tool chest and I just love the form factor of this of this tool chest and if I lost this I'd build another one in a heartbeat thanks for stopping by
Channel: Marty Backe
Views: 213,233
Rating: 4.8200378 out of 5
Keywords: Dutch Toolchest, Dutch Tool Chest, Toolchest, Tool Chest
Id: ND77k5Tnq40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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