Dutch Sheets | 2023 Prophetic Summit

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thank you so I'm going to do something that I do once in a while I don't always do this but tonight I will and that is take my direction completely from what is being has been said rather than what I came in here with some of what I say tonight I'm sure some of you have heard before but how could I talk about anything other than Reformation [Applause] so I feel like we are we are about to come into a time in history where what God has been preparing us for for the last several decades not not years not the last several years the last several decades he has been working I said this recently he's done the last 50 years he's done more in the church than through the church certainly in the last 20 25. he has been perfecting maturing bringing Revelation that will help us become and in the last you know since the 70s where we had pastors and teach evangelists but he added the teacher that anointing of Christ through the charismatic movement and the the wave of teaching that came and then the 80s he added the prophets 80s 90s and then he added the apostles who were in a 30-year span-ish he finished a work of restoration to the church to where now we can embody the fullness of Christ because these five gifts Apostles prophets evangelists Pastor teachers are the Christ anointings they are the anointings the person poured out as an anointing of Christ himself so that we can reveal represent and reveal him in the Earth if you only have one of those you can reveal 20 percent of him if all you have is the pastor you can show people his heart of love and nurture and the shepherd Heart Of God if all you have is his evangelism anointing you can multiply the church but that's you're just going to get them saved and ready for heaven you're not going they're not going to do anything else if you have teachers you can equip them if you have the prophetic you can hear the voice of God and get his strategy for what he's doing in the earth and you can commune with him and if you have the apostolic you now have government you have order you have the ability to establish and oversee God is about to now put these together into a I don't want to say maybe I just can't find a better word package he's he's going to package it all up together he's going to begin to reveal through the Ecclesia a complete expression of who Christ is I will tell you now the Earth has never seen anything like it the Earth has never seen anything like what is about to be revealed do not measure it by what you've seen do not measure it by where things are now do do not take any cue as far as where you think things are going by the disorder you see in the natural we are not to respond to the disorder we are to deal with the disorder we are to have heard from God we are to have the strategies of God we're to know what to do and how to partner with his Angelic host and holy spirit who's been sent to lead us in this endeavor so so so we are called not to be reactionary in this season but to hear what God is saying and doing and and do it and as we do we're going to reveal the fullness of Christ now I wrote this down during the worship Jesus did not come to do something that would just enable us to start over he came to re he didn't come to just forget everything wipe that out and just start over he came to restore he came to renew he came to revive that means to give life again he came to I wrote a bunch of them down renew revive reform recover redeem restore he didn't come to say well we messed it all up but I don't know what to do with that so I'll just start again he said I'm going to come and restore I'm going to come and get things back on track again so that begs the question and I'm going to do this really fast I wouldn't even think about taking notes don't even go there you'll just be frustrated so let's back up again to Genesis because when he created us when he created our home got everything ready and then he created humans he gave us two mandates to assignments be fruitful and multiply give me more kids I want a big family I created this Earth for you I made you in my image likeness that word likeness some religious Minds can't handle this but the word means comparable I made you as much like me as I could make you like me I I made you in my image that word means illusionary it's a word for a phantom it's when you think you see something and you don't really see it was it was that God or Adam because he was clothed with the glory of God he carried the spirit of God the nature of God he looked like God he was comparable to God the animals responded to him the planet responded to him everything responded to him because he was God's representative and he carried the glory and the nature and the mind of Christ he had he had it all because God made family they could think with him and dream with him and Rule with him and oversee with him and he said Adam give me more kids and then he said rule your home this planet this Outpost of the Kingdom this colony of the Kingdom that I made for you to live on it's your responsibility to govern this manage it Steward it have dominion the word the two words in Genesis 1 radar and Masha mean manage govern Steward oversea he said I've given you this now you govern it for me you manage this for me you don't own it but you are my delegated authority here on this planet now manage it for me when that Authority was lost he said immediately I will come and and I will deal with the serpent and I will redeem his name is not Deemer it's Redeemer never said that before it just seemed it just came out though but you got it didn't you redeem purchase it back reform deorthosis reform Reformation ortho d'orthosis we get the word for the bone doctor from this word it means it takes something broken and fix it straighten it take that which is Fallen make it stand upright again it's both the word for both to be perfectly erect and level but it's things were out of whack things were messed up things were broken things were disconnected things were dislocated and he said I'm coming to relocate I'm coming to Qatar tizo you back into the family back into my nature give I'm going to give you my nature again I'm going to give you my breath and my spirit again I'm going to give you my authority again I'm going to restore it all I will never be defeated I will always overcome everything the evil one does everything he will never defeat me so in so when Jesus came in Matthew 16 he made an announcement he waited for just the right time and I don't think it's any accident that he you know there was there literally is a place in Israel called the Gate of Hell evil Place lots of demons cave Jesus waited till he was there to make his announcement I'll build my Ecclesia and the gates of hell I I have to believe he pointed to that dark hole in the in the on the wall of that mountain when he said it that was known for its death and Devastation and destruction and he probably said I will build my ecclesi and everyone knew what he meant when he said in the gates of Hades not overcome what I'm building if you have a theology that allows Satan to be stronger than the Ecclesia the Church of Jesus Christ the body of Christ and the Earth you need to find a different Bible we are warriors we are Overcomers we are more than conquerors we never lose [Applause] so he said I will build a Mayo to create a household to build or form create a family Oikos home family lineage I will oi caramel I have come to get the family back mandate number one I'm going to restore this thing and then put it back on track and you're going to give me more kids you're going to give me more a bigger family you're going to multiply me you're going to multiply my nature you're going to multiply my image you're going to multiply Eternal spirits and if you do what you need to do with them they will they will take on my likeness and nature and I will have a body on planet Earth again that reveals and represents me to the human race that's the plan and it's never changed and that's where we're going sorry I'm scaring some of you [Applause] people come and hear me preaching they've never heard me they just watched the 15s and they go your mom you know Evangelical people that come from quiet churches and and they come and hear me they go wow you always like that not always but I'm working on it he would say I've come to get the family back I will breathe into them my spirit my nature again they will carry me into the Earth again they will represent me and I will cut me open my and you know my Church my help me please are you asleep Ecclesia thank you I will build my Ecclesia my legislative couple of my family will also be the legislative governing arm of my kingdom on this planet right here you're going to take you're going to rule this planet for me you're going to manage this for me just the way I intended from the beginning you will manage it for me mandate number two get I've come to get the family back and I've come to recapture Adam's lost Dominion he didn't come to get anything back for himself he never lost any he came to get back the Dominion we lost so he as the second and last Adam human being could get it back for us and delegate it to us again and now it's safe in the hands of an Adam that will never lose it and that's why he announced in Matthew 28 all authority is given to me now both in heaven and on Earth so he announced what he's going to do I'm going to do what I said I would do I'm going to reverse reverse what happened to Genesis and then he did it at the cross and then he gave us the commissions didn't he I break the Great Commission into two two parts the great commissions not Commission because they are completely different they are completely different mark 16. is get the family back get them safe delivered filled with the spirit go into all the world preach the gospel all creation Every Creature he that believes and baptized be saved you know that Great Commission go get them saved delivered fill with my spirit and then they'll lay hands on the sick and then it's all about getting the family back and getting people saved and free and healed it's a recommissioning I don't even call it the Great Commission Mark called the Great recommission I fixed this now go get him I'll go I'll be working with you my angels will be working with you if the church really understood who we were and who he is in us we'd save the world we'd get a billion Souls saved the next week or so Matthew 28 the governing aspect the Ecclesia Mark 16 is the family Matthew 28 is the Ecclesia go and teach them what I have commanded you and disciple Nations don't get them saved disciple Nations not just one or not just the individual that gets saved disciple Nations disciple Nations disciple Nations not just individuals disciple Nations if you can't translate it that way then you are you are teaching heresy because the text says go in disciple Nations just because our faith has not been at a point where we could wrap our arms around that commission does it make it does it make it doesn't change it he didn't say go and make disciples he said go in disciple Nations invade the culture teach Society my ways Implement my ways in government education talk about it in school talk to your children about it Implement my kingdom ideals ways methods will if you will do that I will back it up with the power of my spirit and when you teach the ways of my kingdom the leaven of my kingdom will always overthrow the leaven of the evil one always always always always because when they finally Taste of him they will say he is good [Applause] now the reason I'm doing this is because the next campaign on God's agenda is an outpouring and movement of holy spirit that is going to marry these two uh assignments responsibilities anointings commissions he's going to marry them and this time unlike the charismatic movement where we just got them saved and ready for heaven we're going to get them saved and we're going to disciple the nation we're not going to give education away or government away or media way just because we think Jesus may come next week so let it all go to hell who cares well he didn't come back and it did go to hell and because we didn't do Matthew 28 now they are mutilating our children and sending perverts to dance for our kindergarten or children because we did Mark 16 but not Matthew 28. well we didn't Mark 16 they did Matthew 28 they disciple the nation and we had the greatest broadest largest outpouring in history and lost ground however he has been doing much to restore and that word in Greek is re-constitute back to the way it's supposed to be he has been reconstituting restoring bringing Revelation to the church restoring these anointings that will take us to the fullness of Christ we now have a spirit of Revelation don't worry about those that don't like the prophetic we have a spirit of Revelation that is now functioning at a high level in the church I agree with Chuck let him make some mistakes Let The Young Ones make some mistakes disciple them train them we're still going to move forward in the prophetic and the apostolic and just because we don't shoot an evangelist when they get it wrong or a pastor we're not going to shoot the prophets and the apostles either because when you find a perfect one you let me know [Applause] I'm not trying to get us off on a tangent I'm just saying God has done a wonderful work of restoring these anointings of Christ and we are now positioned to do Mark 16 and Matthew 28 and he's been working toward a time in history where he can flip the switch on both passages both assignments both anointings both both commissions at the same time and the um the momentum of this incredible Revival that's coming that changes hearts and writes God's laws in the heart and awakens people to who he is and to his word and now those that don't care what he thinks will begin to care what he thinks and they don't care what the Bible says but they will begin to care what the Bible says [Applause] and when Millions upon millions of them have had a transformation here then the laws can be changed and begin to make a difference then we can get along and we can heal the divisions and we can establish righteousness in the land this group over here is going to move into spiritual warfare and set the captive free this group is going to disciple them in their neighborhoods and communities and cities and Nations to think like Jesus thinks if you do not understand this one you will burn out on this one if you do not understand the ways of God you will eventually lose the works of God if all you know is signs wonders Miracles and a gospel of Salvation to get people in heaven then at some point that will no longer be enough because when you have babies you've got to grow them up into adults and if you try to make them stay down here sooner or later they will rebel against that because something in them wants to dream wants to govern what's to create and we better teach them how to do it with an anointing from heaven there are answers in God to every problem on planet Earth you don't get those answers just by getting people saved you must get those answers when you introduce them to the mind of Christ Reformation Awakening Reformation Awakening Revival Reformation transformation I don't know whether to be tipped off right now or excited got this thing going on in me it's like both it's both I'm a sign I'm a sign right now aren't I I'm a living parable thank you I'm getting so old I'm starting to scare people when I get too close to the edge [Applause] so I jumped up and started preaching on Flashpoint the first time I did that people didn't realize Gene had told me if you want to do it and he was sitting there when I was doing it going people thought he was he wasn't sure about that was I said no he was sure about it he loved it he was just afraid I was going to fall off the platform I don't blame him listen I'm announcing to you tonight where this whole Kingdom Agenda is going we are going to deal with Jezebel we do have angels to help us we are going to release through the power of our words what we need the dream I dealt with that Greg had I dealt with it on several days on the posts you cannot close these doors with your hands remember that you can only do it with your mouth the angel said we are going to do that but we're not only going to engage in Warfare and see Miracles and signs and wonders and principalities come down we are going to transform through the power of the word of God also and the ways of God and the principles of God because when we cast them out we're going to fill the void [Applause] this heals a person this heals a region and a nation this delivers an individual this delivers a nation this is about our individual rights and Privileges and blessings in Christ this is about our citizenship in the Kingdom our responsibility [Applause] this is where we're going no I'm gonna land this thing pretty quick here it's bedtime watch pay attention be alert for what God begins to do in marrying these you got some people their passion their anointing their their what drives them makes them come alive is to teach the principles of God they struggle a little bit with the wild crazy Bunch casting out devils and Healing The Sick and these guys it's their passionate Revival more Lord more Lord and they look at these guys and they think dry dry you need the fire brother they couldn't exigate the first chapter of the book but they couldn't heal a headache God is about to bring us together and he's about to show the evangelists hey you need the teacher and he's about to show the prophet that you need the apostle and the apostle you need the prophet and pastors do you need all of them we all need all of them and I know you're like it's safe and you'd like to make sure the Sheep are happy but once in a while somebody needs to kick him [Applause] share them [Applause] Jesus the great Shepherd who's the balance of all of them he knew and to teach the sheepies and feed him and then he also needed knew him to turn to the disciples and said well I'm not changing my message are you leaving too because a message isn't changing that's Apostle Jesus teaching on the hillside and feeding them is Shepherd Jesus and teacher Jesus and he's the only real true balance nobody else has a perfect balance no matter what they think you understand that right we need each other we need the working together but I don't want to get off I don't get distracted I'm trying to say to you we are coming into a season in history where God is allowing such a shaking that he is creating a hunger and a desperation on planet Earth for somebody to show up with answers and he knows China doesn't have it and he knows Russia doesn't have it and he knows they know Washington D.C doesn't have it they know the U.N doesn't have it and they'll sit back and just go along with and hope somebody fixes it until we were talked about this today until you mess with two things you mess with the pocketbook or you mess with their kids and you get Mom and Dad fired up when the eggs go from two or three bucks to ten and they can no longer pay the bills and people see this is not getting better this is getting worse because idiots are running the asylum [Applause] thank you but it's one thing for the for the for the financial and the and the pressures there but when you start messing with the kids and Mama Bear wakes up now you got real problems because she will slap you [Applause] and I'm just trying to make a humorous point to say to you not just through those two things but no one with any sense whatsoever looks at the planet right now with anything but where is this going this could become a real real bad scene and who do we trust I'm simply saying all of this to say he is allowing some things to happen he's just going to take it his hand off of it and shaken things where all the crazy stuff starts flying around everywhere so that people will wake up including the church the let's just be happy and get along crowd how's that working out for you the people that say oh wait are we are we oh we all we're called to do is just preach the gospel and get them saved We Don't Rock the Boat we want to be nice all the time Jesus knew him to be nice and you know when to look him in the eye and call them hypocrites so he is bringing a desperation and we better do what Chuck said this time we better finish we better allow what he's doing we better embrace it and say what are you saying sir and you show me my part because I'm in this thing and I tell you the next significant group of people that I believe God is going to wake up in America and it will be the leaders in the church [Applause] who realize I can no longer be quiet I can no longer sit back and say it's all okay I'm gonna have to let my voice be heard and if it's biblical morality I'm going to preach that biblical morality and I don't care who leaves and they can take their money with them but I'm going to talk about abortion and I'm going to talk about perversion and I'm going to preach truth and I'm going to get him saved and delivered and then I'm going to disciple them and teach them his ways and it will start with a remnant but I believe the remnant is already there there's a Remnant in the church there's a Remnant screaming in in Congress there's a Remnant in the school board meetings there's a Remnant within the media God already has things in place he can start blowing on it now and you watch Revival begin to spring up all over this nation [Applause] but the seven Mountain folks are also going to be Anointed with a powerful word to transform amen I need [Applause] I need Jim I need you guys I need Tim and Chuck and Greg and Tom and Gina and Barbara will hand you the mic down here but you will decree and professor please come on let's do something I'm going to start praying we're going to decrease some things we're going to we're going to launch a movement tonight we're going to launch what God's been talking about he's talking about reformation so be it we're going to have Revival and Reformation do you hear me he's talking about Revival he's talking about reformation then we're going to see Revival and Reformation [Applause] we're going to heal and we're going to transform we're going to save and we're going to teach father we ask for this now you have said angels are surrounding us they are in place we align ourselves with you we thank you for them we will not back up we're not going to run from Jezebel we're not going to run from from any of her Messengers we are going to stand and we're going to see full Deliverance take place in this land we're going to persevere until Revival changes the hearts of a hundred million 200 million Americans and a billion people around the world that begin to cry out for you cry out for your ways cry out for your healing cry out for your deliverance and we're going to teach them your ways you're going to raise up Apostles that can teach and transform Nations you're going to raise up evangelists that get them Saved By The Hundreds thou a thousands millions at a time you're going to raise up pastors that know how to love them and transform them and teachers that can teach them and Prophets that can help steer them into your paths we are not going to back up we are not going to retreat and we are not going to accept any theology that says you can't do what you said you will have a glorious Ecclesia without spot or wrinkle you will have a bride worthy to stand with you you will have a people that can reveal and represent you on planet Earth you will have miracle workers you will have those that understand the sword of the spirit you will have laid down lovers servants that do not care who gets the glory or the attention or gets the microphone they just don't care because you're raising up a kingdom-minded people all they care about is your will and your heart so we release this now I hear the spirit of the Lord saying that I'm bringing you into this new place and I'm setting upon you a new ring a new robe and new shoes for as you have said to yourself I am returning to that which my father has birth Within Me but there have been times even my church you have forgotten that which I've birthed in you but I'm bringing you back to that says the Lord and I'm beginning to pull the things of not only the world off of you but the things of religion off of you for this is a season that I am detoxing you from the addiction of religion that has driven you and that has caused you to look for things that bring you into a high place for it is time now that I am bringing you says the Lord into a stable place into a steady Place into a place that you will begin to run and you will not become weary you will begin to walk and there will be no fainting found in you says the Lord for as I re-establish him in that which I've created you to be the tenacity that I have determined that will be in you will begin to Bubble Up from you says the Lord and you will be the lion instead of the Lamb says God for I'm shifting my church in this hour out of the things of cowardnessly and weakly looking for things to appease them and I'm bringing you into a place to where you'll not only have a roar but you'll have a bite says the Lord and you will begin to bite the heels of the inner man as he begins to run for this is a season of dispersing the enemy out of your field says the Lord I'm calling you to stand in your field and not let the enemy in for the enemy is said it's rightfully and legally his and I the Lord say unto you tonight no it is mine and I have given you stewardship and if I've given you stewardship says the Lord I've given you the ability to defend it and to accept Bandit says God so move out of the things that you've been clothed with and move out of the stench of the religious pigpen that you have lived in and step in into a place of receiving my ring my robe and my shoe says the Lord and I will reestablish you in the inheritance that you have lost I will double it and double it and double it again says the Lord your God foreign [Applause] would you pray into this prophesy whatever we honor you we honor you tell us what's in your heart I just declare that let's watch where the winds are blowing for what is happening on the Earth has already started in heaven and God would say that I am blowing things in and I am blowing things out is not the wind blowing with the fierceness in this season that you have not seen in previous seasons is not the rain coming in in massive waterfalls with Force washing things out do not look just at the destruction but look to the heavens look to my voice and look at what I am doing look at what just happened the earthquake I am shaking everything that can be shaken and I am shaking hell out of this place for I say that only my kingdom will stand in My Kingdom will stand with power and glory and even now I am dropping a new anointing on the Ecclesia and you will not faint and you will not be weary but you will get up and you will run the race with strength for I the Lord your God embracing you with fresh Glory with straight fresh strength with fresh mind and I say there is a power anointing on the body to deal with that which is before me look to the elements of nature the wind the rains the Thunder the earthquakes for I am dealing with the Earth and with this nation and I will see that my kingdom stands above every other Kingdom let me confirm that tonight by saying that tonight is your night I did not draw you here just to hear some people speak I drew you here so that you would speak so that you would be the voice that I have been waiting for that you would hold the authority that I have granted you the wind of the spirit as Barbara just spoke blew through this room and I show locks on your mouths Fall Away I saw veils over your eyes disappear I saw your ears become unstopped and it is time for you now says the Lord my Ecclesia my bride to speak to speak what I have put in your mouths to speak he says quit depending on someone else to do it I have moved you beyond that [Music] I have moved you into maturity I have moved you into a place where your voice even in your home in your closet when you open it up is starting to dismantle Darkness and what I'm telling you to speak is not hard [Music] it is what I spoke when I hung on a cross and simply said it is finished foreign last week he started speaking to me and said Tom I want you to make it simple I said okay Lord what do you want me to say you look at Satan and you look at all the darkness and all the principalities and you say to it shut up and go to hell so I want you tonight now turn in some direction turn to whatever is dark in your lives turn over your families look at them look at your political systems and cry it out shut up Satan and go to hell [Applause] [Music] the Lord began to say to me the pieces are coming together to form the whole and we have come into a big picture moment and the big picture is revealing to us things that we have not known in previous season it's the culmination of all our times of obedience with the Lord that we did and we didn't understand at the moment but God said in this time you're going to understand it all because this is the big picture moment and there's going to be a people in this moment that is going to walk with the Lord in Greater Authority and greater boldness than any other time in history not because of who we are but because of the spirit of Christ himself who dwells on the inside of us and we will not back down and we will not count down we will move forward with this anointing and we will will finish what he started and he will see to it that what he has begun he will complete it so father we declare tonight that our pieces are coming together and I speak over every person in this room whose heart is submitted to you we have eyes to see we have ears that hear we hear from you we see what you do and we do it we hear what you say and we say it and we will not be afraid God I speak a baptism a boldness over your people from this day forward as we walk out this Reformation God we will do so with courage that comes from the throne room because we've spent time with you and we know you and we know that you are with us and you will never leave us and you will never forsake us and through us you you will reach your hand and you will do what you said you would do for your glory and for this Reformation in Jesus name this is like a loaf of bread just coming and the Lord says take and eat from releasing a strategy that will cause you to accelerate in the purpose of my way the Lord says as you're willing to stand in the process and the purpose of what I'm releasing within the Lord says you'll dismantle the strongholds that are truly that which is around you for the Lord says I'm releasing a sword in your hand for the ability to move in the power of all that I Am Lord says don't back up from this ways of man but begin to see the strongholds are beginning to crumble and fall the Lord says I'm dismantling a religious structure and the structures of man the denominational systems that have minimized my ability to walk in the fullness of my hand Lord says I'm releasing a sword that will truly cause the dismantling of everything I'm causing a greater awareness of what it means to walk with in in Oneness with me and as you begin to accelerate the Lord says you'll eat you'll eat you'll eat young you'll eat and as you receive the strength in my ways the purpose of my heart you'll see the fullness of my hand possess the land but the Lord says as you are willing to walk fully in the understanding of my heart you'll see the purpose the power and my ways to be in part so the Lord says Rise up in the strength of what I'm releasing rise up in the understanding of my way wield the sword with authority and power and see the strongholds be falling in this hour
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 67,785
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Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets, 2023 prophetic summit, dutch sheets message, givehim15
Id: zfdBDOml7T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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