Dust collection adapters shop vac to PVC made fast on the table saw

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what's up guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can make these adapters so that you can switch from your shop vac to 2 inch PVC pipe I use a lot of shop vacs for dust collection so being able to switch into the PVC has been a huge help here in my shop although I could see a lot of other benefits besides just dust collection for being able to use 2 inch PVC with your shop vac now in order to make these adapters first we're gonna have to make a jig so I'm going to show you how to make that jig but after you have the jig these things cost about 10 cent and they only take about 15 seconds to make on the table saw so lots of good reasons to do it let's get right into it you're gonna want to start off with a block I'm gonna be using a 2 X 10 but you could probably use any kind of 2X material you could even double up a couple pieces of 3/4 plywood one edge needs to be perfectly straight so to get this I'm going to screw a short piece of plywood on and run it through the table saw now that I have that straight edge right in the center of the straight cut trace a circle using a short piece of two-inch pipe and the pipe needs to be flush the outside of the pipe with the backside of that straight cut now you're gonna want to cut a hole a perfect circle this can be done with many different types of saws (or drill) I'm going to be using a jigsaw here just because I figured most people would have a jigsaw and to show that it could be done with a jigsaw as long as you take your time and just sneak up on that circle once you end up with a nice tight fit like this you've got it now it's gonna be so tight that it's not going to spin and you need to be able to spin the pipe so here I'm just gonna sand it a little bit until eventually I'm able to spin the pipe within this circle now you can open up the sides of the circle cut a couple of short clamping blocks pre-drill some holes into these blocks and attach one to either side of the back of the jig make sure that the screws you use are long enough so you get a good secure attachment to the bottom board and that's it the jig is complete now it's time to cut these down these blanks to two and a half inches and they need to be really square so I'm going to use the miter saw you could probably use a different saw but I think the miter saw is probably the easiest and most accurate way to cut these so I'll go ahead and cut a bunch of these up and we'll go from there now I'm over here the table saw and what I want to do is reference the center of the blade up here on my fence or even on the top of the fence either way it doesn't have to be exact but it's got to be pretty close and then what I want to do is get the blade up to 1 and 1/4 " the inside diameter of vacuum fitting is about two and a quarter the outside diameter of the 2-inch PVC pipe is two and 3/8" so we're going to need to reduce the pipe by an eighth of an inch and we're gonna do that by removing a sixteenth" all the way around so we need to set the fence on the table saw at two and five sixteenths" depending on what kind of table saw you're working on this is gonna be different but basically I know the blade is up an inch and a quarter so what I'm gonna do is count how many revolutions it's going to take to spin the blade back down so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it takes 10 revolutions to get my blade down an inch and a quarter so it's going to take 10 revolutions to get my blade up to my finished height so what I'm going to do is set my jig over the center mark and I'm going to clamp it on and now that I have it clamped on I can turn my saw on and run it up ten revolutions okay here I'm just gonna show you one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so here's the blade all the way up to an inch and a quarter I'm gonna run that back down we're ready to start it's gonna be a tight fit that's what you want it's gonna spin in there and each time you want to raise the blade one revolution you also want to make sure that you're applying pressure to the pipe each time that you raise the blade and it's a little too tight I'm gonna run the blade back down I'm gonna pull the fence over just a little bit and give that a go once you get them pretty close gonna hit em a little bit with some sandpaper mostly just to knock the fuzz off and smooth them up a little bit but after you have a nice tight fit like you want got the jig dialed in you can go into production make as many of them as you want my hand is starting to cramp up usually people are only going to need like one or two so doing this by hand is probably fine but if this works this should definitely enhance the production a little bit just give me one sec that work perfect perfect look at that thing just look at that look how beautiful that is oh my goodness look at that I just put the "P" in production
Channel: Slow and Expensive
Views: 235,822
Rating: 4.8208108 out of 5
Keywords: shop vac dust collection, dust collection adapter, diy dust collection adapter, shop vac fittings, shop vac to pvc, pvc dust collection adapters, diy pvc dust collection fittings, cyclone separator, cyclone separator for dust collector, dust deputy, dust stopper, pvc adapter for shop vac, how to make a dust collection adapter, slow and expensive, dust collection, woodworking, table saw jig, diy pvc dust collection adapters, shop vac dust collection system, dust collection idea
Id: lXUxI69Ydp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
Reddit Comments

Having set up a dust collection system with pvc I can say how F-ing annoying it was to find connections. Rockler is painfully overpriced and it was just painful as hell.

Why don’t you sell those connectors? Sell em for a buck a piece.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trustingschmuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Props for the ingenuity and creativity. That said I'd use this project as an excuse to buy a lathe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deere-John πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Also I love your username. Describes my woodworking style as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trustingschmuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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