Durable Principles for Real Asset Investing | Bruce J. Flatt | Talks at Google

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I realize Google likely isn't the target audience for a Bruce Flatt talk about investing in real assets, but I would have thought Flatt's prowess could draw a moderate crowd regardless. That doesn't seem like a large room and it's still 90% empty

Guess people are still sleeping on him and Brookfield.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/langlois44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

We need more real estate on this subreddit. This was a great video. Thanks u/beren-

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seriousgenius πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"First mistake: believing a bad business would be ok if acquired cheaply."

Valuable lesson indeed!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thomz85 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Winnipeg boy!

Does this guy have any literature anyone cares to point me towards? :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/348274625912031 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

anyone ever got to the bottom of the accounting? soooo hard.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bhornigold πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm curious to hear people's best rationale for why Bruce Flatt is a great CEO. BAM and the S&P are both up 85% or so since September 2007 at the peak. I'd say it's unlikely that BAM's current price is undervaluing the real estate since BAM uses IFRS which lets them mark it to market, so I'm skeptical of claims that he has done a great job since the downturn but it's just not showing up in the price yet. So the value that was destroyed at BAM due to their aggressive leverage during the financial crisis has offset much of the value that may have been created over the successive 11 years. If outperforming the S&P is a criteria then 11 years of no outperformance sounds like a guy who's an expert at talking like a great value investor but has to point back to a prior era to demonstrate his leverage-fueled prowess.

Additionally, reading this article raises some thorny questions about the company's accounting:


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ianbookman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[MUSIC PLAYING] BRUCE FLATT: Thank you, Pranesh. And thank you everyone for joining today. I was given the task of trying to give an overview of the investment principles for real asset investing that we follow within Brookfield. And I would just say that over the years, we didn't have any secret sauce. And we had no strategy. Really, when we started, I would say it was based on a value thesis. And over the years we've tried to learn and develop a strategy that worked for us. And maybe the number one thing that I would say to anyone that is investing is that there's never a right strategy. It's whatever strategy fits yourself and what you want to do. So I'd start off with that. For us, though, we generally have always operated in a methodology where we're trying to walk away from the cliff. And we keep this slide in the office, in many of the offices in the world, to really indicate and remind all of our people that one should always look for opportunity away from where the crowd is going and not go with the crowd. And in real asset investing, that's a very important lesson to learn. 15 or 20 years ago, we wrote down the investment guidelines that we had for the company. Ever so slightly over the years, those have changed. But largely, they are the same. The first one is to identify places where we have a competitive advantage and invest in those areas. Second, always try to invest on a value basis. So go away from where the people are going and invest where other capital is not . And we found that's very important to investing in real assets. Third, what we're looking to do is to buy assets or find assets that have cash flow inherent in them. Or we can build the cash flows within the business. So they may not have cash flow day 1. You may have an office building and you may just have a piece of land, but inherently it's in a good place where you can build it to generate cash flow. And it's similar to many things in the world. And lastly, I guess we've always tried to adhere to the strategy that being contrarian and not being where the crowd is going is hard to do, but the most lucrative if accomplished. Measuring your success is always important. And there's, I guess, four things that we've tried to do to measure success. We always look at success on a total capital basis over the long term. And really that gets you staying away from short-term objectives within a company, which is often where companies make mistakes. Second, we always try to encourage all of our people to take calculated risks, but compare that risk with the return that one might get out of the investment. Third, we always look for the return over the longer term, as opposed to the short term. And we'll sacrifice short-term returns to achieve long-term success. And lastly, and I'll come to this later in the presentation, but we seek profitability rather than growth, because growth doesn't necessarily in what we do add value. Sometimes it does, but it doesn't necessarily add value. And as to business philosophy, we've tried to build the business across everything that we do and the relationships we have based on integrity, because if you're going to endure over very long periods of time, you need to have strong relationships, both outside the company and within the people within your business. And we try to make everyone within the business think and act like owners. And there's many, many ways you can do that, but we try to accomplish everyone thinking and acting like your owners. And often that comes with the incentive programs you have in place, but there are many other ways to do that out there. And lastly, I guess the ethos within the company is to treat everyone's money like it's your own. And we try to accomplish that again in many ways across the company. But the business model of our company and what we've tried to do with the business is try to make it very simple. And it really just boils down to five things. We try to use the global reach we have to acquire real assets on a value basis. Once we buy them, these are assets that can be easily financed with long-term capital that doesn't participate in the equity. And therefore, the leverage to return to the common equity owner is significant, as long as you do it properly. Third, we then try to take the people that we have in the business and enhance the cash flows through using all those people in the operating platforms we have to grow them. The equity we find, we get from our institutional and other clients globally. And we look to continue to grow and buy real estate and infrastructure assets with that capital. And then we just do this over and over again and. Generally , we're very long term in nature and often own assets much longer than other people. But all the assets we own and buy are of similar cash flow characteristics. But we try to use the advantages that we have in everything that we do. And there's really four that I'd like to highlight to you. And when you think about real estate or infrastructure investing, these are really four characteristics we think can be very helpful. As I said, size does not necessarily generate profitability. But given the scale that we have, we've been able to use size as a differentiator. And today, given the size of the organization that we have and the size of capital that we have to put to work, there are often only one or two other people in the world that someone can bring a transaction to. That gives us a competitive advantage. And if we can use the other advantages we have, it differentiates our money versus others. Second, over the last 20 years we built a global business. Very few other investors like us have as large of global business as we have. And that's allowed us to move capital to where we can best find the opportunities. Two years ago, that was in Brazil. Recently, it's been in India. In 2009, as Pranesh mentioned earlier, it was in the United States. But that global platform allows us to take ideas and turn them into actionable opportunities. If you don't have a global platform, you can't do that. Three, most of the capital we have has limited restrictions on it. Therefore, we can invest-- we're agnostic to the opportunity type, the form of investment. Whether it's a public company, a private investment, or some other convertible debenture or common equity, we're agnostic to that. Often people have restrictions on the way they invest. And if you can be more agnostic to that, it's helpful to the long-term returns. And lastly, our operating businesses give us a strategic advantage to be able to run the businesses and operate the things once we're there. This generally enables one to find value investments no matter what the environment is. And often in countries, for example, in the United States today, stock markets are at their high, bond markets are at their high. And often one would say, it's tough to find opportunity within that environment. And to some degree that's true. But if you can use your advantages to be able to find opportunities within that sector, you should be able to continue invest despite the environment in a country. And there's a few reasons for that. Often our investments are longer term and are more illiquid than others. So our advantage is that we're willing to be longer-term investor, and we're willing to have something that's illiquid versus what others might accept. Often they're larger in size, and that's not attainable by others. Often they're not easily acquired-- it's tough work to do it-- syndicated or operated by people. We bought a pipeline in Brazil 2 and 1/2 years ago. That pipeline is a major infrastructure asset in the country. Not everyone can run a large pipeline in Brazil. Often these investments are seen as risky if you're not intimately involved in them, which is a strategic advantage if you do operate the type of assets. They require skilled people to operate them. And most of the time, when we're making investments, it's not fashionable. Most investors follow fashion. If you cannot follow fashion and follow value, the returns will be much greater over the longer term. It helps, though, for our business that we've been in the front of a strong trend in the institutional market over the years because, sometimes you can have capital and you think it's a good opportunity. If you can't find equity to be able to invest, it's often difficult to do. And the biggest part of that is that these real assets, being real estate and infrastructure, have a strong return profile for people to invest into. And there's just a few reasons for that. One, they generally earn good cash on cash yields, or ultimately will once a program for them is put into place. Two, they generally can be contracted for long duration. So you have security task flow and often it increases over time. Sometimes that's by inflation and sometimes it's by other means. Fourth, often these assets are scarce. And as many of you know from living in cities, the world is urbanizing. And what it means is the value of real estate in city centers is getting more valuable every day. And that means assets appreciate in value. The private nature of them for pension plans, institutional investors, allows the volatility to be low. So they're not looking at the stock market return in their portfolio going up and down every day. And the returns are generally far greater than other options available to investors. And I'll cover that in a second. This slide just shows the institutional capital in the world. And it's growing exponentially. Back in 2008, it was $23 trillion. Today, it's estimated in the range of-- the last number that we had was 2016-- is estimated just over $40 trillion. And it should be over $80 trillion by 2025. So there's very substantial amounts of money that's going into these sovereign plans. And for us and who we invest for, the most important things that are happening is that the institutional plans are putting more of that $23 trillion, $43 trillion, $80 trillion into real assets, real estate and infrastructure and alternatives. And if you look back to 2000, the percentage in their portfolios in general was 5%. Today, it's 25%. And we think that number will be 40% by 2030. And what's happening with that there's this therefore an exponential increase of money being taken out of equities and bonds going into these type of real assets, really because they fit the profile of their portfolio. And it simply comes down to this one simple mathematical exercise. Bonds yield 1% to 3%. If you're in Japan, it's 0 if you're 0 to 30 years. If you're in Germany, it's 40 basis points at 10 years. It's negative 60 basis points on the cash rate. And in the United States, we're pushing 3% today. Equities generally if you buy an index fund, you probably will earn 6% to 8% over the next 10 to 20 years if you stayed in and didn't trade. And real asset yields can offer 6% to 20%. So if you buy real estate or infrastructure and you do it right, you can earn 6% or 20%, depending on that type of thing you do, where you do it, how you do it, and those type of things. And that's really why significant capital is moving into these sectors. And we think that will stay because we think that we're in a continued range of low-ish interest rates. And that doesn't mean they're going to be 3% on a 10-year treasury in the US. But what is happening is that global rates are very low. And that's continued to keep the 10-year rate in the United States low despite the cash rate being pushed up. And if you take all of that, I guess we've tried to operate with some guiding principles of what you should do when you're investing in real estate and infrastructure. And we tried to use those as guiding principles for how you invest into these type of assets for all our people. And when we started the business 30 years ago-- and it was very small-- you could to a few people in the office. But today, with 1,600 people in our investment manager and 75,000 people in the company, it's important to have those guiding principles. And we have eight, and I'll go through those principles and a few examples as I'll talk through. The first one is, if we can find great assets, we should always buy great assets. And if one has to pay a little more for great assets, that's OK. But make sure you buy quality. Now, don't do it at any price, because price is always important. As I stated earlier, go away from the trend and try to buy value. But if you can buy great assets, especially during distressed times, buy great things. Just a short example, in 1996, we bought an office building on Park Avenue. We paid $432 million for it. We've been through four cycles since then of which included 9/11 and the financial collapse of 2008. We sold this asset for $2.2 billion last year. So we held it for 21 years. For 10 years, we've had no money in it. Meaning we financed all our capital out. In the end, we had a $900 million mortgage on it. So we had financed out our original investment plus another $500 million. But this was an asset on Park Avenue, which was in the center of Manhattan. And no matter what was happening in the world, as long as in the fullness of time, as long as you kept that great asset, it was going to be worth more. And there were times when it was tough to own it and cash flows didn't look so good. But a great asset in a city could be paid up for a little bit during a period of stress, which we bought it during a period of stress in 1996. Second, we try to invest assuming that we're going to own the assets forever. Now that last asset I showed you, we owned for 21 years. In most people's investing principles, that is forever. But we try to buy everything that we'll own it forever. And the most important point there is if you're buying it and going to own it forever, you look at it with the long-term fundamentals involved. Not what's going to happen to it next month or whether it will trade up in the stock market, it's that you may have to own it forever, and even though we may not own it forever. An example, we bought this-- incredible picture actually-- it's a pump storage facility. So we own water. We run it down. We generate electricity. And at nighttime with electricity costs lower, we pump the water back up to the top of the hill and put it in this bathtub. And it's an incredible asset. And when we looked at it, we bought it from a bankruptcy in 2004. And we didn't know what we were going to be able to do it, what we'd be able to do with the asset. It had no income on it. But we knew it is a great asset, and we underwrote it that we would be able to hold it forever. Three, in the things that we do-- and this isn't relevant to every business-- but in the things that we do in real estate and infrastructure, the number one thing that drives value within an investment is up front if you can invest in something in a great spot and if you can buy it at less than replacement cost. And if you can, it most often indicates value because the competitive product that will ultimately compete against you will cost more than what you paid. So you should be able to either earn a higher return or out price your competition during the investment. And that's probably the number one thing, which is why in our business what you're always trying to do is to move your capital to the places where others are not. We bought this company called Terraform Power in 2017. It's a solar and wind business. It has a large business in the United States. We had never been within the solar business before, largely because everyone was building it, and the stock markets were trading at above replacement cost. But it got into financial trouble, and we were able to buy it at 60% or 70% of replacement cost. And with that, we think the returns going forward will be significant. In 2014, we bought a number of office parks in India after having been in India for a lot of years observing what went on and not making any investments. And these office parks we bought probably at 40% to 50% of replacement cost, which only because of the structure and the scarcity of capital that was in the country at that point in time. Fourth, the greatest mistakes, as opposed to the greatest opportunities, the greatest mistakes in real asset investing, in particular in real estate and infrastructure have been made by those misfinanced their assets. Leverage is a phenomenal thing, because these type of assets are easily financed with 2/3 of the capital, which means you have 100% of an asset working for you and only 33% or 40% of the equity invested. That's an amazing-- there are very few things in the world that you can leverage in that fashion prudently. But one must do it prudently with term financing and ensure that you can survive the market downturns. Many, many people bought great assets and lost them due to that, which I'll give you an example here. We bought General Growth Properties in 2009 out of bankruptcy. We bought some more in 2014. And we just are in the midst of hoping to take it private next month. The instructive point here is that in 2009 this company was one of the great retail mall companies in America. And it misfinanced. And the only reason the opportunity was available to us to buy it at that point in time is because the former owners misfinanced the business. It otherwise would never have been available. And in fact, no other company in the US had been available before that for 15 years and probably won't be now for another 15 years. The greatest thing that indicates to us its the time to buy assets that we buy is that when capital is scarce it generally indicates it's the right time to buy. So we look around the world trying to find the opportunities where capital is scarce, capital has runaway, and we have people that can enable us to action opportunities. In 2016, we bought a graphite electrode company in the United States out of bankruptcy. It has plants all over the world. And this company provides the consumable to melt steel in the United States. And at that time, the steel market was incredibly under stress. But we were able to purchase it, and it was really only because there was nobody else in the market that would put capital into the steel industry at that point in time. Subsequent to this, we reorganized the business. We've now taken it public at eight times the price that we paid. And it trades-- it's listed on New York today. We try with all of this never to be too positive or too negative. And I would just say the news media and stories always project in our view information to the positive too positive and to the negative too negative. So when one reads those papers and the information on the internet, you have to be able to distill that. And what we try to do is never be too positive or too negative. And I'll just use a small example. We bought this metallurgical coal facility in 2009 in a bankruptcy. It's an amazing facility. It's shipped 85 million tons, which I think is the largest facility in the world of metallurgical coal for steel making to Korea, Japan, India, China. It's in Northeast Australia. And two years before, the company that owned it before we bought it paid 1 and 1/2 times its replacement cost. We bought it for 0.75 replacement cost. The fact is the only thing that changed is that they were too positive at the time they bought it about what was going on. And we were able to buy it because we weren't too negative about what was happening when we made the investment. So that's always what we're trying to balance when we're looking at investments. And lastly, I just say that what the rest is just execution, execution, and execution. And these are difficult businesses to operate. But generally, if you work hard, you can earn decent returns. We just bought a business in the United States out of a bankruptcy called Westinghouse. It services nuclear plants around the world. And the whole story here will be how do we remake the business over the next three to five years. And it will be about execution. So often we get asked-- that sounds like a positive story-- what about what's hard? And I would just say we make many mistakes. It's not possible in investing not to make mistakes. So everyone at Google should remember that every mistake, you just have to keep making them. So we try to limit the amount of mistakes-- or we try to not limit the amount of mistakes, we try to limit the effect of what the mistakes we make are. And some of those things are we've done that are wrong, sometimes we have got seduced by a bad business cheaply. That's a mistake in what we do. Sometimes we started too large in a new business or a market. Sometimes we got the compensation incentive plans wrong. Sometimes we weren't as strict on the financial covenants in an up market, because what happens in an up market and the things that we do is everyone wants to lend you money. And they'll lend it to with covenants, which are freely available. And you need to be very careful with that. And lastly, sometimes we've taken on an undue development risk in new jurisdictions or unstable ones. And I'd just say those are the things we've made our mistakes. None of them have been damaging enough to the company. And we try to learn from those all the time. And I'd say the world in what we do is always changing, as it is for everyone here. And I like to use this slide. This is Dubai in 1991, which I did happen to go to. And it looked like that. And this is Dubai, as you all know, in 2018. And the little slide in the bottom right is ICD Brookfield Place. So we're actually building a large office complex there, an amazing office complex. But it's amazing what changes in the world. And I like to look at those two slides every once in a while. And it just tells you that the world continues to grow and evolve. And what we like to focus on is that change brings opportunity. And I'll mention four related to our business. There are significant, we believe, retail real estate opportunities and the integration with retail and the internet. And because of that, it's one of the most hated industries today. And we think that there will be a significant opportunity over the next 10, 15 years because of that. Second, we're a participant in the renewable power industry with scaling up our production capacity. The industry has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. And we think as one of the leading players in the industry we can capitalize on that in a significant way. Third, natural gas because of technology and fracking became very cheap, in particular in North America. And as a result of that, it has totally changed industries. It's brought chemicals back to America. It has reversed pipelines that used to go-- we reversed a pipeline that went from south to north is now going north to south. And it's changed industries across North America, and that's going to continue globally. And lastly, we think there are a number of-- and you're experts at this here-- but we think there's a number of real asset technologies that we can deploy within our economy of Brookfield to be able to make operational improvements and enhancements within the business. So to sum up, I'll leave you with six points of just where we're thinking as a summary. But we think generally, as you and as you put this into your thinking on investing, we think that interest rates are going to stay in a low-ish band. That doesn't mean they're staying the same. It means they're staying in a low-ish band of rates. Two, we think that institutional funds will continue to grow and that that capital will be available for further privatizations in the stock market and investing globally. And that will continue to drive business investments around the world. These capitals are heading to north of $80 trillion, which is very, very sizable amounts of money. Our suggestion to anybody that's investing is to invest long term and try to capitalize on the fact that most people don't invest long term and often want liquidity within their assets that they invest in. And there should be a premium for that if you can capture it. Fifth, opportunity clearly lies in our view where the sheep are not going. So try to be where others are not. And it doesn't feel good often, sometimes for long periods of time. But in the end, it's often extremely lucrative. And the last, the wealth that can be generated through compounding of returns is significant. And I'm going to end on this slide for the presentation. And I just say the most amazing thing that the investment world has is the compounding of return. And when I say that it's arithmetically the compounding of interest returns is what everyone understands. But the compounding of returns with businesses, if you can do it exponential numbers or at larger numbers, the numbers go exponential, as all you mathematicians know. It's amazing what it accomplishes if you can not make mistakes-- too many mistakes or lose capital on the way through-- and you just keep compounding a return. And it really is an amazing concept in the world of investing. And not that many people pay attention to it. So I would suggest for you is to continue to buy great investments and hold them and compound. Don't pay taxes by selling them. And don't look for fashion when you make them. So with that I would be pleased to take any questions if there are any. [APPLAUSE] PRANESH SRINIVASA: Thank you. Thank you, Bruce, for that wonderful, wonderful presentation. So I had a few people email me in questions who are in different parts of Google. And I thought we could run through some of these and then take questions from the audience. The first one is really about your journey. I think we've heard Mr. Bruce Flatt, CEO of Brookfield but what about Mr. Bruce Flatt the person? So you started off as an accountant from Manitoba. And "Forbes" recently called you the toll collector of the 21st century. So from your personal viewpoint, what are some events that have shaped your career, first at Brascan and then later at Brookfield? BRUCE FLATT: Look, I would just say you either get lucky or you make your own luck during your life. I got lucky in that I met some people at the predecessor to Brookfield. We had a small company. We started the business. And 30 years later, we've been doing exactly what we started 30 years ago. And so I think if you can find-- I think the greatest success with people is if you can find something that you do which you're passionate about, you will be successful. And I was passionate about building the business we had at Brookfield. And therefore, we've been relatively successful over the 30 years, and we've had a lot of fun doing it. So I would just-- this is to talk about how you invest in the strategy for investing, and I think probably the number one is just do things that you're passionate about and find businesses you're passionate about. And so that's really been my story. PRANESH SRINIVASA: So if we could go back from when you joined Brookfield, say in 1990 as Brascan, and with what you know today what is one mistake, just one, that you wish you could go back and correct or fix, if there is one? BRUCE FLATT: There's many. There isn't just one. I would say, look, we are sitting here at Google and after having spent the morning with you and your colleagues, I think 25, 30 years ago, we probably should have paid more attention to what was going on in technology. And not because we're-- look, we think the business we have is phenomenal. But I think we could have been more aware and built other things within the business if we were more aware of technology. If we would had more businesses in San Francisco-- probably, you know, our office business is very broad across the United States-- we would have been here and we would have done more. And we're doing it today and we're learning. But I'd say that's the one thing we probably should have been more aware of 30 years ago. Now, maybe lots of people say that. But we had the capacity to do it and didn't do it. PRANESH SRINIVASA: So I think in your presentation there were three themes that shown. One was value and buying value. The other was incentives. And the last was patience. And I think I want to just focus on that last part a little bit. Your investment team is over 1,000 people. And you've had offices in countries where you've not done a single deal for over a decade. How do you inculcate and incentivize patients in your investment managers across the world? And how do you think about it personally? BRUCE FLATT: Yes, so, look, it's difficult. The most difficult thing about all businesses is people. And the second thing is about people. And getting compensation and incentives right are a very important thing out of all of that. And it doesn't mean, everything. In fact, it's not everything. If you don't have a great company to work at and people aren't passionate about what they do and where the company is going, compensation generally doesn't matter. Having said that, if you get compensation not done correctly, then it can be a problem. And so we try to make sure that if we have new regions that people are compensated across a broader organization so that they're not forced to do transactions. And in general, that's how we operate our whole business. And we have four main sectors; property, infrastructure, renewables, private equity. But there are 10 businesses or 15 businesses within those entities. And we're in 30 different countries. So you can move capital different places. And you have to make we have to make sure that people aren't incented to do dumb things, because they were compensated that way. So we spent a lot of time to make sure we get the alignment correctly. PRANESH SRINIVASA: Another write-in question that I had from a few people was about what advice you would have for them in residential or multi-family or small real estate, real estate that individuals could go purchase, maybe with some debt. And broadly, the questions are all along themes of where are places you would recommend currently in the US? What kind of debt financing would you be looking at if you're doing this individually? And the third is, what does forever mean? BRUCE FLATT: OK, those are tough questions. So here's what I would say. There's one thing-- and I'll make just a broad observation-- the one thing that we see everywhere in the world, and it covers most of the things you just mentioned-- is that there's a massive 50-year urbanization going on in the planet. And we're seeing it everywhere. And this is not just happening in China and India. It's happening everywhere in the world. Vacancy in downtown Sydney is 1% today. And the reason it's 1% is because any tertiary class b bad hotel or office building is being torn down and being built as residential. So the vacancy is 1% in office space because people are coming downtown. Young people don't want to live in the suburbs. They want to live downtown. So what's happening is there's this massive urbanization going on. So I would just say that for people buying residential real estate, go back to the principles of real asset investing. Buy great real estate in cities which are going to be part of the 21st century, 22nd century, and will grow over time and where young people want to live. And if you do that, over the fullness of time, I don't think you can go wrong. To your question on patience, often people are buying and selling things. And the problem with real estate and the problem with real assets is that these things don't go like this. They go like this. And often when it's time to buy and people get excited about buying, it's the wrong time to buy. It will be fine in the fullness of time, because if you're in downtown San Francisco, I'm quite positive that 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, those values are going up. But there may be periods of time where you have to sell. And on the financing point, I'd just say make sure that whatever financing you put in place can be serviced so that you're never forced to be able to sell that property at the time when you don't want to sell it. Other than that, leverage, debt financing is a phenomenal thing. And leverage is these type of assets and leverages it prudently. There are very few assets you can go to a bank and get 2/3 financed on. It's not easily done with many other things, especially individuals. Just make sure that people don't get themselves into trouble that way. PRANESH SRINIVASA: And before I open it up for the audience, one final question that we ask all our guests, what advice would you give the young person who is probably listening to this right here today in the room or on YouTube across the world to get the magic of compounding working for them? BRUCE FLATT: Brookfield's ticker symbol is a BAM. Look, I would just say that the miracle of compounding can be found almost in any-- it can be found in index funds. You're not going to compound to the highest return if you buy an index fund. But if you buy an index fund, you're just buying the stock market of America. You will earn 7% over the longer term. The problem is most people invest this month. And then they decide, well, it went down, I should sell. And if it went up, normally they say, wow, this is exciting. I made some money. And they keep it. And they sell at the wrong times. So the miracle of compounding is just sticking with it. It's almost like anything in life. It's like business. It's like your individual relationships. It's like anything. You just have to stick with it. And it's patience and sticking with things. So I would just-- you know, I really think that's probably the most important thing of making sure compounding works. PRANESH SRINIVASA: Thank you so much, Mr. Flatt. Questions from the audience? You can line up in front of the yellow mic. AUDIENCE: I have a question on buying properties. I mean, when you buy a property, you intend to operate in a manner that's better than the original owner, right? So if you're buying property from a mom and pop shop, then obviously you can bring a lot of expertise in there. But if you buy something from-- let's say you acquire GGP, what kind of value can you bring to the properties that GGP cannot do it today? BRUCE FLATT: So our general strategy is to either buy for value when other people aren't going to that investment. And I'd say the number one thing today with respect to retail is that retail is one of the more heated sectors in investing today in the world. Everyone thinks that everything will be sold online and street retail won't be the place. So one of the reasons we're buying it is that. Second, we often try to operate things better than others. With respect to GGP, I'm not sure that's the case. They have a first class operating platform. In fact, we'll be adopting that platform. But the real value that we see in that is something that can't be done within a retail real estate company. And that's that these are-- what it owns is a 125 100-acre parcels of land in the middle of each of the cities in the United States, in major cities in the United States. And those acreages can be developed into many, many other things. And we have the skills to be able to add multi-family apartments and condominiums and storage and industrial and other uses to those sites, which couldn't be done within GGP. And we do all those other things. So that's really with a value add that will bring to this acquisition. AUDIENCE: Thank you, Bruce. Thanks for the insightful discussion today. I work for Google's data centers. And I wanted to congratulate you for the AT&T data center deal a few weeks back. My question is, over the past two years, what we have seen is data centers have really become an asset class in itself within the TMD space. But Brookfield is a little late to the party, I believe. What do you think is the hypothesis for data centers being an asset class in itself? And what would be some of the risks that you think in acquiring a data center like an AT&T data center. BRUCE FLATT: OK, so first, this is an amateur talking to an expert about data centers. So I'm not sure what advice I can give you. But I would say back to the question on what mistakes did we have over the years, not getting into technology. We're the largest real estate owner in the planet. We don't own data centers. And we probably should have been in data centers before. And if we had focused more on technology, we would have been there. Look, I guess what I would say broadly is we think the sector of delivery of data infrastructure to people is we're not late. This is going to be-- the growth of the data infrastructure sector over the next 15, 20 years as more and more data is delivered is going to be very significant. And between fiber to the home, data centers, and all of that, that whole sector, we think there's enormous amounts of capital that need to be deployed in there. And so we're just we're getting smarter within those sectors. AUDIENCE: Hi. I'm Nata. Thank you for the talk. What are your views on investing in Bitcoin? BRUCE FLATT: So I don't really have any comments on it. I don't understand it. And we would never invest in it. And I actually don't think it's an investment. I think it's a product that delivers money from one place to another. It's an alternative to cash. Some people may want to use it. It doesn't fit in our realm of investing. It wouldn't be considered an investable asset. But good luck to those who are investing into it. Thank you. AUDIENCE: How's it going? What's are thesis with regards to active management of your acquisitions, be it real estate or businesses? BRUCE FLATT: To the asset management of it? AUDIENCE: Yes, so like when you purchase general growth or build a mall, are you coming in and kind of taking a very active approach to the management of those assets? What's your thought process within that? BRUCE FLATT: Yes, so our businesses, we have 1,500 investment people. But then there's 75,000, 80,000 people down below that operate the assets. So most of the things we do we actively operate. And we're doing things with all those people once we buy an asset. Sometimes we adopt the people, and we're integrating them into our business. Once in a while we're just a financial investor into something because somebody brought us in and the reason for us to come in was that we could provide them capital. But most things we do are quite active. And we think the lion's share of the return we get isn't from a financial return, it's from an asset intensive return by operating assets better. AUDIENCE: Yeah, my question is regarding the real estate opportunities here in the Silicon Valley area where are we have a huge demand of residential and not as much investment I think. What do you see as future opportunities? BRUCE FLATT: Going back to my comment on general residential, I would say this is the center of technology, Silicon Valley. And as a result of that, this market, I think in the longer term, will be extremely good. There may be times-- 2009 would have been the better time to buy a house in California than it is today. That's not to say that values won't be a lot higher 10 years from now. Now, there are always ups and downs. And this time, I don't think real estate is going to cause the next recession. Therefore, I don't think we're going to see the same mess in housing in America that we saw last cycle, 2008-2009. That's not to say that housing can't go down in every market. What this micro market has going for it is a lot of well-paying jobs, which will be an underpinning of the residential market for a long period of time. And I don't think they're going anywhere. PRANESH SRINIVASA: What a delightful talking presentation. Thank you so much, Mr. Flatt. Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 88,742
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Durable Principles for Real Asset Investing, Bruce J Flatt, Durable Principles, Real Asset Investing, What is real asset investing, Principles for how to invest
Id: vmt1Li1Rnes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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