Duolingo just fixed its greatest weakness

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now I'll be the first to say I haven't exactly been the biggest fan of dingo updates as of late as most of the time it just involves them removing a feature that's a pretty great and giving an IOU and uh two middle fingers uh Green Owl style that being said recently dolingo have just come out with a series of updates that have been so incredibly Monumental they've returned so many features that were once loved and now actually new and improved that I feel like I had to talk about it especially because these aren't the run-of-the-mill tweaks either they aren't like little tiny updates these are Big in fact one of them is so large that that's the whole reason I'm making this video it's going to be the first one I talk about because I got it this week I looked at it and was like oh my God this feels like magic I need to make a video about this it fixes one of the main weaknesses that I've always said dualingo has especially over traditional methods so without further Ado let's get started hi if you're new here my name is Evan Edinger the variety YouTuber that one week might upload a YouTube video that's more like a documentary on a housing crisis and then the next week you know an update on the language learning out dualingo my subscribers like at old school here so uh welcome aboard now if you didn't know I just hit my 8-year streak on dingo this past week so I've been doing it for quite a while I learned German through the app I'm chugging along in Spanish in fact I just came back from a trip to Croatia in which I got to use my Spanish on some Argentinian tourists had a nice little conversation big confidence boost and I got to practice my German on the Austrian influence of trip and they said my German was Z good it's more like good anyway I'm not really interested in wasting your time so there will be some video Chapters at the bottom of the video for those of you that like your information in injected straight into your veins for everyone else uh hopefully if you stay tuned to the end I'll be talking about some of the ab tests I've uncovered that might be coming to your Duolingo app soon so biggest update first video calls what Evan you trying to say that I can finally video call other dualingo users in my league I can finally tell Paul from Minnesota where he can shove it luckily not however the video calling feature involves AI as you can imagine you're actually talking to some of the Dual lingo characters but the latency is magical you will be asked a question in your target language you respond and then they respond to your response in such a small amount of time like I said I can only describe it as magic and rather than just explain how this works I'm now going to open up the app and show you so depending on where you are in your path and what language you are learning you might come across this little video camera icon so we're going to tap that I do have the option to call or skip so you don't have to do this but boy I do recommend it so let's call right now and see what happens all right I mean claro h regalos yeah I just like cash uh see [Music] ASO adios adios okay that was very fast now some of you that are fluent in Spanish might come across and say Hey you made some mistakes yeah I'm not you know I'm learning here and most people aren't going to be camera doing this my gift was a very standard thing I just said I like getting cash like that's nice there was only two or three questions however what's interesting is that they respond to exactly what you were saying I didn't want to edit there so that you could tell just how long of a gap there is but I found that really really fascinating she responded quite quickly now sadly at this stage it doesn't look like you can complete a video call again so you can't do it again you can't change your answers I I don't know why that is but if I scroll down I can see that there are another two video calls with Lily later on in the next part of the path which means speaking and listening and responding is now an integral part of the dualingo path as you can probably tell the level of Spanish that she and I used was pretty basic about A1 in the CFR the common European framework of reference of languages you know the OG and that's a bit weird considering that I'm in the B1 part of the path towards the tail end of the B1 uh B1 is a bit more advanced than just simple hi my name is f but as I'm someone that has actually been using uh AI programs like chat gbt 40 for quite a bit now I feel like from my experience with those that's just because this is the second video call I've done so even though I'm further in the tree this is their first instance of hearing me actually respond to questions and so maybe especially because it is a learning AI it will improve and maybe match my level of speaking maybe if it can detect I'm really weak in certain responses it can then probe that a bit more however I genuinely find this a very very very exciting update as I've always said the main weakness of dingo is the lack of actual speaking not just like repeating things or saying things out loud but listening comprehending and responding that's a huge thing that you pretty much have to get from an outside Source until now that being said despite me being The Accidental Duolingo influencer I am just a guy with an opinion so I'd love to hear your thoughts if you think this is a really exciting thing or if you're someone that's very much against the use of AI and these types of applications I would like to hear from you whatever you put into my comment section I will be sure to listen but speaking of listening the next du lingo update we're talking about is indeed listening over the past few months dual have really been leaning hard into more listening focused lessons at first it's been little things like trying to incentivize you to listen rather than read by giving you more XP if you choose to turn off the words and just listen to things like stories so anyone that likes a little bit of extra XP who doesn't it's a good dopamine release will try that out and that's just one little aspect by giving people the ability to opt into listen it allows us to feel like Hey we're we're we're choosing to to work on that weak part of our learning experience and it helps us so that we're not overly relying on subtitles when we're watching media we can just listen especially because you know subtitles don't exist in the real world not yet I believe that's coming in the Apple Vision 2 but they've implemented quite a few exercises where the text is hidden and you have to be able to repeat what is said just by hearing which yet again is a step in the right direction of training your ear and not relying so much on just reading reading is obviously the strong point of dualingo it is so important that they're adding extra bits to focus on both speaking and listening and all of these features don't quite add up for the loss of audio lessons that they took away last year you know without communicating as such but to be fair now that they're integrating these type of audio lessons into the path it means that it's not just for power users anymore who explore all the different parts of the path and understand oh this tab has different things here it's now meant for everyone and I do feel like that is actually a positive update but another big update involving audio that's been slowly rolled out on Duo for the past six months or so involves animated characters giving a little podcast Radio Show type deal first they introduce themselves they tell you hey here's are some words that you should be listening out for and then a caller calls into the program talks about a specific topic and they test you on your listening comprehension you got baa you got Vikram I really like the format obviously Duo is trying to make use of their Animation Studio that they acquired recently and I think it's a really good use case I just think the format's good wow who is he he's being so positive the biggest thing that I actually really like about this podcast feature is the people that call in aren't speaking slowly at least with mine they're speaking Spanish and woo Rapido you know what I'm saying like it's very fast but it's satisfyingly challenging because that's how people speak natively in the language that I'm learning and so I shouldn't be learning on Turtle mode because I can't just go up to a place to get an empanada and push a turtle button on a guy and be like oi mlen poor favor you know he's going to he's going to kick me out now if you haven't seen any of these updates yet it could just be that you're not far enough in the path to have unlocked them it might be that they're for like more advanced Learners at this point so if you keep learning you'll get them eventually or it could just be that they're not yet available for your target language a lot of the updates with dualingo usually start at Spanish or French and then they trickle down sometimes they get to German and then uh that's kind of usually where they stop but sometimes the other languages get the big updates so hopefully this is one of those cases now one of the most annoying aspects of dualingo that myself and many of my friends have been complaining about for ages has also finally been removed with this update thank the Lord thank Mr Green Owl and that was the unskippable animations in between lessons you get five right you get 10 right you have to waste 10 seconds of your life just watching some stupid thing that you've seen a thousand times it's kind of like in tears of the Kingdom every time you get one of the orbs it's like oh time to show you the spirits I don't care Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip but at least you can skip in Zelda you can't skip into lingo until now when now you just get this nice little animation of Duo jumping up and he's out of shot he pisses off where he belongs SS I'm here to learn okay not to watch your little kishy animation oh hi I have an editor here uh so while I was editing this I was trying to get a good video of Duo doing his quick jump and I couldn't seem to get it in the app and that's when I realized I needed to give you another extra tip which is if you go into the settings of the app probably don't go into the settings of this app very often there is a feature where you can remove via a toggle the motivational messages now if you're like me you have no use for wasted time of a animation coming up being like good job you did five in a row thanks yeah I I don't need this I've I've seen it probably I don't know 100,000 times so just toggle that off if you want or now that the animations are shorter you you can just leave it on if you like that little motivational boost for me I toggled it off all right back to Evan from a couple days ago but actually speaking of Kishi animations they are actually trying to use that Animation Studio a lot more and now I don't know if you've seen these yet but in my path I get full-on little animations of two or so minutes long I think I've had four so far and they actually teach you some more Niche stuff that the lessons actually don't do sometimes involving grammar I know du lingo and teaching grammar but often times they're just little cute things like hey did you know that the word aate means avocado but depending on what part of the world you're in that could be the wrong word they teach you different things about dialects how to make diminutives actually useful things and of course they're really nicely animated so that's fun I don't necessarily need that but it does make the app feel swish I mean there's production there it's quite nice so I'm going to give that yet again a big positive there there's a lot of good updates here so now on to the AB testing that I've noticed it might be showing up on your app soon enough uh dingo really does love AB testing uh if you don't know what that means basically you might get a part of the app that nobody else has and then they do some tests on you and you're like wow I love this feature and then they take it away uh because you were just part of the test and uh test over thanks for your input bye listen the owl works in mysterious ways so you'll never know whoot to think whoot to thank Lo so first thing I've noticed Navy testing is rather than receiving the standard 10 XP and then plus five if you get a lot of answers correct I'm receiving 30 XP for lesson that's a huge jump and they also seem to be giving XP to me out like candy like oh is it a Saturday plus 5 XP uh is it happy hour when is happy hour we don't know plus 5 XP did you speak GG a plus 5xb I mean thanks uh that does add up especially when it comes to using a two times multiplier so if I actually spend like 15 20 minutes on dualingo for the day I like rock it up to the top of the lead and I don't think that is a feature that everyone has my girlfriend's family has it I have it I have some friends that are like what do you mean I only get 10 XP there are some rumors that this could be due to how far along you are in the path maybe the more difficult lessons give you more but from my experience they're just giving me lots of XP so maybe it's just because I'm in the B1 section who knows but by far the coolest update that not many of you may have received involves duelingo scores I myself have not received this yet so it turns out I am the b in AB testing B for bad mood now man B for boo give me the update or buo which of course is ow in Spanish I was saying boo however maybe that's the reason why I don't have it because I'm learning Spanish and from my research it seems like this is currently being AB tested on French Learners now I have tried switching into the French language on the app but I have not been given a score bit annoying so I've gotten some screen grabs from Heather and her family so it seems the more lessons you complete the higher your score but what exactly is a score it looks like it's kind of like the A1 A2 B1 so on framework but with much smaller easily digestible bites so you can not only understand like what type of sentences you're able to speak at this point but also you're able to get a better sense of progression which in my opinion is still one of dual lingo best aspects it's its biggest strength being able to actually feel like you're progressing in the language clicking into about score we can see that levels are broken down into being able to communicate certain Concepts effectively whether that be being able to answer simple questions in a score of like 10 to 20 or discussing movies telling stories talking about your hopes and dreams at score 70 to 90 meaning you can finally share your hopes and dreams that you know Duo brings back the discussion tab they won't so it's less a dream more of a never- ending nightmare but I digress updates aside I do hope you're still enjoying language learning I know it can get a bit overwhelming sometimes given that a lot of people online are feeding off of your insecurities telling you you're learning your language wrong or that you have to learn another way or buy their course or whatever but at the end of the day if you're still enjoying yourself and you take the time to learn a bit of your language every day regardless of how you do it books apps movies doesn't really matter you will progress and you will get better and most importantly you'll want to do it cuz you're having fun with it it's easy to make a lot of things these days feel like work when I think enough of us work quite enough so my biggest tip going forward as lame as it sounds just have fun with it and also y me to subscribe cuz I've got a new dual lingo video coming later this month that I've spent a long time on so I mean that's that's a big tip it's a big tip well before I do my outro in Spanish I wanted to take some time to thank today's video sponsor nordvpn if you didn't know nordvpn is a virtual private network not just any virtual private Network it's literally the best it's the fastest it's got more servers than any other virtual private network but how does that affect you at the end of the day well let's just say you want to change to Japan to watch better anime well now you can with a click of a button isps like block and lot of nice websites these days that are just helpful but they don't know what you're up to if you put all of your traffic through an encrypted tunnel the fastest encrypted tunnel around and with 247 customer support why not just use nordvpn.com especially because I've got this crazy good offer for you if you sign up today at my link nordvpn.com you can get a huge discount on a 2-year plan so thanks Nord for sponsoring and without further Ado let's do my outro and adios you speak Spanish now I did have better lighting when I started cuz the sun was me beautiful
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 362,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duolingo, evan edinger, dulingo, 2024, fluent, spanish, french, german, update, path, leagues, evan, edinger, how to, fluency, AI, videocall
Id: LROGy1S7Hm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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