Dungeons & Dragons & DRAWING | Drawga Episode 1

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I miss Caldwell.

I know he's busy being as super duper cartoon man, but still :(

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/thisismychillaccount 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol I love they added the faces to the thumbnail

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/krunkykong 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

i'm sure i've seen this episode before..

is it a reupload?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/yrtemmySymmetry 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome friends to the land of samuraica a world not unlike our own save for one distinct difference it's magical as hell robot butlers serve tea to wizards sentient horses drive ride share taxis and goblin tinkerers code apps for a living it is a wild and whimsical place which makes it the perfect setting for a role-playing campaign with a creative twist for you see friends here in this tavern the worlds of art and adventure have collided and become one and so without further delay let's grab our dice activate our tablets and enter the realm of drag all right uh that was so good that's really good dude i'm so kept up now welcome to draga where we tell a dumb story using even dumber drawings i am your dm or drawing master caldwell tanner and i am so thrilled to be joined today by some of the world's most renowned artists and adventurers hi gang would you like to please introduce yourselves real quick uh world renowned i love that hi i checked hi i'm nathan i'm going to be playing the halfling rogue who's always down to clown legsy shortstack i'm jacob andrews i'm going to be playing the sassy rebellious necromancer rhigina or gina for short and i'm julie lepetit i'll be playing the electron fighter roxa who's pretty straightforward loves her friend family and uh punching and that's basically it that's enough i'd say yeah that's you know that's pretty much all done that's three things that's all you need it needs right there yeah yeah yeah awesome uh before we begin the story proper uh how about i explain a little bit about how this campaign is gonna work i would love that that'd be great then i shall uh so first off if you're unfamiliar uh draga began as a series on the drawfee youtube channel you can actually watch the first two series that we did over there right now or on dropout.tv but it's absolutely not required to enjoy this series that we're doing now just a little backstory for you but everything we do here is going to be fully contained and you can enjoy it on its own uh secondly draga is a role playing game that is light on dice but heavy on drawing if our characters want to solve a problem they don't have to roll a bunch of dice or like do checks although they might do a couple all they can do is just draw the solution they want to see it's as easy as that now with that being said we are not leaving the dice at home uh every character has some and there are certain skills that we'll be tracking each character has three statistics guts cunning and wisdom that they can level up to unlock abilities called sketchcraft it's basically like d if one of the ds stood for drawing the other one still stands for dungeons though because that's just pretty par for the course when it comes to adventures yeah gotta get it done you're gonna be going in dungeons let's get this story started proper first off i wanna talk about our heroes lexie regina and roxa you three are inseparable friends who have been going on quests and adventures for as long as you can remember and like most friend groups you have a dumb inside joke name for your crew that doesn't make sense to anyone outside of your text chain that name is of course the ladies book club of course say aloud say it proud legendary adventuring crew [Laughter] i didn't read the assigned reading you had all summer [Laughter] you don't got to worry about assign reading anymore because you are all college graduates that's right a little over four years ago you enrolled at darkmouth an adventuring college in the bustling province of philadelphia which is one of the major economic hubs in the land of some america while there of course you all trained non-stop to pursue the goal of becoming professional questors heroes for hire who fear nothing but boredom you worked hard you partied harder and you made names for yourself by defeating various villains and foul entities after four years of honing your craft you graduated at the top of your class and were instantly rewarded with nothing oh oh cool yeah bummer unfortunately for the ladies book club the hero market isn't what it used to be the adventuring economy has totally collapsed all the local mom-and-pop questing shops have gone out of business and even worse the big city explorer guilds have initiated a hiring freeze partially because of the slumping economy but mostly because the entire city of porpopolis which you can see right up there impressive uh has literally been frozen oh dead oh yeah by a terrifying ice dragon [ __ ] i hate that just the way sometimes when that happens you know what sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles that's how the cards fall uh and maybe it's your job to clean it all up but who knows all you know is that it's a pretty shitty time to be a band of plucky heroes looking to save the world great and so now you three find yourselves trapped in the gig economy doing on-demand quest work for a new adventuring app called questly hmm the pay is bad the work is the meaning but you all know that if you keep at it and complete enough tasks you may one day catch the eye of the questly ceo lut vig vindersol and earn the honor of joining the elite ranks of his private hero force known as the verified i want to be verified so bad oh the dream you're gonna get that v they keep applying but they won't do it you gotta keep racking up those quests you gotta complete more quests that's all it takes and friends that is where we are now so today's story begins in the cramped citadelphi apartment you three share let's go there now oh wow so it's still uh relatively early in the morning uh it's the sort of time where you know you should probably be awake but you don't actually have anywhere to be so you probably hit snooze uh one or two times uh who wakes up first definitely not gina i'll tell you that much yeah gina sleeps in every day regardless of responsibility gina you got a big bone bed i got a big bone bag is that comfortable no but it is an aesthetic it's an aesthetic choice god damn it you commit to the aesthetics so much and i love you you got it now is a big bone bed a big bed made of bones yes or a bed made of a big bone yes it can be both and it is both it can't be both than it is both it's not like a race car bed hollowed with like a bone hollow a real fat bone no it's sort of like a bone throne okay um but more of like a bone chase lounge legsy when it's bones it can be both and that's kind of i imagine you have that like written on a poster it's a cross stitch yeah yeah i've never understood that cross stitch you know teach their teach their bone roxanna what about you i think rocks is up yeah yeah how are you doing you know early to rise early to train there you go you know working working my work out i see some training equipment in this room you getting at it yeah hitting the punching bag you know just like wrecking the walls i'm not allowed to hit that one anymore no the lease uh you've definitely already lost your security deposit like no question um well awesome are you doing any specific training um a lot of you know uh just a lot of uh punching exercises a lot of just like you know i'm i'm doing that thing where you you punch into sand a little bit and then you work your way into into some rocks it's to condition your fists a little bit and then you work your way up so you're just fully outside the apartment punching down into the earth yeah yeah the only foe how to strengthen these fists you know planet itself we call that roxa's punch hole yeah it's pretty deep now you need a ladder mm-hmm the city is mad at you i'll just say it right now uh i will say probably that the loud punching which is probably like a jackhammer it's like exactly a jackhammer yeah you've got a good pace i imagine there's a person jackhammering nearby you that's like oh you got the right idea yeah i i volunteer myself to just like take over cause i'm just like that's good training too give me a give me a guts roll let's get right into it with our uh with our stats i want to see what am i rolling here um d20 baby it's a d20 20. i want to see if you can earn some extra cash by your jackhammering in the morning uh and then i add my gut yep i got a i got a 12. you got a 12. yeah i'm gonna say you earn a hundred dollars nice yeah there you go sandwich money somewherica does use the dollar system yes oh yeah but if you spell it out it's [ __ ] up oh good lots of apostrophe oh it looks bad it looks bad love that the symbol is just like a rune and it's a real [ __ ] rude so lexi uh does the jackhammering wake you up or you still sleep uh yeah lex is a pretty light sleeper you know that rogue training really uh trains you to stay on edge one eye open yeah yeah so um yeah i think i think lexi's up now um probably fixing some breakfast i see i have a little step ladder in the kitchen uh being a halfling uh there's a lot of stuff that uh i need to get to i'm good at scurrying over surfaces absolutely what not scrambling yeah scrambling and what have you are you scrambling eggs i'm scrambling eggs making some pancakes wow um yeah lexie uh if adventuring doesn't work out for legacy legacy has this this other dream of opening a uh a breakfast restaurant called uh eggsy's short stacks we're gonna we're gonna hold on that i'm gonna just like file that one away we'll see what we can do for you bud i want to see if we can make that dream come true yeah you know just you know if adventuring doesn't work out i've got i've got my roguing degree is it is that kind of what you're thinking to yourself in the kitchen like as you're making these eggs you're like you know if this doesn't work out i think i gotta i think i got a real shot at this yeah i'm like humming the the jingle to my to myself would you break me off a piece um pixie short stick we got eggs we got pancakes i've got legs 10 out of 10. okay where do i sign up i i i didn't minor in it but i did take a few bars you took a few bar classes electives yeah so does the uh does the the wafting smell of eggs and bacon and pancakes uh does that awaken you regina yeah gina's got a pavlovian response to a the smell of eggs and pancakes right b the jingle the gene eggsy's short stacks jingle and so gina's door explodes open and gina still still half asleep is uh carried in by two skeletons who walk her over to the couch where they then place her on the couch and then both skeletons become piles of bones full-size skeletons full-sized skeletons yeah wow i've got a lot of them do they don't ask slink how do they walk in these ones walk uh very nobly okay as though they were my most honored servants ha yes wow um so yeah they place gina on the couch where she yawns dramatically i see and so you're ready for breakfast you're awaiting it uh your mouth is probably just open like expecting breakfast to be brought to you i rub my tummy and i point to the mouth and i go ah lexie uh ah leg z how do you respond i say i'm i'm i'm just ignoring this ah you know you know you know i don't know you need to say lexie you need to say the magic words you're a magician you can make bones move with magic you can you can remember the magic words that i want you to say for me your roommate and friend egg egg eggsy gosh you're so cute when you're being eggs being belligerent like that's fine all right so you you serve gina gina some eggs great uh yeah make make her up a nice little great eggs bacon a couple couple of cakes a little syrup that's a damn spread yeah i got you this is literally the best part of the day and the only good part of my life wow we'll come back to that uh roxa do you do you re-enter upon smelling the breakfast i think so okay i smell the bacon cool coming in also that's like nice hangout time yeah i think friends i think the morning you know is probably when you all kind of convene before the the hectic nature of your day begins yeah so you're all you're all sitting around in the breakfast nook uh just kind of trying to get the day started trying to shake off the cobwebs of sleep when all of a sudden uh your phone starts buzzing or uh at least it tries to buzz um it actually sounds a little more like this buzz buzz hello i am buzzing hello buzz buzz that was some real good buzzing thank you so you you look down at your phones uh and you see that your gregory hamill phone i should have gotten the case it's okay just don't touch me there it is tinder oh buddy are you in pain gregory life is pain you taught me that right you know well better to learn that lesson sooner rather than later now do we share a phone i think you each have your own phone you want a roll to see whose phone this is yeah yeah okay uh yeah everybody roll and we'll take the highest one or the lowest one uh [ __ ] up and dropped their phone i got a 12. well i got i got an 11. i got a 15. 15. 11. it had this the shortest distance to fall how did you break it because it's you know i was the least careful because i thought how bad could it break i'm so close to the ground already i dropped it while i was up on the counter oh yeah my hands were all greasy getting the syrup i had a recipe pulled up on him yeah that'll happen yeah and that must be really embarrassing for the rogue of the party to uh to drop something in such a clumsy way yeah i don't like to talk about it but uh gina looks over and says it must be pretty embarrassing for uh the rogue of the party to drop something like a clumsy way nudges nudges rocks i just have a mouth full of eggs i just go oops and push your plate off the table no oh i'm so clumsy leggy i'm so clumsy i make you a new plate clean up what i broke uh gregory hamill phone says i forgive you i appreciate that you say that every day and it some days it sounds more or less sincere than others but gregory hamilphone tries to wink but their eye is broken oh yeah don't do that it looks like it hurts don't don't try it don't try and close that one okay would you like to hear about your new quest oh yeah yeah that you were buzzing i was buzzing and i am a buzz with good news for you my friends a new quest has been added to your quest liqueu so um yeah your gregory hamill phone is going absolutely nuts uh you look at it and you see that you have a request from a buff-looking centaur named legnae247 they explained that they cannot get their reps in at the local gym the swole hole uh because pathetic [Laughter] any excuse it's a pathetic bad excuse no excuses you got to keep out that grind um so they explained that they can't get their reps in because the swole hole is being haunted by an incredibly buff ghost uh and it is your job to get that ghost out of the gym but before you can go outside to head to the swell hole to figure that out it's time for our first drawing challenge oh boy so you got to go outside you got to save the day but you're all freelancers and you got to make sure that your personal brand is on point so for your first drawing challenge i would like everyone to pick up their pins and draw your characters and their finest adventuring attire oh yeah oh yeah character time let's do it so yeah for this challenge you're all just going to be designing a new take on your character i feel like that's a good way to start the adventure off and while you're drawing we can talk a little bit more about your goals uh your time at dark mouth just how you're feeling going into this new quest so roxa uh while you were at dark mouth what did you major in what was your uh area of expertise i think i majored in i believe it was the punching arts it was the punching arts but i know you were going to punching arts classes yeah uh but do you remember any any of your classes do you remember anything you learned any teachers that you liked [Laughter] regina what's up how was your time at dark mouth you know the time at dark mouth was good yes i feel like i learned a lot of stuff the teachers in necromancy right college were not a fan of my focus on bones yeah as my primary magicking tool they were like you can't ignore the flesh you can't ignore the blood you can't ignore the goop i don't like that stuff it's icky it's icky and the more i have to use it the less i want to use it and the more they told me to use it the less i wanted to use it so i'm pretty much all bones now all bones all the way all bones all the way and like as we saw earlier when those uh skeleton servants were bringing you out like they are very flexible you know they they can really dance they can like do a full charleston no problem yeah absolutely i do like to think that like while you're getting your outfits together you are kind of like looking in the mirror and just kind of reflecting upon your life uh how far you've come how far you have to go uh you know you're all working these these freelance gigs for this app it's really not where you want it to be and i guess so maybe that's a good question uh we'll move on to legacy like you you said that you know you've had these dreams of becoming a chef but also like that's your backup plan what do you want to do like what is your goal like what did you think you would be doing when you graduated from dark mouth well as a rogue i was really hoping i'd get involved in some cool heists you know like i'd get to be uh i get to be like the the sneaky guy yeah the the grease girl if you will the grease i won't the grease girl you know like that i don't like the grease you use to make the eggs no like you know i pop out of the box you do get really good i'm in a little box and then i pop out and then i do some cool some cool flips is that what that's called yeah grease girl the grease girl all right anyway tell me more about these heists like are you well i know we don't i haven't gotten any heists on on questly it's just a lot of people like drop a valuable through a portal but the portal's real small so it's just like we need someone small yeah to get it right right you've been like taking photos of a lot of uh people having tris oh for sure yeah my stealth my stealthiness is important for that yeah roxa what kind of quest were you hoping to be doing uh after graduating anything that challenges my punching skill because there's not a lot of things that have been able to withstand my punches recently um so that's been getting boring yeah you kind of maxed them out and then people keep saying that i can't use punches for everything and like i'm i'm really determined to prove them wrong okay anything where i can prove the the strength and usefulness of punches and of course regina what about you what were you hoping to get up to after adventure college i didn't think about it like too much all i saw was being a giant awesome celebrity that everyone loved okay i wanted to get the autograph up and give lots of money to and that i mean that hasn't happened weird where's all my money and adoration now are you trying to cultivate that you have a following you have a brand do i have a what like a following like a social media i went to the college okay i graduated the con step two where where's the money where's the where's the fame where's the fame and money i'm obviously very cool and i should be you know like a fantasy instagram star have you started an instagram well no [Laughter] but why has no one asked me to you know give me a wisdom role if you would i would love to do that okay i know you're drawing but i wanna i wanna play out a scenario with you okay and then we're going to talk about these costumes because they are [ __ ] dope uh i have a 10. a 10. right middle of the road baby so this is going to be your journey i think this is going to be one of the paths we're going to follow with you i think while you're getting ready you're like why am i not famous everyone else on instagram is famous but i'm not but you don't quite put together that the reason you're not famous on instagram is because you don't have one yet so i shouldn't have to get one to be famous on it other people take pictures of me okay all right uh but i think we've talked enough about your past i want to move on to your present talk about these outfits a little bit uh regina what are we working with here so rygina has been going through a period of ever-shortening haircuts i see uh to match her disillusionment with like you know society yeah life is short my life is short my hair should be short um that's that's kind of the gist of what's going on you should be posting on your instagram i i don't post it okay i don't think you know how it works you have to give us a social media manager i need a social media manager and why don't i have that yeah exactly you want me to do it [Music] i don't think you can manage it by punching so it's probably not the right job for you rox that you can manage things by punching we'll we'll give it a try if i really get desperate how about that um can we switch over to uh maybe roxa's drawing okay i like that wow we're i'm yeah we're going to i wasn't paying attention okay i'm going i'm going to work where do you work i i called my dad up and asked him what you wear to work i said dad what do you wear to work and he said a suit [Laughter] is this i think this is going to be a fun look for the adventure you might recall that you are going to a gym oh mm-hmm so okay um roxa uh pulls the tie off and wraps it around her right hand hell yeah do you want to edit your drawing i'll edit i will edit the drawing i like to think that um you're getting ready and you like come back into the main room and you're like what do we think and then uh alexi and regina have to remind you that you're going to a gym to beat up a ghost so yeah oh this is much better did you tell your dad what work you were doing no i asked you to ask i asked him what he wears to work hmm okay and i thought sure i thought i would just follow that because he's been working for a while yeah at a library yes indoors mm-hmm with books did i get this wrong [Laughter] your tone makes it sound like i've gotten this wrong you got to remember that as the dm i'm kind of like the voice inside your head so this is like the argument you're having with yourself did i get this wrong i think you got it just right um honestly here's the thing you're going to show up to this gym people are going to think you're in charge people are going to think that you run the damn post oh yeah and i think that's going to really work in your favor when you see a buff person in a suit at a gym that's a manager yeah um i want to check in on leggy's drawing what up whoa this is a fun new look yeah uh you know lexie lexie is trying out a bunch of different rogue looks uh she got her ears pierced while she was uh in college yeah you know legs is more of a stealth-based rogue but she definitely got inspired aesthetically by some of the the swashbuckler and pirate rogue types oh sure so that's definitely influenced her outfit i mean these are these are her best friends but uh she definitely i think went to get her ears pierced with some of her uh her piratey excuse me classmates you did what with who i got my ears pierced clap other not us not with us i the first time but then you were there you were there for the second one yeah regina remember you had your bone guy do it yeah i he did it with his teeth hold on i'm still reeling here other people other people exist since when i mean i've had my years pierced for years uh lexi who are your other friends um there's of course um karen karen the pirate karen the pirate and um dillop you don't have any other friends you're trying to sound cool for everyone did you get your ears pierced by yourself i just wanted to i was practicing stabbing and i i stabbed wrong and i was like well i guess my ears pierced now i'm going to erase these names of clearly fake people that i just wrote down is real but we did not uh talk ah dilip was like was dillop also a pirate or was dillup like uh another rogue archetype um dilip was an arcane trickster whoa yeah so they could like may chan things and like yeah they had pockets with yeah he could pick pockets from afar and i kind of thought that was cheap because you know you don't get that you don't get that real they're real hands-on yeah but like maybe in the back of your head you kind of thought dillop was cool yeah mm-hmm oh wow look at this and there's just a skeleton right back there oh yeah i was just i finished my drawing so i was just adding in a skeleton entourage sure i thought that would be pretty are they like snapping you know they're just kind of doing like a cool walk cool walk they're there to like intimidate anyone while i'm walking down the streets and no one will talk to me huh is this a cool walk no no no maybe more like no that one's not it i want to try it either give it a shot and try a cool walk that's definitely not it that's not the one rock's a show your cool walk there it is that's actually there it is exactly cool yeah she's got it rox knows the coolest way to walk is just to stand still roxa is just looking between lexie and and regina and going yeah i really messed this up oh no i really messed up the adventuring outfit huh you look great yeah look you look you look rad you look like someone's dad who got in a fight here's the thing about your outfit roxa is that halfway through that shirt's gonna get untucked and that's when people are gonna know that you're [ __ ] ready to roll um how's everyone doing on their drawings you need a little more time you uh about about finish i'm done i'm done yeah i'm awesome i'm pretty happy with mine let's take a look oh my goodness y'all are ready for an adventure or at least uh uh you know a slight quest uh yeah one of us is ready for an adventure and that's lexie uh the rest of us are wearing various levels of casual and formal wear that's right y'all definitely like rushed into your rooms and came back and we're like oh we're wearing that nobody was on the same page no not at all i haven't been down on my ankle is that is that right that's fashion that's something no you know you're trying things and i like that yeah i'm gonna go and say it definitively as the dm that's faster that's fashion best fashion baby count it fashion um are y'all ready to head out yes let's do it it landed don't worry okay all right so you're all ready uh you've got your outfits on you're headed down the street you're all uh doing the cool walk and by that i mean you're just standing straight and i guess waiting for the bus to come through i'm not walking to the job called well certainly not a pardon a thousand apologies um so yeah you all load into uh the bus which in this world is of course just a a giant that like carries you into its hands kind of like walks his name is bus yeah his full name is bus hemoth yes uh and he's just bye thank you you're welcome have a nice day all right bye okay did you leave anything on the bus no didn't is this your purse oh wait that is mine yeah sorry thank you yeah i gotta remember this time it's that personalized service that really makes the butt you know a lot of people say that uh you know these these rideshare horses that drive cars are going to go to put the bus out of business but uh good old pub tran yeah love them so uh the bus hemoth uh just kind of into the distance uh you see them almost step on a fire hydrant and avoid it uh and then you head i thought he was gonna hit it that time uh and then you see that you were outside of the swoll hole oh yeah it's a pretty hardcore gym uh as you can see from the drawing please wipe down the iron maiden after use that's a real problem that's just being polite yeah yeah it's common sense now what does the iron maiden work out on your body skin it's a skin toughening yeah skin toughing a core here's the thing if you don't know what it works out it's probably the core yeah that's probably right i'll give you i'll give you both a tour later oh yeah i'm here all the time yeah you've been here do you have a membership you know it do you have a membership or did you just punch someone until they gave you a membership i said i had a membership what does it matter how i got it acceptable um so you arrive at the swirl hole but you notice that there's no one here normally this place is crawling with shredded trolls and and jack dwarves but today it is a literal ghost town oh nice there's a ghost here you gotta find this you gotta find that ghost huh huh there's a ghost in here you got it as you enter you see a huge barbell hovering in the air as the ghastly groans of a phantom weightlifter echo painfully against the mirrored walls what do you do hey excuse me hey um you wanna try and get their attention yeah okay so you see these these uh big weights just kind of floating in the air being manipulated kind of wobbling uh like erratically almost uh so you're just gonna go and approach him i think that's a little too heavy for you bud you don't have a spotter suddenly as you approach the barbell falls to the ground cratering the floor and then the ghost materializes floating before you is an enormously buff orc returns his gaze to you and lets out a frustrated growl what the [ __ ] you don't sneak up on someone when they're trying to max [ __ ] i was so close to ah what are you even doing here uh you see this ghost starts like trying to collect the weights again but their hand keeps going through them oh [ __ ] god i can't get it being dead sucks ass oh this blows so he like calms himself down starts picking up the weights like what the [ __ ] you want first of all yeah i was not sneaking if i had been sneaking you would not see me real clever i'm just proud of my craft i'm sorry all right i like your shirt i respect thank you i made it myself yeah that's obvious uh listen this is blood oh listen mine man okay that's probably not the best um you notice no one else is here right everyone left yeah they would probably just want to give me my space yeah i think they wanted to give you too much space um you're i think you're causing some problems here what do you mean why why are you weightlifting as a ghost i guess is the first question i have that's the main question i have i'm trying to try to hit my pr on the squat snatch do do ghosts like have you noticed since you've been a ghost that you've gained any muscle mass see this thing haven't yeah and that's like the hard thing i figured since i'm dead it's like different rules mm-hmm once you're dead so it's probably like a lot harder which is cool it just means i have to train like 10 times as hard to bulk and i keep noticing that i'm i'm like wasting away but like i don't know as soon as i came to uh as soon as i died and came to i was here so i feel like maybe that's just my new purpose is to just like finally hit my pr on the squat snatch that i couldn't achieve in life and that's just like so i'm just like trying to work out some unfinished business i guess i don't know what's your goal what are you trying to hit uh like 20 000 pounds and where are you at currently 5 000. okay see what happened is i was like trying to do 20 000. just clear 5000 i was like you know what aim for the top 100 quadruple standard yeah so i i was trying to get it up i was doing the squat snatch got it about here you know and uh uh the strain from the weight made me fart a little bit yeah that'll happen i farted out a log just fell right off my shorts and as soon as i started getting up like this slipped on the log weights went in the air crushed my skull classic weight lifters problem yep i'm not gonna lie that's hilarious that is incredible that's really that's the the image you conjured in my head of all of that happening is really funny yeah the person that posted on insta is like a huge celebrity now oh it is on instagram it's on instagram okay we gotta find it actually i got it it's pretty embarrassing if you could like not look at it just [ __ ] don't look at it all right i mean i'm gonna look at it but i'll out of respect for you now right now we'll see that's something that's something we can look forward to just [ __ ] get out of here all right i gotta keep lifting i'm you know i gotta hit my max otherwise i can't pass on if i don't hit my max i can never go to hell oh yeah lots of weightlifting in hell yeah just basically like you push boulders up hills all the time it rules so like if you're not going to help me just [ __ ] get out of my way we're going to help you right guys i went to necromancy school i know a thing or two about ghosts i don't know if you're aware of this but unfinished business you gotta finish the business right guys i don't know if you knew that i went to college for for necromancy right so i learned a lot about i don't know if you'd heard about this it's pretty like deep uh you know necromantic knowledge but you have to finish the business you gotta finish the business yeah yeah let's help him finish his business so we want to get him out of here and make that quiche we got to finish the business wonderful so as you've all noticed your goal for this episode will be helping uh our ghostly friend whose name is paul turgis pass on to the other side yes it is or of course you can just banish him to hell uh the choices are yours and with that let's roll initiative ooh all right i can use my sketchcraft ability ooh legsy why don't you tell everyone about your sketchcraft ability well uh since i have two cunning i have the first cunning ability quick draw i get to role initiative with advantage hell yeah for all you 5e players out there rolling with advantage means rolling the d20 twice and taking the higher of the two results thank you for explaining [Music] i appreciate it there's got to be some people out there that are feeling lost and you've just guided their hand through this role-playing adventure they did it then wonderful go ahead and roll the dice then okay let's go 15. i rolled an 18 and a 2. so i'm going to go with the going eighteen get 18. 18. i got four see i feel like if you went first here we could really wrap this up quick i i mean you guys should get a chance see you know what i like that i'm gonna go last very sportsman like you know because i know the gym like it's unfair like i know the the area i'm gonna just take a turn in the maiden real quick yeah well hmm just punched something i don't think it's been wiped down no it looks pretty nasty yeah pretty big pretty big stains on the floor yep um that brings us to lexi are you going to draw first or do you want to defer yeah okay yeah i'll go first hell yeah all right so we've got to get this guy to think that he has reached his uh his max 20 000 20 000 pounds yes while well lexie begins uh roxanna what are you doing in the gym it was lifting some weights you know a little bit of warm-up i just finished up some stretches you know stretching is important before and after very important you know i feel like i did my cardio mm-hmm this morning a little bit in that warm-up yeah so i'm just you know i'm doing some bench presses so far every exercise you've done today you've described as the warm-up but you've been working out since like it got to be six in the morning yeah does the warm-up ever stop do you ever reach the point where you're actually working out i i feel like a real actual workout is like a real like when i when i really feel it in the fists and i really like i accomplish something that's like when i look at something and i like gotta get down to business and i'm like this is what i've been warming up for so it's all warm-ups yeah until something needs to get punched yeah oh look at him he's doing a powerful squat down there that butt is tragic it's got a bit of a front butt no it's like here well the thing is he's he's an amorphous being yeah he's ethereal so like the butt can kind of just shift willy-nilly so he's got he's got to get i guess he should be smaller because this is there's a lot of it's a lot of pounds it's a lot of pounds so how are you trying to help him so we're going to get him we're going to get him lifted yup we're going to get him lifting and then i am gonna use my roguish cunning and trickery oh to jerry-rig some sort of contraption behind his back all right all right so that we can get so we can get him lifting we can get him lifted we can get the motion going we're gonna need he's gonna need some help because he's a ghost he is a ghost he's not he can't lift this even in his human he's not you know he's not doing the process he's not breaking down and rebuilding muscle because he doesn't have any muscle he's all ectoplasm now all right uh lexi while you're doing this um you are relying on on cunning and craftiness uh why don't you go and give me a cunning role oh yeah that's gonna be a seven plus two nine nine okay um it's gonna hold for now i'll say that [Laughter] nine is not not amazing though it's almost average so i think he's definitely going to be able to get it up he's like oh i'm doing it i'm doing it yeah i'm going to need some help finishing the job you know we're going to get a little little simple machine little rope and pulley system and then yeah like a rope and pulley this has to have been something that you learned uh you know like day one in rogue school yeah pulleys super important uh for ruger simple machines yeah i didn't think i was gonna need that rogue rogues and and physics class but uh well how else are you gonna build a rube goldberg machine to take down your foes uh with like one little bowling pin yeah i mean a lot of the class was just um sort of using chandeliers for cool stuff that was just swinging and swinging from them dropping them dropping them on people but um yeah so i think dominoes leading to uh a robot that cooks you breakfast stuff like that yeah normal rogue stuff normal rogue stuff would be up here oh so you're up are you like pulling on it yeah i've got it well i've got it attached to a bunch of other weights that are that are pulling it down on this side because you need you need to counterbalance it yeah you're using gravity guys how do you think this was gonna be educational [ __ ] you know well the [ __ ] 101 isn't the only show on dropout that's going to teach you something this is very you know what i did not expect this is very clever i wasn't expecting i would make myself have to draw a series of pulleys and and weights but you know here we are you've given yourself this challenge and it's no one's fault but your own it is well i rolled well you rolled well rolled well i should have deferred maybe but you could have but this is actually i think this is clever and like i honestly think like for the time being this is gonna work okay great um so while you're rigging up this intricate pulley system uh regina what are you doing regina's just kind of like cool cool girl in it yeah kind of like sitting on a machine like wrong and backwards uh-huh but in a cool way oh um she doesn't know how to use any of this right this does not interest her at all you know that there's no one else in here besides you three and paul right well you always have to be prepared but if someone comes in takes a picture puts it on insta next thing you know next thing you know famous millions of dollars etc everyone's like who is she who is she and then they'll find out right yeah you always gotta be ready to look cool at a moment's notice roxa pulls out her phone and like tries to take a picture to prove to rygina that she can be a really good social media manager but winds up just taking a picture of the equipment she's sitting on do you want to roll to see if you take a good picture or you just okay yeah yeah yeah i'll roll i got 18. 18. that's a pretty good point holy [ __ ] roxa here's the thing about taking a picture mm-hmm it's like punching with your thumb you gotta aim you gotta aim you gotta aim at you know the the target when you're trying to hit you gotta focus you're entering you gotta focus you gotta get all of that in there yeah you know and then really torque your whole body into it yeah yeah yeah yeah so strength comes from the legs yeah get a solid uh stance yeah solid you know you feel it from your feet and then um take a pic and then here's the thing about it here's the thing about this picture you take like you deliver it with such force a filter is instantly applied nice nice um and yeah regina you take a look at the pick it looks pretty good it's it's really good rocks is the thing but it doesn't count if you do it it's got to be someone i don't know because i know you think i'm cool and i love that about you but it's got to be strange i really only care about strangers opinions that's the important thing that i'm out for every stranger to love and adore me right that's why you only have gifts and money friends so that everyone else can be important enough yeah exactly got it got it got it it's called the divas ratio yeah exactly three friends one million strangers exactly showering me with gifts and money at all times because they don't know you they can only know you in the second hand way exactly it's perfect they'll know an idealized version of me that's what i want did you have sweat bands uh he did have sweatbands of course thank you so much for remembering the sweatpants drew a guy with sweatpants i did um and he's got work hard oh yeah make sure you get that text on there that's yeah that's importantly hard um yeah i think this is this is legacy's plan uh i think let's leave let's add a little tension oh yeah like i'm the rope the rope's a little a little taut here i think we could yeah can we maybe see some like action lines to show that the rope's going like [Music] a little creaky yeah it's a little creakier let's get some that is that it is that what action lines do that is what action lines do and while you do that i'm going to roll a dice real quick always a good thing when the dm rolls a dice that's what you want to hear is laughter all right so i do legsy let me describe how you did you did wonderfully you rigged up this beautiful pulley um but you must have missed a calculation somewhere because i rolled uh a two on this dice right here which means i think that paul gets it almost above his head and he's like i'm doing it finally after so long snap dang it the weights fall luckily he's a ghost so they fall right through him but he looks pissed he's like you were cheating you were helping me cheat that's against jim law ah this isn't even his cheat day lexi and that's what that means so what that means you get to use a pulley or an advanced machine so [ __ ] pissed uh you see that he like really works himself up into like a goddamn fit he's like tossing weights it seems like the angrier he gets the more focused he becomes almost so he begins chucking these weights all over the weight room oh boy and unfortunately while you continue to try and help him you're gonna also have to be dodging weights oh boy which for the purposes of our drawing challenge will translate to we get those uh weighted bands out here now oh wonderful are you kidding me nope uh we have 2.5 pound weights perfect thank you we're actually training with weights on uh yes this is the beginning of our adventure you wanted to be better adventurers and this is how we're going to do it bring it up so i believe uh regina you rolled uh second highest so you are going to go next unless you'd like to defer no i'll go for it let's go all right uh so i'm gonna need you to put on one of these great mm-hmm and we're going to roll while you play to see if you have to put on more this is this is good this is how i like to draw wow quick draw really came on came to the rescue for me yeah i did a bad job but at least i'm done okay okay now just a quick reminder uh you do have sketchcraft abilities you can use i don't want to reveal what they are just yet but uh just wanted to let you know in case it comes up in case it is needed sure yeah no i've got something in mind for this one this feels bad for my arm and hand and shoulder and body i do think that paul sees you like dodging these weights and like actually grabbing some out of the air and is like a little impressed though so oh this sucks this sucks so bad is it is it too heavy it's not too it's just like any extra it's all muscle memory yeah and what you've done is is make my muscles different your muscles dumb you made my i have dumb muscles now i feel like a muscle idiot that's actually strangely enough what paul calls you you muscle idiots don't know anything about getting huge and he continues to chuck weights at you here's a question sure why why is it bad that a ghost is working out as you ask yourself that question you look around the weight room and you know normally weight rooms do have a little bit of sweat covering them uh you know people not cleaning up not using their towels yeah you see enormous pools of ectoplasm i see everywhere uh do you want to try and clean up some of this uh this uh ectoplasm yeah i just grab a mop and start mopping up some some ectoplasm um roxy do you want to help yeah okay okay uh why don't y'all both give me a wisdom roll oh no that's six a six i got a net one roxa we're making we're just spreading it around we're not yeah we should be dabbing it and we're just spreading it around we're making the mess yeah first rule of cleaning i think i think you definitely like slip on your butt jim bros which i think is good because it's definitely building your anger as you try and find a solution for how to defeat this ethereal orc yeah but also you did get slime all over your butt jacob can i just say um this is a really good drawing and uh i would not have known you were wearing a weighted armband yeah while you were drawing it thank you nathan i appreciate that you know that's actually a very good point let's roll uh a quick guts check to see if you need to put on one no thank you nathan for bringing it up and reminding caldwell i was complimenting you i think i was complimenting you because you're my friend and i'm proud of you and the work you're doing i appreciate all that but i appreciate all this compliments will get you everything [ __ ] i mean one of these uh i think that this calls for a role in boxy foxy watsi's back i'm gonna pass that down rygina if you would not mind uh rolling a quick guts check in there yeah i would love to do that right now in the middle of my drawing is my favorite time to do it oh you got to a good stopping point all right let's [Laughter] that's an 18 baby 18. 18. i think that as you're dodging these weights you just fully create like a bone wall and the weights just like smash against it so that you can better focus on your challenge i knew i picked up the spell bone wall for good reason and not just because the name was funny it's a good name i feel like your teachers were like you know you should really be focusing on guts tech and you know blood rituals bone wall is a very basic spell there's no need to perfect it as much as you have you don't even know how to make an esophagus yeah but bone wall though right it's funny it's good right it's pretty funny uh we actually uh in the teacher's lounge we kind of do bone walls up against each other it's kind of like a running tally to see who can you know get someone tripped with a bone wall we kind of tabletop each other that's really good i'm definitely going to do that uh-huh when i graduate pushes you oh no come on if you're going to learn a phone wall you're going to do it right teachers at dartmouth are cool yeah they're [ __ ] dope yeah uh gina it looks like you're just kind of rapping with him so here's the deal yeah it seems like when this guy gets angry he gets stronger and also more capable of physically manipulating objects yes so gina's just heckling the [ __ ] out of him oh he's already mad and it's like let's just get him incredibly mad and then maybe he'll get so mad he'll be strong enough to lift this weight uh okay so what are you heckling him with what are you throwing at him uh gina's just sort of doing the thing that's like you know like actually i don't even really think is that impressive like anyone can lift weights like you just have to lift them and then you get stronger you just keep lifting them it's obviously about form and technique oh yeah it's so hard to just like grab a heavy thing and lift it up over your head a lot of technique for that totally dude is just leaning in who what is she doing why does she not she's just leaning she doesn't talk it's like she's walking but she's standing still how is she doing that she's it's like she's like embarrassed for you dude you know she's like seeing like how bad you're doing it just like lifting something it's like that anyone can do his his hair turns like white hot as he tries to continue to like lift more of the weights and you see more of them like lifting up uh yeah give me a um that's gonna be a cunning roll i think you're trying to pull the wool over his eyes a little bit sure i couldn't tell you my dice disappeared 16. 16. yeah damn damn cutting into them these are savage burns yeah i'm really i'm really cutting to the core of this guy you see like he's got the weights up they're like inching forward oh don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] you see him like clenching his buttocks trying not to like let loose a stream of ethereal [ __ ] you're totally gonna [ __ ] i'm not gonna shoot you [ __ ] before you should get a [ __ ] again you literally didn't want to do it [ __ ] yourself to death i'm gonna try ass dude i said i wouldn't but i watched the instagram my world's clean just covered in ectoplasm lexi just like walks up with the mop please don't [ __ ] please i can't uh um it's just spreading around more look at this fun y'all are having to draw a lot of very fun instruments uh and machines and you're doing a great job oh what is it the lat pull-down guy gotta be you know kind of with the tricycle wheel little tricycle wheel there's a lot going on uh well there you go hey you did it like congratulations [Applause] oh god very impressive maybe sore tomorrow um well speaking of soar it is time for our sore uh loser of the role nice to thank you to take their turn drawing i think what happens is he's inching these weights forward getting angrier and angry or i think he's almost got it up there yeah but then like he overdoes it and all of a sudden weights rise up from all sides of the weight room and they're just circling him like just a chorus of huge heavy 45 50 60 100 pound weights just floating all around him spinning faster and faster as he tries desperately to go from squat to snatch uh and not [ __ ] his pants so the dream who among us yeah so roxa i'm gonna need you to draw with two weights on oh my god and i'll let you do a check uh midway through to see if you lose one or if you gain one this is what you've done to me i only do this because i know that you are capable and that you were strong uh and i am very excited to see you draw with these two weights on i think that's about it's only five pounds but it feels like a lot more because it's your arm and your bones uh and we've got to make delicate little movements just think about how much stronger you'll be tomorrow though sure so while uh rox is getting started um right gina why don't you go ahead and give me a wisdom roll as well i would love to do that my specialty 15. 15. that's pretty good um pretty wise so i'm going to say that you go to help uh clean lexy off uh it was just covered in ectoplasm so much ectoplasm slip sliding around in it i'm so slippery help me gina i stopped to point and laugh oh my god look at you you can't even get up i can't wait hold on hold on i start filming hey so you can film other people yeah this is hysterical is this how we're gonna go viral i'm gonna put him this in a montage with the dude [ __ ] himself and dying and people on the internet are gonna go nuts uh we could definitely do it for that jim fails montage jim fails montage all in this one gym on this one day um so while you are doing all this filming uh just getting leggy from all angles showing just how fully covered and glop she is uh you [Music] like trying to pull myself up on the mop and then just slide him back down yeah your boot uh backs into something and knocks it over and you see a potion of getting away whoa that's right uh let me read the description this potion can be used to gain immense strength but more importantly it gives you incredibly jacked muscles and six-pack abs until the potion expires this item was actually submitted to us by cheshire cat on the the dropout discord so thank you so much cheshire cat that's awesome there you go uh why don't you go ahead and put that in your inventory oh hell yes dude there you go you see paul his name's paul right yeah why i spend all the time in the gym i can just drink this wait that's mine i can just drink this thing and i'll be swollen i can't drink it anymore because i'm a ghost but it's still mine but i can because i didn't slip on my own dookie and brain myself with a weight oh you didn't even try you can't even shoot you didn't even try to slip on your own dookie you got me there bud i bet if you try this [ __ ] you just fart can't even i can't even do it believe me i got i got plenty of both i got nothing to prove to you man paul is looking so upset the weights are spinning faster and faster as roxa tries to dodge and get into the inner sanctum where this lift is inching closer and closer to the upper position uh but currently right now it looks like she's just kind of doing some coaching uh roxa what are you thinking a little bit yeah are you gonna is that your plan or do you have something else in mind well i do think you need some coaching you know but not on his lifting form yeah i think that people who lift underestimate one thing and i'm gonna teach him how to do it yeah uh i'm gonna teach him how to uh do some yoga pliability you know people really underestimate you know the the effect of elasticity in your muscles and joints and like if you can't lift with your whole body mm-hmm you're only getting half the power if you're only using your your arms that's right that's what i was saying earlier you know you know what i think he's doing feel free to go with me on this uh roxa i think that he's he's still got it in the air yes yeah yes yeah but he's just breaking into a full-on split [Laughter] that's what yoga is for sure it means do a split while you do a shoulder thing it only means that if you do the splits perfectly and scream yoga you go yoga and then blah it's like it's a quick yoga it's not like a yoga yeah for if you're doing like a cat cow you can do like a yoga but if you're doing a split it's just a it's almost a yow yeah yeah a little bit of a yeah that's good yeah yeah and that's what that's what our big man's doing oh he's i love it what are you uh so you're just like kind of giving him like form advice yeah cause people they they look at yoga and they're like anyone can do that but if you do it properly it's a lot harder than you think whoa i'm opening up i can feel like all my core just expanding i'm i'm tapping into new reserves of power never felt this is incredible how are your chakras doing my dude oh they're [ __ ] fully aligned my man pretty good oh yeah i guess that's all spirituality stuff so that would stay with you even in ghost form yeah and as an elf i feel like rocks is uniquely aligned for this purpose because you're super buff but you also do have this elven spirituality that allows you to connect to the uh to other planes and unlock chakras yeah and halflings don't have that look at this wide friend if you if you can't appreciate you know all aspects you know again again half you know really tap into that bravo bravo oh it's just like i i don't have muscles anymore but this still really hurts it's like i knew what it was was gonna happen because we discussed it but it's still so delightful to see it's really great look at the determination that remains on paul's face though look at the form he's pointing his toe back there get the full stretch i'm telling you get the full stretch you're getting max you're maxing out your you know capabilities in the workout my glutes my deltoids my trapezius and it's really gonna like improve your whole life across the board you know roxanna go ahead and while you're finishing up give me a roll to see if you can lose one of those weights thank god i meant to do it earlier but i gotta but i got distracted by your cool drawing you got distracted by yelling yoga yeah yoga 18. yoga uh drop that weight you know what you're you're almost done i think that you've broken through to paul you can drop the other one if you want to yes nice so yeah uh you coach paul into this perfect salute the sun i don't think that's what the yoga move is your shorts it's perfectly executed a perfectly executed short salute yes uh he splits beautifully perfect perpendicular angle uh fully pressed up there on the ground and then and then the weights rise above his head yes we're in baby we did it lift through the glutes through the glutes i never thought ground your glutes oh only in death if i learned the truth uh so yeah um if you want to go ahead and finish up this drawing yeah um you're basically taking a victory lap at this point you've done it roxa you have helped paul achieve his dream of lifting 20 000 pounds so he's got 5 000 pound weights on here two on each side is that the the breakdown here yeah i think so for sure i just slide myself over like i'm i'm fully laying on my back just on the ground just like uh i like to think that i helped too you're just constantly moving a little bit just like if anybody could just like stick out their foot and stop me i'm like i'm like the uh like a screensaver bouncing around the room yeah your dvd menu it's because you're doing this and you're just going like uh and meanwhile raijin is like oh cool potion i'm glad i spent all that time putting on my cool outfit to get it completely covered in ghost slime uh you know what maybe roxa will lend you some of her money she earned this morning and you can head over to the laundromat after work i hope that's not haunted too fingers crossed okay you know what they say if you can't take the goop stay out of the quest is that also a scroll you have in your room yeah we're gonna draw somewhere yeah uh so paul manages to lift it all the way up and then just as soon as it reaches the final position it crashes to the ground he becomes immaterial again and he looks absolutely spent his muscles are twitching his ropey veins are bunching up like hair scrunchies gross he wipes ectoplasmic sweat off of his brow and then he looks up at you three says damn i never thought i'd be able to do it you know my my body was the only thing in this world that i could actually control and now that i'm dead i i don't even really have that i guess i just wasn't equipped to process the grief that i was feeling but you know you helping me out it really made me realize that i need to spend more time working on my emotional core wow bring it in bring it in oh i help help me up help me up and i'll i'll join he reaches his hand right through oh good thank you oh wait you're covered in my goo hold on yeah can you just give me a goo lift you lift you up just like floating in like a bubble of goo seriously though i can't thank you girls enough for all your help today uh you know i i really needed that extra boost i didn't have too many friends at the gym because of all the extremely loud noises i made and the occasional dukey that fell out of my shorts uh but you know what it's really nice and and i'm glad to have met you and you really got something here yeah that's totally cool and all can you sign on this um app to say that we that we did it can you sign there saying you were banished oh yeah of course cool uh so he he like puts his hand out oh perfect gets ectoplasmic goo right on your side you're seeing that one coming at this oh no i am covered in goo so paul signs your screen um signs off on it you get like a quest complete notification which is great uh and then paul invites you all to like join him for a little cool down stretching isn't he going to hell now well yeah but i gotta cool down you gotta cool down before he's gonna be hot okay yeah he instantly like gets into a very uncomfortable looking pose that you know is absolutely wrong and as he lies on the ground in this uncomfortable pose i'm i'm cooling down i'm cooling down how am i doing you're doing something doing something looking really cool none of us are even attempting to do that with him is it cool it's it's really cool everybody thinks so so you see him like trying to attempt this cooldown does he think cooling down means just doing something that looks cool he puts his sunglasses down now that's a cool down so as he does the finger guns at you uh the lights in the gym start flickering and his body begins to kind of uh become more immaterial you see it starts swirling fading from existence uh and then all of a sudden the lights go out and then back uh and you see as the lights go back on uh the mirrors in the room have started to glow with this sort of weird iridescent light uh and you see paul still doing kind of like as his body begins to glow and kind of like fade from existence uh but then as you're watching this you you see something approaching in the mirrors all the mirrors yes so like as you can see in this bit you've got this like unmirrored side and then like basically an entire right angle of mirrors on the other side of the room uh and you see like things walking towards you what do you what do you see rocks is this normal for a gym do things come out of the mirrors i haven't really looked at them before because usually it's filled with it's a lot of gym bros are in front of it sure so i don't uh i don't imagine it's normal i haven't heard anyone complain about it okay so i don't think this is an everyday here's the most peculiar thing you all see different things oh legsy what do you see in the mirror uh the just a bunch of of broken ropes like becoming snakes and coming at me and then just and just more goo there's so much goo so just gooey snotty snakes snotty rope snakes that are broken the pulleys aren't working just sort of a an amalgamation of all my failures from the day it's just failure yeah you see locks that have not been picked yeah you see uh i guess like cages that are complete you see treasure chest closed tight you see broken ropes you see pulleys you see a mess of slippery goo uh failure reaches out towards you a letter uh addressed to dillop that i never sent [Laughter] crushing absolutely devastating um regina what do you see uh gina sees like hobbling towards her an old version of herself um old and just looking like beat down and sad and like she never got it together like a version of herself alone and abandoned by the people closest to her oh dang [ __ ] and just like a look in her eyes that says you know like i did this to myself [ __ ] okay you see that reach out um roxa what do you see um i see my dad holding a sign that says you're doing great and i'm like [Laughter] we're both having these like existential crises standing there with you you're just giving big thumbs up here's the thing roxa um you see your dad holding this sign and then he turns it around and on the other side it says not oh [Music] uh and then amidst all this happening in the center of the room you still see paul being like this cool am i cool what about this remember and he puts his leg fully over his head uh and then as he's still trying to figure out what is cool and what is not you see all of these visions reach out of the mirror you see the the ropes and the goo and the locks reach out into this kind of long tendril you see the older version of yourself reach out you see your dad's hand reach out you are not my dad he flips the sign back yeah i am no oh it's a magic sign so magic but they don't reach out for you they reach out for paul you see all these hands and shapes reach out and they grab him and they start pushing on his body and molding it like clay into this new form pushing and pushing and molding until it becomes this glowing bar whoa and then you see all these hands and shapes coalesce into one and grab the bar and recede into the mirror and then the iridescent glow fades and the lights flicker again and then you're back in the room as normal and the ghost has been defeated yay that that part at the end was i didn't like that that's not like i wasn't i immediately call my dad hello uh are you hey hey sweetie are you in town oh no i'm at the library hon what's going on nothing it's cool okay everybody you know yes that is you hang up the phone um well all right so that was a bit traumatic yeah we've dealt with ghosts before but i've never seen that happen to one of them yeah and i'm reasonably certain that's not what hell looks like [Laughter] um well as you ponder that question and try to make heads or tales of uh what you've just seen um your phone buzzes again uh and you pull it out and you see uh gregory hamilton uh has some more information for you he says my sensors are detecting that the ghost is toast nice nice gregory thank you i have been working on my jokes while i have been in your pocket because it is so dark sad but cool that's me baby shall i alert the client of your success yeah let them know we're done here we did it so gregory sends off a little notification that the quest was completed uh then after a minute or so you get a notification from uh legnae247 that he has marked your quest as complete which means you are about to get paid yes i love to get paid i can do my laundry of course as questly associates uh you don't actually earn money i can't do my laundry yeah what do we earn uh well you're paid in experience oh [ __ ] which is how they get you yeah this is supposed to be a fantasy world but you got to imagine in a role-playing game uh getting paid an experience isn't actually that bad that's true because now you can level up and here's how that works every time you complete a quest you gain one skill point you can use that skill point to advance one of your skill levels or exchange the skill point for an item and in addition to skill points that you all receive one player will receive a special distinction known as the five-star blessing this is awarded by the questly algorithm to whichever player they think showed exemplary performance during the battle not necessarily the person that finished off the beast just whoever had that extra little panache that's needed to really be an adventurer in today's modern age and today the role of our algorithm will be played by none other than willie muse willie why don't you call oh yeah [Applause] willy willy willy willie don't say my name so willie is going to uh look gaze upon all of your works and find them i guess either lacking or smacking those are the two options those are the two options i've just decided well i have thoughts uh firstly uh hey legs legs yeah are you uh you know gooey and uh disappointed with myself yeah i've been there [Laughter] you didn't go away when the ghost did right um it did actually oh yeah less so just disappointed with myself yeah i think you're crusty now oh can i go back to being gooey i mean you could take a shower that might make it gooey all right i'm going to hit the showers while you do that i want to say that your plan seemed silly to me because not only did it require a lot of building it also didn't really count as lifting weights uh that's it your drawing has a front butt and i really respond well to that you knew your market uh it was a little open-faced compliment sandwich there you go uh-huh cause there was one compliment it's pretty light sandwich but you know compliment crostini yeah uh regina yes i'm gonna say i hate your drawing because i had a former co-worker who would often yell mean things at me and this is kind of bringing me back to when i was sort of teased was it you looking in the mirror no it was this [ __ ] named jacob i don't know what happened to him we assume he's dead now might as well uh it yeah so i kind of had a little bit of flashbacks to that so i didn't really respond well uh third one whose name i'm forgetting roxa uh yours clearly was the best plan thanks um uh they i feel like weight lifters do respond well to tips and uh i uh like the drawing a lot so with that in mind i'm going to go ahead and say that the winner is legs because of the front butt front foot front butt front butt front and back come on loves it awesome so uh yeah so a little uh five-star rating appears on your screen uh and then as that happens uh four items appear on all of your screens and at this point you're gonna get to choose whether you want to exchange a skill point for an item or keep the skill point uh lexi you of course get a skill point and an item as our five star blessed participant today so willie if you wouldn't mind pulling out four random items thank you very much first up we have the skill pill which gives you a plus one to the skill path of your choice put that there so that's just an item that becomes another skill point you got it and then next we have uh the verb herb this basically is a fragrant herb that allows you to inhale its scent and get inspired uh and you will get to draw a random verb from a list and you can either use that verb in your drawing or force another player to use it in theirs wonderful here we've also got ooh midas other hand a blessing and a curse players who use this item must draw with their offhand for the entire session but we'll also gain one extra skill oh yeah and that comes to us from uh nate digga doggity uh on the discord what a name to dig a doggity for your wonderful oddity and lastly to choose from we have the luck sack it allows the player to summon an item based on a random noun the player can choose to either use it in their drawing or force another player to use it in theirs all right so we've got all of our items laid out here uh lexie which one would you like to choose oh my gosh so two of them are directly related to just getting more skill points it seems that way yeah i think i'll just take the extra skill point wow meta gaming already i think i'll take the extra skill point and that'll just that'll put me at four cunning wow if i if i also uh add my additional skill point for leveling up uh oh it's taking a pure strategy approach i like it classic lexie using that cunning to her advantage rogues like skills there you go you got to get skills to pay some bills ain't that the truth um roxa rygina do you want to pick an item or do you want to use a skill point i was thinking about taking an item maybe getting a little getting a little saucy up and get lucky yeah what are you gonna go for i want that midas's other hand oh that is quite a cursed item to pick cursed and blessed there you go all right use it well use it wisely i will uh rox what about you i'm gonna you know i'm gonna level up you're gonna level up all right no it's i'm good all right i'm good who needs that one these hands are for for punch and not for holding you've already got two perfect items right here yeah i think that you made the right decision uh add a skill point to your chart i will and with that we are done with leveling up and that means that uh it is time for us to bid farewell to our wonderful judge willie thank you so much for joining us of course uh do you have any parting wisdom for our players uh don't [ __ ] up that's why these are words yeah never spoken just like my mom used to say all right then just picture willie floating above you always saying that like mufasa's style yeah of course i'm a cloud all right everyone uh let's give our judge a hand good good judgment so much where are you well judged well i judged i really thought he did a great job judging wow there he goes that robe makes everyone's exit much more epic yeah yeah that was awesome cool i wasn't expecting to win that but uh you know don't don't underestimate the power of a friend but you know what [Laughter] never never do it never that's a lesson for everyone watching at home i'm just glad that you're cunning actually paid off um i think it's time to to wrap things up so uh the manager of the gym kind of peeks his head in um sees that you have all kind of done a pretty good job of cleaning up uh the manager actually looks over at you roxa and is like oh is there am i here at the wrong shift are you i i thought i was the manager but it seems like clearly with that tie you're in charge here should i go it's working you're doing it i go to leave the manager also goes to leave oh sh okay i i'll take lunch i i pick him up by the shoulders i just put him back into the like by the desk all right yes ma'am i didn't realize you were from corporate okay i will work harder uh so he starts working at the desk uh and you get the sense that maybe it's time for you to head out i don't want to be in this place any longer it smells like old ass not just ass but ass yeah okay old front ass yeah yeah um all right cool so y'all go to head out the door but as soon as you do uh you get one more call on your phone ooh incoming phone call incoming phone call would you like to receive yeah yeah is it my dad it is not your dad ignore it he called me separately to check in with me he's a real swell fella yeah he is yeah how does it can people just call our phones to talk to the phone and not just wait no just leave me just talk to me yes i am a it is called voicemail i don't think that's what that is an interactive voicemail who's calling gregory it is called voicemail plus this is a phone call from lootfig vindersalt the ceo are we gonna get verified of questly who's that [Laughter] so don't worry about it you look on your phone and you see there's actually a video call oh see ludwig himself oh ludwig looking wonderful my man hello there questly associates uh i just wanted to congratulate you on your success me and my team have been monitoring your progress and i'm pleased to inform you that due to your high rate of completed quests great work uh you are all being considered as candidates for verification oh yes all right we're on the road baby let's go i do clap oh very exciting uh if you continue to prove yourselves you can earn the honor of joining the ranks of my elite squad the verified knights come into frame please gang please come in uh and you see ludwig gestures off and then uh he has joined oh yes by this squad of cool heroes and dope armor they're like us but cooler yes these are the verified knights say hello fellas they all kind of wave uh they're pretty stoic figures they protect philadelphia from evil in its many farms and their valor is unmatched wow also they get salaries and full benefits which is pretty cool i think so anyway thank you all so much for your hard work out there in the field i know you get lots of cuts and scrapes and bruises doing the quest work and i just want to say wow great work gang you're doing it thumbs up for all the guy gets it he really understands it he knows what it's like out there it's like to be a worker just the bee like feet on the ground you know good job i'm gonna be honest i love this guy i know he's like probably evil like could he be like every instinct that legacy has is like we're gonna have to murder this guy at some point [Music] but he's one looking guy he's wonderful no yeah no but i'm i do like the vibes maybe it's just the accent i'm so sorry did your little friend say that you are going to try and murder me no can you hear us what i thought this was recorded yeah well it was but then they took it off voicemail plus oh okay i forgot about voicemail plus yeah it's many many features it's one of you know questly we make a lot of products voicemail plus it's one of our new things i was talking about murdering the interview to be considered for uh i like to verify this guy this girl loved a great attitude fiery got some pep it's great stuff well okay gang great work out there hey you know keep killing monsters and you know just uh exercising ghosts and demons helping people uh you know bettering the world as you see fit just purifying the world around you just keep at it gang really love what you're doing great stuff big thumbs into the sky for you my friends all right i got my thumbs in the sky i'm a jig look at the wild way up there i just got water i just want to hear this guy say common expression slightly wrong forever so anyway i'm super busy i've got a lot of agents in the field that we're monitoring you know killing various demonic entities you know uh i'm just the plunging into realms people in realms you know i get it no i i do no i feel like i know even more now oh you know we're on the same page it'd be really great to meet y'all and i hope i get to see you again but for now i got to go goodbye goodbye hey you know keep questing uh we will be the best in and keep questing luke's vig out uh and he hangs up the phone i've never felt better in my whole life i don't think that was really validating i see why that guy runs yeah wesley i see why people are willing to do so much work for so little pay for him yeah it just feels good to be acknowledged you know yeah wow things are finally looking up for you three ladies but the good times express does not end here because while you were talking you got another message you have a new questly assignment to tute all aboard the fun times express oh i'm ready all right so yeah you look on your phone you see there's a little notification open it click you want to open it click it all right all right so you all gather around your phones you open the notification and you see it's another quest and you start scrolling to see where it is in the wide world of some america you will be going next and you will find out on our next session [Applause] i gotcha that's a cliffhanger it's just a little cliffhanger you can you can step on over it it's not too big um thank you all so much great work this episode it was such a pleasure thank you all so much for watching uh that's gonna be it for us this week please watch more we hope you're enjoying the show and as we like to say on drawfiendraga we are very sorry sorry sorry [Music] drones plague the life of a cat goddess oscar oscar oscar you will have to draw while wearing this boxing glove how even that natural one you puke how many of your cats are registered to votes huh yeah she's a goddess show some respect oh my god at least it was me the whole time
Channel: Drawfee Show
Views: 348,841
Rating: 4.9766335 out of 5
Keywords: Drawfee, Drawing, Drawfee Channel, How to Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, funny, comedy, sketches, Caldwell Tanner, Nathan Yaffe, collegehumor, dorkly, live drawing, videogame drawing, videogame characters, anime drawing, anime characters, Julia Lepetit, Jacob Andrews, Karina Farek
Id: 2mVvv1Xcng0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 18sec (5238 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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