Dungeondraft and Foundry Tutorial: Making a building prefab from start to finish with working roof

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[Music] hey guys you're looking at some houses that we're going to make you've asked me how you i make these prefabs i'm going to take you from start to finish on how to do one of these um you're looking at some deployable buildings from my town module these are actually made by a community contributor and i've got a contest going on right now this to make more of these and i provide the starting templates to do it which i will link to in the comments but i'm going to show you how to start here in dungeon draft and go all the way through the process until you have a prefab home with token attacher and everything else you're looking at the templates that i was talking about these are in special dungeon draft folders and what we're going to do is zoom in on this one building just as a simple example you can see how i've made these i'm just kind of pulling the pieces around these are very simple buildings built in dungeon draft using the forgotten adventures packs and i'm just showing you here you know components i have special bases that i use um i'm not going to show you some of the advanced stuff that i do which is some post processing things to kind of make the bases work but for right now i'm just going to walk you through the basis of how to go from here to having a roof and exported and and everything all the way into foundry so what we're going to do is create a separate a new level and we're going to make it we're going to use the compare levels tool so we're looking at the one we just saw but we're just using it as a guide we're actually on a new level right now we're going to put a roof in of course there's the roof tool which we're going to use in a second i just want to show you some other roof options that you can play around with you've got roof objects like windows you've got you know those tower you know circular pieces and you even have some some floor patterns that you can create even custom shaped roofs with but right now we're just going to use the basic roof tool again i'm looking through to the other level there's just the one roof here and then we're putting windows in and we want to use the alternating window so that the light shines on the on the same side when it's oriented up and down and then what we're going to do is go into the the lighting or the you know the auto roof and we're just going to make sure that it starts to match so playing around with the direction of the sun so it looks like the sun's coming from the same direction in both cases and this will be a relatively short tutorial and you can feel free to pause it kind of go back and look look at stuff that didn't make sense to you now we're going to export it we're going to turn off the grid and we're going to combine it with this base so that bass was on a whole other place and the reason we do this is because dungeon draft does not deal well with exporting shadows and we're going to export it and we're going to give it a name and then we're going to go up to the roof level or export that as well i'm exporting these at 120 dpi that's typically good for a like a typical map or a a building if you have a lot of detail you want to go up to 150 if it's a roof you go down to 100 but in this case i've got my roof and my building it's two different levels in as i'm using clip studio you can use or anything else for this and i'm putting in my dpi of 120 into my grid and now i've recreated my grid essentially and this is important because we need to crop all of these images to that specific grid so that it goes cleanly into dungeon draft or into foundry so now what i've done is i've cropped both of these layers and i'm going to do something special here i'm going to use something that forgotten adventures creates and it's a an auto action and it's going to let me create a drop shadow underneath that that roof i think when you put drop shadows with roofs i mean it looks better in foundry makes it look like it's a three-dimensional thing i'm going to start doing more of these in my buildings going forward and now what i'm doing is i'm exporting that png and i'm going to export my roof at 100 because it doesn't need to be that detailed and i want to maintain a small size for these so i'm exporting that at 100 but i'm going to export the building at 120. it's just a png and 120. they're both cropped to the same dimensions of squares so you'll see when we get into foundry now we'll just remember those two values 100 and 120. so here's our 100 and we drop in our our thing and if we try to drop in the the building at 100 it's too big so we changed it to 120. now i've got two different resolutions sitting on the same map and and lining up just right for the for the grid i'm gonna put my roof on top of the building and you can see i have my building set so that it's it's snapped to grid it's not halfway over a square it's set perfectly on those squares and there's some advanced stuff that i usually do with walls i'm not going to do that with this one i'm just going to show you very basically how to set up walls and then connect them all to a prefab and then i'll put some lights in here and you can see the settings that i typically lead with for lights and then i'm going to make these so they only turn on at night that way whenever i drop my prefab out depending if it's night or day it'll work so now i've got my walls i've got my lights i could add sounds i could add drawings multi-level token teleporters whatever this prefab needs to support i can add it and you can see here i'm using the roofs module to make this roof auto hide as well but for now we'll keep this one relatively simple now what i need is a control token you can drag drag any token onto here i happen to have control tokens i use that i include in my compendiums i might give it a name here like empty house and then i'm going to open up the token attacher ui and i'm going to lasso all of those things to it and you can see everything is now attached to that control token now i'm going to create a new actor i'm just going to call it empty house i'll call it make it an npc and for its artwork i'm going to pick the same image i use for the roof just so i can see dimensionally what this thing looks like and then i'm going to go to the prototype token i'm going to call it neutral although i don't actually need to and i'm going to click the assign token button update token only updates what's on that screen in front of you a sign token replaces everything on that screen with the attributes of what's what's on the scene and you can see now i have a deployable prefab that i can use anytime i want now my players can run inside it explore and i can i can use that over and over again so i know this is a really quick fly through but hopefully it helps you guys see it's it's not complicated to make these things there's just a few steps involved and now you can have really any kind of elements that you can deploy if you're interested in my contest i'll leave a link in the uh in the description for this video and of course you know stop by my youtube and ask or my my discord and ask questions anytime and and that's basically it hopefully you guys enjoyed this and and have fun making your maps
Channel: Baileywiki
Views: 20,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeondraft, foundryvtt, roll20, fantasygrounds, dnd, battlemaps
Id: 6z7RVnO1ws4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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