Dumpster Diving "Breaker! Breaker!"

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all righty yah what we're doing Sam a little different this go-round some in the road what dumpster-diving in the middle of the day don't ask me why don't ask me how I just feel like going let's do it I saw it go by I saw this little guy sticking out right here off little scrap it is grant set on metal it sure is hey hey y'all do it that's pretty heavy be back the truck up don't be dense grab heavy people spray all right thanks Western Union for the big old side that's heavy well so got up in here yeah some vampire steaks oh no those are just tiki torches all right title loans don't do it guys it's totally weird dumpster diving in the middle of the day but it's a printer god I find a lot of printers but you know what they say about fraud just gotta set it to the side and let it ride Oh whoo man it's weird being out here in the day but it's good you can see all the little pebbles for those of you who skate you know exactly what I mean when I say pebbles suck anyways yeah you got going on up in here y'all not a whole lot there's some bubble wrap just a little bit though not enough worth getting in for ooh check this out yo this is that one done sir I hit a while back where I found all those radio parts battery charger or something it's full of stuff let's see what happened and we're probably getting in some wire this is those clips radio clips like police officers would use looks good I think it's supposed to have a some sort of strap or something go at the top though maybe that's what that's for oh that's what that's for yeah that's like nothing wrong with that hmm have to look it up see if it's worth anything okay there's another one brand new carry case heavy-duty low 16 key D stud belt loop huh spitting y'all there's a brand new walkie-talkie what do they call this ham radio stuff like I think there's like a whole like following and step people have told me about there's a charter told me about hub these big ham radio fests parts that there's like some hardcore people into those radios some sort of carrying case there's a radio huh one of this this stuff should be worth something someone told me a lot of that stuff I found last time like those ear pieces that the missing the battery on-loan testing only huh that these earpieces uh I think they look kind of like this like you see the Secret Service talking to their hand they have an earpiece something about some sort of government federal guidelines or something how they change something up and uh that they were no longer you know they were obsolete see a little brass in there although I have sold a couple on eBay they are up there too if you're interested they're super cheap but I mean I don't know if they're usable or not that's the only disclaimer buyer beware that people people bond guess they work for something that one's got the battery what what breaker breaker 1-9 this Mike scavenger for a sound check over your song this guy with that yellow I don't know how these word that can pick up the cops that's so cool on loan testing only so they were like so there's they were on loan for testing so there are operational there's a little squiggly screen so they're functional but they're probably old what's you bet somebody's gonna tell me these things are old and obsolete there's a whole set and all right guys I think we got the good stuff here that's that's not bad that's not bad sweet and also this is how I kind of stay off for the radar a little bit when people drive by they just see a dude riding a skateboard in a empty parking lot so they don't really think nothing of it so I suggest you learn how to skate and you know at most all they do is just kick skaters out dumpster divers I don't know what the heck is that itv4 be that's all wood though the heck is that huh interesting here we are y'all GameStop totally out of character for Mike this scavenger 3 nothing up in here just as I suspected there would be I mean there's a sleeve for the Canadian Rockies I saw something shiny in here y'all yeah that was a little barbecue pit I can be doing much grilling in that yeah I'm behind ninety-nine cent only store y'all know judging what power cord or a hose hey it's a power cord little scratchy scream since she does some fudge strips oh they're all melted and gooey [Music] hey check those out we munch having it up in here yeah wolf grabbe's Chris all right yo here's the alte dumpster they actually had to put a no trespassing sign on there because I guess diving into death this their dumpster diving in the ultra dumpsters is a themed makeup holder this could probably be used for something huh oh well all right well we got up in here I think we're behind a dollar tree yeah a dollar tree doesn't look like anything too hot in happening there's some light brown sugar some sugar hmm no this budge box isn't stuff some shoe boxes whoa hold up okay the box felt a little bit heavy on psych hold up is that you all right let's roll there's some food I see pops and chips three discs 360-degree duster plum ooh blue got up in the death of something in there whoo but ain't gonna stop me even get my little piece of scrap get my steez can leave a scrape any screen yeah it's like it's like really bad in there what's up in here DKNY the NK wired DK in what DK in what did he empty I said no no y'all give him a little piece of screen all right all right Fred my scrap pile my wife gave me this bus did she calls it a teepee but it's not a teepee I tell her teepee shaped like a cone well got uh patio check it out there's a compressor it's a bar it's a big old box game of Steve got up in the barn force like house Feld it's a freaking nailer gun I have to check that puppy out I mean anything indicates that nice is probably expensive right Wow look at this compressors anything else like that in here a compressor and in a pneumatic air gun now I'm just gonna go out on a hunch and say this thing probably works yeah that's that's made by the same people that made that made in USA hot darn guys see we got a thing up in here that it's deep yeah that is deep oh is it on briella but it's upside down in there under all that plastic I don't think I can get her half suit nope that one that one's gonna have to go make sure we didn't pass up anything if somebody got a new nail gun they went with a Harbor Freight special there's the box with a new nail gun big picture nice little lick on the dumpster yeah big old leather couch right over the top we've got up in here hey y'all do it motion technology empty box got up in here those are some pretty decent pounds oh we got here y'all look like some cat wha let's go giddy get my steed see yah yah I'm cat some cat one they be like 70 cents a pound for this stuff at the scrapyard I didn't realize you got that much for cat wire so oh yeah you find cat wire you'll grab it like cat 5 cat 6 let whole box is full let's get in y'all palettes always be ruining my day careful cuz this one it's got nails sticking here I'll talk about box I'm only tossing the box back I know people are like oh my god just leave it in the box but then it's trash I got to deal with I'd rather put it in my own town and stuff right out the back of my truck oh dude that's like a solid copper core wire Honeywell four five one one two Charlie one six echo one seven five one zero five ul he says Foxtrot Papa Lima pop or Charlie Lima to Papa ft 675 C huh do a little bit research on that cuz that looks like that looks like solid copper core wire yeah we might actually be sitting on something a little bit better think Atwater nice let's get out of here [Music] look at all that water goes well alright alright alright scavengers another successful dumpster diamond trip in the books I love my start here display I think it's I think it was behind the Western Union place and you see there's a pin in everything that's pretty cool I don't know anybody got any cool ideas to do with it or sir I just scrapped it it's all metal even they yellow apart pretty cool right there got a little scrappy scrap back there you know not a whole lot but we did find some pretty good stuff definitely some resellable stuff they saw this compressor and the spigot new mill excuse me this compressor in this really big iron force pneumatic nail gun I haven't heard of iron force but it's in a really big case so I think I mean it may be kind of fancy we're gonna plug this and the compressor in here in a minute see if it comes on see if it works I don't know about the nail gun because there was the other box for the new nail gun but I know for a fact these are 100% repairable if they're a you know somewhat decent brand because for the most part you know you just it's just a little pneumatic gun you got a little piston some seals you know this and that and that's usually what needs to be replaced so we'll check it out I don't know if the guns gonna work so we'll have to see because I know I think I have one that if there's no nails in the magazine that it's not going to definitely be able to hear if there's air leaking from this so yeah I'm curious to check it out if not I mean it's definitely you can resell it because these are repairable totally repairable all this wire that I thought was cat wire well I was mistaken folks it is a solid copper core it's a two strand so we got to get in there the see that just kind of pulled out and I'll see if the wire show I know the wire stripper will get that outside jacket off we'll have to see if he'll get this smaller jacket off it's the stripper it's not recommended for stuff this small but I have done stuff this small we'll just have to see but yeah that's a pretty good little lick right there I kind of saying this stuff's gonna be definitely worth more than a cat wire but yeah totally digging it totally digging it and then we hit the the the communications dumpster again I've been hitting it here and there since that last go-around when I found all that radio stuff and I'm still selling that radio stuff today making a few bucks on it I mean it was tons of stuff but it's old stuff outdated stuff and I'm willing to bet that's probably the same situation we got going on here this this walkie talkie actually not that one it's missing the battery actually turns on it says it's for loan testing only I'm wondering because I can't pick up any anything else I don't know too much about radios guys I mean we got a radio in the offshore boat and you know my grandma used to have one in her Cadillac when I was a kid and I talked to the truckers or whatever but other than that I've never had any real experience with these radios but I'm wondering if if I was to put a battery in this one and turn it on these two would be able to communicate with each other and if that's the case then it's probably you buy a whole bunch and it's kind of just a system within like a facility where people can talk back and forth but there's no outside interference that's what I'm you know that's what I'm guessing but I'm you know like I said I'm no radio expert and I know there's there's people out there who love this radio stuff so I don't know we'll see y'all let me know what y'all think we should do with it OTO yeah these are those uh the audio accessory placement quick disconnect like a little earpiece thing but someone had told me like some of this stuff is obsolete so I don't know y'all let me know you know maybe I'll just throw this whole lot up on eBay you know just start the bidding out at like 10 or 20 bucks to just see what happens who knows but anyways yeah so let's go ahead and plug this compressor in and see if she at least comes on powers up and you know pops off she's got air in there right now so let's see guys alright let's plug her in and see what we get well there you go folks she kicked off about a hundred psi I think you can adjust that cuz 100 well I mean her psi was okay yeah I don't like goes to 100 yeah okay yeah 100 psi pressure it up was actually fairly quiet too and it didn't take forever but it does kind of sound a little weak but that just maybe because it's quiet or whatever but let's get that nail gun and plug her in and see what's up cuz we know the compressor works but like I said I don't think this thing is gonna allow me to pull the trigger without anything in okay all that is that's a balloon seal so what you got to do is you got to find the model number right there and then go to go online I get a lot of this repair parts for this kind of stuff if I you know if I can get that the o-ring number off of it I'll go to somewhere like Sears and get a get the o-ring you know but if it's uh something I got to order I go to there's a place called ereplacementparts.com they usually get pretty cheap step and uh pretty good but yeah that's all that is a blown seal there's nothing wrong with the nail gun you just got to replace the seal and you just pull this off right here it is probably the piston seal so all righty guys well hey that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure I appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to LIKE the video subscribe to my channel shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys if you are interested down below a couple of links go get y'all some stuff alright yeah I think the next thing we got coming up for you is gonna be some curbside scavenge in and we'll go ahead and fill the rest of this truck up with some scrap and do a scrap run too so [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 61,573
Rating: 4.9105945 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at gamestop, dumpster (product category), dumpster dive, dumpster diving (hobby), dumpster diving score, dumpster diving at dollar tree, dumpster diving at petsmart, dumpster diving burlington, we went dumpster diving at petsmart, dumpster dive haul, biggest dumpster diving haul ever, dumpster diving haul, biggest dumpster diving haul, police dumpster diving, freegans dumpster diving
Id: 3jCaHH0-2A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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