Dumpster Diving "Bad For Your Health"

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oh yo it's a little chilly tonight supposed to dip down a little bit we got one thing in here and it's like smack dab in the freaking mouth let's see here let's get the top open and for all y'all that were wondering nope mike the scavenger didn't get no snow oh it got closed we got a lot of rain and stuff but no real snow oh that's heavy it's got all the fixings in it yeah oh all the fixes and stuff all right little computer close it back up just to be nice although there's no rain in the forecast at all just cold cold weather oh there's some juice in here though we gotta watch out for that juice man look at that there's about a butterfly valve is what they call that let's see here what y'all say we just backed the truck up yeah let's just get back up okay hold up let's just back the truck there's a few things in here watch out for the juice down all right now we can get the good stuff right here all right that's a plastic palm plastic brand new pipe nipples gonna be extra careful we're not stepping this stuff we don't want to get our feet wet it's gonna be cold tonight we don't want to be cold oh that's cast aluminum all right let's see here tell you what we got those down in the water i really don't feel like getting in my hand i'm going to get my hands wet so what we'll do get this diggity dick this guy up the sticky stick that way we can we can fish them out those are cast aluminum handles without having to get our feet or our gloves wet getting your feet wet not only sucks but it could be dangerous it could be bad for your health just like ice cube said man it could be bad for your health i think i see stuff under here though yep there looks like a piece of a dry shaft or something just got the little that's what that looks like piece of a drive shaft all right all righty scavenger i think we got her got her dead yeah good stuff although people say like this kind of crap is cool for like steampunk stuff but look at that man piece of wire hiding oh oh oh nation weighs you ass baby this is a nation that wastes look at that there's a couple compressors look at that looks like some copper up in here a little bit oh and it's full of water a little bit these oh my gosh these are these monster compressors i can't scrap these out as compressors but i can throw them in the shred pile they'll gladly take that oh my gosh that's heavy mood so heavy very heavy and stuff y'all very very heavy i don't see much more lots of wetness lots of wetness yeah compressors big heavy things it's a dumpster with a with trash trash in it more trash oh look at that y'all see that i saw a little blue back there i'll take a little blue catwalk oh man that's heavy oh that's real heavy oh any more blue nope not take it i'll take it take it stake it oh no it's locked it's uh we're behind a place that does electrical stuff though i'm gonna kind of take it who else you can see something let's see here let's see if we can break into it oh yeah we can break into it almost death look at that somebody got some screens in the head rest screen's in the headrest and they come up too what are we gonna do with the screens in the headrest and these subs there's some wires right there what a big old magnet on there man see i'm gonna stick straight to the truck all right yes we broke into a dumpster tonight y'all tell the po-po some pallets yeah a couple subs some screens in the in the headway looks like i'm back in 000 man got the screens in the headrest yo all right we got to get this back we don't want to let them know that we have been here uh-oh oh there we go all right all right we'll pull and we'll hit almost gotta close it all right get it in there get it in there daddy you don't want to do that hold up boy it's getting cold my hands are getting cold there we go got it baby yeah screens and subs screens and serves baby memphis sure you know what this looks like this looks like those plastic shells of those uh yep those breathing machines that i find all the time oh you hear that i don't like that sound that's the sound of the truck not being full that's what that is i don't like it much at all but hey we'll take what we can get oops like as heavy as sin man i don't know what's in it it's like guys why oh yeah too bad we didn't find it the somebody pulled the guts out but yeah that's the shells of those oxygen concentrated thing all right i saw i think a little bit of wires constitute stopping my hair at the end of the day all right what up see we're gonna have to we're gonna have to bust some stuff up y'all wanna break it let's break it let's get the uh let's get the axe my axe baby all right make sure you close your eyes when you do this stuff you don't want busting you in the face all right close your eyes one more time hold on another time we got the p-trap got the p-chat see if there's any rings jewelry in the p-trap nope do y'all ever lose anything in the p-trap what's the craziest thing you ever lost in a p-trap let me know let me know personally down below oh i think i see some stuff baby baby baby oh oh not a whole lot of stuff there's some wires oh that's no good look at that man a bunch of checks oh let's see we'll go ahead and cut that sucker that's a big old light right there let's see what we got here hold up hold up hold on let me get my snippet they're my snips to get the snippets all right say hello to my little friend get it all up in there a little snip got it gotta get them wires man somebody broke some glass up in here there we go all right we got it we got it got it that's a lot of work for just a little bit of scrap but hey we did it anything else that's a glass that's no oh for nobody all right well that sucked what a big green open top you got anything going on up in here i don't see much i don't see much hold up hold up look at that big old tee big old plastic teeth oh my look at all those fittings oh you gotta watch out for this guy right here though it's got some nails they go down stick it out hold up you'll get stuck with that oh that's some weedeater line i could use that here's some hoses god look at all those fittings must be an irrigation uh uh company that does irrigation or some hold there's up bunch of fittings over there too oh my god this guy though that's aluminum right there god look at all these fittings y'all look at this piece of scrap that stripped out aluminum bx a little more there well i tell you what things are looking so hot tonight there's some number one wire i've been hitting it hard and it ain't been hitting back that's the nature of the beast sometimes it's good sometimes not so good mostly it's good with me but i don't know tonight look at that not all that gravy baby the cool weather everybody stayed home there's that blue take that blue baby these are godly a little bit of something right there not a whole lot grab that sucker a hose lots of hoes lots of uh fittings this is coming out is it coming out is it coming out nope just spinning we'll break it off later baby man what a crappy night all right we got a few more to hit though before it's all said and done so you never know we need a string all right we got a bigger bigger open top oh that's a big one ah see what we got see some scrap yes sir i sure do see wires and all kinds there goes a piece of scrap lots of scraps got a little piece all right this guy right here look at that there's a battery big old battery get that sucker let's be quiet be quiet oh look at that there goes a couple more bears good stuff got some christmas lights there's more batteries down here too oh shoot oh there goes a bunch of wires too those batteries battery stuff that shouldn't be tossed out in the trash but we'll take it because another battery some christmas lights this christmas light lock box up well it's hair little scrap all right see another battery over here what is this oh that's like one of those pesticide tanks another battery wire right let's here all that what is this a little uh little like heated not drill a saw get that stuck all right there's a bunch of crap in here y'all bunch of crap all right now watch out we're gonna sink we're sinking baby we're sinking right there box there some more stuff look at that they've got some grass over the side i think this dumpster is trying to eat me yo this red bag it's a red box i saw something down here but i think it almost disappeared there it goes radio shack oh my god we're getting all kinds of wet and nasty look at my pile keep moving along i got some more batteries i'm going to take 10 battery another battery another battery good stuff right there we are sinking baby sink into the abyss all right see anything up towards the front all right i don't see it too much all right i think we got most of it though there was a whole tool box sit there right there look like mostly nuts and bolts and such a household truck make sure we ain't got no more battery the wall battery charger with battery on it take it so baby all right all right all right well we got some stuff on this one yeah we did it because my pile of scrap holla all right kiddos we're going to go ahead and call it right there oh as y'all can see we got some stuff we got some batteries a couple of these batteries busted open a little bit of battery ass in the back of the truck this and that but hey we got some scrap we got some subs we got some speakers we got some uh screens in the headrest which we need to be a little bit more careful with so that we don't break them oh look at that there's a disc there's a disc in that one what's this say i can't read it that one's got a desk get it yeah we got some sub speakers compressors batteries electronics wires scrap scrap scrap scrap scrap yeah not too much to take a stick i have you know kind of disappointed usually i you know i like to find a little bit more than this but you know this is what it is it really what it is you know i did a lot of driving tonight found just a little bit of stuff but hey as long as i found enough scrap to cover the trash or cover the gas which wasn't a whole lot i'd say that was a successful trip oh but anyways cats and caboodles all right well thank you all so much for tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your peeps uh extra special shout out to everybody busting birds appreciate that down below teespring give y'all some stuff they'll be scared helps gavin scavenger out it's cold man i've been at this for about three four hours but cold just i'm ready go home take a hot bath kick back oh man eat some food but anyways thank you guys so much glad y'all tagged the law y'all didn't have to deal with the elements like i did but you know here in texas you know anything below 50 is cold cold cold cold but all right guys i'm gonna try to fill her up i guess tomorrow or the next day i'm kind of go through this got some sorting to do and uh we'll make it happen but oh all right guys y'all take care be safe don't do stupid stuff like this guy what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 144,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: Uebe4vshS38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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