Dumbest Battle in History: Battle of Karánsebes

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in September the year 1788 the Austrians were yet again finding the Ottomans in the so-called Habsburg Ottoman war most of the Austrian army was large around hundred thousand strong but was made up of numerous ethnicities from all corners of the Empire some who didn't even speak German this crude army led by the Holy Roman Emperor himself King Joseph ii was scouting for the forces of the ottoman military near the town of Carabas in modern-day Romania as the day was coming to an end the army decided to set up a camp near the town next to the timís River the Army's Vanguard a contingent of who Tsar's continued to scout for the Ottomans and cross the river however found nothing more than some group of Roma people or valakians offering to sell barrels of schnapps liquor to the soldiers naturally the soldiers took the deal and got to drinking right away seemingly forgetting their purpose there in the first place shortly after Somme de Infantry crossed a river as well only to find a drunk contingent of who Tsar's partying the infantry wanted to join in and demanded some of the barrels of alcohol for themselves but the hussars refused as they were the ones who bought it and also were of higher status than a meager infantryman soon a scuffle broke out and the drunk who Tsar's made up makeshift defences around the barrels suddenly in the confusion a shot was fired by someone and the drunken scuffle turned into an all-out fight during the battle some of the infantry started to yelled courtesy toward sea meaning the Turks or Ottomans the drunken confused who Tsar's fled in fear of an ottoman attack with the infantry being quick to follow all while still attacking each other the situation was made even worse when Austrian officers made aware of the problem tried to restore order by yelling halt halt meaning stop however many of the soldiers didn't speak German and misheard the words as allah-allah the Ottoman battle cry the hasar is now convinced of an ottoman ambush ran through the camp where an officer mistook them for charging Ottoman soldiers and ordered and artillery fire with the entire camp now persuaded of an ottoman attack the disorganized army tried to flee the scene from an imaginary enemy soldiers fired on every shadow thinking it could be the Ottomans and the Emperor Joseph himself was knocked down of his horse into a creek the entire army now fighting a retreating battle against itself suffered reportedly anywhere up to ten thousand casualties our credible sources for the number more around 1,000 also in addition to lost equipment a chest containing the entire Army's payroll was quote-unquote lost and several soldiers were recorded as missing it was only when the entire army finished its retreat that the Austrians found out what actually happened in count sabes but now disorganized and in no position to fight they had to leave the town unprotected from the Ottoman forces now there are many second-hand sources and people who know better than to start a pointless argument in the comments section that will argue that such a battle of krantz Abbas never happened and that's not entirely true so let's look at the facts we know for sure we know that at one point during the war the austrian army was in conscious order surrounding area we also know that this positioning makes strategical sense as cannabis is an important valley protecting the road towards the hungarian plain on top of that we know that the ottomans were aware of some kind of a confusion within the austrian army during september and used this to their advantage forcing a blockade of the upper Daniel so looking at these facts and makes no sense for the Austrian military to have withdrawn from such a strategically important place giving the Ottomans an upper hand if something major like the disastrous Battle of cannon savez didn't happen thus we know something have had to have happen for the Austrians to withdrew from Kant's Abbas and we do know something happened because few days after at the start of October there was an article about it in the real Isaiah there were also other articles later written about the battle but there were very few and far apart but what they all had in common was they all told a story of some kind of a military blunder in Karnes Abbas during that September now that the actual battle happened exactly as I presented it at the start of this video no it did not the story changed over time due to exaggerations by soldiers fabrication by countries to Austria multiple retellings and sometimes just bad research power as I mentioned before a true military blunder did happen in cannabis but how it exactly happened and to what extent it happened we may most likely never know
Channel: M. Laser History
Views: 2,455,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karansebes, Caransebes, History, War, Stupid war, stupid battle, dumb battle, dumbest battle, dumb war, Austria, Austria Hunagry, Habsburg
Id: moXgYEaYW54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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