Dulce de Leche

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- [John Kanell] Have you ever wanted to make your own dulce de leche at home? Today I'm going to show you two methods with one ingredient to make an amazing dulce de leche. It's a creamy milk based caramel that will blow your mind. It's perfect on everything, Hey your watching preppy kitchen, where I John Kanell, teach you how to make delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. This dulce de leche will be done before you know it, so let's get started. I love dulce de leche and where I use to live in Los Angeles, I could find it in like the latin section of the grocery store, Or in the baking section, normally it's next to the sweetened condensed milk. However in my new house, there are no grocery stores that carry it anywhere. I've been searching and searching so I wanted to show you how to make your own because it's so easy and you can keep it in your pantry for a little while too. You don't have to use it right away. We're gonna go over to methods, the first way is to bake it. So dulce de leche, is like this amazing caramel, that's not super sweet, like regular caramel. But it's like milky silky just sweet enough with a nice depth of flavor. If you want to make it from scratch, your going to be boiling milk or simmering milk, sugar, vanilla, with baking soda, and it'll all come together, but it takes a while and it's like a lot of stirring at the like stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir. you're going to be there for over an hour. I wanna show you how to make it with sweetened condensed milk because that is available at every single grocery store. There's two ways to do it. The first way, is by baking it. The second way is by boiling it. I'll show you both, but first let's do the baking version. So get one can of sweetened condensed milk, pop it open. Pour the can of sweetened condensed milk into like a nine inch pie dish. And your going to place that into a roasting dish, your gonna bake this at high heat, however it needs to bake in a water bath or a bain-Marie. Pour it in. This is so good on its own. I eat this by the spoonful sometimes. And it's amazing in your coffee in the morning. It's kinda like life changingly good in your coffee. Okay, get it all out there. sweetened condensed milk is one of the milks that you use in a tres leches cake. And if you want you could also use dulce de leche instead of it and it give it even more flavor. That's one of my favorite cakes and you can click up here for that, so good. Once your sweetened condensed milk is in that pie dish get a piece of foil and we are going to wrap it tightly, you basically don't want to burn it. So it's protecting everything keeping it nice and safe. After your pie dish is tightly covered with foil. Place it into a roasting dish. Deep hopefully, and we are going to fill it with hot water, until it is like halfway up the pan. So basically all of that sweetened condensed milk will be at water level or below. Nice and safe the water will control the heat. Even though this is going to go into a very hot oven, it's not going to burn and turn into like cinders. This is gonna go into the oven at 425 fahrenheit for about 45 minutes you might wanna check the water level like halfway through, and just add a little bit more water if a ton has evaporated, that's my only note for you. So let's pop into the oven and on to the next method. Method number two is super easy too. It does require a little bit of Nannying, but just a tiny bit, your going to boil these cans. I want to tell you that for the best practice, you would use a can that's fully sealable. Not with a pop top, but I haven't had a problem with the pop tops. There are reports that bad things can happen. (laughing)(cricket noise) Anyhow your gonna add this to a large pot and the deal is that you want to have it submerged with the label off because labels doesn't really matter, but the label is going to turn into like mush. So let's take the label off. Unidentified can goes into the water, and you want to make sure it's summered by at least an inch or two. So I'd have to add a little bit more water. So just make sure the can is summered by an inch or so. We're gonna place this like into a medium high heat, bring it to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer, right away it's going to simmer for two to three hours, so if you want it to be lightly caramelized closer to two hours, if you want a deep caramelization, which is what I want from my dulce de leche because if your going through the trouble, why not go all the way, go for like three hours, you could even go a little bit longer, it won't make a huge difference. And then we're gonna pop them out and compare the two results. It's gonna be so good. On to the (laughs) cook top, I was thinking into the oven. Pass by that can every once in a while like every thirty minuets or so, and just check the water level. If it's getting low add more water, that's it. That's the only thing that you have to do. If there're any recipes with dulce de leche, let me know in the comments and I will be happy to give them a try. I have some dulce de leche ready. Alfajores those are good cookies. Although you could correct my pronunciation. There's dulce de leche cake. There's banoffee pie. The list goes on. It is such a popular ingredient around the world, it needs to be more popular here in the states too. Several hours later, I wanna to show you the two results, there're hopefully the same, but you're gonna get different levels of caramelization. So my roasting pan was in that oven at 425 for about an hour and a half. I did check on it every once in a while you can take it out lift the tin foil up, see what's going on. Let me show you what happened. Look at this it's a beautiful deep color and if you ever bought dulce de leche before you know that it's very, like ooie, gooie ,silky, flowy. This stuff is a little bit harder right now, but all you have to do is get a whisk and just whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk. And it'll get all the lumps that happened on top. Whisk it thoroughly and it'll all come together. I'm not going to use this right now so I'm not going to worry about whisking cause you have to whisk it ahead of time. All right set this aside, let's take a look inside the can that we finished boiling. So open it up carefully, and you have an amazing dulce de leche too. It's like half a shade darker, but the taste is going to be just as delicious. It's really what you feel more comfortable with. Real talk for the pros and cons. So with the baking method, your oven is going to be on like 425 for almost two hours. It could get a little hot in there. However with the boiling method, you're gonna be boiling almost like sort of Three hours, so it might get a little stuffy in here too, maybe a little humid, choose your poison, which one do you like better, Running the oven, or running your stove, Totally up to you. This dulce de leche is gonna go into some cupcakes, tomorrow morning and I cannot wait to make these. They are going to be filled with the dulce de leche, a little Italian buttercream on top, and then a drizzle of more dulce de leche. Let me know if you want that recipe, in the meantime let's take a bite. I transferred my dulce de leche into a little mason jar for tomorrow but before I put it away I wanna take a bite. It's so good, why is it so good. It's like caramel but not so sweet. And just with milky wonderful beautiful silky tones. You've got to make this and use it in everything. If you like this video, hit that like button and subscribe and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Preppy Kitchen
Views: 967,109
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Keywords: preppy kitchen, dulce de leche, how to make dulce de leche, dulce, homemade dulce de leche, easy dulce de leche, receta dulce de leche, dulce de leche recipe, food blogere
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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