DUIK ANGELA: Full Face Rigging Tutorial | After Effects

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hey guys welcome to my new video in this video I'll show how to make face riging with TW Angela in After Effects let's get [Music] started so guys welcome back and first of one let's select this hair stroke and open inside contents and shape one p one and select is here control and open inside again contents and group one p one so let's select this ma stroke this main layer and select this muffin site let's link to mff stroke and select is muff layer let's link to mff stroke and select is M color let's contrl D for duplicate and select is M inside move the inside M colors click tle switch mode and change non to Alpha mat M color to okay select a stroke press s click this icon and right now we can make animation like this okay so let's select this m color two and inside and M color let's click tole switch mode and click this icon for height go to click main hide all layers okay so select these all layers and let's press P so in this time I want to make separate Dimension select these all positions let's select this position hold control select this position and this the S A positions so right now let's right Mouse and separate Dimension okay and let's create Q frames let's click x positions and Y positions and let's go to 10 Q frames for shut you can use hold shet press page down or let me show other way click time duration right + 10 click okay and create new Q frames again go to again 10 Q frames and create new Q frames okay so let's go to first second and let's create new P layer for hair color and new p q frame for hair stroke and go to middle or go to 10 Q frames again create new Q frames and here go to again 10 Q frames create new Q frame and here so select this hair control and this let's press U for C only active Q frames okay so let's go to first second let's change view fit up to 100% and select is H left layer select all position Q frames and let's move the inside like this and select is H right select all qy frames move the inside like this okay and select is ear right let's move the inside and ear left move the inside also okay so first of one let's select this H left and select first position Q frame and move the inside select H right Select First Position Q frame and move to right let's see okay and select these glasses select first key frame move to left and let's go to down and select this head layer select first in Q frame move to L first one okay and go to up select this eyebr left and right and move to left here okay so select this nose layer and select first pressing Q frame move to left and Ice move to left and M stroke M layer move to like this then check right move the left and check left move to left like this and ear right let's move right like this and ear left move the inside okay so right now let's go to here select here color and stroke let's hold shap press p and select these two positions right Mouse and separate Dimension let's create again new X and yq Frames go to Middle again create new CH frames again go to next CH frames create new CH frames and go to first second select this exposition first key frame here and move to left also select this Exposition first Q frame for hair color move to left let's see okay so in this time let's select this ha control path select P layer and select this first P layer and let's select these middle points and hold with left Mouse like this and hold shift move to left and select these these points and move to left like this okay let's see here nice let's select is p layer select this key frame move to left here like this okay select these hair color select this first pth CH frames and let's select these p g frames or points move to left and select this middle or all these points move to left here and this point move to here and this change some graphs and this point move to down and this and select these three points move to left okay again select this point let's select this points move the down for inside to stroke okay so let's see nice and select this H right Select First Position Q frame first X position and move inside little bit like this okay so let's go to L expositions and select these l p layer and select these middle points and move to right and let's select this point move to right and this points let's select this point change curve like this so select this hair color select this last PF Q frame and let's select this and move to here okay and select this point change graphs lady and this point move to here and this two points move the inside stroke and this okay let's let's select this point change this curve and this point move to life little bit and this point move the inside stroke also don't forget select this point move to down okay let's see nice I like it so go to last Q frame and select this Exposition for this hairstyle or let's first go to head layer select less Exposition and move to right also select this air left move the inside and a right move to right like this and check left let's move to left and check right move to right here and move let's move to right this muff layer and eyes move to right and nose move to right and eyebrow right and left move to right and glasses Mo like this and H right let's move the inside like this and H moves like this here let's see okay and select his hair color select his last position Q frames and hair stroke plus x positions and move to [Music] right okay that's good and select these H left and move the inside a little bit like this okay very nice and let's go to window open D Angela and click this icon and as you can see our connector let's go to click connector options and I want to create to the slider let's click for create okay select this slider press s change scale and let's move to left here chain scale more and let's select only X and PQ Fram let's select these PQ frames and expositions select here color Exposition and have key frames and H left select only X key frames like this and I BR select xq frames and nose select only xq frames eyes and M stroke and check right check left and head layer and ear right and last one ear left so after select only X qy frames and P qy frames and go to D Angela type value and XIs as you here x and don't Che any settings click perar okay so select this controller let's see left and right nice so right now I will add look up and look down so for this let's select this head layer and right now I will work with only white Q frames select first y q frame and let's move the down also check layers first y q frames move the down and ear Q frames move to down and muff layer select first yq frame move the down and eyes move to down like this and nose move to down and eyebrow right and left move it down like this and glasses also move it down and H right and left move to down here okay and select this white Q frame for hair color select first y q frame move the down also select this yq frame for hair stroke move to down let's see okay so let's select these ice move the down more and more flayer move to down more what's see difference okay so we can select these white Q frames for hair stroke and hair color let's move to down more okay and select these glasses let's move to down more and nose move to down okay we can see difference here and let's select is ear right and left move to down more okay that's good so let's go so next key frames and select this head layer select head Q frame l y q frames and ear right ear left also check layers and move up and select is muff layer move up and eyes and nose move up and ibr right and left moved up and this glasses also moved up and H right and left select less y q frames move up and select less white Q frame hair control and hair stroke also move to up and let's select these H right and left layers move to up more let's see okay so let's select these eyes and select last you frame move up more and muff layer move up and nose move the up for looking up area and eye bronze move them more and glasses move up so again select these WIP key frames for hair move up more let's see okay and select this in right and left again move up more for natural face okay so go to First Q frame select this head layer and move to down more and select these ice move it down and nose move to down and muff layer move to down and glasses let's see okay that's good I like it and finally select these each left and right select y q frames and move up so let's try this select less yq frames move to down more for looking up and go to First yq frames this my problem sorry for this and select first y q frames moved up for natural look let's see okay that's good so in this time go to again du Angel let's click X and again click connector options and select this controller click pick control and in this time select only yq frames select these yq frames like this and for each left and each right and glasses I BR left and right just only select yq frames three yq frames okay select this check left and head and ear right and left so after select yq frames go to do Angela and type again keep value and AIS change Y axis again click click forars okay so let's select this controller and let's try look left right and up down but we have problem when I move to Up character looking down when I move to down character looking up so how to fix this let me show solution select this controller and go to connect to the value two and change minimum 100 and maximum change minus 100 and right now when I moved up character looking up when I moved it down character looking down nice very good so right now let's create sliders for I blink animation and muff animation let's do it let's select these all layers and close Q frame settings okay so select is eyes and press s click this icon and make skate Q frame go to three Q frames one to three for go to frame by frame two frames use page down in keyboard or again click here write plus three so let's change scale five go to three Q frames again 1 2 three change change 100% again and let's see okay and select this I BR left and right go to first second Press air make rotation Q frames and let's change first rotations like this okay and go to Middle change rotations zero and go to to next q frames and chain rotation like this like and angry okay let's see so select is maff layer maff stroke press s and make scale CH frame and don't forget click this icon click scale CH frame and go to Middle chain scale five or 10 and go to next q frame change again 100% let's click X and go to again connector click options and first let's create simple slider not to the slider I will use just simple slider let's create and select this slider press s chain scale and move to here so in this I'm go first first second and select these ice select these three Q frames and go to type value don't change any settings and propar okay so select this controller let's see nice right now I can make ey blink animation with this slider nice so select eyes and close and let's click X go to again connector options and let's create angle select this slider press s change scale and move to left okay so select is ibr left and right select Q frames and go to do kangela type select value and don't change any settings click just prepared okay so select this controller and select this rotation tool and we can rotate these ey bronze let's zoom in here okay very nice also we can select slider three Press air and chain rotation here nice cation tool and select these ibr left and right close Q frame settings and finally select is muff layer and let's click X on Dick window go to again connector option and create slider select this slider press s chain scale and move to here chain scale more and select this math stroke select these three Q frames and go to again D angula type value don't change any settings click propar and right now I can make move animation with this slider okay we nice so in this I'm select these all layers and let's select this slider move to here and select these eyes move to left for ey blink and moth move to left and face okay so let's go to project and select face recation and control D for duplicate change name animation let's open and come s and I want to make simple animation let's close do window and select this face control press P make new passing CH frame and go to T frames let's move to left and go to here make new pring Q frame go t q frames move to left and up and go to here make new passing Q frame go 10 Q frames move it down and go to here make new Q frame go 10 Q frames move up and go to here again makeing Q frame go 10 Q frames move to Center select Q frames make EAS let's see nice and let's create talking and ey blink animation select this maff controller go to here and press P let's move to left make new passing Q frame and go to three Q frames one to three move to right again s q frames move to left let's see okay SEL Q frames make easys hold alt move to right okay select Q frames copy and go to here contrl V for paste nice select Q frames copy and contrl V okay very nice so select is I bling controller press p and here make new passing Q frame go to three Q frames move to right let's move to right okay say Q frames copy and go to here contrl V for random my blink animation nice and select is I BR controller go to here Press air make rotation Q frame and go to some Q frames and change for angry and go to here make new rotation go 3u frames change rotation here and again create new rotations nice and here make new rotation go to three Q frames chain zero okay very nice so guys thank you for watching my video and don't forget to subscribe Channel like video and please follow me on Instagram good [Music] luck [Music]
Channel: Nijat Ibrahimli
Views: 3,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, adobe after effects, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects tutorial, how to use after effects, motion design, motion graphics, tutorial, nijatibrahimli, ae tutorial, after effect tutorial, motion graphics tutorials, motion design tutorials, design tutorials, duik angela, duik angela tutorials, duik angela rigging, duik angela animation, after effects duik angela, duik angela character rigging, duik angela character, after effects duik angela rigging, rig, 2d
Id: HHN15JqZRyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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