Duck Boat

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so here's the boat the covers a little bit dilapidated given the use of the whole season getting towed about 3,000 miles so and then cover I mean the brush go through the whole thing here show you some of the features flip down dog bladder stays in place with a bungee flips down and then there's a dog door can bungee it to stay open we just usually let it down and the dog goes pokes its head out or runs out and then from inside you can grab the bungee to lift it open to let the dog back in the bolt cover is removable and also I'm sorry the motor cover is removable and also swings open so right now I got in undone position and you can swing it open to work on the motor and then it just you pick it up and it pops out and there's a latch here where it locks into place for transporting one in case you to work on the motor or get it anything in the back you have access here and then also the back panel flips up and we've show that from the inside as well but this back panel over the motor flips up okay so the front ladder it is removable there's two pins that take it off otherwise it bungees up here and then when you want to climb in it comes down on it the bottom rung sits below the waterline for getting in and out and this is pretty much the top view I usually have a extra cat tail mat that runs along the top there you see on the left-hand side to cover that foam for better concealment but this year towards end of season that pull off getting towed down the road so your front door front door swings in and then driver's door pops up driver access will go down and flip all the blind doors and then just like I talked about previously here's that back door that flips up to gain access to the motor which is trimmed up right now and then got a shelf here for the dog to run on there storage and then that flips up and you've got your fuel tank and your oil tank your batteries back here and then I remove this board here this board goes across here the hinge is getting bad so that board usually goes across here and then flips up to here you've got the stove is all pre piped obviously a little dirty yet from the season catch all and then there's four outlets for propane well the heaters won't be included but the propane is all piped it runs underneath the shelf you had a large storage shelf here and the propane all runs up to the front and there's the tank the tank is ratchet strapped in there but each outlet has four enough holes a is like four or five feet of hose can any key one pound cylinder heater to it and move it around and then we basically just used totes to slide underneath to keep extra clothes dry shells miscellaneous stuff cooking supplies so here's your driver cockpit steering wheel onboard GPS your light switches are off here you got into your rope LED lights and then the front lights and then the shifter and then a optional seat here for an extra guy that seat this is a piece of loose wood that sits there and then you take it out to drive and then the decoy storage so it's decoy storage till you get all the decoys out and then it's when it's where you sit so I'll put it I'll put all of them up to show you how much room you have for decoys on average we run about Oh probably a hundred and twenty duck decoys and about thirty to forty goose loader that's probably the average but you'll see here that there's plenty of decoy storage so here it is so here's looking down the aisle these just bungee up here the boards and then back here is that's all decoy storage and it's carpeted the back of the wood is carpeted the floor and then just not the part of the blind here but can run decoys in here all the way up to the top there is a cargo nets for the front and back so there's a cargo net here that comes up so you can pile is full and they don't fall forward and then in the back we have storage there's staples and then decoy hooks and then we'll store about eight to ten module poles homemade ones in the back here where you see the racks there so otherwise again you got lots of shelf space and time to hunt have a seat get there get all your decoys out put the seats down go file and you can hunt we pumped it up to six guys and a dog out of here which is very very bad on room so there's a the view from and you just look out the doors and then you just pop the doors open when when you want to shoot so I think that basically if there's a battery up front here and that runs the all the lights so that are on a separate battery and then there's a shoreline charger or I'm sorry a battery trickle charger that just plug that in when you get back and that will charge itself so all right
Channel: Matt Pieper
Views: 56,721
Rating: 4.6811595 out of 5
Id: 5manqJ_HRvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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