Duchess of Cambridge Q&A on Early Years

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i just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent in their questions a huge number here with loads of wonderful emojis attached to them what is the early years help with a wonderful emoji at the end of it i suppose we're looking at it from pregnancy through to the age of five so through to children starting school what sparked my interest in the early years i actually get asked this question a lot i think people assume that because i'm a parent that's why i've taken an interest in the early years i think this really is bigger than that this isn't about just about happy healthy children this is about the society i hope we could and can become right from the early days meeting lots of people who are suffering with you know addiction or poor mental health and hearing time and time again that their troubles now and adulthood stem right back from early childhood experience how do you manage toddler tensions in your household especially with multiple children yes that's hard one i'd also like to ask the experts myself as a mom of a two-year-old tantrums is something i'm very familiar with when my son has a tantrum i try to put into words and how i think he might be feeling in a slow and calm and gentle way okay the next question is what was the best part in the development of the early years project that i think has to be going around the nation um when we launched the survey and i got to meet loads of amazing families loads of amazing parents hearing first hand what they were going through what their experiences of parenthood was really like but also meeting amazing people who had done fantastic work up and down the country and supporting families and children in the early years too what did you like most in your childhood that's a very good question i love spending time outside and that has stuck with me for my whole life but i'm amazed by the honesty actually and some of the questions that are coming through so this is a covered the impact of coverage on our children so how can we help children adjust post lock down as grownups we can't take covered away but we can try to help children feel better about it and we can do that with our conversations by modeling good behavior and giving children some control how important are the early years of a child for their future endeavors that's a great question and such an important question to ask as well i was amazed as a first time parent that 90 of our adult brain develops by the age of five so there's such a huge opportunity as parents and carers and all those looking after children in those early years but what links have you found between maternal mental health and the early years on children firstly there's suffering for everybody which is unquantifiable there can also be a range of physical issues such as the baby arriving early as well as a range of emotional social and cognitive problems for the child as they develop do you think about taking the project to other countries there's amazing work going on internationally because ultimately this is a global issue and it would be great to see best practice being shared so yes i hope so in the future are there any projects coming out for 2021 yes a lot and i think there will be for quite some years to come too because this really isn't something that we're going to be able to change quickly and overnight it's going to take you know generations and i'm keen to support this for the long term so i think that's it but thank you very much to everybody again for sending in your questions this is just the start of the conversation so thank you so much for being part of this you
Channel: The Royal Family
Views: 715,306
Rating: 4.9288635 out of 5
Id: oFr4jmAVUn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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