Dual Atari 8-Bit Power Supply Build

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hi it's jan beta and i recently got  this atari 1050 disk drive to repair   but i realized i don't have a suitable  power supply for it so i am going to   build one today and i am also going to make  it a dual power supply that can power both   an 8-bit atari like the 800xl or the  65xe that i have and one of these drives so first step set this aside because we can't do anything with it without  a power supply so yeah as i said we are going   to build a dual power supply today one of the  voltages we need is 9 volts ac for the disk drive   that we are just going to get from this 230 volts  to 9 volts transformer and then we need five volts   dc for the computer and that's where this meanwell  five-volt power supply comes in i'm going to link   all the parts in the video description the  transformer actually wasn't that easy to find   because it needs to be a rather beefy one and I  had to look around for quite a while to find one   so yeah we also need a din plug for the computer  and we need a little barrel plug for the disk   drive i'm also going to use one of these rather  nice bahar enclosures that i first used for my   c64 power supply build really like these they're  not that expensive and i bought a bunch of them   actually this is a spontaneous idea that i had  with the dual power supply because these cases   i had them lying around here and they are quite  large so we can fit both in here and have a   nice convenient dual power supply in the end  hopefully this build is going to be relatively   straightforward considering the circuitry but keep  in mind that we're working with mains voltages and   they can potentially harm or even kill you if  you are not careful so i don't recommend anyone   taking my word as advise to build something like  this yourself i'm not a professional as i've said   repeatedly and i may do stuff terribly wrong so  don't trust me on anything that has to do with   anything basically i'm a self-taught electronics  person and this is i'm doing this at my own risk   so do you if you are building something similar  basically we are going to add this iec socket   which is a three prong standard mains  voltage input socket that we're going to   add on the backside i'm also going to add the  output cables on the back side because i want this   mounted kind of under a shelf so i  can just turn it on and off from the   front side and probably have the cables all  come out on the back side to have it look   nicer i am going to add a little power switch  with a light in it on the front panel that don't   think there's going to be anything else on the  front panel really the cables are going to come   out on the back and the fuse i think is  also going to be added on the back side   so that's what i'm going to do let's just  figure out how we are going to build this these walls are plastic so you can drill  into them easily these are metal the top   part and the bottom part so we're going to add a  ground lug to those so we have a properly grounded   metal case you always should ground your metal  cases i am going to add some insulation on the   bottom part where i want to fix my transformer and  my little 5 volt dc power supply we're probably   going to have to have this sitting like so like  so so we have enough room for the connections   the dc power supply is a rs-15-5 made by meanwell  and i really like these little modules these are   industrial grade power supplies basically that you  can build into your projects and they have nice   built-in places where you can add screws and  things like that i've used these a number of times   and i really like them they have screw posts  here for all the electrical connections the metal   grille here is connected to the ground lug here  so it's grounded right away has a little dial   to adjust the voltage in case you have a longer  cable or things like that and yeah it's just a   really neat little dc power supply that feeds on  mains power directly and it also is compatible   with ac mains from 100 to 240 volts so you  can use it in most countries in the world   where you have mains outlets at all so this  is a really versatile little tool to have   and i actually had this spare in my parts bin  bought a couple of these when i had the chance   so yeah can recommend this is of course a five  volt power supply running at three amps maximum   so that's plenty for powering an atari 8-bit  these of course should be wired in parallel so   we're going to have our mains power  coming in we have to have it on the   front panel after it goes through a fuse  the front panel is going to have the switch   and then we are going to wire these two  and the outputs from these are going to   two separate output wires let me take a couple  of seconds to thank the sponsor for this video   pcbway my favorite manufacturer of prototype pcbs  of all kinds they have excellent quality and very   nice service and they also have really quick  delivery times and turnaround times so if you   need a circuit board you designed produced quickly  and cost effectively and in excellent quality   just take a look at the links in the video  description back to the power supply build this iec socket goes here on the  bottom of the back side so the cable   is sitting on the table most of  the time so are our two outputs   and this is for the fuse the front panel is going  to have an on off switch that's pretty much it yeah my panels are coming along nicely i'm  just going to widen the output holes a tiny bit of course we need to drill some holes into the  metal part as well let's do that i think i want   to position these like so something like this  and i'm going to screw this uh in through the   pre-made holes here from the bottom  so i'm going to need two holes here   and i think what i want to do with this is to  just use some cable ties through the holes here   to hold it in like so we can't really fit this  in here with proper cables without risking   this touching the metal case so we don't  want our 230 volts on there so i'm going   to use these holes in the other direction  i guess it's a bit of a workaround but i   guess i'm going to get away with it  this is my private use thing so yeah oh and obviously we need some  we need a hole for our ground   probably going to do that rather close to the edge  here just going to add a little screw hole here   and a little screw hole on the top side this is  just so that both sides of this split metal part   are connected to ground so we're  going to run a little ground wire   to the other side there as usual  this is not perfectly planned but what did you expect it's me so i'm also screwing down this  iec socket with some m3 screws yeah that's not going anywhere that's good   our fuse holder is one like this that has  like threads and you can screw in and fix it on the case and this is where our actual fuse  our glass fuse goes in okay our fuse holder   is in place and our power inlet is in place i  think i also want to put some electrical tape or   like gaffers tape on the bottom side of  the case so just in case one of the cables   gets ripped out or something like that it doesn't  short it out with the case instantly we are going   to ground the whole case so the fuse is going  to blow pretty much instantly if one of the   wires touches the case but yeah yeah but i'm still  going to add some insulating layers here so we're   not going to run into any issues with that and  obviously i'm going to use the fancy pink stuff because yeah just in case i ever look  into this again and just want to be happy perfect yeah and as for the transformer this  is of course not the ideal way to affix it   using cable ties but i could make some brackets  and properly screw it to the case but i'm probably   not going to bother with that i just  think i'm just going to use cable ties   because this is pretty much going to be stationary  for me and i'm probably going to use some glue   with the transformer as well yeah that's what i'm  going to do so my cable tie plan seems to work i'm   just going to put some glue under this i think  i'm going to use some epoxy to epoxy it in place okay so that's a very jan beta way of doing it but  uh yeah i guess it's going to be fine it's already   pretty sturdy here i am going to get away with it  i'm not recommending this at all so wiring this   we are going to have three wires from the mains  coming in here there's a ground wire that's this   middle one we have a neutral and we have a live  wire we are going to feed the live wire through   the fuse out of the fuse into the switchable  contacts on this and then we are going to connect   this and this in parallel that means we have two  connections coming from here to here and here and   we are going to wire the neutral directly to  this switch this golden switch contact which is   the contact for one of the sides of the light in  here that's a light that's powered by mains power   so we have our mains power in here and then we are  going to go out of this into here and into here   and then we have both our power supply sections  wired with live and neutral we are going to wire   up the ground connection from here to our case  ground and we are also going to wire it up to   our ground on our power supply here our five volt  dc power supply and then we have our output nine   volts uh ac on these terminals here and we have  our five volts on these terminals here i think yes   and then we are feeding wires out of the case  and we are going to connect the connectors we   need for the things we want to power and i'm  going to use mostly crimp contacts like these   that we can crimp wires on with  a tool like this i think these   are pretty handy for building power supplies  i've done that a couple of times now and   it worked well let's do that and start here and  i'm also going to use heat shrink tubing over the   connections that have mains voltage on  them so don't accidentally get shocked i'm using these fork shaped ones to connect  to these screw posts here because they work   pretty well and i'm using round ring connectors  for connecting the case i'm going to use these   round things to connect the case with some screws okay i think that might be all  the wiring for the power input and i deliberately didn't put  any heat shrink on the earth   ground connection here let's double check so  mains comes in here this is the live that goes   through the fuse through the switch and from  the switch to our power supply section basically   the neutral is connected on the light in the  switch and it is connected to here and it is   going to be connected to our other dc power  supply earth ground is connected to the case   through these little things and to our dc power  supply yeah and then we should be able to get   our voltages from the output on the transformer  the ac and our dc from the little dc power supply   and for the ground connections on the case to  make a better connection i'm going to use some   of these teased washers to grip into the metal  so next up i'm going to make the connections to   the dc portion of this so that's our three  connections made to our dc power supply   the ac is also connected our ground is  also connected to the bottom case that   we have installed we just have to connect the  output for that i think i want to use some just   regular speaker cable that i have laying around  because that's suitable i guess we just need two   two wire connections for the dc and the ac so  we're going to use that and they don't have   to be particularly long for my use case because  this is going to be as i said this is going to be   pretty much a stationary power supply that i'm  building to my needs and we don't need hilariously   long cables for this yeah this is just some  ultra cheap i yeah it's like like standard copper   wire one millimeter i guess or 1.5 millimeter i  think is what it's sold as it's i think it's not   quite 1.5 millimeter diameter this is very cheap a  speaker wire so for your loudspeakers and i'm just   going to use this leftover stuff for my electrical  connections which isn't a problem because this has   a large enough diameter and yeah we're going to  get away with it so i guess it is time to test   my construction so far see if we get the output  voltages we want on the outputs we want them   we are going to connect this to the mains this  is a an fi switch like ground fault interrupter   which in case anything goes wrong this is  going to protect me from dying most likely   what this does is it detects if any however  small current goes to ground this is going to   blow this switchable fuse so this is basically  a fuse that prevents me from getting shocked for   very long this is a very fast acting fuse so if  i touch anything that's live i am going to become   the ground connection and this is going to  blow and switch off the power really quickly   yeah this won't work because  i didn't put this fuse in   we have to find a little fuse so according to  my calculations this should not draw too much   on the mains side too much current i am going  to put a 0.5 amp slow blow fuse in here for now now this should be energized as you can  see we wired something up the wrong way   the light is permanently on we permanently  connected the wrong pin i guess yeah we connected   the wrong one okay so the middle pin goes through  the light if it's switched on if you want the   switch permanently lit you have to connect  the permanent live wire yeah on the other pin so now this is how this is supposed to be we  have this switched off as you can see zero   one it's switched on okay so you have to take  into account which wire is connected where you   can measure that of course with the multimeter  before installing if you aren't as naive as i am   and now for the somewhat important question if  this thing actually outputs the wattages we need   so we are going to measure the  ac this is going to be higher yeah this is like 11 volts 10 volts thereabouts  um yeah this is always a bit higher with these   uh just the transformer if you don't connect  a load and then we should have 5 volts dc here   yep the power supply works the pin out for the  atari computer is a 7 pin din this is the side   watched at the computer so it's the solder side  of the plug we are going to solder on there and as   you can see we have five volts on this pin six pin  one pin four half basically and the other half is   pin five pin three and pin seven those are ground  i don't know why it says zero volts it's ground   basically and pin two is for shield but that's not  even present in the power supply that this came   with so we are not going to connect that probably  because we are using an unshielded cable anyway   and the ac side is going to be a barrel plug  standard size barrel plug that i'm going to use and to get it through these holes without  risking damaging the cable i'm using these   handy little rubber grommets these have  like a groove here so you can put them   in these holes and put the cables through  them so they don't get hurt by the case and as for the strain relief  i think i just want to   put a little knot into the  cable on the inside here let's see how much room do we need not that much   that's a pretty crude way of doing it  obviously but yeah it's going to do yeah for the ac wires the polarity  obviously doesn't matter because it's ac okay i got my seven pin din connector  and i got my cable and i'm going to uh   connect these with solder basically the pins  so i'm making huge blobs on each side here   so yeah it does look super messy but as you  can see i just connected three pins each side   and we have to connect this side to the  positive and this side to the negative yeah there we go that should be it and i'm going  to use some electrical tape to prevent these two   from shorting out against each other so that  should do yeah this is going to do nicely and   for the ac or disk drive side of things i'm going  to use one of these which is a barrel plug that   came with a power supply you usually get a number  of these with if you buy a universal power supply   you usually get a number of these and you can  fit them in the little connectors so you have   the connector you need for the device  you want to power with the power supply   i always keep these and they are pretty easy  to work with you can just solder to these pins   in this case it doesn't even matter which  pin we solder to which wire and you can just   put some heat shrink tubing on there  and have it be a nice sturdy connector   and yeah i usually do this and try which  one fits the device i want to power so this should be positive five yes  that's how it goes into the yeah okay   this is positive on this side the correct side and  this should just be ac so we're setting this to ac   we should have our ac voltage on here yes that's  looking good should be able to power an atari and   an atari disk drive with this now and of course  this power supply basically could also be used   to power a commodore 64 because that requires 9  volts ac and 5 volts dc so you could just hook up   the correct din connector for commodore 64  and use this as a commodore 64 power supply   and here's some glamour shots it's not that  glamorous but at least the color scheme matches   the early atari's a bit i mean this is white the  ataris are beige but yeah and as i said i don't   need massively long cables because it's just going  to be sitting right next to the machine basically   that's why i left them so short yeah that's  the build let's try if it actually works   okay so i hooked up uh the other atari 1050 disk  drive that darran sent me that allegedly works but   needs a new belt or new belts and my atari 800xl  that i had before let's see if everything works   according to plan so this  powers on yup and the disk drive also powers on that's rather nice okay so yeah we have we have power   seems to work yeah unfortunately i get a boot  error if i turn the atari on with the option key   pushed down that should boot the disk right away  without basic involved but as you can see my disk   or the disk drive is broken but it's powered  correctly so it uses the power supply to work   and powers the computer and the disk drive which  is what i wanted so yeah the power supply works my disk drive doesn't but i wanted to  fix the disk drive in the other video   anyway so yeah power supply works this  drive doesn't next video disk drive repairs   i guess yeah i guess that's it for this  video i'm going to attempt to fix some   atari 1050 disk drives in the next video or  one of the next videos not quite sure how my   scheduling is going to work thank you very  much for watching thank you for supporting   me on patreon or on the channel memberships page  or through some other donations hope to see you   all again on this channel pretty soon i'm jan  beta thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Jan Beta
Views: 3,888
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Keywords: Jan Beta
Id: q4_QXnqbjV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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