Dua Lipa - Physical (Directors Cut)
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Views: 15,563,380
Rating: 4.9140968 out of 5
Keywords: Dua Lipa, Physical, Dua Lipa Physical, Dua Physical, Dua Lipa Official Video, Physical Alternative Video, Physical Directors Cut, Dua Lipa music, Dua Lipa Lyrics, Physical Lyrics, Dua lipa 2020, Future Nostalgia, Dua Lipa 2nd Album, Dua Lipa songs, Dua Lipa Music, Pop, Official Music Video, dualipa, Duo Lipa, Dua Leepa, Warner Bros, Who needs to go to sleep, when I got you next to me?, Lets get physical, all night i'll riot with you, workout songs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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I don't know why but this version feels even more vivid than the original cut. Sometimes it sounds like they mixed the actual song with her singing along to it in the video too (at 3:13 for example).
I love how the video turned out when it has the teaser video combined with it.
Also this sounds like a completely different version of the song. Especially towards the end where it's missing some of the sounds in the original version. But still sounds amazing.
EDIT: Yes this is an older demo version of the song.
She's got a point, she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment, come on now
this version sounds like she's so tired
i like the other one better
this is some a24 type of shit
This paints such a clearer picture than the original. I love.
Holy shit, the audio mix is so different!
This is pretty awesome.
They used the demo version! I like it more than the original one, I thought there was something missing when I first heard it. Now with all those backing vocals the song sounds more epic, but it becomes really saturated by the final chorus so maybe that's why they decided to keep it simple and let Dua's voice shine by itself.