Dua Lipa - Break My Heart (Lyrics)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Unique Vibes
Views: 11,576,905
Rating: 4.9332008 out of 5
Keywords: Unique Vibes, Music, pop, lyrics, indie, vibes, pop music, new pop, dance, new music friday, dua lipa, break my heart, dua lipa break my heart, dua lipa break my heart lyrics, break my heart dua lipa, break my heart dua lipa lyrics, dua lipa lyrics, break my heart lyrics, break my heart lyrics dua lipa, lyrics break my heart, lyrics dua lipa break my heart
Id: Y6feSJsCxIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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