Du hast Milch und etwas Mehl! Dessert ohne Backen!

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500 ml Milk. 50g Sugar. 30g Flour. 15g Corn starch. 30 g Cocoa powder. Let's get to know each other. Write in the comments which country are you watching from? 60g Dark chocolate. 20g Butter. Let cool down. Then refrigerate for 1-2 hours. 500 ml Milk. 50g Sugar. 80g Flour. 15g Corn starch. 60g White chocolate. Your opinion is important to me, write it in the comments. 20g Butter. Вon't forget to subscribe to the channel. Let cool down. Then place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. 100 ml Milk. 5g Corn starch. 120g Dark chocolate. 10g Butter. Let cool down. Then place in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes. This is incredibly tasty and tender! Be sure to try it! Share your results in the comments!
Channel: Süße Schule
Views: 35,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Süße Schule, @SueSchule, yt:cc=on, Schokolade, Sahne, Rezept, hausgemachter Dessert, Milch, Schokoladendessert, ohne Backen, Kochkunst, Leckerbissen, Dessertrezept, leichter Dessert, zarter Dessert, Rezept ohne Backen, köstlicher Dessert, Schokoladencreme, Milchdessert, Süßigkeiten, Hausmannskost, desert
Id: -LzfRmcizhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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