DTN 2023 Winners Finals - Jakal (Wolf) Vs. Mr. E (Lucina) Smash Ultimate - SSBU

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Long Island comes out New Jersey remembers that the tolls aren't that bad okay well here we are we got quite the exciting top point we have Miss Duty and Jackal sitting in Winter's side that's kind of huge it's kind of big I like it great the local talent that whenever they do get the chance to travel you could just Slaughter anyone in their paths and I always feel like that both of these players individually get talked down a lot and I don't really know why maybe it's because overexposure for us locally we get to see them all the time we know they're kind of nice and then they travel mess everyone up but now we get the opportunity see them click traveled uh mess event but point is Jackal is at the peak of his game he's doing so so well lately and now he's going up against Mr Lee Hugh and I will lose you guys that counter uh didn't trigger on the side B it was just ever so slightly too short and I feel like we see a good amount of that from a lot of chopped wolves where they'll actively try to just go for the landing can't quite get the ledge it's kind of dangerous against you know there's plenty of moves you can use to try to check that but of course you don't want to run into her because then he's ready to counter you oh yeah okay right now miss Julie again just so we're going to recycling the lead strap situation fading back with a new trailer to catch a jump down till just to catch all those late options and if I'm Jackal I'm kind of okay with eating a lot of those down tilts up until I get hit by that side yeah it's a very tried and true game plan you got Shorty at the legend spaces you just got to keep the consistency and unfortunately for Jackal that is one of the key components of these implants what in the world was that why did he spike him he's already gone that was side beat down smashed down and oh no okay yeah honestly I'm not too surprised they're already going in this is the most ridiculous flow to a game I've seen in a minute these are not typical wolf things that you see necessarily coming out well there are two players who are used to each other's characters due to high exposure they're used to both playing at the top level and we're just sort of done with the nonsense you had to carve through so much to get to this point sure oh yeah just chill and be done with this secure your Pat's a Grands but it's still a long road ahead yeah right now two stocks totally even at this point Jackal looking for that jump call out not able to find it auto cancel back it was nice and safe Mr Lee not able to find a punish on those but wow just so good with these punishes at the ledge and he doesn't need to commit super hard as long as he stands right in that space around the middle of the platform he could just chill he's got all the options in the world is looking kind of like Unstoppable at this point and even able to find the two playing with the downfield mixing it up that time again neutralizing to shield and not the new trailers into the down kills just in case Jackal came back on aggressively and the pressure the up tilt to be able to catch jackal's next option Miss Duke e is just playing so steady and solid I think the key word we could say from it is discipline that we're not seeing too much extra movement from E we're not seeing any sparse buttons he just knows where he needs to position Lucina what to swing with it does not matter how Jacko mixes up and honestly I think it's a really strong game plan to take this early he leaned all the way into it he wanted the outer hit box of upbeat and you know what it almost connected but alas the back head of the dolphin slash ended up helping out Jackal at the end I've never seen lucinas go that deep that is new to me listen winners finals we got a risk it for the biscuit well that's what I was touching on is that he is not really committing super hard to really anything he's just looking to space himself around so that no matter how Jacko reacts no matter how he mixes it up no matter how simple or complex the option is he just doesn't really care he'll react anyways he's a very strong reactionary player so this style of play is just working wonders to take game one he's just doing such an amazing job of catching all of these different Landings I I know like I sound like a bit of a broken glass because that's one keep talking about the ledge but that is where Lucina sells that is listen when like 80 of game ones taking place from ledge to ledge and the most stage plate we see is like an up tilted Center Stage for a split second yeah we're gonna be talking about the lunch party a lot and especially when you consider that that's where spaces are at their weakest that's what wolf is going to have the least amount of options and of course that's where he is going to be the most bold and challenging Jackal miss doing he's just so good at knowing when to use his reactions and when to go through like preemptive coverage and when he actually alternates between the two he has such a good intuitive sense of Let's Travel by fading back with the neutrality by pressing save down to knowing when to alternate with shield and he doesn't let Jack will get away with safe options now that being said though Jackal looking through all these platform extensions huge damage now 59 and Counting I'm such a big fan of the Jackal juggle play just constantly going for the up those to see how your opponent's going to react and just rack up that free damage you don't have to overextend too hard no fancy combos no big reads it's very simple but effective play and I think it's a great counter to eat as well given that he's giving equally simple but beautiful play really really simple neutral Hill right we've seen Jack will jump in double jump and wait out Mr Lee's next option look for the opening whipping that side B is a huge opening though popping out that laser voice is one of those options which is that Elder Dodge Jackal backs off a little bit just in case Mr E presses an immediate upbeat or perhaps affordable and now Jackal just needs a way to reset neutral oh [Music] there's nothing that he could have done Mr he just got him that hard that was such a confidential breaker there was a few moments where we had seen that Jackal is trying to opt for a short up aerial Shield short hop aerial Shield just trying to paint some sort of reaction unfortunately when you're that repetitive not getting any bites he's able to sit there and notice the pattern you can't be that repetitive especially if you're throwing an option with a shield against a character that literally has a move for that forget any of the other Shield pressure that Lucina is able to pay out in big dividends this is Shield pressure the move yeah this is the exact thing that you need to be able to do with the character select screen okay really good use of the episode as an anti-catching mystery on that jumping maybe also with the expectation to catch the Kardashian drop down double jump neutrally successfully punished thanks to you know Wolf's massive back and Jackal now evens up that stock and you know he gets it downfield he gets a falling point he gets so much damage off of this if you could just get in I think it's the big issue but playing at the ledge as wolf here not as favorable if it was the other way around you don't have as many options because you could just swing out of the corner a luxury that Jackal has been consistently denied since the beginning of the set oh tries to lean into that back a little bit too far back to actually fully connect if they're not able to find it and mixing up with those double jumps just keeps on making Mr E go through those preemptive down tilts The Landings that Miss Duty can't react to that he has to guess in advance I've also noticed that Jackal is spending a lot heavier Reliance on play at the platform so where we were able to see a ton of that let's play e in the driver's seat Jekyll just wants none of that just force e to get one and look at how the game is I would say it's always a dash attack clean up a stock yep okay tries to go through something on Shield again but Mr Lee just so often connects those upbees out of Shield until he doesn't and Jackal with an optimal punch that time again not just a single hit but make sure that like okay I'm getting a lot of mileage off of this Port stage position from YouTube he does box this way once again out of the corner so he doesn't have to worry about it too much and just just let it rip yeah you get those for free in that situation Jackal Force the pull the trigger on side B to return Roots his end such an exploitable option when you have accounted just ready at your disposal wolf has to use it at that position he doesn't have that many other options and now jumps back on goes through the grabs he catch jackal's next option and I feel like this is going to be the stock who gets the backing gets the F smash there is nothing that you can do that is Checkmate you know while that entire interaction was unfolded when everything's going to hell for Jackal I was going to highlight that the counter relatively speaking is a big risk but once you exhaust Wolf's jumps yep it is easiest breathing what do you got when you got no other Ledger options that's the only one that you have left you know where it's gonna be you know when it's gonna be that is the biggest struggle of wolf and Mr E is not letting up on Jackal Mr Lee is coming back onto stage fatally consistently Lucina has such a generous comfortable recovery and he's dominating at the ledge trapping himself I gotta say this is some of the best play I've seen from him in a while he's one of those players he just has to remind himself that he is a good player and he is that guy he really is that guy but I feel like he is the first to forget about it so he needs a you know a wake-up Tournament of sorts and right now it's looking like defend the north is that wake up oh yeah okay again just so patient not to let you just sitting in Shield Jackal goes through the delayed following new Chile playing three steps ahead of mystery who just kind of was like okay wait I'm gonna drop this because you're gonna like empty Lando Dodge didn't happen got punished Battlefield Supremacy over the platforms I think is going to be an interesting adaptation if this set decides to just stick on Stadium the whole way through because as soon as the let's play comes in he is just in total control when's the last time you saw that kind of an F smash the only of smash that we saw at the ledge was to specifically punish an exploitable Landing through Jackal that time around that was the first F smash that mystery had thrown out like that Jackal was not ready he got his leg his ledge option called out goes flee the tech Chase but doesn't get the punish on either the neutral get up or the tech girl out and if you're sitting in Jacksonville see you're thinking all right it's gonna be another downtill I'll be fine you're not fine and E is one of those players who will play very heavily on the reads that he makes doesn't really hold it for a long time but he'll recognize it and then pull the trigger it's so unfortunately that Jackal wasn't able to get the crap he had a good idea with getting behind Mr Lee and then it's unusual get up everybody you know fails to punish it at some point everyone's fallible even at this level Lucina is a great character for being able to pick it apart at those habits regardless of the type of character you're fighting against in case Jackal decided to dash in it was a good bit of insurance sitting in Shield being patient not trying to give up too much space because he wants this quality new question this dude he is not letting up on this at all and he doesn't have to he's keeping it simple and it's working out so well for him but finally that was the upbeat mix-up normally valuably punishable but when mystery is only thinking about punishing side being he commits to the county that is the best possible option to go out and while it deals does give Jackal The Space to bring an even stock count I do fear that definitely have pulled the trigger on using that as an option a bit too soon because now he is going to be a lot more mindful of that and half of lucina's grounded kid is going to be able to punish that set down tilt Shield I mean that is just such good crashes over and over here again Jackal has just not been able to get himself off of Mr lean do already kind of keep the damage output East hot stand hit boxes are getting me a little worried now is Spike if it hit a hit and that would have been an incredible shock to Jack will take unfortunately it did not hit that was a stage Spike and then that was the stock as well setting up a really beautiful platform crushing situation here and a Juggle this is what soils do best but um Jackal land successfully after only taking 30 it could have been worse then excellent catch the lunch but Dar I'm glad that you brought up the platform pressure from EU because while we've got a plenty of opportunity to see it from Jackal across the past three games the fact that he has been more hesitant on it just showing that even such a strong game plan gets sick as the backup for the Lions and the let's play has been working out so well you don't even have to execute an even stronger game plan but turning it right on back to tackle struggles look at all that damage and if anybody can do a living Studio it is going to be Jackal you do not want to lose this game if you missed it at all but jackal's playing so well misses the tech Chase but the vacuum is still gonna connect oh my goodness yucky di it's game four incoming but as I was getting ready for the swapping Ajax I had noticed a little something about this bracket a little something about this top 12. seven of these games went to game five this something in the end almost all of them the person who had lost was up two oh a lot of reverse three O's it's not something that you see typically let alone that often in one tournament let alone that often within the top 12. do you think we're getting another one yeah statistically we are getting another one Jackal is the kind of a play when he is down two games he is somebody who is able to take it to game five the question is you know at that point you know who actually does it but he can adapt he is aggressive and that game he displayed a level of damage output and now he's opting through lazy in the beginning oh no oh it's going to hell immediately huh bring things to the battlefield and just decide to go all out yeah optimal that entirely educating sequence for mystery was he knew like hey even if I can't get a kill who I know how to safely continue to crashing use like my dancing blade so that it stalls me and I can still recover and make it back on and now look at the situation Jackal down a little bit too low off of just two Advantage States Mr Lee just destroyed Jackal stock Mastercraft Play It's the let's play has been the name of the game this entire set and you get a lot more wiggle room on Battlefield than you do on PS2 you get to be a lot more bold with how you decide to play especially against a character like wolf okay tries to go through the upbeat mix-up food trying to say hey am I going to land on this platform am I not gonna do that um but now it is jackal's let's drop he's trying to get him with the back he's so he conditions a neutral get up but didn't actually find the next punish afterwards mystically resets neutral successfully but good late neutral into Dash attack wow all right simple forward till it cleans it up although there was one thing that I picked up on from a that I'm hoping Jack will picks up on us as well for his sake he's holding on to his jumps for dear life and if he's going to be trying to force more of these wacky off stage situations especially beneath the stage Jackal can turn situations around in the blink of an eye Lucina I feel like I say that about so many things but what an option the down early Spike to punish the upbeat Jackal now down two to one this isn't looking so good no he is playing fiercely right now and you have to do something crazy to slow down anyone playing like this but Jack was still playing very reserved it's one of his best features as a player look at the layers to Mysteries gameplay he's popping out a new trailer and then sometimes he alternates and wants to punish like a jump out of Shield sometimes he just catches you guys and jumps to begin with Jackal has to cut this bleeding ASAP that's a tall order Dara you look at the percentages you look at the stage positioning he has not been forced out of this style of play Within the all of these games oh yeah okay looking for that side we didn't actually find it missing that Tech and still catching up with the very last hit of the dancing blade I can't believe that connected that was just beautiful huh there was no hesitation on that dancing blade either I thought I really thought that Jackal fell out of it it was so far the spaced back but alas no he landed that like he knew he knew he felt it he's been in that situation so many times between the two I mean what neutral is there to be actually played when Mysteries not only getting countless damage for every single edge gun situation when he finds all of those different Spikes all those different stage spikes he really just knew how to exploit Wolff's biggest weakness he did not let Jackal get away with getting back onto the stage yeah it's you don't have a lot of options when you consider but what is weak on wolf wolf himself is a very well-rounded strong character yeah but not infallible so you take those little weaknesses you hone your game plan around that and complimentary to each style of play with Lucina anyways there's a lot of synergy in that gameplay there's no reason to let go of that and clearly it worked out and then when it actually came to like the neutral and the pressure itself um mystery just like has such a good intuition of like okay yeah I'm gonna press neutrality what am I going to alternate out of this am I going to sit and shield and then punish either you pressing aggressively out of this advantage or you're still Landing with an outage and I'm still able to punish you on reaction he knows when to rely on his reactions to optimize those situations speaking of a lot of reactionary play that we saw there was a very consistent just simple punish return to neutral or even just steal it
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 8,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, riddles, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament, zackray
Id: Tq1XkPYkIV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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