DS18B20 Temperature Sensor with ESP32 ( A Complete Tutorial)

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[Music] hi guys welcome to Robo craze today we are going to be talking about the ds1 8b to zero temperature sensor and how to integrate it using an ESP 32 this is the data sheet for the ds1 8b to 0 temperature sensor it is made by Dallas semiconductor and here you can find the pin assignment and the unique features that this temperature sensor offers as you can see it is a digital thermometer which provides 9 to 12 bit temperature readings also it can be interfaced using only a single wire this means that the power for reading writing and performing temperature conversions can be derived from the data line itself without the need for an external power source as part of this blog we will also be learning about things peak which is an IOT platform service that allows you to analyze live data streams on the cloud we start off by signing up for a things peak account fill in your email address and fill in the other details that have been asked once you press continue a verification mail will be sent to your registered email ID [Music] [Music] open the email thread sent by things peek and in the bottom you can see that they're asking you to log in to your things speak account using the email address associated with your MathWorks account if you don't have a Matt works account don't worry we'll cover that also as part of the tutorial head over to iNDOT MathWorks calm and click on sign in at this stage if you don't have a MathWorks account it is necessary to create one simply fill in the required details and you're good to go make sure that you're giving the same email address for both the things speak account and the MathWorks account otherwise the two will not be linked together log in to your mathworks account and in a different tab log in to your things peak account [Music] at the home screen click on new channel for our application a channel is nothing but a place where all the temperature values from the sensor will be stored on the cloud fill in the name of the channel according to your need and the description for our application we are going to be monitoring temperature so our field one will be renamed to temperature hit on save channel at the bottom of the page and in the home page you can see that a new channel has been created next we are going to be looking at the hardware connections between the ds1 8b to 0 temperature sensor and an ESP 32 this is the temperature sensor probe and at the other end of it you have three wires coming out of the sensor red is VCC black is ground and yellow is signal we are also using a 10k resistor for this application connect the signal line at one end of the resistor [Music] VCC for the sensor is rated at 3.3 volts and connect ground on a different rail of the breadboard [Music] from the ESP 30 to development module we are using three pins ground GPIO 23 and 3.3 volts Connect 3.3 volts to the VCC of the sensor connect common ground and GPIO 23 to the other end of the resistor which is connected to the signal pin of the sensor the other end of the resistor needs to be pulled up high to 5 volts and for this we are using an Arduino connect the 5 volt pin to the other end of the resistor and common ground the circuit [Music] now we'll be looking at the cold part [Music] in the code we are first including all the header files that we require at the top [Music] we are also defining the SSID and password of our Wi-Fi network and the pin 23 which is connected to the signal pin of the sensor the channel ID and right API key are two other parameters which are important in this application we will discuss where to find these two parameters in the later section the setup function is pretty straightforward in which we initialize a serial connection between our laptop and the ESP board we also start Wi-Fi on the ESP board and initialized the thin speak section in the loop function we try to connect the ESP board to our Wi-Fi network using the SSID and password credentials provided we also try to receive the temperature sensor values continuously and publish them to think speak at an interval of two seconds now let's go ahead and approve the program into the ESP [Music] [Music] to find the channel ID and write API keys click on the channel that you recently created on top you can find the channel ID and in the API key section you can find the right API key as you can see I am continuously writing the temperature sensor value on the serial monitor and every time I press hard on the sensor the temperature gets warmer and the sensor readings go up if you open the graph on the things peak channel that you have created you can see that the temperature gets updated there periodically in this example we are dipping the temperature sensor probe into hot water and you can see the jump in temperature readings [Music] in this tutorial we will also be learning about pocket IOD which is an android application with the help of pocket iot we can remotely monitor the temperature readings have been stored in cloud it's installation is pretty straightforward head over to Play Store and install the pocket IOT app once installed enter the channel credentials and you're done well guys that was all about the ds1 8b 2:01 by a temperature sensor and uploading its temperature readings to the cloud using things peak we also saw how using an android phone we can monitor these temperature readings using the pocket iot app for further documentation please visit our blog link is in the description thank you for watching and stay tuned [Music]
Channel: Robocraze
Views: 27,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DS18B20, Waterproof Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Tutorial, Maker, DIY, temperature sensor with, one wire, one wire sensor, one wire tempreature sensor, esp32, ds18b20 with esp32, esp32 temperature sensor, how to use ds18b20 with esp32, espressif32, espressif, esp32 arduino, espressif32 temperature sensor, arduino ds18b20, ds18b20 temperature sensor, ds18b20 arduino, how to use ds18b20 temperature sensor with arduino, ds18b20, temperature sensor, esp32 projects, esp 32
Id: bwljMhTKoGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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