Dry Fountain Pen: Ink Not Coming Out? - This Quick Fix Will Work Every Time

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there's one thing that's so annoying about founder pants and that is they tend to completely dry out every once in a while and I've really loved found the pants but it's it's a pain in the ass let's be honest well the fix is so incredibly easy but it took me four years to find out this so this is a three dollar no brand founder pen that I got for another video which I'll link up in the guards up there it's a cool video it's about comparing the best writing instruments so which one is best the ballpoint or the fountain pen spoiler it is actually the fountain pen by a fault by a long stretch but let's know that's another video so go check out that one in the cards so this three dollar pen actually writes quite decently but it tends to dry out but it isn't only for the cheap pants that dry out it's also for like this expensive parker more expensive parker IM it's 30 40 bucks i guess so how to fix it well it's really easy but first let's check out this pen alright so let's see if it will right as you can see it's completely dry very very rubbish doesn't work at all so what to do well the fix is actually quite easy so if you open up your fountain pen you'll find there's this cartridge in there most of the time some fountain pens have a converter which I'll show you later on but this cartridge the if you get it out there this little thing here let me show you that tends to dry out if you don't use it for a quite a while so we focus focus people focus so what to do well if it is completely dry the quickest way to fix it is just to hold it and just squeeze the cartridge a couple of times so no I squeezed it and I weight squeeze it again I wait and the last time I just squeezed that and the last time you can actually see this I guess can you see that there's an ink blob forming below the tip and that's actually a good sign so probably it will right now so what I just did is simply the only thing I did was simply pushing the ink through the feed well if that didn't work simply replace the cartridge so you get out the old one because this could be very dry now so we throw that out and you just get this new one and pop it right in and that's that so if that doesn't work hmm what to do well there are actually a couple of things you can do and it's pretty pretty easy but if it's a new cartridge or you have a converter filler like let's say this one this is a Lommy and it has like a fake cartridge you could say you see so the ink I just suck up the ink with this by turning this little piston pretty cool huh if that's the case well you suck up the ink through it and most of the times it writes instantly but with a cartridge you pop it in and it has to run through the feet slowly down so before you do anything else if squeezing doesn't help just well get yourself a glass pop it right in there and just wait a couple of minutes and most of the time with new pens also a couple of minutes and it will work like a charm all right if both of those options don't work or if you find the pen keep skipping so it worked for a couple of minutes and then started to dry out again there's there's another simple very simple solution so this is something this was the thing that took me four years to figure out and that is you got to clean the buggers and it's a bit of a pain but it's really easy but I didn't know so I have this someone gave me this and it's such a lovely pen look it's a bit dirty I guess but oh it's it's a good looking pen and there you go that's a good looking pen and it it works like a charm but it was so dry and it always was hard starting you know so I was like this is not a good pen at all but I did it was a gift and I didn't want to tell them so but then I cleaned out the thing and that's very easy you get a glass you're pouring your water there you go then you get your pen oh man it's take out the car just because if you're doing well you'll see so there you go yes you're ready for this that's it and we simply wait so if you want so you can actually soak the pen a bit and as you can see all this ink is now coming out of the pen and into the glass of water you see so just keep it in there for a short while simply keep it in there for a couple of minutes if it's really really dry out because what happens is within the feed and the feed is a pretty complex part and I'm not sure if I can show you because all my pens on at the moment inked up well I can show you I will show you I will sacrifice a pen because why not I'm not quite sure if this is going to work all right but we'll just alright let's see so so there we go so it's a it's the greening so so here's the nib and then with some things you can just pull it out right so like that there we go so this is the feed and the nipple eyes on top like that and this the feet makes the ink run from the guard Ridge which is here like so all right and it runs through all these hair lines I guess down to the nib so there you have it that's how that works so you can't imagine if soot built up inside that little little feed between those small little lines right or dust paper dust or whatever what have you the the ink won't flow through so doing this every couple of well once a month people way more advanced in fountain pens than I am they all recommend doing it at least like once a month and you'll see that the feed now is clean after you're done you just wipe it off on a paper towel you put in your card rich once more look like that screw it back in that's it so I'm all filthy and because I disassembled the fans are bad for you to see but normally you don't even get dirty fingers if you are a bit organized which I am NOT obviously so there you have it now we need the ink to run through the feed down to the nib again so maybe maybe squeeze it a couple of times and I'm already I'm just holding it up to the light and I'm already seeing the ink blobs coming down there so that's good for me and let's see if it writes and it writes like a charm so there you have it I hope this video was helpful please consider subscribing to my channel my channel is all about improving your handwriting so you love to write and giving quick tips to people that don't well that I'm not into fountain pens yet I'm beginning are trying to figure it out I did as well and I just absolutely love these pens and handwriting in general so there you have it keep on writing and let's cap it [Music]
Channel: One Pen Show
Views: 361,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fountain pen, dry, ink, not working, maintenance, hacks
Id: blh4W0HgwT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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