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you know what's kind of funny is is how hungry these cattle get for dry feed okay sleepytime I just about got my camera ran over right there [Music] good morning let's load those calves up that we branded yesterday I've had them here in my curls weaning for about the last week maybe they've they've quit mall and they've started eating hay good we're gonna haul them down to the ranch and turn them out in a in our calf pasture down there and get them off the hay bill up here at the house I will load a bell hay and a sack of cattle cake and take down there so I can feed those cattle in the corral before I turn them out so let's get the truck started up and get backed up to the chute so we can get them loaded whoo that's right all right let's get rolling hey for those of you that haven't been watching for a few days we have added a new member of the ebee lineup to our family and it is that EB flatbed right there it is a dandy we love it it's got tool boxes like this on both sides you can see they're nice tool boxes their sides got one exactly the same size and we just use the same BMW hitch we put a trailer plug right there it's got some pretty cool lights it's got lights up here on the headache track anyway it's a dandy we really like it I'm gonna pull over here to the barn and lo - Bella hey right here and a socket cubes or cattle cake and then we'll get those cattle loaded [Music] [Music] it's always a little bit tricky sorting cattle when you're a one-man show and you have to get a little bit creative on how you do things and then just kind of wait for the right moment so that you can make your move I've got three calves here that need to come off that are a little bit too small there's two of them they're a little bit too small to take down to the ranch and turn out on that pass that pasture down there so we're gonna leave them here for a little while let him eat some hay maybe try to get him started eating these this range cake I got one more she's right in there she might be big enough to go yeah I'm thinking she's big enough so I'm gonna let her go but I am gonna look through these other cattle right here seven of them that I'll leave here [Applause] we'll let them grow up just a little bit here at the house before we haul them down there all right the rest of this stuff can go to the ranch we're gonna load them nine ten and fourteen I think should get them so I got nine on would go with ten right here [Music] had to check the water situation before I back in here and unload these cattle those storage tanks right there are completely full both of them water troughs full I'll set these gates back this trailer in here and we'll just unload these cattle right here in this little water lot and actually feed them just a little bit of hay in here that way I don't want to stay in here or at least come back to here anyway [Music] okay a little hey a little cake spread out on the ground these caps have never had this cake before we'll have to see if they take to it and kind of start evening I should like it lots protein okay let's back up to this gate we'll kick these cattle out [Music] I just about got my camera ran over right there [Music] okay they seem pretty content here we'll leave them gates open they can go out into the pasture they'll kind of eat on that hay a little bit they found that water they'll know this is where they can come back to and we'll turn them out looks like it might be building some rain clouds over there to the south every day we just keep building a few more yesterday we had a big old chance of getting some rain and it missed us one of these days we'll get a good shower then we'll grow a lot of feed today might be the day you never know Hey look at those big old clouds I'm hoping today's the day I just got back from the ranch pulled in backed in the wind's blowing I was going to run to some way and work on those cattle that we sorted yesterday but I think I'll just wait I think I'll just hang out here just a little bit and wait and see what the weather does because I don't want to get up there and get wet so we'll let this blow over we'll let this dump some rain on us and then we'll go up there and do a little work okay I might go take a nap yeah go catch me about 15 20 30 minutes worth of rest time in the middle of the day because what time is it well it's about a noon time something like that okay hopefully when we come back out I can show you some some water puddles from the rain let's go it's nap time ooh I hear that lightning wait a minute you don't hear lightning I heard that thunder haven't seen any lightning yet but I did hear some thunder I liked it okay sleepytime I am looking for the biggest 20 steers and I've got 19 in there and I need one more out of this bunch right here that's big then I'm going to turn the rest out and leave them here for a little while I got a big and riot there if you'll come [Applause] [Music] right here not that one white face pretty good size okay there's 20 these tears get a go for a little ride there's still some big those tears right there we'll get them another day I'm actually short on bands for banding their horns so I'm only going to do 20 of them right now so we can get 20 of them out of here and down to the feedlot pasture these are the steers that I just hauled here from Shumway and I got just got done way on them what do you think they weigh what do you think place your bets they weigh five and a half they weigh 600 about six and a half all right I'm gonna tell you right now those steers averaged 637 pounds too big to rope and just exactly the right size to go into the feedlot will band their horns and turn them out down at the ranch for a little while by the time they go the probably way about 650 that's perfect all right we're gonna feed them a little hay right here [Music] you know what's kind of funny is is how hungry these cattle get for dry feed they've been up there on that irrigated pasture but it kind of goes through them a little bit and they just get hungry for some dry roughage you can see right here by how crazy they're going over this dry hay it looks like they haven't had anything to eat for a couple of days but they're they're full they're just wanting this dry feed we're gonna cut the bottom a couple of wines we had a little rain shower today and so I took advantage of it and drugged my arena off smooth so that I could kind of put the teeth in it and dig down into it a little bit [Applause] [Music] okay so that Feder right there has been over in my catch pen for probably 15 years yeah there's a hole in it right there and it's in it's not in the best of shape but I'm gonna use it over here with these calves and feed them a little bit of this supplement I think once these calves get started eating it it will be really good for them be like eating grain so we'll dump I don't know ten pounds in here so we're not gonna put too much in here until they figure out how to eat it and start liking it [Music] that might not be ten pounds but we're gonna try that right there they start eating that and clean it up we'll start feeding them a little bit more throw a little bit more right down here in this corner [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 30,191
Rating: 4.9531708 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, reed flake, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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