Drunk Shroud made Mizkif a promise

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dude how were the fights chat how were the fights they were pretty good huh pretty [ __ ] good I told you I [ __ ] told you it was a lot of work good news though not only we have sponsors for the next event that immediately Summit said he's a fan please link that I heard Bruce said he's a fan not only did we get sponsors we got people that want to invest immediately afterwards we're on our way it was a lot of work I'm [ __ ] dying I also went to shroud's party I'm unblocked uh so anyway what the hell happened chat we have Eminem Mak new song we have otk apparently is doing something for ones uh I'm not at the Expo because they wanted me to react to it f and uh I literally flew there for shroud I went to I went to LA for a day for shroud so I think it was kind of worth you know what I mean also Eminem had a new song Bruce City unblocked me the fights were so good wait what's shroud's title DK CEO reacting to the game Expo God I [ __ ] love shroud dude I went to CH chat first of all shroud told me he said that he's down to I cuz I told him like dude listen I'll be honest with you like we need you over at otk it's not the same and he agreed so he told me that he's going to react to all my fights and just [ __ ] on me and I said that's fine I'm totally okay he was shitfaced drunk when he said it but he told me he'll react and he's going to just [ __ ] on me all the time and I miss that you know this the first time I actually ever met shroud I never met him before and he first thing he did is he grabbed me like this and he told me to leave nope I never met him I I thought so too I was surprised I've never met trout I never met him first of all his party was $100,000 I found out the price tag it was $100,000 for a birthday how crazy is that chat $100,000 for a birthday what the [ __ ] it's so stupid why is Dan raising the price of Subs wait is he actually CH said they really [ __ ] with the MMA event though yeah that was a great event would you say that was one of the greatest events that i' that I've done was that the greatest event I ever did both this level real easy to die in true there was a lot of that too yeah I like that one it's really expensive though but I'm I'm I'm trying to get sponsors now Rob Rob loved it Rob thought it was great
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 18,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp knut, knut, mizkif, knut clips, mizkif clips, otk, mizkif knut, extra emily gym, extra emily clips, extra emily, shroud, mizkif shroud, mizkif got shroud mad, shroud mad at mizkif, shroud clips, mizkif otk shroud, shroud otk, shroud otk ceo, shroud game expo, otk game expo, otk game expo 2024, mizkif otk game expo, mizkif game expo, shroud birthday, mizkif shroud birthday
Id: Z5ifuwsGww4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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