Drum Teacher Reaction: STEVE MOORE (Mad Drummer) 'This Drummer Is At The Wrong Gig' plays WIPE OUT!

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ah well you wouldn't have believed this morning i was doing a session and the engineer kept saying give me that heavy for feel and i kept playing and i was trying to make it really heavy and he said nah nah heavier heavier four feel i said look i'm giving you a heavy four what do you mean and he then he goes well you know heavy four like one two three four one two three four [Music] what's that now it is my first time on tinder as well yeah well no i just accepted because i did a paradiddle because i went swipe right left right right oh half a parrot at all you don't know you don't know about paradiddles really do you have to go yeah i guess no yeah i probably should get going as well so you don't want to go catch that film later yep yeah busy hey nice to meet you too i'll get the coffees [Music] hey hey what is up youtube andrew rooney here i'm a full-time drummer and drum teacher here in auckland new zealand and now we're gonna have one of my picks [Music] i did a video on steve moore aka the drummer at the wrong gig about that must be one of the first videos i ever did of the reactions and that was back in april 18th last year and uh steve was good enough to comment on that video and he took it really well [Music] i mean i wasn't too brutal i genuinely without any irony i actually really dig especially that video i think i have seen this one as well i think i've watched a few of his videos and you know he calls himself mad drummer official online so i think he's got a bit of a sense of humor about it all it's just very entertaining and you have to wonder you know what is the what is the goal of the performance is it to play the notes perfectly is it to entertain is it a mixture of the two what is the what is the goal here and honestly personally i think people get a little bit precious about stick tricks about entertaining and that kind of thing i personally don't use a lot of flash in my gigging or any of my videos my playing videos are relatively boring i would say i'm always just trying to play things either pretty much note for note or just i'm really focused and focused for me is almost like that resting face it's uh it's not overly entertaining but i just really dig videos like this where it's where it's entertaining it's fun and it's a total different side of drumming really and these videos go viral for a reason people dig them so steve moore if you're watching this please uh leave a comment again i really i really uh appreciate it man and who knows maybe we could have a chat i've started doing a few video interviews on the channel now and i would love to talk to you about that video and the feedback you got i'm sure you got a mixed bag of feedback on it but without further ado this is the same act might even be the same gig as the previous one the sharp dressed man video rick k and the all-nighters wipeout let's check it out hold on before we really get rolling here did he just say the mad drummer himself the famous steve moore this is from the same gig right so he was already really well known at this point this is from 2008 yikes hold on i just want to hear that again the man drummer himself thanks steve famous accents people really interesting here how steve's playing this on the snare and on the original it's i think i believe the whole accent pattern's on the middle tom i could be wrong on that i'm pretty sure it's middle time on the original wipeout all about the accents you play that groove with no accents you just playing singles on a tom not very exciting he's uh he's nailing this it sounds really good [Music] this is killer hold up [Music] here we go cranking it up oh man this guy he's such a character that was really killer i mean if we look at the drumming if you're a non-drummer watching my channel and i realize there are quite a few non-drummers who do watch this channel the drumming is legit good it is great uh accents rim shots and non-accented hits on the on the head of the snare really cool i'm gonna back it up i gotta watch this hair thing i don't know how he does at this guy but he's uh he's very entertaining very funny animated he's surprised there's no chops non-drummer's playing drums the singer here is rick k this must be rick k right maybe he is a drummer this could go really badly wrong uh these guys seem to have their stage act pretty sorted so i'm sure they're going to do something good but when other people are hitting your drums when you're playing i mean this normally happens in a pub situation oh boy boy get me fired up [Music] oh yeah he can play so okay now someone did mention on the previous video and i'm sorry that i have to go here someone mentioned playback that this is playback it's not playback this is real i can tell from what the singer when the singer's jumping on you know he wasn't playing all those fast eighth notes he was playing quarter notes you know as a non-drummer would to to be able to keep up this tempo no this is not playback that he i i'm hearing what the vocalist is playing on the drums here it's not it's not a playback especially their belt [Music] actually pretty good okay big tempo shift but you can tell the singer i mean he can play a little bit and yeah able to keep that left foot even though it's a quarter note ostinato and uh he simplified the accent pattern a little bit with some of the internal notes pretty good now what's this big tempo shift all about [Music] bring it home buddy [Music] [Music] good [Music] it is hard it is hard to play drums standing up [Music] really tasty this is i mean this is legit good drumming again as i said before if you're wondering if i think he's actually a good drummer i mean aside from of clearly entertaining and a good laugh but a good drama as well really nice playing here you gotta have good headrooms gotta play all these tricks oh okay really nice half time heavy halftime [Music] [Music] oh rick k and the all-nighters souvenirs really i want some rick k in the all-nighters merch i'm just gonna say it just gonna put it out there into the universe i gotta get some of this merch i need that jacket [Applause] hey i didn't sign up for a kiss on the head buddy [Music] so [Music] [Applause] got a lot of hitter in the sky a lot of [Music] headroom [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh they'll speed up [Music] and then we've got a trash can ending [Applause] [Music] i can watch these guys all day i love it steve moore thank you so much for the entertainment this is what we need in the world at the moment we need drummers who can put a smile on your dial like this thank you so much really good and and legit really enjoyed the drumming great solo of revamp at the end really interesting setups going into the half time with the double kick and and really nice hands great hand technique hitting all those dynamics big rolls in and out of crescendos just really good stuff guys if you dug the video please pop along to the original link which is in the description of this video be sure to subscribe and like and i'll catch you on the next video [Music] ciao
Channel: Andrew Rooney Drums
Views: 222,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum solo, drum, reaction, reacts, drum teacher, reaction video, drums(musical instrument), drummer, drumming, drums
Id: V-K_AlUWg48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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